path: root/ot/gpu/cudamat/cudamat/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ot/gpu/cudamat/cudamat/')
1 files changed, 1575 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ot/gpu/cudamat/cudamat/ b/ot/gpu/cudamat/cudamat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f855ed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ot/gpu/cudamat/cudamat/
@@ -0,0 +1,1575 @@
+import os
+import platform
+import warnings
+import sysconfig
+import sys
+import ctypes as ct
+import numpy as np
+def load_library(basename):
+ if platform.system() == 'Windows':
+ ext = '.dll'
+ else:
+ ext = sysconfig.get_config_var('SO')
+ return ct.cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(__file__) or os.path.curdir,
+ basename + ext))
+_cudamat = load_library('libcudamat')
+_cudamat.get_last_cuda_error.restype = ct.c_char_p
+_cudamat.get_last_clib_error.restype = ct.c_char_p
+_cudamat.cublas_init.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.cublas_shutdown.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.cuda_set_device.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.init_random.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.init_empty.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.reshape.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.copy_to_host.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.allocate_device_memory = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.copy_to_device.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.copy_on_device.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.free_device_memory.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.get_slice.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.get_row_slice.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.set_row_slice.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.copy_transpose.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.get_vector_slice.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.fill_with_rand.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.fill_with_randn.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.add_col_vec.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.add_col_mult.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.add_row_vec.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.mult_by_col_vec.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.mult_by_row_vec.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.divide_by_col_vec.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.divide_by_row_vec.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.less_than.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.less_than_scalar.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.greater_than.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.greater_than_scalar.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.equals.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.equals_scalar.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.minimum.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.minimum_scalar.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.maximum.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.maximum_scalar.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.min_by_axis.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.max_by_axis.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.argmin_by_axis.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.argmax_by_axis.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.sign.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.apply_sigmoid.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.apply_tanh.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.apply_soft_threshold.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.apply_abs.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.apply_log_1_plus_exp.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.apply_log.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.apply_exp.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.apply_gamma.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.apply_lgamma.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.apply_sqrt.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.apply_pow.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.apply_pow_matrix.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.reciprocal.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.add_elementwise.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.subtract_elementwise.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.divide_elementwise.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.mult_elementwise.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.assign_scalar.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.mult_by_scalar.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.divide_by_scalar.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.add_scalar.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.euclid_norm.restype = ct.c_double
+_cudamat.manhattan_norm.restype = ct.c_double
+_cudamat.selectRows.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.setSelectedRows.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.vdot.restype = ct.c_double = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.where.restype = ct.c_int
+_cudamat.correlate.restype = ct.c_int
+def deprecated(func):
+ """This is a decorator which can be used to mark functions
+ as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emmitted
+ when the function is used."""
+ def newFunc(*args, **kwargs):
+ warnings.warn("Call to deprecated function %s." % func.__name__,
+ category=DeprecationWarning)
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ newFunc.__name__ = func.__name__
+ newFunc.__doc__ = func.__doc__
+ newFunc.__dict__.update(func.__dict__)
+ return newFunc
+class CUDAMatException(Exception):
+ pass
+def get_last_cuda_error():
+ errmsg = _cudamat.get_last_cuda_error()
+ if sys.version_info >= (3,):
+ return bytes(errmsg).decode()
+ else:
+ return str(errmsg)
+def get_last_clib_error():
+ errmsg = _cudamat.get_last_clib_error()
+ if sys.version_info >= (3,):
+ return bytes(errmsg).decode()
+ else:
+ return str(errmsg)
+def generate_exception(err_code, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Return a CUDAMatException object based on the error code err_code.
+ Additional arguments are error-specific and optional.
+ """
+ if err_code == -1:
+ return CUDAMatException("Incompatible matrix dimensions.")
+ elif err_code == -2:
+ return CUDAMatException("CUBLAS error.")
+ elif err_code == -3:
+ return CUDAMatException("CUDA error: " + get_last_cuda_error())
+ elif err_code == -4:
+ return CUDAMatException("Operation not supported on views.")
+ elif err_code == -5:
+ return CUDAMatException("Operation not supported on "
+ "transposed matrices.")
+ elif err_code == -6:
+ return CUDAMatException("")
+ elif err_code == -7:
+ return CUDAMatException("Incompatible transposedness.")
+ elif err_code == -8:
+ return CUDAMatException("Matrix is not in device memory.")
+ elif err_code == -9:
+ return CUDAMatException("Operation not supported.")
