#include "common_defs.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef MD_EXPERIMENTAL_TIMING #include #endif #include "opts/opts.h" #include "spdlog/spdlog.h" #include "spdlog/fmt/ostr.h" //#include "persistence_module.h" #include "bifiltration.h" #include "box.h" #include "matching_distance.h" using Real = double; using namespace md; namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem; #ifdef PRINT_HEAT_MAP void print_heat_map(const md::HeatMaps& hms, std::string fname, const CalculationParams& params) { spd::debug("Entered print_heat_map"); std::set mu_vals, lambda_vals; auto hm_iter = hms.end(); --hm_iter; int max_level = hm_iter->first; int level_cardinality = 4; for(int i = 0; i < params.initialization_depth; ++i) { level_cardinality *= 4; } for(int i = params.initialization_depth + 1; i <= max_level; ++i) { spd::debug("hms.at({}).size = {}, must be {}", i, hms.at(i).size(), level_cardinality); assert(static_cast(hms.at(i).size()) == level_cardinality); level_cardinality *= 4; } std::map, Real> hm_x_flat, hm_x_steep, hm_y_flat, hm_y_steep; for(const auto& dual_point_value_pair : hms.at(max_level)) { const DualPoint& k = dual_point_value_pair.first; spd::debug("HM DP: {}", k); mu_vals.insert(k.mu()); lambda_vals.insert(k.lambda()); } std::vector lambda_vals_vec(lambda_vals.begin(), lambda_vals.end()); std::vector mu_vals_vec(mu_vals.begin(), mu_vals.end()); std::ofstream ofs {fname}; if (not ofs.good()) { std::cerr << "Cannot write heat map to file " << fname << std::endl; throw std::runtime_error("Cannot open file for writing heat map"); } std::vector> heatmap_to_print(2 * mu_vals_vec.size(), std::vector(2 * lambda_vals_vec.size(), 0.0)); for(auto axis_type : {AxisType::x_type, AxisType::y_type}) { bool is_x_type = axis_type == AxisType::x_type; for(auto angle_type : {AngleType::flat, AngleType::steep}) { bool is_flat = angle_type == AngleType::flat; int mu_idx_begin, mu_idx_end; if (is_x_type) { mu_idx_begin = mu_vals_vec.size() - 1; mu_idx_end = -1; } else { mu_idx_begin = 0; mu_idx_end = mu_vals_vec.size(); } int lambda_idx_begin, lambda_idx_end; if (is_flat) { lambda_idx_begin = 0; lambda_idx_end = lambda_vals_vec.size(); } else { lambda_idx_begin = lambda_vals_vec.size() - 1; lambda_idx_end = -1; } int mu_idx_final = is_x_type ? 0 : mu_vals_vec.size(); for(int mu_idx = mu_idx_begin; mu_idx != mu_idx_end; (mu_idx_begin < mu_idx_end) ? mu_idx++ : mu_idx--) { Real mu = mu_vals_vec.at(mu_idx); if (mu == 0.0 and axis_type == AxisType::x_type) continue; int lambda_idx_final = is_flat ? 0 : lambda_vals_vec.size(); for(int lambda_idx = lambda_idx_begin; lambda_idx != lambda_idx_end; (lambda_idx_begin < lambda_idx_end) ? lambda_idx++ : lambda_idx--) { Real lambda = lambda_vals_vec.at(lambda_idx); if (lambda == 0.0 and angle_type == AngleType::flat) continue; DualPoint dp(axis_type, angle_type, lambda, mu); Real dist_value = hms.at(max_level).at(dp); heatmap_to_print.at(mu_idx_final).at(lambda_idx_final) = dist_value; // fmt::print("HM, dp = {}, mu_idx_final = {}, lambda_idx_final = {}, value = {}\n", dp, mu_idx_final, // lambda_idx_final, dist_value); lambda_idx_final++; } mu_idx_final++; } } } for(size_t m_idx = 0; m_idx < heatmap_to_print.size(); ++m_idx) { for(size_t l_idx = 0; l_idx < heatmap_to_print.at(m_idx).size(); ++l_idx) { ofs << heatmap_to_print.at(m_idx).at(l_idx) << " "; } ofs << std::endl; } ofs.close(); spd::debug("Exit print_heat_map"); } #endif int main(int argc, char** argv) { spdlog::set_level(spdlog::level::info); using opts::Option; using opts::PosOption; opts::Options ops; CalculationParams params; bool help = false; #ifdef MD_EXPERIMENTAL_TIMING bool no_stop_asap = false; #endif #ifdef PRINT_HEAT_MAP bool heatmap_only = false; #endif // default values are the best for practical use // if compiled with MD_EXPERIMENTAL_TIMING, user can supply // different bounds and traverse strategies // separated by commas, all