path: root/docs/source
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authorRémi Flamary <>2019-06-28 08:33:36 +0200
committerRémi Flamary <>2019-06-28 08:33:36 +0200
commit7dcfebbef19e1f94928fc71face612a2f71372b4 (patch)
tree84751cf2ffca8ca4701b9be51952b836f7c740d4 /docs/source
parent982ee8345d491d76ac9ba49c6b9a7f5418ed966d (diff)
entropic mostly done, starting general regularization
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1 files changed, 133 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/docs/source/quickstart.rst b/docs/source/quickstart.rst
index c122d17..4f2d9bb 100644
--- a/docs/source/quickstart.rst
+++ b/docs/source/quickstart.rst
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ Quick start guide
In the following we provide some pointers about which functions and classes
to use for different problems related to optimal transport (OT).
+This document is not a tutorial on numerical optimal transport. For this we strongly
+recommend to read the very nice book [15]_ .
Optimal transport and Wasserstein distance
@@ -20,10 +23,11 @@ Solving optimal transport
The optimal transport problem between discrete distributions is often expressed
- .. math::
- \gamma^* = arg\min_\gamma \quad \sum_{i,j}\gamma_{i,j}M_{i,j}
- s.t. \gamma 1 = a; \gamma^T 1= b; \gamma\geq 0
+.. math::
+ \gamma^* = arg\min_\gamma \quad \sum_{i,j}\gamma_{i,j}M_{i,j}
+ s.t. \gamma 1 = a; \gamma^T 1= b; \gamma\geq 0
where :
@@ -120,8 +124,6 @@ distributions. In this case when the finite sample dataset is supposed gaussian,
Regularized Optimal Transport
@@ -146,6 +148,7 @@ We discuss in the following specific algorithms that can be used depending on
the regularization term.
Entropic regularized OT
@@ -168,23 +171,107 @@ solution of the resulting optimization problem can be expressed as:
where :math:`u` and :math:`v` are vectors and :math:`K=\exp(-M/\lambda)` where
-the :math:`\exp` is taken component-wise.
+the :math:`\exp` is taken component-wise. In order to solve the optimization
+problem, on can use an alternative projection algorithm that can be very
+efficient for large values if regularization.
+The main function is POT are :any:`ot.sinkhorn` and
+:any:`ot.sinkhorn2` that return respectively the OT matrix and the value of the
+linear term. Note that the regularization parameter :math:`\lambda` in the
+equation above is given to those function with the parameter :code:`reg`.
+ >>> import ot
+ >>> a=[.5,.5]
+ >>> b=[.5,.5]
+ >>> M=[[0.,1.],[1.,0.]]
+ >>> ot.sinkhorn(a,b,M,1)
+ array([[ 0.36552929, 0.13447071],
+ [ 0.13447071, 0.36552929]])
+More details about the algorithm used is given in the following note.
+.. note::
+ The main function to solve entropic regularized OT is :any:`ot.sinkhorn`.
+ This function is a wrapper and the parameter :code:`method` help you select
+ the actual algorithm used to solve the problem:
+ + :code:`method='sinkhorn'` calls :any:`ot.bregman.sinkhorn_knopp` the
+ classic algorithm [2]_.
+ + :code:`method='sinkhorn_stabilized'` calls :any:`ot.bregman.sinkhorn_stabilized` the
+ log stabilized version of the algorithm [9]_.
+ + :code:`method='sinkhorn_epsilon_scaling'` calls
+ :any:`ot.bregman.sinkhorn_epsilon_scaling` the epsilon scaling version
+ of the algorithm [9]_.
+ + :code:`method='greenkhorn'` calls :any:`ot.bregman.greenkhorn` the
+ greedy sinkhorn verison of the algorithm [22]_.
+ In addition to all those variants of sinkhorn, we have another
+ implementation solving the problem in the smooth dual or semi-dual in
+ :any:`ot.smooth`. This solver use the :any:`scipy.optimize.minimize`
+ function to solve the smooth problem with :code:`L-BFGS` algorithm. Tu use
+ this solver, use functions :any:`ot.smooth.smooth_ot_dual` or
+ :any:`ot.smooth.smooth_ot_semi_dual` with parameter :code:`reg_type='kl'` to
+ choose entropic/Kullbach Leibler regularization.