+ elif err_code == -10:
+ filepath = kwargs.get("filepath","");
+ if filepath:
+ filepath = ": '%s'" % filepath
+ return CUDAMatException("Cannot open file%s: %s" % (filepath,get_last_clib_error()))
+ elif err_code == -11:
+ filepath = kwargs.get("filepath","");
+ if filepath:
+ filepath = ": '%s'" % filepath
+ return CUDAMatException("Cannot parse file%s." % filepath)
+ else:
+ return CUDAMatException("")
+class cudamat(ct.Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('data_host', ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)),
+ ('data_device', ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)),
+ ('on_device', ct.c_int),
+ ('on_host', ct.c_int),
+ ('size', ct.c_int * 2),
+ ('is_trans', ct.c_int),
+ ('owns_data', ct.c_int)]
+class rnd_struct(ct.Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('dev_rnd_mults', ct.POINTER(ct.c_uint)),
+ ('dev_rnd_words', ct.POINTER(ct.c_longlong))]
+class TransposedCUDAMatrix(object):
+ def __init__(self, mat):
+ self.mat = cudamat()
+ ct.memmove(ct.pointer(self.mat), ct.pointer(mat), ct.sizeof(self.mat))
+ self.mat.is_trans = 1
+ self.p_mat = ct.pointer(self.mat)
+class CUDAMatrix(object):
+ """
+ A CUDAMatrix object represents a matrix of single precision floating point
+ numbers on a GPU.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, array, copy_to_device=True, copy_on_host=True):
+ """
+ Initializes a new matrix object in one of two ways. If array is a numpy
+ ndarray, memory for a matrix with the same dimensions is allocated on
+ the GPU. If the copy_to_device flag is set to True, the GPU matrix is
+ initialized with the given ndarray. If the copy_on_host flag is set to
+ True, a copy of the matrix will be created in host memory even if the
+ matrix is of the correct type (float64, Fortran-contiguous order).
+ If array is not an ndarray, it must be a cudamat structure (typically
+ the user will never use this way of calling __init__).
+ """
+ if type(array) in [np.ndarray, np.memmap]:
+ # Convert array to float64 in FORTRAN order
+ array = reformat(array, copy=copy_on_host)
+ # Initialize as a ndarray-tied matrix.
+ self.mat = cudamat()
+ self.size = self.mat.size
+ self.p_mat = ct.pointer(self.mat)
+ self.numpy_array = array
+ _cudamat.init_from_array(
+ self.p_mat,
+ array.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)),
+ ct.c_int(array.shape[0]),
+ ct.c_int(array.shape[1]))
+ if copy_to_device:
+ err_code = _cudamat.copy_to_device(self.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ else:
+ # Initialize based on existing cudamat structure.
+ mat = array
+ self.mat = mat
+ self.p_mat = ct.pointer(self.mat)
+ self.T = TransposedCUDAMatrix(self.mat)
+ # Keep a reference to free device memory in case of a crash.
+ self.__free_device_memory = _cudamat.free_device_memory
+ def __del__(self):
+ try:
+ if 'p_mat' in self.__dict__:
+ err_code = self.__free_device_memory(self.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ @staticmethod
+ def init_random(seed=0):
+ """
+ Initialize and seed the random number generator.
+ """
+ CUDAMatrix.rndInitialized = 1
+ CUDAMatrix.rnd_state = rnd_struct()
+ CUDAMatrix.rnd_state_p = ct.pointer(CUDAMatrix.rnd_state)
+ cudamat_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
+ 'rnd_multipliers_32bit.txt')
+ if sys.version_info >= (3,):
+ cudamat_path = cudamat_path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
+ err_code = _cudamat.init_random(CUDAMatrix.rnd_state_p,
+ ct.c_int(seed),
+ cudamat_path)
+ if err_code:
+ if sys.version_info >= (3,):
+ cudamat_path = cudamat_path.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
+ raise generate_exception(err_code, filepath=cudamat_path)
+ @property
+ def shape(self):
+ return (self.mat.size[0], self.mat.size[1])
+ def reshape(self, shape):
+ """
+ Reshapes self to have the given shape. The number of elements cannot
+ change as this only changes how the contents are interpreted.
+ """
+ m = ct.c_uint(shape[0])
+ n = ct.c_uint(shape[1])
+ # Reshape the default matrix
+ err_code = _cudamat.reshape(self.p_mat, m, n)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ # Reshape the transposed matrix
+ err_code = _cudamat.reshape(self.T.p_mat, m, n)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ # Reshape the CPU matrix
+ if self.mat.on_host:
+ self.numpy_array = np.reshape(self.numpy_array, shape, order='F')
+ return self
+ def asarray(self):
+ """
+ Copies the matrix to an ndarray on the CPU and returns it.
