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2 files changed, 1 insertions, 346 deletions
diff --git a/ot/ b/ot/
index 48b418f..bc09e3c 100644
--- a/ot/
+++ b/ot/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import scipy.linalg as linalg
from .bregman import sinkhorn
from .lp import emd
from .utils import unif, dist, kernel, cost_normalization
-from .utils import check_params, deprecated, BaseEstimator
+from .utils import check_params, BaseEstimator
from .optim import cg
from .optim import gcg
@@ -740,288 +740,6 @@ def OT_mapping_linear(xs, xt, reg=1e-6, ws=None,
return A, b
-@deprecated("The class OTDA is deprecated in 0.3.1 and will be "
- "removed in 0.5"
- "\n\tfor standard transport use class EMDTransport instead.")
-class OTDA(object):
- """Class for domain adaptation with optimal transport as proposed in [5]
- References
- ----------
- .. [5] N. Courty; R. Flamary; D. Tuia; A. Rakotomamonjy,
- "Optimal Transport for Domain Adaptation," in IEEE Transactions on
- Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1
- """
- def __init__(self, metric='sqeuclidean', norm=None):
- """ Class initialization"""
- self.xs = 0
- self.xt = 0
- self.G = 0
- self.metric = metric
- self.norm = norm
- self.computed = False
- def fit(self, xs, xt, ws=None, wt=None, max_iter=100000):
- """Fit domain adaptation between samples is xs and xt
- (with optional weights)"""
- self.xs = xs
- self.xt = xt
- if wt is None:
- wt = unif(xt.shape[0])
- if ws is None:
- ws = unif(xs.shape[0])
- = ws
- self.wt = wt
- self.M = dist(xs, xt, metric=self.metric)
- self.M = cost_normalization(self.M, self.norm)
- self.G = emd(ws, wt, self.M, max_iter)
- self.computed = True
- def interp(self, direction=1):
- """Barycentric interpolation for the source (1) or target (-1) samples
- This Barycentric interpolation solves for each source (resp target)
- sample xs (resp xt) the following optimization problem:
- .. math::
- arg\min_x \sum_i \gamma_{k,i} c(x,x_i^t)
- where k is the index of the sample in xs
- For the moment only squared euclidean distance is provided but more
- metric could be used in the future.
- """
- if direction > 0: # >0 then source to target
- G = self.G
- w =[0], 1))
- x = self.xt
- else:
- G = self.G.T
- w = self.wt.reshape((self.xt.shape[0], 1))
- x = self.xs
- if self.computed:
- if self.metric == 'sqeuclidean':
- return / w, x) # weighted mean
- else:
- print(
- "Warning, metric not handled yet, using weighted average")
- return / w, x) # weighted mean
- return None
- else:
- print("Warning, model not fitted yet, returning None")
- return None
- def predict(self, x, direction=1):
- """ Out of sample mapping using the formulation from [6]
- For each sample x to map, it finds the nearest source sample xs and
- map the samle x to the position xst+(x-xs) wher xst is the barycentric
- interpolation of source sample xs.
- References
- ----------
- .. [6] Ferradans, S., Papadakis, N., Peyré, G., & Aujol, J. F. (2014).
- Regularized discrete optimal transport. SIAM Journal on Imaging
- Sciences, 7(3), 1853-1882.
- """
- if direction > 0: # >0 then source to target
- xf = self.xt
- x0 = self.xs
- else:
- xf = self.xs
- x0 = self.xt
- D0 = dist(x, x0) # dist netween new samples an source
- idx = np.argmin(D0, 1) # closest one
- xf = self.interp(direction) # interp the source samples
- # aply the delta to the interpolation
- return xf[idx, :] + x - x0[idx, :]
-@deprecated("The class OTDA_sinkhorn is deprecated in 0.3.1 and will be"
- " removed in 0.5 \nUse class SinkhornTransport instead.")
