diff options
8 files changed, 800 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index dd34a97..fd27f9d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ The contributors to this library are:
* Erwan Vautier (Gromov-Wasserstein)
* [Kilian Fatras](
* [Alain Rakotomamonjy](
+* [Vayer Titouan](
This toolbox benefit a lot from open source research and we would like to thank the following persons for providing some code (in various languages):
@@ -221,15 +222,3 @@ You can also post bug reports and feature requests in Github issues. Make sure t
[16] Agueh, M., & Carlier, G. (2011). [Barycenters in the Wasserstein space]( SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 43(2), 904-924.
[17] Blondel, M., Seguy, V., & Rolet, A. (2018). [Smooth and Sparse Optimal Transport]( Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS).
-[18] Genevay, A., Cuturi, M., Peyré, G. & Bach, F. (2016) [Stochastic Optimization for Large-scale Optimal Transport]( Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (2016).
-[19] Seguy, V., Bhushan Damodaran, B., Flamary, R., Courty, N., Rolet, A.& Blondel, M. [Large-scale Optimal Transport and Mapping Estimation]( International Conference on Learning Representation (2018)
-[20] Cuturi, M. and Doucet, A. (2014) [Fast Computation of Wasserstein Barycenters]( International Conference in Machine Learning
-[21] Solomon, J., De Goes, F., Peyré, G., Cuturi, M., Butscher, A., Nguyen, A. & Guibas, L. (2015). [Convolutional wasserstein distances: Efficient optimal transportation on geometric domains]( ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 34(4), 66.
-[22] J. Altschuler, J.Weed, P. Rigollet, (2017) [Near-linear time approximation algorithms for optimal transport via Sinkhorn iteration](, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 31
-[23] Aude, G., Peyré, G., Cuturi, M., [Learning Generative Models with Sinkhorn Divergences](, Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Artficial Intelligence and Statistics, (AISTATS) 21, 2018
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f416629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Plot graphs' barycenter using FGW
+This example illustrates the computation barycenter of labeled graphs using FGW
+Requires networkx >=2
+.. [18] Vayer Titouan, Chapel Laetitia, Flamary R{\'e}mi, Tavenard Romain
+ and Courty Nicolas
+ "Optimal Transport for structured data with application on graphs"
+ International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2019.
+# Author: Titouan Vayer <>
+# License: MIT License
+#%% load libraries
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import networkx as nx
+import math
+from scipy.sparse.csgraph import shortest_path
+import matplotlib.colors as mcol
+from matplotlib import cm
+from ot.gromov import fgw_barycenters
+#%% Graph functions
+def find_thresh(C,inf=0.5,sup=3,step=10):
+ """ Trick to find the adequate thresholds from where value of the C matrix are considered close enough to say that nodes are connected
+ Tthe threshold is found by a linesearch between values "inf" and "sup" with "step" thresholds tested.
+ The optimal threshold is the one which minimizes the reconstruction error between the shortest_path matrix coming from the thresholded adjency matrix
+ and the original matrix.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ C : ndarray, shape (n_nodes,n_nodes)
+ The structure matrix to threshold
+ inf : float
+ The beginning of the linesearch
+ sup : float
+ The end of the linesearch
+ step : integer
+ Number of thresholds tested
+ """
+ dist=[]
+ search=np.linspace(inf,sup,step)
+ for thresh in search:
+ Cprime=sp_to_adjency(C,0,thresh)
+ SC=shortest_path(Cprime,method='D')
+ SC[SC==float('inf')]=100
+ dist.append(np.linalg.norm(SC-C))
+ return search[np.argmin(dist)],dist
+def sp_to_adjency(C,threshinf=0.2,threshsup=1.8):
+ """ Thresholds the structure matrix in order to compute an adjency matrix.