+ """
+ self.copy_to_host()
+ return self.numpy_array
+ def copy_to_device(self):
+ """
+ Copy the matrix to the GPU.
+ """
+ err_code = _cudamat.copy_to_device(self.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ def copy_to_host(self):
+ """
+ Copy the matrix to the CPU.
+ """
+ if not self.mat.on_host:
+ # allocate host storage if necessary
+ m = self.mat.size[0]
+ n = self.mat.size[1]
+ self.numpy_array = np.empty((m, n), dtype=np.float64, order='F')
+ self.mat.data_host = \
+ self.numpy_array.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double))
+ self.mat.on_host = 1
+ err_code = _cudamat.copy_to_host(self.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ def copy(self, include_host=False):
+ """
+ Create a copy of the matrix on GPU. If include_host is True, also
+ creates a copy of the matrix on CPU if there was any.
+ """
+ new_mat = empty(self.shape).assign(self)
+ if include_host and self.mat.on_host:
+ new_mat.numpy_array = self.numpy_array.copy()
+ new_mat.mat.data_host = \
+ new_mat.numpy_array.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double))
+ new_mat.mat.on_host = 1
+ return new_mat
+ def assign(self, val):
+ """Assign val to self, where val can be a scalar or a CUDAMatrix
+ with the same dimensions as self. """
+ if isinstance(val, CUDAMatrix):
+ err_code = _cudamat.copy_on_device(val.p_mat, self.p_mat)
+ elif isinstance(val, (int, float)):
+ err_code = _cudamat.assign_scalar(self.p_mat, ct.c_double(val))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Assigned value must be of type"
+ "CUDAMatrix, int, or float.")
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return self
+ def free_device_memory(self):
+ """
+ Free memory used up by the matrix on the GPU.
+ """
+ err_code = _cudamat.free_device_memory(self.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ def set_trans(self, is_trans):
+ """
+ Set the transposedness flag to is_trans.
+ """
+ _cudamat.set_transpose(self.p_mat, ct.c_int(1 * is_trans))
+ def slice(self, first_col, last_col, include_host=False):
+ """
+ Creates a view into a consecutive range of columns of an existing
+ matrix on GPU. If include_host is set to True, also creates a view
+ into the CPU copy of the matrix (i.e., the numpy_array).
+ """
+ mat = cudamat()
+ if self.mat.size[0] == 1 or self.mat.size[1] == 1:
+ err_code = _cudamat.get_vector_slice(self.p_mat,
+ ct.pointer(mat),
+ ct.c_int(first_col),
+ ct.c_int(last_col))
+ else:
+ err_code = _cudamat.get_slice(self.p_mat,
+ ct.pointer(mat),
+ ct.c_int(first_col),
+ ct.c_int(last_col))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ new_mat = CUDAMatrix(mat)
+ try:
+ new_mat.sliceof = self.sliceof
+ except:
+ new_mat.sliceof = self
+ # reproduce the slice on the host as well (if requested)
+ if include_host and self.mat.on_host:
+ new_mat.numpy_array = self.numpy_array[:, first_col:last_col]
+ new_mat.mat.data_host = \
+ new_mat.numpy_array.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double))
+ new_mat.mat.on_host = 1
+ return new_mat
+ def get_col_slice(self, first_col, last_col, target=None):
+ """
+ Get the columns with indices first_col through last_col. If a target
+ is provided, columns are copied into the target. Otherwise, returns a
+ view into the existing memory on GPU.
+ """
+ col_slice = self.slice(first_col, last_col)
+ if target:
+ target.assign(col_slice)
+ return target
+ else:
+ return col_slice
+ def set_col_slice(self, first_col, last_col, mat):
+ """
+ Assign the contents of mat to the columns with indices first_col
+ through last_col.
+ """
+ self.slice(first_col, last_col).assign(mat)
+ return self
+ def get_row_slice(self, start, end, target=None):
+ """
+ Get the rows with indices start through end. If target is not provided
+ memory for a new matrix will be allocated.
+ """
+ width = self.shape[1]
+ if not target:
+ target = empty((end-start, width))
+ err_code = _cudamat.get_row_slice(self.p_mat,
+ target.p_mat,
+ ct.c_int(start),
+ ct.c_int(end))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def set_row_slice(self, start, end, mat):
+ """
+ Assign the contents of mat to the rows with indices start through end.
+ """
+ err_code = _cudamat.set_row_slice(mat.p_mat, self.p_mat,
+ ct.c_int(start), ct.c_int(end))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return self
+ def transpose(self, target=None):
+ """
+ Return a transposed copy of the matrix.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = empty((self.shape[1], self.shape[0]))
+ err_code = _cudamat.copy_transpose(self.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def fill_with_rand(self):
+ """
+ Fill matrix on the GPU with random numbers drawn from the uniform
+ distribution over the (0,1) interval.
