path: root/matching/src/bifiltration.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'matching/src/bifiltration.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 407 deletions
diff --git a/matching/src/bifiltration.cpp b/matching/src/bifiltration.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 44b12cf..0000000
--- a/matching/src/bifiltration.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <cassert>
-#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
-#include "spdlog/fmt/fmt.h"
-#include "spdlog/fmt/ostr.h"
-#include "common_util.h"
-#include "bifiltration.h"
-namespace spd = spdlog;
-namespace md {
- void Bifiltration::init()
- {
- Point lower_left = max_point();
- Point upper_right = min_point();
- for(const auto& simplex : simplices_) {
- lower_left = greatest_lower_bound(lower_left, simplex.position());
- upper_right = least_upper_bound(upper_right, simplex.position());
- maximal_dim_ = std::max(maximal_dim_, simplex.dim());
- }
- bounding_box_ = Box(lower_left, upper_right);
- }
- Bifiltration::Bifiltration(const std::string& fname )
- {
- std::ifstream ifstr {fname.c_str()};
- if (!ifstr.good()) {
- std::string error_message = fmt::format("Cannot open file {0}", fname);
- std::cerr << error_message << std::endl;
- throw std::runtime_error(error_message);
- }
- BifiltrationFormat input_format;
- std::string s;
- while(ignore_line(s)) {
- std::getline(ifstr, s);
- }
- if (s == "bifiltration") {
- input_format = BifiltrationFormat::rivet;
- } else if (s == "bifiltration_phat_like") {
- input_format = BifiltrationFormat::phat_like;
- } else {
- std::cerr << "Unknown format: '" << s << "' in file " << fname << std::endl;
- throw std::runtime_error("unknown bifiltration format");
- }
- switch(input_format) {
- case BifiltrationFormat::rivet :
- rivet_format_reader(ifstr);
- break;
- case BifiltrationFormat::phat_like :
- phat_like_format_reader(ifstr);
- break;
- }
- ifstr.close();
- init();
- }
- void Bifiltration::rivet_format_reader(std::ifstream& ifstr)
- {
- std::string s;
- // read axes names
- std::getline(ifstr, parameter_1_name_);
- std::getline(ifstr, parameter_2_name_);
- Index index = 0;
- while(std::getline(ifstr, s)) {
- if (!ignore_line(s)) {
- simplices_.emplace_back(index++, s, BifiltrationFormat::rivet);
- }
- }
- }
- void Bifiltration::phat_like_format_reader(std::ifstream& ifstr)
- {
- spd::debug("Enter phat_like_format_reader");
- // read stream line by line; do not use >> operator
- std::string s;
- std::getline(ifstr, s);
- // first line contains number of simplices
- long n_simplices = std::stol(s);
- // all other lines represent a simplex
- Index index = 0;
- while(index < n_simplices) {
- std::getline(ifstr, s);
- if (!ignore_line(s)) {
- simplices_.emplace_back(index++, s, BifiltrationFormat::phat_like);
- }
- }
- spd::debug("Read {} simplices from file", n_simplices);
- }
- void Bifiltration::scale(Real lambda)
- {
- for(auto& s : simplices_) {
- s.scale(lambda);
- }
- init();
- }
- void Bifiltration::sanity_check() const
- {
-#ifdef DEBUG
- spd::debug("Enter Bifiltration::sanity_check");
- // check that boundary has correct number of simplices,
- // each bounding simplex has correct dim
- // and appears in the filtration before the simplex it bounds
- for(const auto& s : simplices_) {
- assert(s.dim() >= 0);
- assert(s.dim() == 0 or s.dim() + 1 == (int) s.boundary().size());
- for(auto bdry_idx : s.boundary()) {
- Simplex bdry_simplex = simplices()[bdry_idx];
- assert(bdry_simplex.dim() == s.dim() - 1);
- assert(bdry_simplex.position().is_less(s.position(), false));
- }
- }
- spd::debug("Exit Bifiltration::sanity_check");
- }
- Diagram Bifiltration::weighted_slice_diagram(const DualPoint& line, int dim) const
