Cite-As: > Michael Kerber, Dmitriy Morozov, and Arnur Nigmetov, "Geometry Helps to Compare Persistence Diagrams.", Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, vol. 22, 2017, pp. 1--20. Reference: Title: "Geometry helps to compare persistence diagrams" Author: Kerber, Michael and Morozov, Dmitriy and Nigmetov, Arnur Journal: Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA) Volume: 22 Pages: 1--20 Year: 2017 Publisher: ACM New York, NY, USA Reference: Title: "Efficient Approximation of the Matching Distance for 2-parameter persistence" Author: Kerber, Michael and Nigmetov, Arnur Year: 2020 Type: inproceedings Journal: SoCG 2020