+ """
+ err_code = _cudamat.fill_with_rand(CUDAMatrix.rnd_state_p, self.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return self
+ def fill_with_randn(self):
+ """
+ Fill matrix on the GPU with random numbers drawn from
+ the standard normal distribution.
+ """
+ err_code = _cudamat.fill_with_randn(CUDAMatrix.rnd_state_p, self.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return self
+ def add_col_vec(self, vec, target=None):
+ """
+ Add vector vec to every column of the matrix. If a target is provided,
+ it is used to store the result instead of self.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ err_code = _cudamat.add_col_vec(self.p_mat, vec.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def add_col_mult(self, vec, mult, target=None):
+ """
+ Add a multiple of vector vec to every column of the matrix. If a target
+ is provided, it is used to store the result instead of self.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ err_code = _cudamat.add_col_mult(self.p_mat, vec.p_mat,
+ target.p_mat, ct.c_double(mult))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def add_row_vec(self, vec, target=None):
+ """
+ Add vector vec to every row of the matrix. If a target is provided,
+ it is used to store the result instead of self.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ err_code = _cudamat.add_row_vec(self.p_mat, vec.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def mult_by_col(self, vec, target=None):
+ """
+ Multiply vector vec into every column of the matrix. If a target is
+ provided, it is used to store the result instead of self.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ err_code = _cudamat.mult_by_col_vec(self.p_mat, vec.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def mult_by_row(self, vec, target=None):
+ """
+ Multiply vector vec into every row of the matrix. If a target is
+ provided, it is used to store the result instead of self.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ err_code = _cudamat.mult_by_row_vec(self.p_mat, vec.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def div_by_col(self, vec, target=None):
+ """
+ Divide every column of the matrix by vector vec. If a target is
+ provided, it is used to store the result instead of self.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ err_code = _cudamat.divide_by_col_vec(self.p_mat, vec.p_mat,
+ target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def div_by_row(self, vec, target=None):
+ """
+ Divide every row of the matrix by vector vec. If a target is
+ provided, it is used to store the result instead of self.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ err_code = _cudamat.divide_by_row_vec(self.p_mat, vec.p_mat,
+ target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def sum(self, axis, target=None, mult=1.):
+ """
+ Sum the matrix along the given dimension, where 0 represents the leading
+ dimension and 1 represents the non-leading dimension. If a target is
+ not provided, a new vector is created for storing the result. The result
+ is multiplied by the given factor mult (defaults to 1).
+ """
+ return sum(self, axis, target, mult)
+ def mean(self, axis, target=None):
+ """
+ Compute the mean of the matrix along the given dimension, where 0
+ represents the leading dimension and 1 represents the non-leading
+ dimension. If a target is not provided, a new vector is created for
+ storing the result.
+ """
+ return mean(self, axis, target)
+ def add_sums(self, mat, axis, mult=1., beta=1.):
+ """
+ Add a multiple of the sums of the matrix mat along the given dimension
+ to self. Self is scaled by beta before adding anything.
+ """
+ m = _cudamat.get_leading_dimension(mat.p_mat)
+ n = _cudamat.get_nonleading_dimension(mat.p_mat)
+ if axis == 0:
+ # sum along leading dimension
+ check_ones_matrix(m)
+ left = CUDAMatrix.ones.slice(0, m)
+ left.set_trans(True)
+ right = mat
+ elif axis == 1:
+ # sum along non-leading dimension
+ left = mat
+ check_ones_matrix(n)
+ right = CUDAMatrix.ones.slice(0, n)
+ err_code =, right.p_mat, self.p_mat,
+ ct.c_double(beta), ct.c_double(mult))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return self
+ def less_than(self, val, target=None):
+ """
+ Perform the operation target = 1. * (self < val),
+ where val can be a matrix or a scalar.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ if isinstance(val, (int, float)):
+ err_code = _cudamat.less_than_scalar(self.p_mat, ct.c_double(val),
+ target.p_mat)
+ else:
+ err_code = _cudamat.less_than(self.p_mat, val.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def greater_than(self, val, target=None):
+ """
+ Perform the operation target = 1. * (self > val),
+ where val can be a matrix or a scalar.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ if isinstance(val, (int, float)):
+ err_code = _cudamat.greater_than_scalar(self.p_mat,
+ ct.c_double(val),
+ target.p_mat)
+ else:
+ err_code = _cudamat.greater_than(self.p_mat, val.p_mat,
+ target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def equals(self, val, target=None):
+ """
+ Perform the operation target = 1. * (self == val),
+ where val can be a matrix or a scalar.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ if isinstance(val, (int, float)):
+ err_code = _cudamat.equals_scalar(self.p_mat, ct.c_double(val),
+ target.p_mat)
+ else:
+ err_code = _cudamat.equals(self.p_mat, val.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def minimum(self, val, target=None):
+ """
+ Perform the element-wise operation target = min(self, val), where
+ val can be a matrix or a scalar.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ if isinstance(val, (int, float)):
+ err_code = _cudamat.minimum_scalar(self.p_mat, ct.c_double(val),
+ target.p_mat)
+ else:
+ err_code = _cudamat.minimum(self.p_mat, val.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def maximum(self, val, target=None):
+ """
+ Perform the element-wise operation target = max(self, val), where
+ val can be a matrix or a scalar.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ if isinstance(val, (int, float)):
+ err_code = _cudamat.maximum_scalar(self.p_mat, ct.c_double(val),
+ target.p_mat)
+ else:
+ err_code = _cudamat.maximum(self.p_mat, val.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def min(self, axis, target=None):
+ """
+ Find the minimum value along the given dimension, where 0 represents the
+ leading dimension and 1 represents the non-leading dimension. If a
+ target is not prvided, a new vector is created for storing the result.
