path: root/README
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authorGard Spreemann <>2017-02-02 21:23:01 +0100
committerGard Spreemann <>2017-02-02 21:23:01 +0100
commit173802e9f8d98a01019d3f5aff055f1f04479974 (patch)
treec47b4169dee35def4cdeaaad4cdebaaae5c722da /README
upstream/3.0+dfsg.3: Start git repository for package by importingdfsg/3.0+dfsg.3
upstream's 3.0 tarball DFSG-cleaned as currently used in published Debian package.
Diffstat (limited to 'README')
1 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc040e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
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+L-BFGS-B is released under the “New BSD License” (aka “Modified BSD License” or
+“3-clause license”)
+Please read attached file License.txt
+ L-BFGS-B (version 3.0) march, 2011
+This directory contains the modified/corrected limited memory
+code for solving bound constrained optimization problems.
+ o f77 routines
+ blas.f subset of blas
+ linpack.f subset of linpack
+ lbfgsb.f main routine
+ timer.f routine to compute CPU time
+ o f77 and f90 drivers
+ driver1.f driver1.f90
+ driver2.f driver2.f90
+ driver3.f driver3.f90
+ We recommend that the user read driver1.f/driver1.f90, which
+ give a good idea of how the code works
+ o Makefile Linux/Unix users.
+ To run the code on a Linux/Unix machine simply type
+ make
+ This will create the files
+ x.lbfgsb_77_1 x.lbfgsb_90_1
+ x.lbfgsb_77_2 x.lbfgsb_90_2
+ x.lbfgsb_77_3 x.lbfgsb_90_3
+ which are the executable files for the drivers in the package.
+ One can execute the program by typing the name of the executable
+ file.
+ o Output files are provided for each executable file in directory
+ output_77_1 output_90_1
+ output_77_2 output_90_2
+ output_77_3 output_90_3
+ o The following four articles are also included
+ [1] algorithm.pdf - describes the algorithm
+ [2] compact.pdf - presents the compact form of matrices
+ [3] code.pdf - describes the code
+ [4] acm-remark.pdf - describes the modification/correction
+ The most useful articles for those who only wish to use the code
+ are [3,4]. Users interested in understanding the algorithm should
+ read [1] and possibly also [2].
+For questions and help contact
+ Jorge Nocedal <>
+ Jose Luis Morales <>
+ How to use L-BFGS-B
+ The simplest way to use the code is to modify one of the
+drivers provided in the package. Most users will only need to make
+a few changes to the drivers to run their applications.
+ L-BFGS-B is written in FORTRAN 77, in double precision. The
+user is required to calculate the function value f and its gradient g.
+In order to allow the user complete control over these computations,
+reverse communication is used. The routine setulb.f must be called
+repeatedly under the control of the variable task. The calling
+statement of L-BFGS-B is
+ call setulb(n,m,x,l,u,nbd,f,g,factr,pgtol,wa,iwa,task,iprint,
+ + csave,lsave,isave,dsave)
+ Following is a description of all the parameters used in this call.
+c n is an INTEGER variable that must be set by the user to the
+c number of variables. It is not altered by the routine.
+c m is an INTEGER variable that must be set by the user to the
+c number of corrections used in the limited memory matrix.
+c It is not altered by the routine. Values of m < 3 are
+c not recommended, and large values of m can result in excessive
+c computing time. The range 3 <= m <= 20 is recommended.
+c x is a DOUBLE PRECISION array of length n. On initial entry
+c it must be set by the user to the values of the initial
+c estimate of the solution vector. Upon successful exit, it
+c contains the values of the variables at the best point
+c found (usually an approximate solution).
+c l is a DOUBLE PRECISION array of length n that must be set by
+c the user to the values of the lower bounds on the variables. If
+c the i-th variable has no lower bound, l(i) need not be defined.
+c u is a DOUBLE PRECISION array of length n that must be set by
+c the user to the values of the upper bounds on the variables. If
+c the i-th variable has no upper bound, u(i) need not be defined.
+c nbd is an INTEGER array of dimension n that must be set by the
+c user to the type of bounds imposed on the variables:
+c nbd(i)=0 if x(i) is unbounded,
+c 1 if x(i) has only a lower bound,
+c 2 if x(i) has both lower and upper bounds,
+c 3 if x(i) has only an upper bound.