-class OTDA_sinkhorn(OTDA):
- """Class for domain adaptation with optimal transport with entropic
- regularization
- """
- def fit(self, xs, xt, reg=1, ws=None, wt=None, **kwargs):
- """Fit regularized domain adaptation between samples is xs and xt
- (with optional weights)"""
- self.xs = xs
- self.xt = xt
- if wt is None:
- wt = unif(xt.shape[0])
- if ws is None:
- ws = unif(xs.shape[0])
- = ws
- self.wt = wt
- self.M = dist(xs, xt, metric=self.metric)
- self.M = cost_normalization(self.M, self.norm)
- self.G = sinkhorn(ws, wt, self.M, reg, **kwargs)
- self.computed = True
-@deprecated("The class OTDA_lpl1 is deprecated in 0.3.1 and will be"
- " removed in 0.5 \nUse class SinkhornLpl1Transport instead.")
-class OTDA_lpl1(OTDA):
- """Class for domain adaptation with optimal transport with entropic and
- group regularization"""
- def fit(self, xs, ys, xt, reg=1, eta=1, ws=None, wt=None, **kwargs):
- """Fit regularized domain adaptation between samples is xs and xt
- (with optional weights), See ot.da.sinkhorn_lpl1_mm for fit
- parameters"""
- self.xs = xs
- self.xt = xt
- if wt is None:
- wt = unif(xt.shape[0])
- if ws is None:
- ws = unif(xs.shape[0])
- = ws
- self.wt = wt
- self.M = dist(xs, xt, metric=self.metric)
- self.M = cost_normalization(self.M, self.norm)
- self.G = sinkhorn_lpl1_mm(ws, ys, wt, self.M, reg, eta, **kwargs)
- self.computed = True
-@deprecated("The class OTDA_l1L2 is deprecated in 0.3.1 and will be"
- " removed in 0.5 \nUse class SinkhornL1l2Transport instead.")
-class OTDA_l1l2(OTDA):
- """Class for domain adaptation with optimal transport with entropic
- and group lasso regularization"""
- def fit(self, xs, ys, xt, reg=1, eta=1, ws=None, wt=None, **kwargs):
- """Fit regularized domain adaptation between samples is xs and xt
- (with optional weights), See ot.da.sinkhorn_lpl1_gl for fit
- parameters"""
- self.xs = xs
- self.xt = xt
- if wt is None:
- wt = unif(xt.shape[0])
- if ws is None:
- ws = unif(xs.shape[0])
- = ws
- self.wt = wt
- self.M = dist(xs, xt, metric=self.metric)
- self.M = cost_normalization(self.M, self.norm)
- self.G = sinkhorn_l1l2_gl(ws, ys, wt, self.M, reg, eta, **kwargs)
- self.computed = True
-@deprecated("The class OTDA_mapping_linear is deprecated in 0.3.1 and will be"
- " removed in 0.5 \nUse class MappingTransport instead.")
-class OTDA_mapping_linear(OTDA):
- """Class for optimal transport with joint linear mapping estimation as in
- [8]
- """
- def __init__(self):
- """ Class initialization"""
- self.xs = 0
- self.xt = 0
- self.G = 0
- self.L = 0
- self.bias = False
- self.computed = False
- self.metric = 'sqeuclidean'
- def fit(self, xs, xt, mu=1, eta=1, bias=False, **kwargs):
- """ Fit domain adaptation between samples is xs and xt (with optional
- weights)"""
- self.xs = xs
- self.xt = xt
- self.bias = bias
- = unif(xs.shape[0])
- self.wt = unif(xt.shape[0])
- self.G, self.L = joint_OT_mapping_linear(
- xs, xt, mu=mu, eta=eta, bias=bias, **kwargs)
- self.computed = True
- def mapping(self):
- return lambda x: self.predict(x)
- def predict(self, x):
- """ Out of sample mapping estimated during the call to fit"""
- if self.computed:
- if self.bias:
- x = np.hstack((x, np.ones((x.shape[0], 1))))
- return # aply the delta to the interpolation
- else:
- print("Warning, model not fitted yet, returning None")
- return None
-@deprecated("The class OTDA_mapping_kernel is deprecated in 0.3.1 and will be"
- " removed in 0.5 \nUse class MappingTransport instead.")