+ All values between threshinf and threshsup are considered representing connected nodes and set to 1. Else are set to 0
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ C : ndarray, shape (n_nodes,n_nodes)
+ The structure matrix to threshold
+ threshinf : float
+ The minimum value of distance from which the new value is set to 1
+ threshsup : float
+ The maximum value of distance from which the new value is set to 1
+ Returns
+ -------
+ C : ndarray, shape (n_nodes,n_nodes)
+ The threshold matrix. Each element is in {0,1}
+ """
+ H=np.zeros_like(C)
+ np.fill_diagonal(H,np.diagonal(C))
+ C=C-H
+ C=np.minimum(np.maximum(C,threshinf),threshsup)
+ C[C==threshsup]=0
+ C[C!=0]=1
+ return C
+def build_noisy_circular_graph(N=20,mu=0,sigma=0.3,with_noise=False,structure_noise=False,p=None):
+ """ Create a noisy circular graph
+ """
+ g=nx.Graph()
+ g.add_nodes_from(list(range(N)))
+ for i in range(N):
+ noise=float(np.random.normal(mu,sigma,1))
+ if with_noise:
+ g.add_node(i,attr_name=math.sin((2*i*math.pi/N))+noise)
+ else:
+ g.add_node(i,attr_name=math.sin(2*i*math.pi/N))
+ g.add_edge(i,i+1)
+ if structure_noise:
+ randomint=np.random.randint(0,p)
+ if randomint==0:
+ if i<=N-3:
+ g.add_edge(i,i+2)
+ if i==N-2:
+ g.add_edge(i,0)
+ if i==N-1:
+ g.add_edge(i,1)
+ g.add_edge(N,0)
+ noise=float(np.random.normal(mu,sigma,1))
+ if with_noise:
+ g.add_node(N,attr_name=math.sin((2*N*math.pi/N))+noise)
+ else:
+ g.add_node(N,attr_name=math.sin(2*N*math.pi/N))
+ return g
+def graph_colors(nx_graph,vmin=0,vmax=7):
+ cnorm = mcol.Normalize(vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax)
+ cpick = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=cnorm,cmap='viridis')
+ cpick.set_array([])
+ val_map = {}
+ for k,v in nx.get_node_attributes(nx_graph,'attr_name').items():
+ val_map[k]=cpick.to_rgba(v)
+ colors=[]
+ for node in nx_graph.nodes():
+ colors.append(val_map[node])
+ return colors
+#%% create dataset
+# We build a dataset of noisy circular graphs.
+# Noise is added on the structures by random connections and on the features by gaussian noise.
+for k in range(9):
+ X0.append(build_noisy_circular_graph(np.random.randint(15,25),with_noise=True,structure_noise=True,p=3))
+#%% Plot dataset
+for i in range(len(X0)):
+ plt.subplot(3,3,i+1)
+ g=X0[i]
+ pos=nx.kamada_kawai_layout(g)
+ nx.draw(g,pos=pos,node_color = graph_colors(g,vmin=-1,vmax=1),with_labels=False,node_size=100)
+plt.suptitle('Dataset of noisy graphs. Color indicates the label',fontsize=20)
+# We compute the barycenter using FGW. Structure matrices are computed using the shortest_path distance in the graph
+# Features distances are the euclidean distances
+Cs=[shortest_path(nx.adjacency_matrix(x)) for x in X0]
+ps=[np.ones(len(x.nodes()))/len(x.nodes()) for x in X0]
+Ys=[np.array([v for (k,v) in nx.get_node_attributes(x,'attr_name').items()]).reshape(-1,1) for x in X0]
+sizebary=15 # we choose a barycenter with 15 nodes
+for i in range(len(A.ravel())):
+ bary.add_node(i,attr_name=float(A.ravel()[i]))
+pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(bary)
+nx.draw(bary,pos=pos,node_color = graph_colors(bary,vmin=-1,vmax=1),with_labels=False)
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfa7fb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Plot Fused-gromov-Wasserstein
+This example illustrates the computation of FGW for 1D measures[18].
+.. [18] Vayer Titouan, Chapel Laetitia, Flamary R{\'e}mi, Tavenard Romain
+ and Courty Nicolas
+ "Optimal Transport for structured data with application on graphs"
+ International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2019.
