.. highlight:: console How to develop -------------- Install the package following README.rst and then install development dependencies:: pip install -U -r tests/requirements-dev.txt Unit tests can be run with `pytest `_ with:: $ pytest -v --flakes --cov=cdsapi --cov-report=html --cache-clear Coverage can be checked opening in a browser the file ``htmlcov/index.html`` for example with:: $ open htmlcov/index.html Code quality control checks can be run with:: $ pytest -v --pep8 --mccabe The complete python versions tests are run via `tox `_ with:: $ tox Please ensure the coverage at least stays the same before you submit a pull request. Dependency management --------------------- Update the `requirements-tests.txt` file with versions with:: pip-compile -U -o tests/requirements-tests.txt setup.py tests/requirements-tests.in # -U is optional Release procedure ----------------- Quality check release:: $ git status $ check-manifest $ tox Release with zest.releaser:: $ prerelease $ release $ postrelease