- {
- DiagramKeeper dgm;
- // make a copy for now; I want slice_diagram to be const
- std::vector<Simplex> simplices(simplices_);
-// std::vector<Simplex> simplices;
-// simplices.reserve(simplices_.size() / 2);
-// for(const auto& s : simplices_) {
-// if (s.dim() <= dim + 1 and s.dim() >= dim)
-// simplices.emplace_back(s);
-// }
- spd::debug("Enter slice diagram, line = {}, simplices.size = {}", line, simplices.size());
- for(auto& simplex : simplices) {
- Real value = line.weighted_push(simplex.position());
-// spd::debug("in slice_diagram, simplex = {}, value = {}\n", simplex, value);
- simplex.set_value(value);
- }
- std::sort(simplices.begin(), simplices.end(),
- [](const Simplex& a, const Simplex& b) { return a.value() < b.value(); });
- std::map<Index, Index> index_map;
- for(Index i = 0; i < (int) simplices.size(); i++) {
- index_map[simplices[i].id()] = i;
- }
- phat::boundary_matrix<> phat_matrix;
- phat_matrix.set_num_cols(simplices.size());
- std::vector<Index> bd_in_slice_filtration;
- for(Index i = 0; i < (int) simplices.size(); i++) {
- phat_matrix.set_dim(i, simplices[i].dim());
- bd_in_slice_filtration.clear();
- //std::cout << "new col" << i << std::endl;
- for(int j = 0; j < (int) simplices[i].boundary().size(); j++) {
- // F[i] contains the indices of its facet wrt to the
- // original filtration. We have to express it, however,
- // wrt to the filtration along the slice. That is why
- // we need the index_map
- //std::cout << "Found " << F[i].bd[j] << ", returning " << index_map[F[i].bd[j]] << std::endl;
- bd_in_slice_filtration.push_back(index_map[simplices[i].boundary()[j]]);
- }
- std::sort(bd_in_slice_filtration.begin(), bd_in_slice_filtration.end());
- phat_matrix.set_col(i, bd_in_slice_filtration);
- }
- phat::persistence_pairs phat_persistence_pairs;
- phat::compute_persistence_pairs<phat::twist_reduction>(phat_persistence_pairs, phat_matrix);
- dgm.clear();
- constexpr Real real_inf = std::numeric_limits<Real>::infinity();
- for(long i = 0; i < (long) phat_persistence_pairs.get_num_pairs(); i++) {
- std::pair<phat::index, phat::index> new_pair = phat_persistence_pairs.get_pair(i);
- bool is_finite_pair = new_pair.second != phat::k_infinity_index;
- Real birth =;
- Real death = is_finite_pair ? : real_inf;
- int dim = simplices[new_pair.first].dim();
- assert(dim + 1 == simplices[new_pair.second].dim());
- if (birth != death) {
- dgm.add_point(dim, birth, death);
- }
- }
- spdlog::debug("Exiting slice_diagram, #dgm[0] = {}", dgm.get_diagram(0).size());
- return dgm.get_diagram(dim);
- }
- Box Bifiltration::bounding_box() const
- {
- return bounding_box_;
- }
- Real Bifiltration::minimal_coordinate() const
- {
- return std::min(bounding_box_.lower_left().x, bounding_box_.lower_left().y);
- }
- void Bifiltration::translate(Real a)
- {
- bounding_box_.translate(a);
- for(auto& simplex : simplices_) {
- simplex.translate(a);
- }
- }
- Real Bifiltration::max_x() const
- {
- if (simplices_.empty())
- return 1;
- auto me = std::max_element(simplices_.cbegin(), simplices_.cend(),
- [](const auto& s_a, const auto& s_b) { return s_a.position().x < s_b.position().x; });
- assert(me != simplices_.cend());
- return me->position().x;
- }
- Real Bifiltration::max_y() const
- {
- if (simplices_.empty())
- return 1;
- auto me = std::max_element(simplices_.cbegin(), simplices_.cend(),
- [](const auto& s_a, const auto& s_b) { return s_a.position().y < s_b.position().y; });
- assert(me != simplices_.cend());
- return me->position().y;
- }
- Real Bifiltration::min_x() const
- {
- if (simplices_.empty())
- return 0;
- auto me = std::min_element(simplices_.cbegin(), simplices_.cend(),