+ """
+ m, n = self.shape
+ if axis == 0:
+ if not target:
+ target = empty((1, n))
+ elif axis == 1:
+ if not target:
+ target = empty((m, 1))
+ err_code = _cudamat.min_by_axis(self.p_mat, target.p_mat,
+ ct.c_int(axis))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def max(self, axis, target=None):
+ """
+ Find the maximum value along the given dimension, where 0 represents the
+ leading dimension and 1 represents the non-leading dimension. If a
+ target is not prvided, a new vector is created for storing the result.
+ """
+ m, n = self.shape
+ if axis == 0:
+ if not target:
+ target = empty((1, n))
+ elif axis == 1:
+ if not target:
+ target = empty((m, 1))
+ err_code = _cudamat.max_by_axis(self.p_mat, target.p_mat,
+ ct.c_int(axis))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def argmin(self, axis, target=None):
+ """
+ Find the index of the minimum value along the given dimension, where 0
+ represents the leading dimension and 1 represents the non-leading
+ dimension. If a target is not provided, a new vector is created for
+ storing the result.
+ """
+ m, n = self.shape
+ if axis == 0:
+ if not target:
+ target = empty((1, n))
+ elif axis == 1:
+ if not target:
+ target = empty((m, 1))
+ err_code = _cudamat.argmin_by_axis(self.p_mat, target.p_mat,
+ ct.c_int(axis))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def argmax(self, axis, target=None):
+ """
+ Find the index of the maximum value along the given dimension, where 0
+ represents the leading dimension and 1 represents the non-leading
+ dimension. If a target is not provided, a new vector is created for
+ storing the result.
+ """
+ m, n = self.shape
+ if axis == 0:
+ if not target:
+ target = empty((1, n))
+ elif axis == 1:
+ if not target:
+ target = empty((m, 1))
+ err_code = _cudamat.argmax_by_axis(self.p_mat, target.p_mat,
+ ct.c_int(axis))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def sign(self, target=None):
+ """
+ Find the sign of each element of the matrix.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = empty((self.mat.size[0], self.mat.size[1]))
+ err_code = _cudamat.sign(self.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def apply_sigmoid(self, target=None):
+ """
+ Apply the logistic sigmoid to each element of the matrix.
+ """
+ return sigmoid(self, target)
+ def apply_tanh(self, target=None):
+ """
+ Apply the tanh to each element of the matrix.
+ """
+ return tanh(self, target)
+ def apply_soft_threshold(self, alpha, target=None):
+ """
+ Apply the soft threshold function to each element of the matrix:
+ x = sign(x) * max(0, abs(x) - alpha)
+ """
+ return soft_threshold(self, alpha, target)
+ def reciprocal(self, target=None):
+ """
+ Find the reciprocal of each element of the matrix.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ err_code = _cudamat.reciprocal(self.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def dot(self, mat2, target=None):
+ """
+ Multiply the matrix by mat2 from the right.
+ """
+ return dot(self, mat2, target)
+ def add_dot(self, m1, m2, mult=1., beta=1.):
+ """
+ Add the dot product of m1 and m2 to the matrix, scaled by mult.
+ Self is scaled by beta before adding anything.
