path: root/examples
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+# coding: utf-8
+Introduction to Optimal Transport with Python
+This example gives an introduction on how to use Optimal Transport in Python.
+# Author: Remi Flamary, Nicolas Courty, Aurelie Boisbunon
+# License: MIT License
+# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 1
+# POT Python Optimal Transport Toolbox
+# ------------------------------------
+# POT installation
+# ```````````````````
+# * Install with pip::
+# pip install pot
+# * Install with conda::
+# conda install -c conda-forge pot
+# Import the toolbox
+# ```````````````````
+import numpy as np # always need it
+import pylab as pl # do the plots
+import ot # ot
+import time
+# Getting help
+# `````````````
+# Online documentation : `<>`_
+# Or inline help:
+# First OT Problem
+# ----------------
+# We will solve the Bakery/Cafés problem of transporting croissants from a
+# number of Bakeries to Cafés in a City (in this case Manhattan). We did a
+# quick google map search in Manhattan for bakeries and Cafés:
+# .. image:: images/bak.png
+# :align: center
+# :alt: bakery-cafe-manhattan
+# :width: 600px
+# :height: 280px
+# We extracted from this search their positions and generated fictional
+# production and sale number (that both sum to the same value).
+# We have acess to the position of Bakeries ``bakery_pos`` and their
+# respective production ``bakery_prod`` which describe the source
+# distribution. The Cafés where the croissants are sold are defined also by
+# their position ``cafe_pos`` and ``cafe_prod``, and describe the target
+# distribution. For fun we also provide a
+# map ``Imap`` that will illustrate the position of these shops in the city.
+# Now we load the data
+data = np.load('../data/manhattan.npz')
+bakery_pos = data['bakery_pos']
+bakery_prod = data['bakery_prod']
+cafe_pos = data['cafe_pos']
+cafe_prod = data['cafe_prod']
+Imap = data['Imap']
+print('Bakery production: {}'.format(bakery_prod))
+print('Cafe sale: {}'.format(cafe_prod))
+print('Total croissants : {}'.format(cafe_prod.sum()))
+# Plotting bakeries in the city
+# -----------------------------
+# Next we plot the position of the bakeries and cafés on the map. The size of
+# the circle is proportional to their production.
+pl.figure(1, (7, 6))
+pl.imshow(Imap, interpolation='bilinear') # plot the map
+pl.scatter(bakery_pos[:, 0], bakery_pos[:, 1], s=bakery_prod, c='r', ec='k', label='Bakeries')
+pl.scatter(cafe_pos[:, 0], cafe_pos[:, 1], s=cafe_prod, c='b', ec='k', label='Cafés')
+pl.title('Manhattan Bakeries and Cafés')
+# Cost matrix
+# -----------
+# We can now compute the cost matrix between the bakeries and the cafés, which
+# will be the transport cost matrix. This can be done using the
+# `ot.dist <>`_ function that
+# defaults to squared Euclidean distance but can return other things such as
+# cityblock (or Manhattan distance).
+C = ot.dist(bakery_pos, cafe_pos)
+labels = [str(i) for i in range(len(bakery_prod))]
+f = pl.figure(2, (14, 7))
+pl.imshow(Imap, interpolation='bilinear') # plot the map
+for i in range(len(cafe_pos)):
+ pl.text(cafe_pos[i, 0], cafe_pos[i, 1], labels[i], color='b',
+ fontsize=14, fontweight='bold', ha='center', va='center')
+for i in range(len(bakery_pos)):
+ pl.text(bakery_pos[i, 0], bakery_pos[i, 1], labels[i], color='r',
+ fontsize=14, fontweight='bold', ha='center', va='center')
+pl.title('Manhattan Bakeries and Cafés')
+ax = pl.subplot(122)
+im = pl.imshow(C, cmap="coolwarm")
+pl.title('Cost matrix')
+cbar = pl.colorbar(im, ax=ax, shrink=0.5, use_gridspec=True)"cost", rotation=-90, va="bottom")
+# The red cells in the matrix image show the bakeries and cafés that are
+# further away, and thus more costly to transport from one to the other, while
+# the blue ones show those that are very close to each other, with respect to
+# the squared Euclidean distance.