+# Author: Titouan Vayer <>
+# License: MIT License
+import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
+import numpy as np
+import ot
+from ot.gromov import gromov_wasserstein,fused_gromov_wasserstein
+#%% parameters
+# We create two 1D random measures
+yt= yt[::-1,:]
+#%% plot the distributions
+pl.ylabel('Feature value a',fontsize=20)
+pl.title('$\mu=\sum_i \delta_{x_i,a_i}$',fontsize=25, usetex=True, y=1)
+pl.xlabel('coordinates x/y',fontsize=25)
+pl.ylabel('Feature value b',fontsize=20)
+pl.title('$\\nu=\sum_j \delta_{y_j,b_j}$',fontsize=25, usetex=True, y=1)
+#%% Structure matrices and across-features distance matrix
+gs = pl.GridSpec(5, 5)
+#%% Computing FGW and GW
+#%reload_ext WGW
+#%% visu OT matrix
+pl.title('Wasserstein ($M$ only)')
+pl.title('Gromov ($C_1,C_2$ only)')
+pl.title('FGW ($M+C_1,C_2$)')
+pl.tight_layout() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ot/ b/ot/
index dc43834..321712b 100644
--- a/ot/
+++ b/ot/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Bregman projections for regularized OT
# Author: Remi Flamary <>
# Nicolas Courty <>
# Kilian Fatras <>
+# Titouan Vayer <>
# License: MIT License
diff --git a/ot/ b/ot/
index 7974546..33134a2 100644
--- a/ot/
+++ b/ot/
@@ -9,17 +9,18 @@ Gromov-Wasserstein transport method
# Author: Erwan Vautier <>
# Nicolas Courty <>
# Rémi Flamary <>
+# Titouan Vayer <>
# License: MIT License
import numpy as np
from .bregman import sinkhorn
from .utils import dist
from .optim import cg
-def init_matrix(C1, C2, T, p, q, loss_fun='square_loss'):
+def init_matrix(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun='square_loss'):
""" Return loss matrices and tensors for Gromov-Wasserstein fast computation
Returns the value of \mathcal{L}(C1,C2) \otimes T with the selected loss
@@ -77,16 +78,16 @@ def init_matrix(C1, C2, T, p, q, loss_fun='square_loss'):
if loss_fun == 'square_loss':
def f1(a):
- return (a**2) / 2
+ return (a**2)
def f2(b):
- return (b**2) / 2
+ return (b**2)
def h1(a):
return a
def h2(b):
- return b
+ return 2 * b
elif loss_fun == 'kl_loss':
def f1(a):
return a * np.log(a + 1e-15) - a
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@ def update_kl_loss(p, lambdas, T, Cs):
return np.exp(np.divide(tmpsum, ppt))
-def gromov_wasserstein(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun, log=False, **kwargs):
+def gromov_wasserstein(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun, log=False, amijo=False, **kwargs):
Returns the gromov-wasserstein transport between (C1,p) and (C2,q)
@@ -306,6 +307,9 @@ def gromov_wasserstein(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun, log=False, **kwargs):
Print information along iterations
log : bool, optional
record log if True
+ amijo : bool, optional
+ If True the steps of the line-search is found via an amijo research. Else closed form is used.
+ If there is convergence issues use False.