+ """
+ err_code =, m2.p_mat, self.p_mat,
+ ct.c_double(beta), ct.c_double(mult))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return self
+ def subtract_dot(self, m1, m2, mult=1., beta=1.):
+ """
+ Subtract the dot product of m1 and m2 from the matrix, scaled by mult.
+ Self is scaled by beta before subtracting anything.
+ """
+ return self.add_dot(m1, m2, mult=-1. * mult, beta=beta)
+ def add_mult(self, mat2, alpha=1.):
+ """
+ Add multiple of mat2 to the matrix.
+ """
+ err_code = _cudamat.add_mult(self.p_mat, mat2.p_mat, ct.c_double(alpha))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return self
+ def subtract_mult(self, mat2, alpha=1.):
+ """
+ Subtract a multiple of mat2 from the matrix.
+ """
+ err_code = _cudamat.add_mult(self.p_mat, mat2.p_mat,
+ ct.c_double(-1. * alpha))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return self
+ def add(self, val, target=None):
+ """Add val to self, where val can be a scalar or a CUDAMatrix with the
+ same dimensions as self. """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ if isinstance(val, CUDAMatrix):
+ err_code = _cudamat.add_elementwise(self.p_mat, val.p_mat,
+ target.p_mat)
+ elif isinstance(val, (int, float)):
+ err_code = _cudamat.add_scalar(self.p_mat, ct.c_double(val),
+ target.p_mat)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Value must be of type CUDAMatrix, int, or float.")
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def subtract(self, val, target=None):
+ """Subtract val from self, where val can be a scalar or a CUDAMatrix with
+ the same dimensions as self. """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ if isinstance(val, CUDAMatrix):
+ err_code = _cudamat.subtract_elementwise(self.p_mat, val.p_mat,
+ target.p_mat)
+ elif isinstance(val, (int, float)):
+ err_code = _cudamat.add_scalar(self.p_mat, ct.c_double(-1*val),
+ target.p_mat)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Value must be of type CUDAMatrix, int, or float.")
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def divide(self, val, target=None):
+ """Divide self by val, where val can be a scalar or
+ a CUDAMatrix with the same dimensions as self. """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ if isinstance(val, CUDAMatrix):
+ err_code = _cudamat.divide_elementwise(self.p_mat, val.p_mat,
+ target.p_mat)
+ elif isinstance(val, (int, float)):
+ err_code = _cudamat.divide_by_scalar(self.p_mat, ct.c_double(val),
+ target.p_mat)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Value must be of type CUDAMatrix, int, or float.")
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def mult(self, val, target=None):
+ """Multiply self by val, where val can be a scalar or a CUDAMatrix with
+ the same dimensions as self. """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ if isinstance(val, CUDAMatrix):
+ err_code = _cudamat.mult_elementwise(self.p_mat, val.p_mat,
+ target.p_mat)
+ elif isinstance(val, (int, float)):
+ err_code = _cudamat.mult_by_scalar(self.p_mat, ct.c_double(val),
+ target.p_mat)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Value must be of type CUDAMatrix, int, or float.")
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ @deprecated
+ def assign_scalar(self, alpha):
+ """
+ Assign scalar alpha to every element of the matrix.
+ """
+ err_code = _cudamat.assign_scalar(self.p_mat, ct.c_double(alpha))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return self
+ @deprecated
+ def mult_by_scalar(self, alpha, target=None):
+ """
+ Multiply the matrix by a scalar.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ err_code = _cudamat.mult_by_scalar(self.p_mat, ct.c_double(alpha),
+ target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ @deprecated
+ def div_by_scalar(self, alpha, target=None):
+ """
+ Divide the matrix by a scalar.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ err_code = _cudamat.divide_by_scalar(self.p_mat, ct.c_double(alpha),
+ target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ @deprecated
+ def add_scalar(self, alpha, target=None):
+ """
+ Increment the matrix by a scalar.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = self
+ err_code = _cudamat.add_scalar(self.p_mat, ct.c_double(alpha),
+ target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def euclid_norm(self):
+ """
+ Returns the L2 norm of the matrix flattened to a vector.
+ """
+ err_code = ct.c_int(0)
+ res = _cudamat.euclid_norm(self.p_mat, ct.byref(err_code))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code.value)
+ return res
+ def manhattan_norm(self):
+ """
+ Returns the L1 norm of the matrix flattened to a vector.
+ """
+ err_code = ct.c_int(0)
+ res = _cudamat.manhattan_norm(self.p_mat, ct.byref(err_code))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code.value)
+ return res
+ def allfinite(self):
+ """
+ Checks if all entries in this matrix are finite, i.e., there is no
+ NaN and no positive or negative infinity.