- [](const auto& s_a, const auto& s_b) { return s_a.position().x < s_b.position().x; });
- assert(me != simplices_.cend());
- return me->position().x;
- }
- Real Bifiltration::min_y() const
- {
- if (simplices_.empty())
- return 0;
- auto me = std::min_element(simplices_.cbegin(), simplices_.cend(),
- [](const auto& s_a, const auto& s_b) { return s_a.position().y < s_b.position().y; });
- assert(me != simplices_.cend());
- return me->position().y;
- }
- void Bifiltration::add_simplex(md::Index _id, md::Point birth, int _dim, const md::Column& _bdry)
- {
- simplices_.emplace_back(_id, birth, _dim, _bdry);
- }
- void Bifiltration::save(const std::string& filename, md::BifiltrationFormat format)
- {
- switch(format) {
- case BifiltrationFormat::rivet:
- throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented");
- break;
- case BifiltrationFormat::phat_like: {
- std::ofstream f(filename);
- if (not f.good()) {
- std::cerr << "Bifiltration::save: cannot open file " << filename << std::endl;
- throw std::runtime_error("Cannot open file for writing ");
- }
- f << simplices_.size() << "\n";
- for(const auto& s : simplices_) {
- f << s.dim() << " " << s.position().x << " " << s.position().y << " ";
- for(int b : s.boundary()) {
- f << b << " ";
- }
- f << std::endl;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- void Bifiltration::postprocess_rivet_format()
- {
- std::map<Column, Index> facets_to_ids;
- // fill the map
- for(Index i = 0; i < (Index) simplices_.size(); ++i) {
- assert(simplices_[i].id() == i);
- facets_to_ids[simplices_[i].vertices_] = i;
- }
-// for(const auto& s : simplices_) {
-// facets_to_ids[s] =;
-// }
- // main loop
- for(auto& s : simplices_) {
- assert(not s.vertices_.empty());
- assert(s.facet_indices_.empty());
- Column facet_indices;
- for(Index i = 0; i <= s.dim(); ++i) {
- Column facet;
- for(Index j : s.vertices_) {
- if (j != i)
- facet.push_back(j);
- }
- auto facet_index =;
- facet_indices.push_back(facet_index);
- }
- s.facet_indices_ = facet_indices;
- } // loop over simplices
- }
- std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Bifiltration& bif)
- {
- os << "Bifiltration, axes = " << bif.parameter_1_name_ << ", " << bif.parameter_2_name_ << std::endl;
- for(const auto& s : bif.simplices()) {
- os << s << std::endl;
- }
- return os;
- }
- BifiltrationProxy::BifiltrationProxy(const md::Bifiltration& bif, int dim)
- :
- dim_(dim),
- bif_(bif)
- {
- cache_positions();
- }
- void BifiltrationProxy::cache_positions() const
- {
- cached_positions_.clear();
- for(const auto& simplex : bif_.simplices()) {
- if (simplex.dim() == dim_ or simplex.dim() == dim_ + 1)
- cached_positions_.push_back(simplex.position());
- }
- }
- PointVec BifiltrationProxy::positions() const
- {
- if (cached_positions_.empty()) {
- cache_positions();
- }
- return cached_positions_;
- }
- // translate all points by vector (a,a)
- void BifiltrationProxy::translate(Real a)
- {
- bif_.translate(a);
- }
- // return minimal value of x- and y-coordinates
- // among all simplices
- Real BifiltrationProxy::minimal_coordinate() const
- {
- return bif_.minimal_coordinate();
- }
- // return box that contains positions of all simplices
- Box BifiltrationProxy::bounding_box() const
- {
- return bif_.bounding_box();
- }
- Real BifiltrationProxy::max_x() const
- {
- return bif_.max_x();
- }
- Real BifiltrationProxy::max_y() const
- {
- return bif_.max_y();
- }
- Real BifiltrationProxy::min_x() const
- {
- return bif_.min_x();
- }
- Real BifiltrationProxy::min_y() const
- {
- return bif_.min_y();
- }
- Diagram BifiltrationProxy::weighted_slice_diagram(const DualPoint& slice) const
- {
- return bif_.weighted_slice_diagram(slice, dim_);
- }