# /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from ot.backend import get_backend_list, jax, tf import gc def setup_backends(): if jax: from jax.config import config config.update("jax_enable_x64", True) if tf: from tensorflow.python.ops.numpy_ops import np_config np_config.enable_numpy_behavior() def exec_bench(setup, tested_function, param_list, n_runs, warmup_runs): backend_list = get_backend_list() for i, nx in enumerate(backend_list): if nx.__name__ == "tf" and i < len(backend_list) - 1: # Tensorflow should be the last one to be benchmarked because # as far as I'm aware, there is no way to force it to release # GPU memory. Hence, if any other backend is benchmarked after # Tensorflow and requires the usage of a GPU, it will not have the # full memory available and you may have a GPU Out Of Memory error # even though your GPU can technically hold your tensors in memory. backend_list.pop(i) backend_list.append(nx) break inputs = [setup(param) for param in param_list] results = dict() for nx in backend_list: for i in range(len(param_list)): print(nx, param_list[i]) args = inputs[i] results_nx = nx._bench( tested_function, *args, n_runs=n_runs, warmup_runs=warmup_runs ) gc.collect() results_nx_with_param_in_key = dict() for key in results_nx: new_key = (param_list[i], *key) results_nx_with_param_in_key[new_key] = results_nx[key] results.update(results_nx_with_param_in_key) return results def convert_to_html_table(results, param_name, main_title=None, comments=None): string = "\n" keys = list(results.keys()) params, names, devices, bitsizes = zip(*keys) devices_names = sorted(list(set(zip(devices, names)))) params = sorted(list(set(params))) bitsizes = sorted(list(set(bitsizes))) length = len(devices_names) + 1 cpus_cols = list(devices).count("CPU") / len(bitsizes) / len(params) gpus_cols = list(devices).count("GPU") / len(bitsizes) / len(params) assert cpus_cols + gpus_cols == len(devices_names) if main_title is not None: string += f'\n' for i, bitsize in enumerate(bitsizes): if i != 0: string += f'\n' # make bitsize header text = f"{bitsize} bits" if comments is not None: text += " - " if isinstance(comments, (tuple, list)) and len(comments) == len(bitsizes): text += str(comments[i]) else: text += str(comments) string += f'' string += f'\n' # make device header string += f'' string += f'' string += f'\n' # make param_name / backend header string += f'' for device, name in devices_names: string += f'' string += "\n" # make results rows for param in params: string += f'' for device, name in devices_names: key = (param, name, device, bitsize) string += f'' string += "\n" string += "
" return string