path: root/ot
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diff --git a/ot/ b/ot/
index b664ac1..28377b0 100644
--- a/ot/
+++ b/ot/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import warnings
from .utils import unif, dist
from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b
def sinkhorn(a, b, M, reg, method='sinkhorn', numItermax=1000,
stopThr=1e-9, verbose=False, log=False, **kwargs):
@@ -1788,24 +1789,24 @@ def empirical_sinkhorn_divergence(X_s, X_t, reg, a=None, b=None, metric='sqeucli
sinkhorn_div = sinkhorn_loss_ab - 1 / 2 * (sinkhorn_loss_a + sinkhorn_loss_b)
return max(0, sinkhorn_div)
def screenkhorn(a, b, M, reg, ns_budget=None, nt_budget=None, uniform=True, restricted=True,
maxiter=10000, maxfun=10000, pgtol=1e-09, verbose=False, log=False):
Screening Sinkhorn Algorithm for Regularized Optimal Transport
The function solves an approximate dual of Sinkhorn divergence [2] which is written as the following optimization problem:
(u, v) = \argmin_{u, v} 1_{ns}.T B(u,v) 1_{nt} - <\kappa u, a> - <v/\kappa, b>
where B(u,v) = \diag(e^u) K \diag(e^v), with K = e^{-M/reg} and
s.t. e^{u_i} >= \epsilon / \kappa, for all i in {1, ..., ns}
e^{v_j} >= \epsilon \kappa, for all j in {1, ..., nt}
The parameters \kappa and \epsilon are determined w.r.t the couple number budget of points (ns_budget, nt_budget), see Equation (5) in [26]
@@ -1837,31 +1838,31 @@ def screenkhorn(a, b, M, reg, ns_budget=None, nt_budget=None, uniform=True, rest
restricted: `bool`, default=True
If `True`, a warm-start initialization for the L-BFGS-B solver
using a restricted Sinkhorn algorithm with at most 5 iterations
maxiter : `int`, default=10000
Maximum number of iterations in LBFGS solver
maxfun : `int`, default=10000
Maximum number of function evaluations in LBFGS solver
pgtol : `float`, default=1e-09
Final objective function accuracy in LBFGS solver
verbose: `bool`, default=False
If `True`, dispaly informations along iterations
To gain more efficiency, screenkhorn needs to call the "Bottleneck" package ( in the screening pre-processing step.
If Bottleneck isn't installed, the following error message appears:
"Bottleneck module doesn't exist. Install it from"
gamma : `numpy.ndarray`, shape=(ns, nt)
Screened optimal transportation matrix for the given parameters
log : `dict`, default=False
Log dictionary return only if log==True in parameters
@@ -1876,17 +1877,17 @@ def screenkhorn(a, b, M, reg, ns_budget=None, nt_budget=None, uniform=True, rest
import bottleneck
except ImportError as e:
print("Bottleneck module doesn't exist. Install it from")
a = np.asarray(a, dtype=np.float64)
b = np.asarray(b, dtype=np.float64)
M = np.asarray(M, dtype=np.float64)
ns, nt = M.shape
- # by default, we keep only 50% of the sapmle data points
+ # by default, we keep only 50% of the sample data points
if ns_budget is None:
- ns_budget = int(np.floor(0.5*ns))
+ ns_budget = int(np.floor(0.5 * ns))
if nt_budget is None:
- nt_budget = int(np.floor(0.5*ns))
+ nt_budget = int(np.floor(0.5 * nt))
# calculate the Gibbs kernel
K = np.empty_like(M)
@@ -1903,20 +1904,19 @@ def screenkhorn(a, b, M, reg, ns_budget=None, nt_budget=None, uniform=True, rest
if ns_budget == ns and nt_budget == nt:
# full number of budget points (ns, nt) = (ns_budget, nt_budget)
- I = np.arange(ns)
- J = np.arange(nt)
- epsilon = 0.0
- kappa = 1.0
+ I = np.ones(ns, dtype=bool)
+ J = np.ones(nt, dtype=bool)
+ epsilon = 0.0
+ kappa = 1.0
cst_u = 0.
cst_v = 0.