+c f is a DOUBLE PRECISION variable. If the routine setulb returns
+c with task(1:2)= 'FG', then f must be set by the user to
+c contain the value of the function at the point x.
+c g is a DOUBLE PRECISION array of length n. If the routine setulb
+c returns with taskb(1:2)= 'FG', then g must be set by the user to
+c contain the components of the gradient at the point x.
+c factr is a DOUBLE PRECISION variable that must be set by the user.
+c It is a tolerance in the termination test for the algorithm.
+c The iteration will stop when
+c (f^k - f^{k+1})/max{|f^k|,|f^{k+1}|,1} <= factr*epsmch
+c where epsmch is the machine precision which is automatically
+c generated by the code. Typical values for factr on a computer
+c with 15 digits of accuracy in double precision are:
+c factr=1.d+12 for low accuracy;
+c 1.d+7 for moderate accuracy;
+c 1.d+1 for extremely high accuracy.
+c The user can suppress this termination test by setting factr=0.
+c pgtol is a double precision variable.
+c On entry pgtol >= 0 is specified by the user. The iteration
+c will stop when
+c max{|proj g_i | i = 1, ..., n} <= pgtol
+c where pg_i is the ith component of the projected gradient.
+c The user can suppress this termination test by setting pgtol=0.
+c wa is a DOUBLE PRECISION array of length
+c (2mmax + 5)nmax + 11mmax^2 + 8mmax used as workspace.
+c This array must not be altered by the user.
+c iwa is an INTEGER array of length 3nmax used as
+c workspace. This array must not be altered by the user.
+c task is a CHARACTER string of length 60.
+c On first entry, it must be set to 'START'.
+c On a return with task(1:2)='FG', the user must evaluate the
+c function f and gradient g at the returned value of x.
+c On a return with task(1:5)='NEW_X', an iteration of the
+c algorithm has concluded, and f and g contain f(x) and g(x)
+c respectively. The user can decide whether to continue or stop
+c the iteration.
+c When
+c task(1:4)='CONV', the termination test in L-BFGS-B has been
+c satisfied;
+c task(1:4)='ABNO', the routine has terminated abnormally
+c without being able to satisfy the termination conditions,
+c x contains the best approximation found,
+c f and g contain f(x) and g(x) respectively;
+c task(1:5)='ERROR', the routine has detected an error in the
+c input parameters;
+c On exit with task = 'CONV', 'ABNO' or 'ERROR', the variable task
+c contains additional information that the user can print.
+c This array should not be altered unless the user wants to
+c stop the run for some reason. See driver2 or driver3
+c for a detailed explanation on how to stop the run
+c by assigning task(1:4)='STOP' in the driver.
+c iprint is an INTEGER variable that must be set by the user.
+c It controls the frequency and type of output generated:
+c iprint<0 no output is generated;
+c iprint=0 print only one line at the last iteration;
+c 0<iprint<99 print also f and |proj g| every iprint iterations;
+c iprint=99 print details of every iteration except n-vectors;
+c iprint=100 print also the changes of active set and final x;
+c iprint>100 print details of every iteration including x and g;
+c When iprint > 0, the file iterate.dat will be created to
+c summarize the iteration.
+c csave is a CHARACTER working array of length 60.
+c lsave is a LOGICAL working array of dimension 4.
+c On exit with task = 'NEW_X', the following information is
+c available:
+c lsave(1) = .true. the initial x did not satisfy the bounds;
+c lsave(2) = .true. the problem contains bounds;
+c lsave(3) = .true. each variable has upper and lower bounds.
+c isave is an INTEGER working array of dimension 44.
+c On exit with task = 'NEW_X', it contains information that
+c the user may want to access:
+c isave(30) = the current iteration number;
+c isave(34) = the total number of function and gradient
+c evaluations;
+c isave(36) = the number of function value or gradient
+c evaluations in the current iteration;
+c isave(38) = the number of free variables in the current
+c iteration;
+c isave(39) = the number of active constraints at the current
+c iteration;
+c see the subroutine setulb.f for a description of other
+c information contained in isave
+c dsave is a DOUBLE PRECISION working array of dimension 29.
+c On exit with task = 'NEW_X', it contains information that
+c the user may want to access:
+c dsave(2) = the value of f at the previous iteration;
+c dsave(5) = the machine precision epsmch generated by the code;
+c dsave(13) = the infinity norm of the projected gradient;
+c see the subroutine setulb.f for a description of other
+c information contained in dsave