"""This file contains a simple example that demonstrates the usage of the library interface""" if __name__ == "__main__": print(""" we will build an ordered boundary matrix of this simplicial complex consisting of a single triangle: 3 |\\ | \\ | \\ | \\ 4 5| \\ | \\ | 6 \\ | \\ |________\\ 0 2 1 """) import phat boundary_matrix = phat.boundary_matrix() # or define a boundary matrix with the chosen internal representation # boundary_matrix = phat.boundary_matrix(representation = phat.representations.bit_tree_pivot_column) # set the respective columns -- (dimension, boundary) pairs boundary_matrix.columns = [ (0, []), (0, []), (1, [0,1]), (0, []), (1, [1,3]), (1, [0,3]), (2, [2,4,5])] # or equivalently, boundary_matrix = phat.boundary_matrix(representation = ..., columns = ...) # would combine the creation of the matrix and the assignment of the columns # print some information of the boundary matrix: print("\nThe boundary matrix has %d columns:" % len(boundary_matrix.columns)) for col in boundary_matrix.columns: s = "Column %d represents a cell of dimension %d." % (col.index, col.dimension) if (col.boundary): s = s + " Its boundary consists of the cells " + " ".join([str(c) for c in col.boundary]) print(s) print("Overall, the boundary matrix has %d entries." % len(boundary_matrix)) pairs = boundary_matrix.compute_persistence_pairs() pairs.sort() print("\nThere are %d persistence pairs: " % len(pairs)) for pair in pairs: print("Birth: %d, Death: %d" % pair)