namespace md { /** * * @param values vector of length n * @return [a_1,...,a_n] such that * 1) values[a_1] <= values[a_2] <= ... <= values[a_n] * 2) a_1,...,a_n is a permutation of 1,..,n */ template IndexVec get_sorted_indices(const std::vector& values) { IndexVec result(values.size()); std::iota(result.begin(), result.end(), 0); std::sort(result.begin(), result.end(), [&values](size_t a, size_t b) { return values[a] < values[b]; }); return result; } // helper function to initialize const member positions_ in ModulePresentation template PointVec concat_gen_and_rel_positions(const PointVec& generators, const typename ModulePresentation::RelVec& relations) { std::unordered_set> ps(generators.begin(), generators.end()); for(const auto& rel : relations) { ps.insert(rel.position_); } return PointVec(ps.begin(), ps.end()); } template void ModulePresentation::init_boundaries() { max_x_ = -std::numeric_limits::max(); max_y_ = -std::numeric_limits::max(); min_x_ = std::numeric_limits::max(); min_y_ = std::numeric_limits::max(); for(const auto& gen : positions_) { min_x_ = std::min(gen.x, min_x_); min_y_ = std::min(gen.y, min_y_); max_x_ = std::max(gen.x, max_x_); max_y_ = std::max(gen.y, max_y_); } bounding_box_ = Box(Point(min_x_, min_y_), Point(max_x_, max_y_)); } template ModulePresentation::ModulePresentation(const PointVec& _generators, const RelVec& _relations) : generators_(_generators), relations_(_relations) { positions_ = concat_gen_and_rel_positions(generators_, relations_); init_boundaries(); } template void ModulePresentation::translate(Real a) { for(auto& g : generators_) { g.translate(a); } for(auto& r : relations_) { r.position_.translate(a); } positions_ = concat_gen_and_rel_positions(generators_, relations_); init_boundaries(); } /** * * @param slice line on which generators are projected * @param sorted_indices [a_1,...,a_n] s.t. wpush(generator[a_1]) <= wpush(generator[a_2]) <= .. * @param projections sorted weighted pushes of generators */ template void ModulePresentation::project_generators(const DualPoint& slice, IndexVec& sorted_indices, RealVec& projections) const { size_t num_gens = generators_.size(); RealVec gen_values; gen_values.reserve(num_gens); for(const auto& pos : generators_) { gen_values.push_back(slice.weighted_push(pos)); } sorted_indices = get_sorted_indices(gen_values); projections.clear(); projections.reserve(num_gens); for(auto i : sorted_indices) { projections.push_back(gen_values[i]); } } template void ModulePresentation::project_relations(const DualPoint& slice, IndexVec& sorted_rel_indices, RealVec& projections) const { size_t num_rels = relations_.size(); RealVec rel_values; rel_values.reserve(num_rels); for(const auto& rel : relations_) { rel_values.push_back(slice.weighted_push(rel.position_)); } sorted_rel_indices = get_sorted_indices(rel_values); projections.clear(); projections.reserve(num_rels); for(auto i : sorted_rel_indices) { projections.push_back(rel_values[i]); } } template void ModulePresentation::get_slice_projection_matrix(const DualPoint& slice, phat::boundary_matrix<>& phat_matrix, RealVec& gen_projections, RealVec& rel_projections) const { IndexVec sorted_gen_indices, sorted_rel_indices; project_generators(slice, sorted_gen_indices, gen_projections); project_relations(slice, sorted_rel_indices, rel_projections); phat_matrix.set_num_cols(relations_.size()); for(Index i = 0; i < (Index) relations_.size(); i++) { IndexVec current_relation = relations_[sorted_rel_indices[i]].components_; for(auto& j : current_relation) { j = sorted_gen_indices[j]; } std::sort(current_relation.begin(), current_relation.end()); // modules do not have dimension, set all to 0 phat_matrix.set_dim(i, 0); phat_matrix.set_col(i, current_relation); } } template Diagram ModulePresentation::weighted_slice_diagram(const DualPoint& slice) const { RealVec gen_projections, rel_projections; phat::boundary_matrix<> phat_matrix; get_slice_projection_matrix(slice, phat_matrix, gen_projections, rel_projections); phat::persistence_pairs phat_persistence_pairs; phat::compute_persistence_pairs(phat_persistence_pairs, phat_matrix, true); Diagram dgm; constexpr Real real_inf = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); for(Index i = 0; i < (Index) phat_persistence_pairs.get_num_pairs(); i++) { std::pair new_pair = phat_persistence_pairs.get_pair(i); bool is_finite_pair = new_pair.second != phat::k_infinity_index; Real birth =; Real death = is_finite_pair ? : real_inf; if (birth != death) { dgm.emplace_back(birth, death); } } return dgm; } template PointVec ModulePresentation::positions() const { return positions_; } template Box ModulePresentation::bounding_box() const { return bounding_box_; } } // namespace md