combinations will be timed. // See corresponding >> operators in matching_distance.h // for possible values. std::string bounds_list_str = "local_combined"; std::string traverse_list_str = "BFS"; ops >> Option('m', "max-iterations", params.max_depth, "maximal number of iterations (refinements)") >> Option('e', "max-error", params.delta, "error threshold") >> Option('d', "dim", params.dim, "dim") >> Option('i', "initial-depth", params.initialization_depth, "initialization depth") #ifdef MD_EXPERIMENTAL_TIMING >> Option("no-stop-asap", no_stop_asap, "don't stop looping over points, if cell cannot be pruned (asap is on by default)") >> Option("bounds", bounds_list_str, "bounds to use, separated by ,") >> Option("traverse", traverse_list_str, "traverse strategy to use, separated by ,") #endif #ifdef PRINT_HEAT_MAP >> Option("heatmap-only", heatmap_only, "only save heatmap (bruteforce)") #endif >> Option('h', "help", help, "show help message"); std::string fname_a; std::string fname_b; if (!ops.parse(argc, argv) || help || !(ops >> PosOption(fname_a) >> PosOption(fname_b))) { std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " bifiltration-file-1 bifiltration-file-2\n" << ops << std::endl; return 1; } #ifdef MD_EXPERIMENTAL_TIMING params.stop_asap = not no_stop_asap; #else params.stop_asap = true; #endif auto bounds_list = split_by_delim(bounds_list_str, ','); auto traverse_list = split_by_delim(traverse_list_str, ','); Bifiltration bif_a(fname_a); Bifiltration bif_b(fname_b); bif_a.sanity_check(); bif_b.sanity_check(); spd::debug("Read bifiltrations {} {}", fname_a, fname_b); std::vector bound_strategies; std::vector traverse_strategies; for(std::string s : bounds_list) { bound_strategies.push_back(bs_from_string(s)); } for(std::string s : traverse_list) { traverse_strategies.push_back(ts_from_string(s)); } #ifdef MD_EXPERIMENTAL_TIMING for(auto bs : bound_strategies) { for(auto ts : traverse_strategies) { spd::info("Will test combination {} {}", bs, ts); } } struct ExperimentResult { CalculationParams params {CalculationParams()}; int n_hera_calls {0}; double total_milliseconds_elapsed {0}; Real distance {0}; Real actual_error {std::numeric_limits::max()}; int actual_max_depth {0}; int x_wins {0}; int y_wins {0}; int ad_wins {0}; int seconds_elapsed() const { return static_cast(total_milliseconds_elapsed / 1000); } double savings_ratio_old() const { long int max_possible_calls = 0; long int calls_on_level = 4; for(int i = 0; i <= actual_max_depth; ++i) { max_possible_calls += calls_on_level; calls_on_level *= 4; } return static_cast(n_hera_calls) / static_cast(max_possible_calls); } double savings_ratio() const { return static_cast(n_hera_calls) / calls_on_actual_max_depth(); } long long int calls_on_actual_max_depth() const { long long int result = 1; for(int i = 0; i < actual_max_depth; ++i) { result *= 4; } return result; } ExperimentResult() { } ExperimentResult(CalculationParams p, int nhc, double tme, double d) : params(p), n_hera_calls(nhc), total_milliseconds_elapsed(tme), distance(d) { } }; const int n_repetitions = 1; #ifdef PRINT_HEAT_MAP if (heatmap_only) { bound_strategies.clear(); bound_strategies.push_back(BoundStrategy::bruteforce); traverse_strategies.clear(); traverse_strategies.push_back(TraverseStrategy::breadth_first); } #endif std::map, ExperimentResult> results; for(BoundStrategy bound_strategy : bound_strategies) { for(TraverseStrategy traverse_strategy : traverse_strategies) { CalculationParams params_experiment; params_experiment.bound_strategy = bound_strategy; params_experiment.traverse_strategy = traverse_strategy; params_experiment.max_depth = params.max_depth; params_experiment.initialization_depth = params.initialization_depth; params_experiment.delta = params.delta; params_experiment.dim = params.dim; params_experiment.hera_epsilon = params.hera_epsilon; params_experiment.stop_asap = params.stop_asap; if (traverse_strategy == TraverseStrategy::depth_first and bound_strategy == BoundStrategy::bruteforce) continue; // if bruteforce, clamp max iterations number to 7, // save user-provided max_iters in user_max_iters and restore it later. // remember: params is passed by reference to return real relative error and heat map int user_max_iters = params.max_depth; #ifdef PRINT_HEAT_MAP if (bound_strategy == BoundStrategy::bruteforce and not heatmap_only) { params_experiment.max_depth = std::min(7, params.max_depth); } #endif double total_milliseconds_elapsed = 0; int total_n_hera_calls = 0; Real dist; for(int i = 0; i < n_repetitions; ++i) { spd::debug("Processing bound_strategy {}, traverse_strategy {}, iteration = {}", bound_strategy, traverse_strategy, i); auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock().now(); dist = matching_distance(bif_a, bif_b, params_experiment); auto t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock().now(); total_milliseconds_elapsed += std::chrono::duration_cast( t2 - t1).count(); total_n_hera_calls += params_experiment.n_hera_calls; } auto key = std::make_tuple(bound_strategy, traverse_strategy); results[key].params = params_experiment; results[key].n_hera_calls = total_n_hera_calls / n_repetitions; results[key].total_milliseconds_elapsed = total_milliseconds_elapsed / n_repetitions; results[key].distance = dist; results[key].actual_error = params_experiment.actual_error; results[key].actual_max_depth = params_experiment.actual_max_depth; spd::info( "Done (bound = {}, traverse = {}), n_hera_calls = {}, time = {} sec, d = {}, error = {}, savings = {}, max_depth = {}", bound_strategy, traverse_strategy, results[key].n_hera_calls, results[key].seconds_elapsed(), dist, params_experiment.actual_error, results[key].savings_ratio(), results[key].actual_max_depth); if (bound_strategy == BoundStrategy::bruteforce) { params_experiment.max_depth = user_max_iters; } #ifdef PRINT_HEAT_MAP if (bound_strategy == BoundStrategy::bruteforce) { fs::path fname_a_path {fname_a.c_str()}; fs::path fname_b_path {fname_b.c_str()}; fs::path fname_a_wo = fname_a_path.filename(); fs::path fname_b_wo = fname_b_path.filename(); std::string heat_map_fname = fmt::format("{0}_{1}_dim_{2}_weighted_values_xyp.txt", fname_a_wo.string(), fname_b_wo.string(), params_experiment.dim); fs::path path_hm = fname_a_path.replace_filename(fs::path(heat_map_fname.c_str())); spd::debug("Saving heatmap to {}", heat_map_fname); print_heat_map(params_experiment.heat_maps, path_hm.string(), params); } #endif spd::debug("Finished processing bound_strategy {}", bound_strategy); } } // std::cout << "File_1;File_2;Boundstrategy;TraverseStrategy;InitalDepth;NHeraCalls;SavingsRatio;Time;Distance;Error;PushStrategy;MaxDepth;CallsOnMaxDepth;Delta;Dimension" << std::endl; for(auto bs : bound_strategies) { for(auto ts : traverse_strategies) { auto key = std::make_tuple(bs, ts); fs::path fname_a_path {fname_a.c_str()}; fs::path fname_b_path {fname_b.c_str()}; fs::path fname_a_wo = fname_a_path.filename(); fs::path fname_b_wo = fname_b_path.filename(); std::cout << fname_a_wo.string() << ";" << fname_b_wo.string() << ";" << bs << ";" << ts << ";"; std::cout << results[key].params.initialization_depth << ";"; std::cout << results[key].n_hera_calls << ";" << results[key].savings_ratio() << ";" << results[key].total_milliseconds_elapsed << ";" << results[key].distance << ";" << results[key].actual_error << ";" << "xyp" << ";" << results[key].actual_max_depth << ";" << results[key].calls_on_actual_max_depth() << ";" << params.delta << ";" << params.dim << std::endl; } } #else params.bound_strategy = bound_strategies.back(); params.traverse_strategy = traverse_strategies.back(); spd::debug("Will use {} bound, {} traverse strategy", params.bound_strategy, params.traverse_strategy); Real dist = matching_distance(bif_a, bif_b, params); std::cout << dist << std::endl; #endif return 0; }