+.. hint::
+ Examples of use for :any:`ot.sinkhorn` are available in the following examples:
+ - :any:`auto_examples/plot_OT_2D_samples`
+ - :any:`auto_examples/plot_OT_1D`
+ - :any:`auto_examples/plot_OT_1D_smooth`
+ - :any:`auto_examples/plot_stochastic`
+Finally note that we also provide in :any:`ot.stochastic` several implementation
+of stochastic solvers for entropic regularized OT [18]_ [19]_.
Other regularization
-Stochastic gradient descent
+While entropic OT is the most common and favored in practice, there exist other
+kind of regularization. We provide in POT two specific solvers for other
+regularization terms: namely quadratic regularization and group lasso
+regularization. But we also provide in :any:`ot.optim` two generic solvers that allows solving any
+smooth regularization in practice.
+The first general regularization term we can solve is the quadratic
+regularization of the form
+.. math::
+ \Omega(\gamma)=\sum_{i,j} \gamma_{i,j}^2
+this regularization term has a similar effect to entropic regularization in
+densifying the OT matrix but it keeps some sort of sparsity that is lost with
+entropic regularization as soon as :math:`\lambda>0` [17]_. This problem cen be
+solved with POT using solvers from :any:`ot.smooth`, more specifically
+functions :any:`ot.smooth.smooth_ot_dual` or
+:any:`ot.smooth.smooth_ot_semi_dual` with parameter :code:`reg_type='l2'` to
+choose the quadratic regularization.
+Another regularization that has been used in recent years is the group lasso
+.. math::
+ \Omega(\gamma)=\sum_{j,G\in\mathcal{G}} \|\gamma_{G,j}\|_p^q
+where :math:`\mathcal{G}` contains non overlapping groups of lines in the OT
+matrix. This regularization proposed in [5]_ will promote sparsity at the group level and for
+instance will force target samples to get mass from a small number of groups.
+Note that the exact OT solution is already sparse so this regularization does
+not make sens if it is not combined with others such as entropic.
Wasserstein Barycenters
Monge mapping and Domain adaptation with Optimal transport
Other applications
@@ -207,7 +294,6 @@ FAQ
the OT transport matrix. If you want to solve a regularized OT you can
use :py:mod:`ot.sinkhorn`.
Here is a simple use case:
@@ -222,7 +308,43 @@ FAQ
-2. **Compute a Wasserstein distance**
+2. **pip install POT fails with error : ImportError: No module named Cython.Build**
+ As discussed shortly in the README file. POT requires to have :code:`numpy`
+ and :code:`cython` installed to build. This corner case is not yet handled
+ by :code:`pip` and for now you need to install both library prior to
+ installing POT.
+ Note that this problem do not occur when using conda-forge since the packages
+ there are pre-compiled.
+ See `Issue #59 <>`__ for more
+ details.
+3. **Why is Sinkhorn slower than EMD ?**
+ This might come from the choice of the regularization term. The speed of
+ convergence of sinkhorn depends directly on this term [22]_ and when the
+ regularization gets very small the problem try and approximate the exact OT
+ which leads to slow convergence in addition to numerical problems. In other
+ words, for large regularization sinkhorn will be very fast to converge, for
+ small regularization (when you need an OT matrix close to the true OT), it
+ might be quicker to use the EMD solver.
+ Also note that the numpy implementation of the sinkhorn can use parallel
+ computation depending on the configuration of your system but very important
+ speedup can be obtained by using a GPU implementation since all operations
+ are matrix/vector products.
+4. **Using GPU fails with error: module 'ot' has no attribute 'gpu'**
+ In order to limit import time and hard dependencies in POT. we do not import
+ some sub-modules automatically with :code:`import ot`. In order to use the
+ acceleration in :any:`ot.gpu` you need first to import is with
+ :code:`import ot.gpu`.
+ See `Issue #85 <>`__ and :any:`ot.gpu`
+ for more details.