**kwargs : dict
parameters can be directly pased to the solver
@@ -329,9 +333,7 @@ def gromov_wasserstein(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun, log=False, **kwargs):
- T = np.eye(len(p), len(q))
- constC, hC1, hC2 = init_matrix(C1, C2, T, p, q, loss_fun)
+ constC, hC1, hC2 = init_matrix(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun)
G0 = p[:, None] * q[None, :]
@@ -342,14 +344,81 @@ def gromov_wasserstein(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun, log=False, **kwargs):
return gwggrad(constC, hC1, hC2, G)
if log:
- res, log = cg(p, q, 0, 1, f, df, G0, log=True, **kwargs)
+ res, log = cg(p, q, 0, 1, f, df, G0, log=True, amijo=amijo, C1=C1, C2=C2, constC=constC, **kwargs)
log['gw_dist'] = gwloss(constC, hC1, hC2, res)
return res, log
- return cg(p, q, 0, 1, f, df, G0, **kwargs)
+ return cg(p, q, 0, 1, f, df, G0, amijo=amijo, **kwargs)
-def gromov_wasserstein2(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun, log=False, **kwargs):
+def fused_gromov_wasserstein(M, C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun='square_loss', alpha=0.5, amijo=False, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Computes the FGW distance between two graphs see [3]
+ .. math::
+ \gamma = arg\min_\gamma (1-\alpha)*<\gamma,M>_F + alpha* \sum_{i,j,k,l} L(C1_{i,k},C2_{j,l})*T_{i,j}*T_{k,l}
+ s.t. \gamma 1 = p
+ \gamma^T 1= q
+ \gamma\geq 0
+ where :
+ - M is the (ns,nt) metric cost matrix
+ - :math:`f` is the regularization term ( and df is its gradient)
+ - a and b are source and target weights (sum to 1)
+ The algorithm used for solving the problem is conditional gradient as discussed in [1]_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ M : ndarray, shape (ns, nt)
+ Metric cost matrix between features across domains
+ C1 : ndarray, shape (ns, ns)
+ Metric cost matrix respresentative of the structure in the source space
+ C2 : ndarray, shape (nt, nt)
+ Metric cost matrix espresentative of the structure in the target space
+ p : ndarray, shape (ns,)
+ distribution in the source space
+ q : ndarray, shape (nt,)
+ distribution in the target space
+ loss_fun : string,optionnal
+ loss function used for the solver
+ max_iter : int, optional
+ Max number of iterations
+ tol : float, optional
+ Stop threshold on error (>0)
+ verbose : bool, optional
+ Print information along iterations
+ log : bool, optional
+ record log if True
+ amijo : bool, optional
+ If True the steps of the line-search is found via an amijo research. Else closed form is used.
+ If there is convergence issues use False.
+ **kwargs : dict
+ parameters can be directly pased to the solver
+ Returns
+ -------
+ gamma : (ns x nt) ndarray
+ Optimal transportation matrix for the given parameters
+ log : dict
+ log dictionary return only if log==True in parameters
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [24] Vayer Titouan, Chapel Laetitia, Flamary R{\'e}mi, Tavenard Romain
+ and Courty Nicolas
+ "Optimal Transport for structured data with application on graphs"
+ International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2019.
+ """
+ constC, hC1, hC2 = init_matrix(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun)
+ G0 = p[:, None] * q[None, :]
+ def f(G):
+ return gwloss(constC, hC1, hC2, G)
+ def df(G):
+ return gwggrad(constC, hC1, hC2, G)
+ return cg(p, q, M, alpha, f, df, G0, amijo=amijo, C1=C1, C2=C2, constC=constC, **kwargs)
+def gromov_wasserstein2(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun, log=False, amijo=False, **kwargs):
Returns the gromov-wasserstein discrepancy between (C1,p) and (C2,q)
@@ -387,7 +456,9 @@ def gromov_wasserstein2(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun, log=False, **kwargs):
Print information along iterations
log : bool, optional
record log if True
+ amijo : bool, optional
+ If True the steps of the line-search is found via an amijo research. Else closed form is used.
+ If there is convergence issues use False.
gw_dist : float
@@ -407,9 +478,7 @@ def gromov_wasserstein2(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun, log=False, **kwargs):
- T = np.eye(len(p), len(q))
- constC, hC1, hC2 = init_matrix(C1, C2, T, p, q, loss_fun)
+ constC, hC1, hC2 = init_matrix(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun)
G0 = p[:, None] * q[None, :]
@@ -418,7 +487,7 @@ def gromov_wasserstein2(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun, log=False, **kwargs):
def df(G):
return gwggrad(constC, hC1, hC2, G)
- res, log = cg(p, q, 0, 1, f, df, G0, log=True, **kwargs)
+ res, log = cg(p, q, 0, 1, f, df, G0, log=True, amijo=amijo, C1=C1, C2=C2, constC=constC, **kwargs)
log['gw_dist'] = gwloss(constC, hC1, hC2, res)
log['T'] = res
if log:
@@ -495,7 +564,7 @@ def entropic_gromov_wasserstein(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun, epsilon,
T = np.outer(p, q) # Initialization
- constC, hC1, hC2 = init_matrix(C1, C2, T, p, q, loss_fun)
+ constC, hC1, hC2 = init_matrix(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun)
cpt = 0
err = 1
@@ -815,3 +884,213 @@ def gromov_barycenters(N, Cs, ps, p, lambdas, loss_fun,
cpt += 1
return C
+def fgw_barycenters(N, Ys, Cs, ps, lambdas, alpha, fixed_structure=False, fixed_features=False,
+ p=None, loss_fun='square_loss', max_iter=100, tol=1e-9,
+ verbose=False, log=True, init_C=None, init_X=None):
+ """
+ Compute the fgw barycenter as presented eq (5) in [3].
