namespace md { inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AxisType& at) { if (at == AxisType::x_type) os << "x-type"; else os << "y-type"; return os; } inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AngleType& at) { if (at == AngleType::flat) os << "flat"; else os << "steep"; return os; } template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DualPoint& dp) { os << "Line(" << dp.axis_type() << ", "; os << dp.angle_type() << ", "; os << dp.lambda() << ", "; os << << ", equation: "; if (not dp.is_vertical()) { os << "y = " << dp.y_slope() << " x + " << dp.y_intercept(); } else { os << "x = " << dp.x_intercept(); } os << " )"; return os; } template bool DualPoint::operator<(const DualPoint& rhs) const { return std::tie(axis_type_, angle_type_, lambda_, mu_) < std::tie(rhs.axis_type_, rhs.angle_type_, rhs.lambda_, rhs.mu_); } template DualPoint::DualPoint(AxisType axis_type, AngleType angle_type, Real lambda, Real mu) : axis_type_(axis_type), angle_type_(angle_type), lambda_(lambda), mu_(mu) { assert(sanity_check()); } template bool DualPoint::sanity_check() const { if (lambda_ < 0.0) throw std::runtime_error("Invalid line, negative lambda"); if (lambda_ > 1.0) throw std::runtime_error("Invalid line, lambda > 1"); if (mu_ < 0.0) throw std::runtime_error("Invalid line, negative mu"); return true; } template Real DualPoint::gamma() const { if (is_steep()) return atan(Real(1.0) / lambda_); else return atan(lambda_); } template DualPoint midpoint(DualPoint x, DualPoint y) { assert(x.angle_type() == y.angle_type() and x.axis_type() == y.axis_type()); Real lambda_mid = (x.lambda() + y.lambda()) / 2; Real mu_mid = ( + / 2; return DualPoint(x.axis_type(), x.angle_type(), lambda_mid, mu_mid); } // return k in the line equation y = kx + b template Real DualPoint::y_slope() const { if (is_flat()) return lambda(); else return Real(1.0) / lambda(); } // return k in the line equation x = ky + b template Real DualPoint::x_slope() const { if (is_flat()) return Real(1.0) / lambda(); else return lambda(); } // return b in the line equation y = kx + b template Real DualPoint::y_intercept() const { if (is_y_type()) { return mu(); } else { // x = x_slope * y + mu = x_slope * (y + mu / x_slope) // x-intercept is -mu/x_slope = -mu * y_slope return -mu() * y_slope(); } } // return k in the line equation x = ky + b template Real DualPoint::x_intercept() const { if (is_x_type()) { return mu(); } else { // y = y_slope * x + mu = y_slope (x + mu / y_slope) // x_intercept is -mu/y_slope = -mu * x_slope return -mu() * x_slope(); } } template Real DualPoint::x_from_y(Real y) const { if (is_horizontal()) throw std::runtime_error("x_from_y called on horizontal line"); else return x_slope() * y + x_intercept(); } template Real DualPoint::y_from_x(Real x) const { if (is_vertical()) throw std::runtime_error("x_from_y called on horizontal line"); else return y_slope() * x + y_intercept(); } template bool DualPoint::is_horizontal() const { return is_flat() and lambda() == 0; } template bool DualPoint::is_vertical() const { return is_steep() and lambda() == 0; } template bool DualPoint::contains(Point p) const { if (is_vertical()) return p.x == x_from_y(p.y); else return p.y == y_from_x(p.x); } template bool DualPoint::goes_below(Point p) const { if (is_vertical()) return p.x <= x_from_y(p.y); else return p.y >= y_from_x(p.x); } template bool DualPoint::goes_above(Point p) const { if (is_vertical()) return p.x >= x_from_y(p.y); else return p.y <= y_from_x(p.x); } template Point DualPoint::push(Point p) const { Point result; // if line is below p, we push horizontally bool horizontal_push = goes_below(p); if (is_x_type()) { if (is_flat()) { if (horizontal_push) { result.x = p.y / lambda() + mu(); result.y = p.y; } else { // vertical push result.x = p.x; result.y = lambda() * (p.x - mu()); } } else { // steep if (horizontal_push) { result.x = lambda() * p.y + mu(); result.y = p.y; } else { // vertical push result.x = p.x; result.y = (p.x - mu()) / lambda(); } } } else { // y-type if (is_flat()) { if (horizontal_push) { result.x = (p.y - mu()) / lambda(); result.y = p.y; } else { // vertical push result.x = p.x; result.y = lambda() * p.x + mu(); } } else { // steep if (horizontal_push) { result.x = (p.y - mu()) * lambda(); result.y = p.y; } else { // vertical push result.x = p.x; result.y = p.x / lambda() + mu(); } } } return result; } template Real DualPoint::weighted_push(Point p) const { // if line is below p, we push horizontally bool horizontal_push = goes_below(p); if (is_x_type()) { if (is_flat()) { if (horizontal_push) { return p.y; } else { // vertical push return lambda() * (p.x - mu()); } } else { // steep if (horizontal_push) { return lambda() * p.y; } else { // vertical push return (p.x - mu()); } } } else { // y-type if (is_flat()) { if (horizontal_push) { return p.y - mu(); } else { // vertical push return lambda() * p.x; } } else { // steep if (horizontal_push) { return lambda() * (p.y - mu()); } else { // vertical push return p.x; } } } } template bool DualPoint::operator==(const DualPoint& other) const { return axis_type() == other.axis_type() and angle_type() == other.angle_type() and mu() == and lambda() == other.lambda(); } template Real DualPoint::weight() const { return lambda_ / sqrt(1 + lambda_ * lambda_); } } // namespace md