Install ------- Install via `pip` with:: $ pip install cdsapi Configure --------- Get your UID and API key from the CDS portal at the address and write it into the configuration file, so it looks like:: $ cat ~/.cdsapirc url: key: : verify: 0 Remember to agree to the Terms and Conditions of every dataset that you intend to download. Test ---- Perform a small test retrieve of ERA5 data:: $ python >>> import cdsapi >>> cds = cdsapi.Client() >>> cds.retrieve('reanalysis-era5-pressure-levels', { "variable": "temperature", "pressure_level": "1000", "product_type": "reanalysis", "date": "2017-12-01/2017-12-31", "time": "12:00", "format": "grib" }, 'download.grib') >>>