/* Copyright (c) 2015, M. Kerber, D. Morozov, A. Nigmetov All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. You are under no obligation whatsoever to provide any bug fixes, patches, or upgrades to the features, functionality or performance of the source code (Enhancements) to anyone; however, if you choose to make your Enhancements available either publicly, or directly to copyright holder, without imposing a separate written license agreement for such Enhancements, then you hereby grant the following license: a non-exclusive, royalty-free perpetual license to install, use, modify, prepare derivative works, incorporate into other computer software, distribute, and sublicense such enhancements or derivative works thereof, in binary and source code form. */ #ifndef HERA_BOTTLENECK_HPP #define HERA_BOTTLENECK_HPP #ifdef FOR_R_TDA #undef DEBUG_BOUND_MATCH #undef DEBUG_MATCHING #undef VERBOSE_BOTTLENECK #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "bottleneck_detail.h" namespace hera { namespace bt { template void binarySearch(const Real epsilon, std::pair& result, BoundMatchOracle & oracle, bool isResultInitializedCorrectly, const Real distProbeInit) { // aliases for result components Real& distMin = result.first; Real& distMax = result.second; Real distProbe; if (not isResultInitializedCorrectly) { distProbe = distProbeInit; if (oracle.isMatchLess(distProbe)) { // distProbe is an upper bound, // find lower bound with binary search do { distMax = distProbe; distProbe /= 2.0; } while (oracle.isMatchLess(distProbe)); distMin = distProbe; } else { // distProbe is a lower bound, // find upper bound with exponential search do { distMin = distProbe; distProbe *= 2.0; } while (!oracle.isMatchLess(distProbe)); distMax = distProbe; } } // bounds are correct , perform binary search distProbe = (distMin + distMax) / 2.0; while ((distMax - distMin) / distMin >= epsilon) { if (oracle.isMatchLess(distProbe)) { distMax = distProbe; } else { distMin = distProbe; } distProbe = (distMin + distMax) / 2.0; } } // template // inline Real getOneDimensionalCost(std::vector& set_A, std::vector& set_B) // { // if (set_A.size() != set_B.size()) { // return std::numeric_limits::infinity(); // } // // if (set_A.empty()) { // return Real(0.0); // } // // std::sort(set_A.begin(), set_A.end()); // std::sort(set_B.begin(), set_B.end()); // // Real result = 0.0; // for (size_t i = 0; i < set_A.size(); ++i) { // result = std::max(result, (std::fabs(set_A[i] - set_B[i]))); // } // // return result; // } template struct CostEdgePair { Real cost; typename hera::bt::MatchingEdge edge; }; template using CoordPointPair = std::pair>; template using CoordPointVector = std::vector>; template struct CoordPointPairComparator { bool operator()(const CoordPointPair& a, const CoordPointPair& b) const { return a.first < b.first or (a.first == b.first and a.second.id < b.second.id); }; }; template inline typename hera::bt::CostEdgePair getOneDimensionalCost(typename hera::bt::CoordPointVector& set_A, typename hera::bt::CoordPointVector& set_B) { using MatchingEdgeR = hera::bt::MatchingEdge; using CostEdgePairR = CostEdgePair; if (set_A.size() != set_B.size()) { return CostEdgePairR { std::numeric_limits::infinity(), MatchingEdgeR() }; } if (set_A.empty()) { return CostEdgePairR { Real(0.0), MatchingEdgeR() }; } std::sort(set_A.begin(), set_A.end(), CoordPointPairComparator()); std::sort(set_B.begin(), set_B.end(), CoordPointPairComparator()); CostEdgePairR result { -1.0, MatchingEdgeR() }; for (size_t i = 0; i < set_A.size(); ++i) { Real curr_cost = std::fabs(set_A[i].first - set_B[i].first); if (curr_cost > result.cost) { result.cost = curr_cost; result.edge = MatchingEdgeR(set_A[i].second, set_B[i].second); } } return result; } template inline CostEdgePair getInfinityCost(const DiagramPointSet & A, const DiagramPointSet & B, bool compute_longest_edge = false) { using CostEdgePairR = CostEdgePair; using CoordPointVectorR = CoordPointVector; CoordPointVectorR x_plus_A, x_minus_A, y_plus_A, y_minus_A; CoordPointVectorR x_plus_B, x_minus_B, y_plus_B, y_minus_B; for (auto iter_A = A.cbegin(); iter_A != A.cend(); ++iter_A) { Real x = iter_A->getRealX(); Real y = iter_A->getRealY(); if (x == std::numeric_limits::infinity()) { y_plus_A.emplace_back(y, *iter_A); } else if (x == -std::numeric_limits::infinity()) { y_minus_A.emplace_back(y, *iter_A); } else if (y == std::numeric_limits::infinity()) { x_plus_A.emplace_back(x, *iter_A); } else if (y == -std::numeric_limits::infinity()) { x_minus_A.emplace_back(x, *iter_A); } } for (auto iter_B = B.cbegin(); iter_B != B.cend(); ++iter_B) { Real x = iter_B->getRealX(); Real y = iter_B->getRealY(); if (x == std::numeric_limits::infinity()) { y_plus_B.emplace_back(y, *iter_B); } else if (x == -std::numeric_limits::infinity()) { y_minus_B.emplace_back(y, *iter_B); } else if (y == std::numeric_limits::infinity()) { x_plus_B.emplace_back(x, *iter_B); } else if (y == -std::numeric_limits::infinity()) { x_minus_B.emplace_back(x, *iter_B); } } CostEdgePairR result = getOneDimensionalCost(x_plus_A, x_plus_B); CostEdgePairR next_cost_edge = getOneDimensionalCost(x_minus_A, x_minus_B); if (next_cost_edge.cost > result.cost) { result = next_cost_edge; } next_cost_edge = getOneDimensionalCost(y_plus_A, y_plus_B); if (next_cost_edge.cost > result.cost) { result = next_cost_edge; } next_cost_edge = getOneDimensionalCost(y_minus_A, y_minus_B); if (next_cost_edge.cost > result.cost) { result = next_cost_edge; } return result; } // return the interval (distMin, distMax) such that: // a) actual bottleneck distance between A and B is contained in the interval // b) if the interval is not (0,0), then (distMax - distMin) / distMin < epsilon template inline std::pair bottleneckDistApproxInterval(DiagramPointSet& A, DiagramPointSet& B, const Real epsilon, MatchingEdge& edge, bool compute_longest_edge) { using MatchingEdgeR = MatchingEdge; using CostEdgePairR = CostEdgePair; edge = MatchingEdgeR(); // empty diagrams are not considered as error if (A.empty() and B.empty()) { return std::make_pair(0.0, 0.0); } CostEdgePairR inf_cost_edge = getInfinityCost(A, B, true); Real infinity_cost = inf_cost_edge.cost; if (infinity_cost == std::numeric_limits::infinity()) { return std::make_pair(infinity_cost, infinity_cost); } else { edge = inf_cost_edge.edge; } // link diagrams A and B by adding projections addProjections(A, B); // TODO: think about that! // we need one threshold for checking if the distance is 0, // another one for the oracle! constexpr Real epsThreshold { 1.0e-10 }; std::pair result { 0.0, 0.0 }; bool useRangeSearch { true }; // construct an oracle BoundMatchOracle oracle(A, B, epsThreshold, useRangeSearch); // check for distance = 0 if (oracle.isMatchLess(2 * epsThreshold)) { if (infinity_cost > epsThreshold) { result.first = infinity_cost; result.second = infinity_cost; edge = inf_cost_edge.edge; } return result; } // get a 3-approximation of maximal distance between A and B // as a starting value for probe distance Real distProbe { getFurthestDistance3Approx>(A, B) }; binarySearch(epsilon, result, oracle, false, distProbe); // to compute longest edge a perfect matching is needed if (compute_longest_edge and result.first > infinity_cost) { oracle.isMatchLess(result.second); edge = oracle.get_longest_edge(); } return result; } template void sampleDiagramForHeur(const DiagramPointSet & dgmIn, DiagramPointSet & dgmOut) { struct pair_hash { std::size_t operator()(const std::pair p) const { return std::hash()(p.first) ^ std::hash()(p.second); } }; std::unordered_map, int, pair_hash> m; for (auto ptIter = dgmIn.cbegin(); ptIter != dgmIn.cend(); ++ptIter) { if (ptIter->isNormal() and not ptIter->isInfinity()) { m[std::make_pair(ptIter->getRealX(), ptIter->getRealY())]++; } } if (m.size() < 2) { dgmOut = dgmIn; return; } std::vector v; for (const auto& ptQtyPair : m) { v.push_back(ptQtyPair.second); } std::sort(v.begin(), v.end()); int maxLeap = v[1] - v[0]; int cutVal = v[0]; for (int i = 1; i < static_cast(v.size()) - 1; ++i) { int currLeap = v[i + 1] - v[i]; if (currLeap > maxLeap) { maxLeap = currLeap; cutVal = v[i]; } } std::vector> vv; // keep points whose multiplicites are at most cutVal // quick-and-dirty: fill in vv with copies of each point // to construct DiagramPointSet from it later for (const auto& ptQty : m) { if (ptQty.second < cutVal) { for (int i = 0; i < ptQty.second; ++i) { vv.push_back(std::make_pair(ptQty.first.first, ptQty.first.second)); } } } dgmOut.clear(); dgmOut = DiagramPointSet(vv.begin(), vv.end()); } // return the interval (distMin, distMax) such that: // a) actual bottleneck distance between A