# Docs ref: https://docs.codecov.io/docs/codecovyml-reference # Validation check: $ curl --data-binary @codecov.yml https://codecov.io/validate codecov: token: 057953e4-d263-41c0-913c-5d45c0371df9 bot: "codecov-io" strict_yaml_branch: "yaml-config" require_ci_to_pass: yes notify: wait_for_ci: yes coverage: precision: 2 round: down range: "70...100" status: project: default: base: auto # target to compare against target: auto # target "X%" coverage to hit on project threshold: 1% # allow this much decrease from base if_ci_failed: error patch: default: base: auto # target to compare against target: 50% # target "X%" coverage to hit on patch # threshold: 50% # allow this much decrease on patch changes: false parsers: gcov: branch_detection: conditional: yes loop: yes method: no macro: no # https://docs.codecov.io/docs/ignoring-paths ignore: - "ot/gpu/*" # https://docs.codecov.io/docs/pull-request-comments comment: layout: header, diff, sunburst, uncovered behavior: default require_changes: true # if true: only post the comment if coverage changes