path: root/ot/
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authorSlasnista <>2017-08-28 10:43:31 +0200
committerSlasnista <>2017-08-28 10:43:31 +0200
commit55840f6bccadd79caf722d86f06da857e3045453 (patch)
tree833e706b9109579b68a94956a05d20e6fa773e49 /ot/
parent892d7ce10912de3d07692b5083578932a32ab61f (diff)
move no da objects into
Diffstat (limited to 'ot/')
1 files changed, 219 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ot/ b/ot/
index 2b2f8b3..29ad536 100644
--- a/ot/
+++ b/ot/
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ import time
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
+import sys
+import warnings
__time_tic_toc = time.time()
@@ -163,3 +166,219 @@ def parmap(f, X, nprocs=multiprocessing.cpu_count()):
[p.join() for p in proc]
return [x for i, x in sorted(res)]
+class deprecated(object):
+ """Decorator to mark a function or class as deprecated.
+ deprecated class from scikit-learn package
+ Issue a warning when the function is called/the class is instantiated and
+ adds a warning to the docstring.
+ The optional extra argument will be appended to the deprecation message
+ and the docstring. Note: to use this with the default value for extra, put
+ in an empty of parentheses:
+ >>> from ot.deprecation import deprecated
+ >>> @deprecated()
+ ... def some_function(): pass
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ extra : string
+ to be added to the deprecation messages
+ """
+ # Adapted from,
+ # but with many changes.
+ def __init__(self, extra=''):
+ self.extra = extra
+ def __call__(self, obj):
+ """Call method
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ obj : object
+ """
+ if isinstance(obj, type):
+ return self._decorate_class(obj)
+ else:
+ return self._decorate_fun(obj)
+ def _decorate_class(self, cls):
+ msg = "Class %s is deprecated" % cls.__name__
+ if self.extra:
+ msg += "; %s" % self.extra
+ # FIXME: we should probably reset __new__ for full generality
+ init = cls.__init__
+ def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
+ warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning)
+ return init(*args, **kwargs)
+ cls.__init__ = wrapped
+ wrapped.__name__ = '__init__'
+ wrapped.__doc__ = self._update_doc(init.__doc__)
+ wrapped.deprecated_original = init
+ return cls
+ def _decorate_fun(self, fun):
+ """Decorate function fun"""
+ msg = "Function %s is deprecated" % fun.__name__
+ if self.extra:
+ msg += "; %s" % self.extra
+ def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
+ warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning)
+ return fun(*args, **kwargs)
+ wrapped.__name__ = fun.__name__
+ wrapped.__dict__ = fun.__dict__
+ wrapped.__doc__ = self._update_doc(fun.__doc__)
+ return wrapped
+ def _update_doc(self, olddoc):
+ newdoc = "DEPRECATED"
+ if self.extra:
+ newdoc = "%s: %s" % (newdoc, self.extra)
+ if olddoc:
+ newdoc = "%s\n\n%s" % (newdoc, olddoc)
+ return newdoc
+def _is_deprecated(func):
+ """Helper to check if func is wraped by our deprecated decorator"""
+ if sys.version_info < (3, 5):
+ raise NotImplementedError("This is only available for python3.5 "
+ "or above")
+ closures = getattr(func, '__closure__', [])
+ if closures is None:
+ closures = []
+ is_deprecated = ('deprecated' in ''.join([c.cell_contents
+ for c in closures
+ if isinstance(c.cell_contents, str)]))
+ return is_deprecated
+class BaseEstimator(object):
+ """Base class for most objects in POT
+ adapted from sklearn BaseEstimator class
+ Notes
+ -----
+ All estimators should specify all the parameters that can be set
+ at the class level in their ``__init__`` as explicit keyword
+ arguments (no ``*args`` or ``**kwargs``).
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def _get_param_names(cls):
+ """Get parameter names for the estimator"""
+ try:
+ from inspect import signature
+ except ImportError:
+ from .externals.funcsigs import signature
+ # fetch the constructor or the original constructor before
+ # deprecation wrapping if any
+ init = getattr(cls.__init__, 'deprecated_original', cls.__init__)
+ if init is object.__init__:
+ # No explicit constructor to introspect
+ return []
+ # introspect the constructor arguments to find the model parameters
+ # to represent
+ init_signature = signature(init)
+ # Consider the constructor parameters excluding 'self'
+ parameters = [p for p in init_signature.parameters.values()
+ if != 'self' and p.kind != p.VAR_KEYWORD]
+ for p in parameters:
+ if p.kind == p.VAR_POSITIONAL:
+ raise RuntimeError("POT estimators should always "
+ "specify their parameters in the signature"
+ " of their __init__ (no varargs)."
+ " %s with constructor %s doesn't "
+ " follow this convention."
+ % (cls, init_signature))
+ # Extract and sort argument names excluding 'self'
+ return sorted([ for p in parameters])
+ def get_params(self, deep=True):
+ """Get parameters for this estimator.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ deep : boolean, optional
+ If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and
+ contained subobjects that are estimators.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ params : mapping of string to any
+ Parameter names mapped to their values.
+ """
+ out = dict()
+ for key in self._get_param_names():
+ # We need deprecation warnings to always be on in order to
+ # catch deprecated param values.
+ # This is set in utils/ but it gets overwritten
+ # when running under python3 somehow.
+ warnings.simplefilter("always", DeprecationWarning)
+ try:
+ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
+ value = getattr(self, key, None)
+ if len(w) and w[0].category == DeprecationWarning:
+ # if the parameter is deprecated, don't show it
+ continue
+ finally:
+ warnings.filters.pop(0)
+ # XXX: should we rather test if instance of estimator?
+ if deep and hasattr(value, 'get_params'):
+ deep_items = value.get_params().items()
+ out.update((key + '__' + k, val) for k, val in deep_items)
+ out[key] = value
+ return out
+ def set_params(self, **params):
+ """Set the parameters of this estimator.
+ The method works on simple estimators as well as on nested objects
+ (such as pipelines). The latter have parameters of the form
+ ``<component>__<parameter>`` so that it's possible to update each
+ component of a nested object.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ self
+ """
+ if not params:
+ # Simple optimisation to gain speed (inspect is slow)
+ return self
+ valid_params = self.get_params(deep=True)
+ # for key, value in iteritems(params):
+ for key, value in params.items():
+ split = key.split('__', 1)
+ if len(split) > 1:
+ # nested objects case
+ name, sub_name = split
+ if name not in valid_params:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid parameter %s for estimator %s. '
+ 'Check the list of available parameters '
+ 'with `estimator.get_params().keys()`.' %
+ (name, self))
+ sub_object = valid_params[name]
+ sub_object.set_params(**{sub_name: value})
+ else:
+ # simple objects case
+ if key not in valid_params:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid parameter %s for estimator %s. '
+ 'Check the list of available parameters '
+ 'with `estimator.get_params().keys()`.' %
+ (key, self.__class__.__name__))
+ setattr(self, key, value)
+ return self