and B is contained in the interval // b) if the interval is not (0,0), then (distMax - distMin) / distMin < epsilon template std::pair bottleneckDistApproxIntervalWithInitial(DiagramPointSet & A, DiagramPointSet & B, const Real epsilon, const std::pair initialGuess, const Real infinity_cost, MatchingEdge & longest_edge, bool compute_longest_edge = false) { // empty diagrams are not considered as error if (A.empty() and B.empty()) { return std::make_pair(0.0, 0.0); } // link diagrams A and B by adding projections addProjections(A, B); constexpr Real epsThreshold { 1.0e-10 }; std::pair result { 0.0, 0.0 }; bool useRangeSearch { true }; // construct an oracle BoundMatchOracle oracle(A, B, epsThreshold, useRangeSearch); Real& distMin { result.first }; Real& distMax { result.second }; // initialize search interval from initialGuess distMin = initialGuess.first; distMax = initialGuess.second; assert(distMin <= distMax); // make sure that distMin is a lower bound while (oracle.isMatchLess(distMin)) { // distMin is in fact an upper bound, so assign it to distMax distMax = distMin; // and decrease distMin by 5 % distMin = 0.95 * distMin; } // make sure that distMax is an upper bound while (not oracle.isMatchLess(distMax)) { // distMax is in fact a lower bound, so assign it to distMin distMin = distMax; // and increase distMax by 5 % distMax = 1.05 * distMax; } // bounds are found, perform binary search Real distProbe = (distMin + distMax) / 2.0; binarySearch(epsilon, result, oracle, infinity_cost, true, distProbe); if (compute_longest_edge) { longest_edge = oracle.get_longest_edge(); } return result; } // return the interval (distMin, distMax) such that: // a) actual bottleneck distance between A and B is contained in the interval // b) if the interval is not (0,0), then (distMax - distMin) / distMin < epsilon // use heuristic: initial estimate on sampled diagrams template std::pair bottleneckDistApproxIntervalHeur(DiagramPointSet & A, DiagramPointSet & B, const Real epsilon, MatchingEdge & longest_edge) { // empty diagrams are not considered as error if (A.empty() and B.empty()) { return std::make_pair(0.0, 0.0); } Real infinity_cost = getInfinityCost(A, B); if (infinity_cost == std::numeric_limits::infinity()) { return std::make_pair(infinity_cost, infinity_cost); } DiagramPointSet sampledA, sampledB; sampleDiagramForHeur(A, sampledA); sampleDiagramForHeur(B, sampledB); std::pair initGuess = bottleneckDistApproxInterval(sampledA, sampledB, epsilon); initGuess.first = std::max(initGuess.first, infinity_cost); initGuess.second = std::max(initGuess.second, infinity_cost); return bottleneckDistApproxIntervalWithInitial(A, B, epsilon, initGuess, infinity_cost, longest_edge); } // get approximate distance, // see bottleneckDistApproxInterval template Real bottleneckDistApprox(DiagramPointSet & A, DiagramPointSet & B, const Real epsilon, MatchingEdge & longest_edge, bool compute_longest_edge) { // must compute here: infinity points will be erased in bottleneckDistApproxInterval Real infCost = getInfinityCost(A, B).cost; auto interval = bottleneckDistApproxInterval(A, B, epsilon, longest_edge, compute_longest_edge); return std::max(infCost, interval.second); } template Real bottleneckDistExactFromSortedPwDist(DiagramPointSet & A, DiagramPointSet & B, const std::vector& pairwiseDist, const int decPrecision, MatchingEdge & longest_edge, bool compute_longest_edge = false) { // trivial case: we have only one candidate if (pairwiseDist.size() == 1) { return pairwiseDist[0]; } bool useRangeSearch = true; Real distEpsilon = std::numeric_limits::max(); Real diffThreshold = 0.1; for (int k = 0; k < decPrecision; ++k) { diffThreshold /= 10; } for (size_t k = 0; k < pairwiseDist.size() - 2; ++k) { auto diff = pairwiseDist[k + 1] - pairwiseDist[k]; if (diff > diffThreshold and diff < distEpsilon) { distEpsilon = diff; } } distEpsilon = std::min(diffThreshold, distEpsilon / 3); BoundMatchOracle oracle(A, B, distEpsilon, useRangeSearch); // binary search size_t iterNum { 0 }; size_t idxMin { 0 }, idxMax { pairwiseDist.size() - 1 }; size_t idxMid; while (idxMax > idxMin) { idxMid = static_cast(floor(idxMin + idxMax) / 2); iterNum++; // not A[imid] < dist <=> A[imid] >= dist <=> A[imid[ >= dist + eps if (oracle.isMatchLess(pairwiseDist[idxMid] + distEpsilon / 2)) { idxMax = idxMid; } else { idxMin = idxMid + 1; } } idxMid = static_cast(floor(idxMin + idxMax) / 2); Real result = pairwiseDist[idxMid]; if (compute_longest_edge) { oracle.isMatchLess(result + distEpsilon / 2); longest_edge = oracle.get_longest_edge(); } return result; } template Real bottleneckDistExact(DiagramPointSet & A, DiagramPointSet & B, MatchingEdge & longest_edge, bool compute_longest_edge) { return bottleneckDistExact(A, B, 14, longest_edge, compute_longest_edge); } template Real bottleneckDistExact(DiagramPointSet & A, DiagramPointSet & B, const int decPrecision, MatchingEdge & longest_edge, bool compute_longest_edge) { using DgmPoint = DiagramPoint; constexpr Real epsilon = 0.001; Real infCost = getInfinityCost(A, B, true).cost; auto interval = bottleneckDistApproxInterval(A, B, epsilon, longest_edge, true); // if the longest edge is on infinity, the answer is already exact // this will be detected here and all the code after if // may assume that the longest edge is on finite points if (interval.first == interval.second) { return interval.first; } const Real delta = 0.50001 * (interval.second - interval.first); const Real approxDist = 0.5 * (interval.first + interval.second); const Real minDist = interval.first; const Real maxDist = interval.second; if (delta == 0) { return interval.first; } // copy points from A to a vector // todo: get rid of this? std::vector pointsA; pointsA.reserve(A.size()); for (const auto& ptA : A) { pointsA.push_back(ptA); } // in this vector we store the distances between the points // that are candidates to realize std::set pairwiseDist; { // vector to store centers of vertical stripes // two for each point in A and the id of the corresponding point std::vector> xCentersVec; xCentersVec.reserve(2 * pointsA.size()); for (auto ptA : pointsA) { xCentersVec.push_back(std::make_pair(ptA.getRealX() - approxDist, ptA)); xCentersVec.push_back(std::make_pair(ptA.getRealX() + approxDist, ptA)); } // lambda to compare pairs w.r.t coordinate auto compLambda = [](std::pair a, std::pair b) { return a.first < b.first; }; std::sort(xCentersVec.begin(), xCentersVec.end(), compLambda); // todo: sort points in B, reduce search range in lower and upper bounds for (auto ptB : B) { // iterator to the first stripe such that ptB lies to the left // from its right boundary (x_B <= x_j + \delta iff x_j >= x_B - \delta auto itStart = std::lower_bound(xCentersVec.begin(), xCentersVec.end(), std::make_pair(ptB.getRealX() - delta, ptB), compLambda); for (auto iterA = itStart; iterA < xCentersVec.end(); ++iterA) { if (ptB.getRealX() < iterA->first - delta) { // from that moment x_B >= x_j - delta // is violated: x_B no longer lies to right from the left // boundary of current stripe break; } // we're here => ptB lies in vertical stripe, // check if distance fits into the interval we've found Real pwDist = distLInf(iterA->second, ptB); if (pwDist >= minDist and pwDist <= maxDist) { pairwiseDist.insert(pwDist); } } } } { // for y // vector to store centers of vertical stripes // two for each point in A and the id of the corresponding point std::vector> yCentersVec; yCentersVec.reserve(2 * pointsA.size()); for (auto ptA : pointsA) { yCentersVec.push_back(std::make_pair(ptA.getRealY() - approxDist, ptA)); yCentersVec.push_back(std::make_pair(ptA.getRealY() + approxDist, ptA)); } // lambda to compare pairs w.r.t coordinate auto compLambda = [](std::pair a, std::pair b) { return a.first < b.first; }; std::sort(yCentersVec.begin(), yCentersVec.end(), compLambda); // todo: sort points in B, reduce search range in lower and upper bounds for (auto ptB : B) { auto itStart = std::lower_bound(yCentersVec.begin(), yCentersVec.end(), std::make_pair(ptB.getRealY() - delta, ptB), compLambda); for (auto iterA = itStart; iterA < yCentersVec.end(); ++iterA) { if (ptB.getRealY() < iterA->first - delta) { break; } Real pwDist = distLInf(iterA->second, ptB); if (pwDist >= minDist and pwDist <= maxDist) { pairwiseDist.insert(pwDist); } } } } std::vector pw_dists; pw_dists.reserve(pairwiseDist.size()); for(Real d : pairwiseDist) { pw_dists.push_back(d); } Real exactFinite = bottleneckDistExactFromSortedPwDist(A, B, pw_dists, decPrecision, longest_edge, compute_longest_edge); return std::max(infCost, exactFinite); } } // end namespace bt } // end namespace hera #endif // HERA_BOTTLENECK_HPP