+ ----------
+ N : integer
+ Desired number of samples of the target barycenter
+ Ys: list of ndarray, each element has shape (ns,d)
+ Features of all samples
+ Cs : list of ndarray, each element has shape (ns,ns)
+ Structure matrices of all samples
+ ps : list of ndarray, each element has shape (ns,)
+ masses of all samples
+ lambdas : list of float
+ list of the S spaces' weights
+ alpha : float
+ Alpha parameter for the fgw distance
+ fixed_structure : bool
+ Wether to fix the structure of the barycenter during the updates
+ fixed_features : bool
+ Wether to fix the feature of the barycenter during the updates
+ init_C : ndarray, shape (N,N), optional
+ initialization for the barycenters' structure matrix. If not set random init
+ init_X : ndarray, shape (N,d), optional
+ initialization for the barycenters' features. If not set random init
+ Returns
+ ----------
+ X : ndarray, shape (N,d)
+ Barycenters' features
+ C : ndarray, shape (N,N)
+ Barycenters' structure matrix
+ log_:
+ T : list of (N,ns) transport matrices
+ Ms : all distance matrices between the feature of the barycenter and the other features dist(X,Ys) shape (N,ns)
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [24] Vayer Titouan, Chapel Laetitia, Flamary R{\'e}mi, Tavenard Romain
+ and Courty Nicolas
+ "Optimal Transport for structured data with application on graphs"
+ International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2019.
+ """
+ class UndefinedParameter(Exception):
+ pass
+ S = len(Cs)
+ d = Ys[0].shape[1] # dimension on the node features
+ if p is None:
+ p = np.ones(N) / N
+ Cs = [np.asarray(Cs[s], dtype=np.float64) for s in range(S)]
+ Ys = [np.asarray(Ys[s], dtype=np.float64) for s in range(S)]
+ lambdas = np.asarray(lambdas, dtype=np.float64)
+ if fixed_structure:
+ if init_C is None:
+ raise UndefinedParameter('If C is fixed it must be initialized')
+ else:
+ C = init_C
+ else:
+ if init_C is None:
+ xalea = np.random.randn(N, 2)
+ C = dist(xalea, xalea)
+ else:
+ C = init_C
+ if fixed_features:
+ if init_X is None:
+ raise UndefinedParameter('If X is fixed it must be initialized')
+ else:
+ X = init_X
+ else:
+ if init_X is None:
+ X = np.zeros((N, d))
+ else:
+ X = init_X
+ T = [np.outer(p, q) for q in ps]
+ # X is N,d
+ # Ys is ns,d
+ Ms = [np.asarray(dist(X, Ys[s]), dtype=np.float64) for s in range(len(Ys))]
+ # Ms is N,ns
+ cpt = 0
+ err_feature = 1
+ err_structure = 1
+ if log:
+ log_ = {}
+ log_['err_feature'] = []
+ log_['err_structure'] = []
+ log_['Ts_iter'] = []
+ while((err_feature > tol or err_structure > tol) and cpt < max_iter):
+ Cprev = C
+ Xprev = X
+ if not fixed_features:
+ Ys_temp = [y.T for y in Ys]
+ X = update_feature_matrix(lambdas, Ys_temp, T, p).T