bounds_u = [(0.0, np.inf)] * ns
bounds_v = [(0.0, np.inf)] * nt
a_I = a
b_J = b
- K_min = K.min()
K_IJ = K
K_IJc = []
K_IcJ = []
@@ -1937,9 +1937,9 @@ def screenkhorn(a, b, M, reg, ns_budget=None, nt_budget=None, uniform=True, rest
aK_sort = bottleneck.partition(K_sum_cols, ns_budget - 1)[ns_budget - 1]
epsilon_u_square = a[0] / aK_sort
- if nt / ns_budget < 4:
+ if nt / nt_budget < 4:
bK_sort = np.sort(K_sum_rows)
- epsilon_v_square = b[0] / bK_sort[ns_budget - 1]
+ epsilon_v_square = b[0] / bK_sort[nt_budget - 1]
bK_sort = bottleneck.partition(K_sum_rows, nt_budget - 1)[nt_budget - 1]
epsilon_v_square = b[0] / bK_sort
@@ -1951,36 +1951,37 @@ def screenkhorn(a, b, M, reg, ns_budget=None, nt_budget=None, uniform=True, rest
epsilon_u_square = aK_sort[ns_budget - 1]
bK_sort = np.sort(bK)[::-1]
- epsilon_v_square = bK_sort[ns_budget - 1]
+ epsilon_v_square = bK_sort[nt_budget - 1]
# active sets I and J (see Lemma 1 in [26])
- I = np.where(a >= epsilon_u_square * K_sum_cols)[0]
- J = np.where(b >= epsilon_v_square * K_sum_rows)[0]
+ I = a >= epsilon_u_square * K_sum_cols
+ J = b >= epsilon_v_square * K_sum_rows
- if len(I) != ns_budget:
+ if sum(I) != ns_budget:
if uniform:
aK = a / K_sum_cols
aK_sort = np.sort(aK)[::-1]
epsilon_u_square = aK_sort[ns_budget - 1:ns_budget + 1].mean()
- I = np.where(a >= epsilon_u_square * K_sum_cols)[0]
+ I = a >= epsilon_u_square * K_sum_cols
- if len(J) != nt_budget:
+ if sum(J) != nt_budget:
if uniform:
bK = b / K_sum_rows
bK_sort = np.sort(bK)[::-1]
epsilon_v_square = bK_sort[nt_budget - 1:nt_budget + 1].mean()
- J = np.where(b >= epsilon_v_square * K_sum_rows)[0]
+ J = b >= epsilon_v_square * K_sum_rows
epsilon = (epsilon_u_square * epsilon_v_square) ** (1 / 4)
kappa = (epsilon_v_square / epsilon_u_square) ** (1 / 2)
if verbose:
- print("Epsilon = %s\n" %epsilon)
- print('|I_active| = %s \t |J_active| = %s ' %(len(I), len(J)))
+ print("epsilon = %s\n" % epsilon)
+ print("kappa= %s\n" % kappa)
+ print('|I_active| = %s \t |J_active| = %s ' % (sum(I), sum(J)))
# Ic, Jc: complementary of the active sets I and J
- Ic = np.arange(ns)[~np.isin(np.arange(ns), I)]
- Jc = np.arange(nt)[~np.isin(np.arange(nt), J)]
+ Ic = ~I
+ Jc = ~J
K_IJ = K[np.ix_(I, J)]
K_IcJ = K[np.ix_(Ic, J)]
@@ -2005,23 +2006,23 @@ def screenkhorn(a, b, M, reg, ns_budget=None, nt_budget=None, uniform=True, rest
b_J_min = b_J[0]
# box constraints in L-BFGS-B (see Proposition 1 in [26])
- bounds_u = [(max(kappa * a_I_min / (epsilon * (nt - ns_budget) + ns_budget * (b_J_max / (
- epsilon * ns * K_min))), epsilon / kappa), a_I_max / (epsilon * nt * K_min))] * ns_budget
+ bounds_u = [(max(a_I_min / ((nt - nt_budget) * epsilon + nt_budget * (b_J_max / (
+ ns * epsilon * kappa * K_min))), epsilon / kappa), a_I_max / (nt * epsilon * K_min))] * ns_budget
- bounds_v = [(max(b_J_min / (epsilon * (ns - ns_budget) + ns_budget * (a_I_max / (epsilon * nt * K_min))), \
- epsilon * kappa), b_J_max / (epsilon * ns * K_min))] * ns_budget
+ bounds_v = [(max(b_J_min / ((ns - ns_budget) * epsilon + ns_budget * (kappa * a_I_max / (nt * epsilon * K_min))),
+ epsilon * kappa), b_J_max / (ns * epsilon * K_min))] * nt_budget
# pre-calculated constants for the objective
- vec_eps_IJc = epsilon * kappa * (K_IJc * np.ones(nt - ns_budget).reshape((1, -1))).sum(axis=1)
+ vec_eps_IJc = epsilon * kappa * (K_IJc * np.ones(nt - nt_budget).reshape((1, -1))).sum(axis=1)
vec_eps_IcJ = (epsilon / kappa) * (np.ones(ns - ns_budget).reshape((-1, 1)) * K_IcJ).sum(axis=0)
# initialisation
u0 = np.full(ns_budget, (1. / ns_budget) + epsilon / kappa)
v0 = np.full(nt_budget, (1. / nt_budget) + epsilon * kappa)
- # pre-calculed constants for Restricted Sinkhorn (see Algorithm 2 in [26])
+ # pre-calculed constants for Restricted Sinkhorn (see Algorithm 1 in supplementary of [26])
if restricted:
- if ns_budget != ns or ns_budget != nt:
+ if ns_budget != ns or nt_budget != nt:
cst_u = kappa * epsilon * K_IJc.sum(axis=1)
cst_v = epsilon * K_IcJ.sum(axis=0) / kappa
@@ -2042,7 +2043,7 @@ def screenkhorn(a, b, M, reg, ns_budget=None, nt_budget=None, uniform=True, rest
def restricted_sinkhorn(usc, vsc, max_iter=5):
- Restricted Sinkhorn Algorithm as a warm-start initialized point for L-BFGS-B (see Algorithm 2 in [26])
+ Restricted Sinkhorn Algorithm as a warm-start initialized point for L-BFGS-B (see Algorithm 1 in supplementary of [26])
cpt = 1
while (cpt < max_iter):
@@ -2086,9 +2087,9 @@ def screenkhorn(a, b, M, reg, ns_budget=None, nt_budget=None, uniform=True, rest
u0, v0 = restricted_sinkhorn(u0, v0)
theta0 = np.hstack([u0, v0])
bounds = bounds_u + bounds_v # constraint bounds
- obj = lambda theta: bfgspost(theta)
+ def obj(theta): return bfgspost(theta)
theta, _, _ = fmin_l_bfgs_b(func=obj,
@@ -2104,15 +2105,15 @@ def screenkhorn(a, b, M, reg, ns_budget=None, nt_budget=None, uniform=True, rest
vsc_full = np.full(nt, epsilon * kappa)
usc_full[I] = usc
vsc_full[J] = vsc
if log:
log['u'] = usc_full
log['v'] = vsc_full
gamma = usc_full[:, None] * K * vsc_full[None, :]
gamma = gamma / gamma.sum()
if log:
return gamma, log
- return gamma
+ return gamma \ No newline at end of file