+ """
+ # Caveat: For a very large matrix of very large finite numbers, the
+ # manhattan norm may overflow and allfinite() may return False.
+ return np.isfinite(self.manhattan_norm())
+ def select_columns(self, indices, target):
+ """
+ Copies some columns of self into target.
+ <indices> must be a row vector. Its elements are float64's representing
+ integers, e.g. "34.0" means the integer "34".
+ After this call, for all r,c, target[r,c]=self[r,indices[c]].
+ This returns target.
+ Negative indices are interpreted in the usual Python way: all
+ elements of <indices> had better be in the range
+ [-self.shape[1], self.shape[1]-1].
+ This does bounds checking, but out of bounds indices do not raise an
+ exception (because the programmer was lazy). Instead, they result
+ in NaN values in <target>.
+ """
+ err_code = _cudamat.selectRows(self.p_mat, target.p_mat, indices.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+ def set_selected_columns(self, indices, source):
+ """
+ copies all columns of source into some columns of self.
+ <indices> must be a row vector. Its elements are float64's representing
+ integers, e.g. "34.0" means the integer "34". after this call, for all
+ r,c, self[r,indices[c]]=source[r,c]. This returns self.
+ Negative indices are interpreted in the usual Python way: all elements
+ of <indices> had better be in the range
+ [-self.shape[1], self.shape[1]-1].
+ This does bounds checking, but out of bounds indices do not raise an
+ exception (because the programmer was lazy). Instead, they result in NaN
+ values in <self>.
+ """
+ err_code = _cudamat.setSelectedRows(self.p_mat, source.p_mat,
+ indices.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return self
+def empty(shape):
+ """
+ Creates and returns a new CUDAMatrix with the given shape.
+ """
+ mat = cudamat()
+ err_code = _cudamat.init_empty(ct.pointer(mat), ct.c_int(shape[0]),
+ ct.c_int(shape[1]))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return CUDAMatrix(mat)
+def check_ones_matrix(min_size):
+ if min_size > CUDAMatrix.ones.shape[0]:
+ raise CUDAMatException(
+ 'Not enough memory allocated for reduction. '
+ '({} needed, {} actual), use cudamat.init() '
+ 'to allocate more'.format(min_size, CUDAMatrix.ones.shape[0]))
+def sum(mat, axis, target=None, mult=1.):
+ """
+ Sum the matrix along the given dimension, where 0 represents the leading
+ dimension and 1 represents the non-leading dimension. If a target is
+ not provided, a new vector is created for storing the result. The result
+ is multiplied by the given factor mult (defaults to 1).
+ """
+ m = _cudamat.get_leading_dimension(mat.p_mat)
+ n = _cudamat.get_nonleading_dimension(mat.p_mat)
+ if axis == 0:
+ # sum along leading dimension
+ check_ones_matrix(m)
+ left = CUDAMatrix.ones.slice(0, m)
+ left.set_trans(True)
+ right = mat
+ if not target:
+ target = empty((1, n))
+ elif axis == 1:
+ # sum along non-leading dimension
+ left = mat
+ check_ones_matrix(n)
+ right = CUDAMatrix.ones.slice(0, n)
+ if not target:
+ target = empty((m, 1))
+ err_code =, right.p_mat, target.p_mat,
+ ct.c_double(0.), ct.c_double(mult))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+def mean(mat, axis, target=None):
+ """
+ Compute the mean of the matrix along the given dimension, where 0 represents
+ the leading dimension and 1 represents the non-leading dimension. If a
+ target is not provided, a new vector is created for storing the result.
+ """
+ return sum(mat, axis, target=target, mult=1. / mat.shape[axis])
+def dot(m1, m2, target=None, beta=0., alpha=1.):
+ """
+ Find the dot product between m1 and m2 and store in target:
+ target = beta*target + alpha*(m1 m2)
+ If no target is given, it will be created automatically, but not
+ initialized -- so beta should be left at its default value zero.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ m = _cudamat.get_leading_dimension(m1.p_mat)
+ n = _cudamat.get_nonleading_dimension(m2.p_mat)
+ target = empty((m, n))
+ err_code =, m2.p_mat,
+ target.p_mat, ct.c_double(beta),
+ ct.c_double(alpha))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+def vdot(m1, m2):
+ """
+ Compute the vector dot product of matrices m1 and m2.