+ # X must be N,d
+ # Ys must be ns,d
+ Ms = [np.asarray(dist(X, Ys[s]), dtype=np.float64) for s in range(len(Ys))]
+ if not fixed_structure:
+ if loss_fun == 'square_loss':
+ # T must be ns,N
+ # Cs must be ns,ns
+ # p must be N,1
+ T_temp = [t.T for t in T]
+ C = update_sructure_matrix(p, lambdas, T_temp, Cs)
+ # Ys must be d,ns
+ # Ts must be N,ns
+ # p must be N,1
+ # Ms is N,ns
+ # C is N,N
+ # Cs is ns,ns
+ # p is N,1
+ # ps is ns,1
+ T = [fused_gromov_wasserstein((1 - alpha) * Ms[s], C, Cs[s], p, ps[s], loss_fun, alpha, numItermax=max_iter, stopThr=1e-5, verbose=verbose) for s in range(S)]
+ # T is N,ns
+ log_['Ts_iter'].append(T)
+ err_feature = np.linalg.norm(X - Xprev.reshape(N, d))
+ err_structure = np.linalg.norm(C - Cprev)
+ if log:
+ log_['err_feature'].append(err_feature)
+ log_['err_structure'].append(err_structure)
+ if verbose:
+ if cpt % 200 == 0:
+ print('{:5s}|{:12s}'.format(
+ 'It.', 'Err') + '\n' + '-' * 19)
+ print('{:5d}|{:8e}|'.format(cpt, err_structure))
+ print('{:5d}|{:8e}|'.format(cpt, err_feature))
+ cpt += 1
+ log_['T'] = T # from target to Ys
+ log_['p'] = p
+ log_['Ms'] = Ms # Ms are N,ns
+ return X, C, log_
+def update_sructure_matrix(p, lambdas, T, Cs):
+ """
+ Updates C according to the L2 Loss kernel with the S Ts couplings
+ calculated at each iteration
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ p : ndarray, shape (N,)
+ masses in the targeted barycenter
+ lambdas : list of float
+ list of the S spaces' weights
+ T : list of S np.ndarray(ns,N)
+ the S Ts couplings calculated at each iteration
+ Cs : list of S ndarray, shape(ns,ns)
+ Metric cost matrices
+ Returns
+ ----------
+ C : ndarray, shape (nt,nt)
+ updated C matrix
+ """
+ tmpsum = sum([lambdas[s] *[s].T, Cs[s]).dot(T[s]) for s in range(len(T))])
+ ppt = np.outer(p, p)
+ return np.divide(tmpsum, ppt)
+def update_feature_matrix(lambdas, Ys, Ts, p):
+ """
+ Updates the feature with respect to the S Ts couplings. See "Solving the barycenter problem with Block Coordinate Descent (BCD)" in [3]
+ calculated at each iteration
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ p : ndarray, shape (N,)
+ masses in the targeted barycenter
+ lambdas : list of float
+ list of the S spaces' weights
+ Ts : list of S np.ndarray(ns,N)
+ the S Ts couplings calculated at each iteration
+ Ys : list of S ndarray, shape(d,ns)
+ The features
+ Returns
+ ----------
+ X : ndarray, shape (d,N)
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [24] Vayer Titouan, Chapel Laetitia, Flamary R{\'e}mi, Tavenard Romain
+ and Courty Nicolas
+ "Optimal Transport for structured data with application on graphs"
+ International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2019.