+# Solving the OT problem with `ot.emd <>`_
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+start = time.time()
+ot_emd = ot.emd(bakery_prod, cafe_prod, C)
+time_emd = time.time() - start
+# The function returns the transport matrix, which we can then visualize (next section).
+# Transportation plan vizualization
+# `````````````````````````````````
+# A good vizualization of the OT matrix in the 2D plane is to denote the
+# transportation of mass between a Bakery and a Café by a line. This can easily
+# be done with a double ``for`` loop.
+# In order to make it more interpretable one can also use the ``alpha``
+# parameter of plot and set it to ``alpha=G[i,j]/G.max()``.
+# Plot the matrix and the map
+f = pl.figure(3, (14, 7))
+pl.imshow(Imap, interpolation='bilinear') # plot the map
+for i in range(len(bakery_pos)):
+ for j in range(len(cafe_pos)):
+ pl.plot([bakery_pos[i, 0], cafe_pos[j, 0]], [bakery_pos[i, 1], cafe_pos[j, 1]],
+ '-k', lw=3. * ot_emd[i, j] / ot_emd.max())
+for i in range(len(cafe_pos)):
+ pl.text(cafe_pos[i, 0], cafe_pos[i, 1], labels[i], color='b', fontsize=14,
+ fontweight='bold', ha='center', va='center')
+for i in range(len(bakery_pos)):
+ pl.text(bakery_pos[i, 0], bakery_pos[i, 1], labels[i], color='r', fontsize=14,
+ fontweight='bold', ha='center', va='center')
+pl.title('Manhattan Bakeries and Cafés')
+ax = pl.subplot(122)
+im = pl.imshow(ot_emd)
+for i in range(len(bakery_prod)):
+ for j in range(len(cafe_prod)):
+ text = ax.text(j, i, '{0:g}'.format(ot_emd[i, j]),
+ ha="center", va="center", color="w")
+pl.title('Transport matrix')
+# The transport matrix gives the number of croissants that can be transported
+# from each bakery to each café. We can see that the bakeries only need to
+# transport croissants to one or two cafés, the transport matrix being very
+# sparse.
+# OT loss and dual variables
+# --------------------------
+# The resulting wasserstein loss loss is of the form:
+# .. math::
+# W=\sum_{i,j}\gamma_{i,j}C_{i,j}
+# where :math:`\gamma` is the optimal transport matrix.
+W = np.sum(ot_emd * C)
+print('Wasserstein loss (EMD) = {0:.2f}'.format(W))
+# Regularized OT with Sinkhorn
+# ----------------------------
+# The Sinkhorn algorithm is very simple to code. You can implement it directly
+# using the following pseudo-code
+# .. image:: images/sinkhorn.png
+# :align: center
+# :alt: Sinkhorn algorithm
+# :width: 440px
+# :height: 240px
+# In this algorithm, :math:`\oslash` corresponds to the element-wise division.
+# An alternative is to use the POT toolbox with
+# `ot.sinkhorn <>`_
+# Be careful of numerical problems. A good pre-processing for Sinkhorn is to
+# divide the cost matrix ``C`` by its maximum value.