-class OTDA_mapping_kernel(OTDA_mapping_linear):
- """Class for optimal transport with joint nonlinear mapping
- estimation as in [8]"""
- def fit(self, xs, xt, mu=1, eta=1, bias=False, kerneltype='gaussian',
- sigma=1, **kwargs):
- """ Fit domain adaptation between samples is xs and xt """
- self.xs = xs
- self.xt = xt
- self.bias = bias
- = unif(xs.shape[0])
- self.wt = unif(xt.shape[0])
- self.kernel = kerneltype
- self.sigma = sigma
- self.kwargs = kwargs
- self.G, self.L = joint_OT_mapping_kernel(
- xs, xt, mu=mu, eta=eta, bias=bias, **kwargs)
- self.computed = True
- def predict(self, x):
- """ Out of sample mapping estimated during the call to fit"""
- if self.computed:
- K = kernel(
- x, self.xs, method=self.kernel, sigma=self.sigma,
- **self.kwargs)
- if self.bias:
- K = np.hstack((K, np.ones((x.shape[0], 1))))
- return
- else:
- print("Warning, model not fitted yet, returning None")
- return None
def distribution_estimation_uniform(X):
"""estimates a uniform distribution from an array of samples X
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 97e23da..f7f3a9d 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -484,66 +484,3 @@ def test_linear_mapping_class():
Cst = np.cov(Xst.T)
np.testing.assert_allclose(Ct, Cst, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-2)
-def test_otda():
- n_samples = 150 # nb samples
- np.random.seed(0)
- xs, ys = ot.datasets.make_data_classif('3gauss', n_samples)
- xt, yt = ot.datasets.make_data_classif('3gauss2', n_samples)
- a, b = ot.unif(n_samples), ot.unif(n_samples)
- # LP problem
- da_emd = ot.da.OTDA() # init class
-, xt) # fit distributions
- da_emd.interp() # interpolation of source samples
- da_emd.predict(xs) # interpolation of source samples
- np.testing.assert_allclose(a, np.sum(da_emd.G, 1))
- np.testing.assert_allclose(b, np.sum(da_emd.G, 0))
- # sinkhorn regularization
- lambd = 1e-1
- da_entrop = ot.da.OTDA_sinkhorn()
-, xt, reg=lambd)
- da_entrop.interp()
- da_entrop.predict(xs)
- np.testing.assert_allclose(
- a, np.sum(da_entrop.G, 1), rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
- np.testing.assert_allclose(b, np.sum(da_entrop.G, 0), rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
- # non-convex Group lasso regularization
- reg = 1e-1
- eta = 1e0
- da_lpl1 = ot.da.OTDA_lpl1()
-, ys, xt, reg=reg, eta=eta)
- da_lpl1.interp()
- da_lpl1.predict(xs)
- np.testing.assert_allclose(a, np.sum(da_lpl1.G, 1), rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
- np.testing.assert_allclose(b, np.sum(da_lpl1.G, 0), rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
- # True Group lasso regularization
- reg = 1e-1
- eta = 2e0
- da_l1l2 = ot.da.OTDA_l1l2()
-, ys, xt, reg=reg, eta=eta, numItermax=20, verbose=True)
- da_l1l2.interp()
- da_l1l2.predict(xs)
- np.testing.assert_allclose(a, np.sum(da_l1l2.G, 1), rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
- np.testing.assert_allclose(b, np.sum(da_l1l2.G, 0), rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
- # linear mapping
- da_emd = ot.da.OTDA_mapping_linear() # init class
-, xt, numItermax=10) # fit distributions
- da_emd.predict(xs) # interpolation of source samples
- # nonlinear mapping
- da_emd = ot.da.OTDA_mapping_kernel() # init class
-, xt, numItermax=10) # fit distributions
- da_emd.predict(xs) # interpolation of source samples