+ """
+ p = np.diag(np.array(1 / p).reshape(-1,))
+ tmpsum = sum([lambdas[s] *[s], Ts[s].T).dot(p) for s in range(len(Ts))])
+ return tmpsum
diff --git a/ot/ b/ot/
index f31fae2..cbfb187 100644
--- a/ot/
+++ b/ot/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Optimization algorithms for OT
# Author: Remi Flamary <>
+# Titouan Vayer <>
# License: MIT License
import numpy as np
@@ -72,8 +72,70 @@ def line_search_armijo(f, xk, pk, gfk, old_fval,
return alpha, fc[0], phi1
+def do_linesearch(cost, G, deltaG, Mi, f_val,
+ amijo=False, C1=None, C2=None, reg=None, Gc=None, constC=None, M=None):
+ """
+ Solve the linesearch in the FW iterations
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ cost : method
+ The FGW cost
+ G : ndarray, shape(ns,nt)
+ The transport map at a given iteration of the FW
+ deltaG : ndarray (ns,nt)
+ Difference between the optimal map found by linearization in the FW algorithm and the value at a given iteration
+ Mi : ndarray (ns,nt)
+ Cost matrix of the linearized transport problem. Corresponds to the gradient of the cost
+ f_val : float
+ Value of the cost at G
+ amijo : bool, optionnal
+ If True the steps of the line-search is found via an amijo research. Else closed form is used.
+ If there is convergence issues use False.
+ C1 : ndarray (ns,ns), optionnal
+ Structure matrix in the source domain. Only used when amijo=False
+ C2 : ndarray (nt,nt), optionnal
+ Structure matrix in the target domain. Only used when amijo=False
+ reg : float, optionnal
+ Regularization parameter. Corresponds to the alpha parameter of FGW. Only used when amijo=False
+ Gc : ndarray (ns,nt)
+ Optimal map found by linearization in the FW algorithm. Only used when amijo=False
+ constC : ndarray (ns,nt)
+ Constant for the gromov cost. See [3]. Only used when amijo=False
+ M : ndarray (ns,nt), optionnal
+ Cost matrix between the features. Only used when amijo=False
+ Returns
+ -------
+ alpha : float
+ The optimal step size of the FW
+ fc : int
+ nb of function call. Useless here
+ f_val : float
+ The value of the cost for the next iteration
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [24] Vayer Titouan, Chapel Laetitia, Flamary R{\'e}mi, Tavenard Romain
+ and Courty Nicolas
+ "Optimal Transport for structured data with application on graphs"
+ International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2019.
+ """
+ if amijo:
+ alpha, fc, f_val = line_search_armijo(cost, G, deltaG, Mi, f_val)
+ else: # requires symetric matrices
+ dot1 =, deltaG)
+ dot12 =
+ a = -2 * reg * np.sum(dot12 * deltaG)
+ b = np.sum((M + reg * constC) * deltaG) - 2 * reg * (np.sum(dot12 * G) + np.sum(, G).dot(C2) * deltaG))
+ c = cost(G)
+ alpha = solve_1d_linesearch_quad_funct(a, b, c)
+ fc = None
+ f_val = cost(G + alpha * deltaG)
+ return alpha, fc, f_val
def cg(a, b, M, reg, f, df, G0=None, numItermax=200,
- stopThr=1e-9, verbose=False, log=False):
+ stopThr=1e-9, verbose=False, log=False, **kwargs):
Solve the general regularized OT problem with conditional gradient
@@ -116,6 +178,8 @@ def cg(a, b, M, reg, f, df, G0=None, numItermax=200,
Print information along iterations
log : bool, optional
record log if True
+ kwargs : dict
+ Parameters for linesearch
@@ -177,7 +241,7 @@ def cg(a, b, M, reg, f, df, G0=None, numItermax=200,
deltaG = Gc - G
# line search
- alpha, fc, f_val = line_search_armijo(cost, G, deltaG, Mi, f_val)
+ alpha, fc, f_val = do_linesearch(cost, G, deltaG, Mi, f_val, reg=reg, M=M, Gc=Gc, **kwargs)
G = G + alpha * deltaG
@@ -339,3 +403,34 @@ def gcg(a, b, M, reg1, reg2, f, df, G0=None, numItermax=10,
return G, log
return G
+def solve_1d_linesearch_quad_funct(a, b, c):
+ """
+ Solve on 0,1 the following problem:
+ .. math::
+ \min f(x)=a*x^{2}+b*x+c