+# Algorithm
+# `````````
+# Compute Sinkhorn transport matrix from algorithm
+reg = 0.1
+K = np.exp(-C / C.max() / reg)
+nit = 100
+u = np.ones((len(bakery_prod), ))
+for i in range(1, nit):
+ v = cafe_prod /, u)
+ u = bakery_prod / (, v))
+ot_sink_algo = np.atleast_2d(u).T * (K * v.T) # Equivalent to,, np.diag(v)))
+# Compute Sinkhorn transport matrix with POT
+ot_sinkhorn = ot.sinkhorn(bakery_prod, cafe_prod, reg=reg, M=C / C.max())
+# Difference between the 2
+print('Difference between algo and ot.sinkhorn = {0:.2g}'.format(np.sum(np.power(ot_sink_algo - ot_sinkhorn, 2))))
+# Plot the matrix and the map
+# ```````````````````````````
+print('Min. of Sinkhorn\'s transport matrix = {0:.2g}'.format(np.min(ot_sinkhorn)))
+f = pl.figure(4, (13, 6))
+pl.imshow(Imap, interpolation='bilinear') # plot the map
+for i in range(len(bakery_pos)):
+ for j in range(len(cafe_pos)):
+ pl.plot([bakery_pos[i, 0], cafe_pos[j, 0]],
+ [bakery_pos[i, 1], cafe_pos[j, 1]],
+ '-k', lw=3. * ot_sinkhorn[i, j] / ot_sinkhorn.max())
+for i in range(len(cafe_pos)):
+ pl.text(cafe_pos[i, 0], cafe_pos[i, 1], labels[i], color='b',
+ fontsize=14, fontweight='bold', ha='center', va='center')
+for i in range(len(bakery_pos)):
+ pl.text(bakery_pos[i, 0], bakery_pos[i, 1], labels[i], color='r',
+ fontsize=14, fontweight='bold', ha='center', va='center')
+pl.title('Manhattan Bakeries and Cafés')
+ax = pl.subplot(122)
+im = pl.imshow(ot_sinkhorn)
+for i in range(len(bakery_prod)):
+ for j in range(len(cafe_prod)):
+ text = ax.text(j, i, np.round(ot_sinkhorn[i, j], 1),
+ ha="center", va="center", color="w")
+pl.title('Transport matrix')
+# We notice right away that the matrix is not sparse at all with Sinkhorn,
+# each bakery delivering croissants to all 5 cafés with that solution. Also,
+# this solution gives a transport with fractions, which does not make sense
+# in the case of croissants. This was not the case with EMD.
+# Varying the regularization parameter in Sinkhorn
+# ````````````````````````````````````````````````
+reg_parameter = np.logspace(-3, 0, 20)
+W_sinkhorn_reg = np.zeros((len(reg_parameter), ))
+time_sinkhorn_reg = np.zeros((len(reg_parameter), ))
+f = pl.figure(5, (14, 5))
+max_ot = 100 # plot matrices with the same colorbar
+for k in range(len(reg_parameter)):
+ start = time.time()
+ ot_sinkhorn = ot.sinkhorn(bakery_prod, cafe_prod, reg=reg_parameter[k], M=C / C.max())
+ time_sinkhorn_reg[k] = time.time() - start
+ if k % 4 == 0 and k > 0: # we only plot a few
+ ax = pl.subplot(1, 5, k / 4)
+ im = pl.imshow(ot_sinkhorn, vmin=0, vmax=max_ot)
+ pl.title('reg={0:.2g}'.format(reg_parameter[k]))
+ pl.xlabel('Cafés')
+ pl.ylabel('Bakeries')
+ # Compute the Wasserstein loss for Sinkhorn, and compare with EMD
+ W_sinkhorn_reg[k] = np.sum(ot_sinkhorn * C)
+# This series of graph shows that the solution of Sinkhorn starts with something
+# very similar to EMD (although not sparse) for very small values of the
+# regularization parameter, and tends to a more uniform solution as the
+# regularization parameter increases.
+# Wasserstein loss and computational time
+# ```````````````````````````````````````
+# Plot the matrix and the map
+f = pl.figure(6, (4, 4))
+pl.title("Comparison between Sinkhorn and EMD")
+pl.plot(reg_parameter, W_sinkhorn_reg, 'o', label="Sinkhorn")
+XLim = pl.xlim()
+pl.plot(XLim, [W, W], '--k', label="EMD")
+pl.ylabel("Wasserstein loss")
+# In this last graph, we show the impact of the regularization parameter on
+# the Wasserstein loss. We can see that higher
+# values of ``reg`` leads to a much higher Wasserstein loss.
+# The Wasserstein loss of EMD is displayed for
+# comparison. The Wasserstein loss of Sinkhorn can be a little lower than that
+# of EMD for low values of ``reg``, but it quickly gets much higher.