from setuptools import setup, Extension, find_packages from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext import sys import os.path from io import open if sys.version_info < (2, 7, 12): print("Sorry, PHAT requires Python 2.7.12 or later") sys.exit(1) ext_modules = [ Extension( '_phat', ['python/_phat.cpp'], include_dirs=['include'], language='c++', ), ] here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # Get the long description from the README file with open(os.path.join(here, 'python', 'README.rst'), encoding = 'utf8') as f: long_description = class BuildExt(build_ext): """A custom build extension for adding compiler-specific options.""" c_opts = { 'msvc': ['/EHsc'], 'unix': ['-std=c++11'], } if sys.platform == 'darwin': c_opts['unix'] += ['-stdlib=libc++', '-mmacosx-version-min=10.7'] def build_extensions(self): ct = self.compiler.compiler_type opts = self.c_opts.get(ct, []) import pybind11 for ext in self.extensions: ext.extra_compile_args = opts ext.include_dirs.append(pybind11.get_include()) ext.include_dirs.append(pybind11.get_include(user=True)) build_ext.build_extensions(self) requires = ['pybind11'] if sys.version_info < (3,4,0): requires.append('enum34') setup( name='phat', version='1.5.0.post2', author='Bryn Keller', author_email='', url='', description='Python bindings for PHAT, the C++ based Persistent Homology Algorithm Toolbox', license = 'LGPL', keywords='algebraic-topology PHAT distributed topology persistent-homology', long_description=long_description, ext_modules=ext_modules, requires=requires, install_requires=requires, cmdclass={'build_ext': BuildExt}, package_dir={'':'python'}, py_modules = ['phat'], # packages = find_packages(exclude = ['doc', 'test']) )