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ a,b,c : float
+ The coefficients of the quadratic function
+ Returns
+ -------
+ x : float
+ The optimal value which leads to the minimal cost
+ """
+ f0 = c
+ df0 = b
+ f1 = a + f0 + df0
+ if a > 0: # convex
+ minimum = min(1, max(0, -b / (2 * a)))
+ return minimum
+ else: # non convex
+ if f0 > f1:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 305ae84..43b63e1 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -145,3 +145,78 @@ def test_gromov_entropic_barycenter():
'kl_loss', 2e-3,
max_iter=100, tol=1e-3)
np.testing.assert_allclose(Cb2.shape, (n_samples, n_samples))
+def test_fgw():
+ n_samples = 50 # nb samples
+ mu_s = np.array([0, 0])
+ cov_s = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
+ xs = ot.datasets.make_2D_samples_gauss(n_samples, mu_s, cov_s)
+ xt = xs[::-1].copy()
+ ys = np.random.randn(xs.shape[0],2)
+ yt= ys[::-1].copy()
+ p = ot.unif(n_samples)
+ q = ot.unif(n_samples)
+ C1 = ot.dist(xs, xs)
+ C2 = ot.dist(xt, xt)
+ C1 /= C1.max()
+ C2 /= C2.max()
+ M=ot.dist(ys,yt)
+ M/=M.max()
+ G = ot.gromov.fused_gromov_wasserstein(M,C1, C2, p, q, 'square_loss',alpha=0.5)
+ # check constratints
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(
+ p, G.sum(1), atol=1e-04) # cf convergence fgw
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(
+ q, G.sum(0), atol=1e-04) # cf convergence fgw
+def test_fgw_barycenter():
+ ns = 50
+ nt = 60
+ Xs, ys = ot.datasets.make_data_classif('3gauss', ns)
+ Xt, yt = ot.datasets.make_data_classif('3gauss2', nt)
+ ys = np.random.randn(Xs.shape[0],2)
+ yt= np.random.randn(Xt.shape[0],2)
+ C1 = ot.dist(Xs)
+ C2 = ot.dist(Xt)
+ n_samples = 3
+ X,C,log = ot.gromov.fgw_barycenters(n_samples,[ys,yt] ,[C1, C2],[ot.unif(ns), ot.unif(nt)],[.5, .5],0.5,
+ fixed_structure=False,fixed_features=False,
+ p=ot.unif(n_samples),loss_fun='square_loss',
+ max_iter=100, tol=1e-3)
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(C.shape, (n_samples, n_samples))
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(X.shape, (n_samples, ys.shape[1]))
+ xalea = np.random.randn(n_samples, 2)
+ init_C = ot.dist(xalea, xalea)
+ X,C,log = ot.gromov.fgw_barycenters(n_samples,[ys,yt] ,[C1, C2],ps=[ot.unif(ns), ot.unif(nt)],lambdas=[.5, .5],alpha=0.5,
+ fixed_structure=True,init_C=init_C,fixed_features=False,
+ p=ot.unif(n_samples),loss_fun='square_loss',
+ max_iter=100, tol=1e-3)
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(C.shape, (n_samples, n_samples))
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(X.shape, (n_samples, ys.shape[1]))
+ init_X=np.random.randn(n_samples,ys.shape[1])
+ X,C,log = ot.gromov.fgw_barycenters(n_samples,[ys,yt] ,[C1, C2],[ot.unif(ns), ot.unif(nt)],[.5, .5],0.5,
+ fixed_structure=False,fixed_features=True, init_X=init_X,
+ p=ot.unif(n_samples),loss_fun='square_loss',
+ max_iter=100, tol=1e-3)
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(C.shape, (n_samples, n_samples))
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(X.shape, (n_samples, ys.shape[1]))
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index dfefe59..1188ef6 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -65,3 +65,8 @@ def test_generalized_conditional_gradient():
np.testing.assert_allclose(a, G.sum(1), atol=1e-05)
np.testing.assert_allclose(b, G.sum(0), atol=1e-05)
+def test_solve_1d_linesearch_quad_funct():
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(ot.optim.solve_1d_linesearch_quad_funct(1,-1,0),0.5)
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(ot.optim.solve_1d_linesearch_quad_funct(-1,5,0),0)
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(ot.optim.solve_1d_linesearch_quad_funct(-1,0.5,0),1)