+ """
+ err_code = ct.c_int(0)
+ res = _cudamat.vdot(m1.p_mat, m2.p_mat, ct.byref(err_code))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code.value)
+ return res
+def sigmoid(mat, target=None):
+ """
+ Apply the logistic sigmoid to each element of the matrix mat.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = mat
+ err_code = _cudamat.apply_sigmoid(mat.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+def tanh(mat, target=None):
+ """
+ Apply the tanh to each element of the matrix mat.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = mat
+ err_code = _cudamat.apply_tanh(mat.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+def soft_threshold(mat, alpha, target=None):
+ """
+ Apply the soft threshold function to each element of the matrix:
+ mat = sign(mat) * max(0, abs(mat) - alpha)
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = mat
+ err_code = _cudamat.apply_soft_threshold(mat.p_mat, ct.c_double(alpha),
+ target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+def abs(mat, target=None):
+ """
+ Apply abs to each element of the matrix mat.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = mat
+ err_code = _cudamat.apply_abs(mat.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+def log_1_plus_exp(mat, target=None):
+ """
+ Apply log(1+exp(x)) to each element of the matrix mat.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = mat
+ err_code = _cudamat.apply_log_1_plus_exp(mat.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+def log(mat, target=None):
+ """
+ Find the natural logarithm of each element of the matrix mat.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = mat
+ err_code = _cudamat.apply_log(mat.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+def exp(mat, target=None):
+ """
+ Apply the exponential function to each element of the matrix mat.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = mat
+ err_code = _cudamat.apply_exp(mat.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+def gamma(mat, target=None):
+ """
+ Apply the gamma function to each element of the matrix mat.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = mat
+ err_code = _cudamat.apply_gamma(mat.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+def lgamma(mat, target=None):
+ """
+ Apply the log gamma function to each element of the matrix mat.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = mat
+ err_code = _cudamat.apply_lgamma(mat.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+def sqrt(mat, target=None):
+ """
+ Compute the square root of each element of the matrix mat.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = mat
+ err_code = _cudamat.apply_sqrt(mat.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+def pow(mat, p, target=None):
+ """
+ If p is a scalar, compute the 'p'th power of each element of the matrix mat,
+ otherwise raise each element of the matrix mat to the power given by the
+ corresponding element of the matrix p.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = mat
+ if isinstance(p, CUDAMatrix):
+ err_code = _cudamat.apply_pow_matrix(mat.p_mat, p.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ elif isinstance(p, (int, float)):
+ err_code = _cudamat.apply_pow(mat.p_mat, ct.c_double(p), target.p_mat)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Value must be of type CUDAMatrix, int, or float.")
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+def where(condition_mat, if_mat, else_mat, target=None):
+ """
+ For each element i, j, store if_math[i, j] in target[i,j] if
+ condition_mat[i, j] is True, and else_mat[i, j] otherwise.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ target = condition_mat
+ err_code = _cudamat.where(condition_mat.p_mat, if_mat.p_mat,
+ else_mat.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+def correlate(mat, kernel, target=None):
+ """
+ Cross-correlate a matrix with a kernel matrix.
+ The kernel matrix is centered over each element of the matrix mat.
+ Width and height of the kernel matrix must be an odd integer.
+ If a target is not provided, a new matrix is created for storing the result.
+ Note that this function cannot operate in-place.
+ """
+ if not target:
+ m = _cudamat.get_leading_dimension(mat.p_mat)
+ n = _cudamat.get_nonleading_dimension(mat.p_mat)
+ target = empty((m, n))
+ err_code = _cudamat.correlate(mat.p_mat, kernel.p_mat, target.p_mat)
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+ return target
+def cuda_sync_threads():
+ _cudamat.cuda_sync_threads()
+def reformat(array, copy=True):
+ """
+ Returns array as a float64 array in FORTRAN order.
+ If copy is set to False, the array will only be copied if it is not already
+ in the correct format.
+ """
+ return np.array(array, dtype=np.float64, order='F', copy=copy)
+def cuda_set_device(dev_id):
+ """
+ Selects the CUDA device with the given ID.
+ """
+ err_code = _cudamat.cuda_set_device(ct.c_int(dev_id))
+ if err_code:
+ raise generate_exception(err_code)
+def cublas_init(max_ones=(1024*256)):
+ """
+ Initialize Cublas.
+ 'max_ones' is an optional argument that determines the length of
+ the largest sum that can be computed using Cublas matrix multiply.
+ A larger value causes more memory to be allocated for this purpose.
+ """
+ err = _cudamat.cublas_init()
+ if err:
+ raise CUDAMatException('error initializing CUBLAS: (err=%u)' % err)
+ CUDAMatrix.ones = empty((max_ones, 1)).assign(1.0)
+init = cublas_init
+def cublas_shutdown():
+ """
+ Shut down Cublas.
+ """
+ CUDAMatrix.ones = 0
+ _cudamat.cublas_shutdown()
+shutdown = cublas_shutdown