c c L-BFGS-B is released under the “New BSD License” (aka “Modified BSD License” c or “3-clause license”) c Please read attached file License.txt c c DRIVER 3 in Fortran 77 c -------------------------------------------------------------- c TIME-CONTROLLED DRIVER FOR L-BFGS-B (version 3.0) c -------------------------------------------------------------- c c L-BFGS-B is a code for solving large nonlinear optimization c problems with simple bounds on the variables. c c The code can also be used for unconstrained problems and is c as efficient for these problems as the earlier limited memory c code L-BFGS. c c This driver shows how to terminate a run after some prescribed c CPU time has elapsed, and how to print the desired information c before exiting. c c References: c c [1] R. H. Byrd, P. Lu, J. Nocedal and C. Zhu, ``A limited c memory algorithm for bound constrained optimization'', c SIAM J. Scientific Computing 16 (1995), no. 5, pp. 1190--1208. c c [2] C. Zhu, R.H. Byrd, P. Lu, J. Nocedal, ``L-BFGS-B: FORTRAN c Subroutines for Large Scale Bound Constrained Optimization'' c Tech. Report, NAM-11, EECS Department, Northwestern University, c 1994. c c c (Postscript files of these papers are available via anonymous c ftp to eecs.nwu.edu in the directory pub/lbfgs/lbfgs_bcm.) c c * * * c c February 2011 (latest revision) c Optimization Center at Northwestern University c Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico c c Jorge Nocedal and Jose Luis Morales, Remark on "Algorithm 778: c L-BFGS-B: Fortran Subroutines for Large-Scale Bound Constrained c Optimization" (2011). To appear in ACM Transactions on c Mathematical Software, c c c ************** program driver c This time-controlled driver shows that it is possible to terminate c a run by elapsed CPU time, and yet be able to print all desired c information. This driver also illustrates the use of two c stopping criteria that may be used in conjunction with a limit c on execution time. The sample problem used here is the same as in c driver1 and driver2 (the extended Rosenbrock function with bounds c on the variables). integer nmax, mmax parameter (nmax=1024,mmax=17) c nmax is the dimension of the largest problem to be solved. c mmax is the maximum number of limited memory corrections. c Declare the variables needed by the code. c A description of all these variables is given at the end of c driver1. character*60 task, csave logical lsave(4) integer n, m, iprint, + nbd(nmax), iwa(3*nmax), isave(44) double precision f, factr, pgtol, + x(nmax), l(nmax), u(nmax), g(nmax), dsave(29), + wa(2*mmax*nmax+5*nmax+11*mmax*mmax+8*mmax) c Declare a few additional variables for the sample problem c and for keeping track of time. double precision t1, t2, time1, time2, tlimit integer i, j c We specify a limite on the CPU time (in seconds). tlimit = 0.2 c We suppress the default output. (The user could also elect to c use the default output by choosing iprint >= 0.) iprint = -1 c We suppress the code-supplied stopping tests because we will c provide our own termination conditions factr=0.0d0 pgtol=0.0d0 c We specify the dimension n of the sample problem and the number c m of limited memory corrections stored. (n and m should not c exceed the limits nmax and mmax respectively.) n=1000 m=10 c We now specify nbd which defines the bounds on the variables: c l specifies the lower bounds, c u specifies the upper bounds. c First set bounds on the odd-numbered variables. do 10 i=1,n,2 nbd(i)=2 l(i)=1.0d0 u(i)=1.0d2 10 continue c Next set bounds on the even-numbered variables. do 12 i=2,n,2 nbd(i)=2 l(i)=-1.0d2 u(i)=1.0d2 12 continue c We now define the starting point. do 14 i=1,n x(i)=3.0d0 14 continue c We now write the heading of the output. write (6,16) 16 format(/,5x, 'Solving sample problem.', + /,5x, ' (f = 0.0 at the optimal solution.)',/) c We start the iteration by initializing task. c task = 'START' c ------- the beginning of the loop ---------- c We begin counting the CPU time. call timer(time1) 111 continue c This is the call to the L-BFGS-B code. call setulb(n,m,x,l,u,nbd,f,g,factr,pgtol,wa,iwa,task,iprint, + csave,lsave,isave,dsave) if (task(1:2) .eq. 'FG') then c the minimization routine has returned to request the c function f and gradient g values at the current x. c Before evaluating f and g we check the CPU time spent. call timer(time2) if (time2-time1 .gt. tlimit) then task='STOP: CPU EXCEEDING THE TIME LIMIT.' c Note: Assigning task(1:4)='STOP' will terminate the run; c setting task(7:9)='CPU' will restore the information at c the latest iterate generated by the code so that it can c be correctly printed by the driver. c In this driver we have chosen to disable the c printing options of the code (we set iprint=-1); c instead we are using customized output: we print the c latest value of x, the corresponding function value f and c the norm of the projected gradient |proj g|. c We print out the information contained in task. write (6,*) task c We print the latest iterate contained in wa(j+1:j+n), where c j = 3*n+2*m*n+11*m**2 write (6,*) 'Latest iterate X =' write (6,'((1x,1p, 6(1x,d11.4)))') (wa(i),i = j+1,j+n) c We print the function value f and the norm of the projected c gradient |proj g| at the last iterate; they are stored in c dsave(2) and dsave(13) respectively. write (6,'(a,1p,d12.5,4x,a,1p,d12.5)') + 'At latest iterate f =',dsave(2),'|proj g| =',dsave(13) else c The time limit has not been reached and we compute c the function value f for the sample problem. f=.25d0*(x(1)-1.d0)**2 do 20 i=2,n f=f+(x(i)-x(i-1)**2)**2 20 continue f=4.d0*f c Compute gradient g for the sample problem. t1=x(2)-x(1)**2 g(1)=2.d0*(x(1)-1.d0)-1.6d1*x(1)*t1 do 22 i=2,n-1 t2=t1 t1=x(i+1)-x(i)**2 g(i)=8.d0*t2-1.6d1*x(i)*t1 22 continue g(n)=8.d0*t1 endif c go back to the minimization routine. goto 111 endif c if (task(1:5) .eq. 'NEW_X') then c the minimization routine has returned with a new iterate. c The time limit has not been reached, and we test whether c the following two stopping tests are satisfied: c 1) Terminate if the total number of f and g evaluations c exceeds 900. if (isave(34) .ge. 900) + task='STOP: TOTAL NO. of f AND g EVALUATIONS EXCEEDS LIMIT' c 2) Terminate if |proj g|/(1+|f|) < 1.0d-10. if (dsave(13) .le. 1.d-10*(1.0d0 + abs(f))) + task='STOP: THE PROJECTED GRADIENT IS SUFFICIENTLY SMALL' c We wish to print the following information at each iteration: c 1) the current iteration number, isave(30), c 2) the total number of f and g evaluations, isave(34), c 3) the value of the objective function f, c 4) the norm of the projected gradient, dsve(13) c c See the comments at the end of driver1 for a description c of the variables isave and dsave. write (6,'(2(a,i5,4x),a,1p,d12.5,4x,a,1p,d12.5)') 'Iterate' + ,isave(30),'nfg =',isave(34),'f =',f,'|proj g| =',dsave(13) c If the run is to be terminated, we print also the information c contained in task as well as the final value of x. if (task(1:4) .eq. 'STOP') then write (6,*) task write (6,*) 'Final X=' write (6,'((1x,1p, 6(1x,d11.4)))') (x(i),i = 1,n) endif c go back to the minimization routine. goto 111 endif c ---------- the end of the loop ------------- c If task is neither FG nor NEW_X we terminate execution. stop end c======================= The end of driver3 ============================