path: root/.gitignore
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-08-28remove square in convergence checkHicham Janati
add unbalanced with stabilization add unbalanced tests with stabilization fix doctest examples add xvfb in travis remove explicit call xvfb in travis change alpha to reg_m minor flake8 remove redundant sink definitions + better doc and naming add stabilized unbalanced barycenter + add not converged warnings add test for stable barycenter add generic barycenter func + make method funcs private fix typo + add method test for barycenters fix doc examples + add xml to gitignore fix whitespace in example change logsumexp import - scipy deprecation warning fix doctest improve naming + add stable barycenter in bregman add test for stable bar + test the method arg in bregman
2017-07-26gitignoreRémi Flamary
2017-07-20add flake8 to travis + miscAlexandre Gramfort
2017-06-09update .gitignore with sphinwgallery temop filesRémi Flamary
2016-10-20Initial commitRémi Flamary