Quick start guide ================= In the following we provide some pointers about which functions and classes to use for different problems related to optimal transport (OT). Optimal transport and Wasserstein distance ------------------------------------------ .. note:: In POT, most functions that solve OT or regularized OT problems have two versions that return the OT matrix or the value of the optimal solution. For instance :any:`ot.emd` return the OT matrix and :any:`ot.emd2` return the Wassertsein distance. Solving optimal transport ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The optimal transport problem between discrete distributions is often expressed as .. math:: \gamma^* = arg\min_\gamma \sum_{i,j}\gamma_{i,j}M_{i,j} s.t. \gamma 1 = a; \gamma^T 1= b; \gamma\geq 0 where : - :math:`M\in\mathbb{R}_+^{m\times n}` is the metric cost matrix defining the cost to move mass from bin :math:`a_i` to bin :math:`b_j`. - :math:`a` and :math:`b` are histograms (positive, sum to 1) that represent the weights of each samples in the source an target distributions. Solving the linear program above can be done using the function :any:`ot.emd` that will return the optimal transport matrix :math:`\gamma^*`: .. code:: python # a,b are 1D histograms (sum to 1 and positive) # M is the ground cost matrix T=ot.emd(a,b,M) # exact linear program The method used for solving the OT problem is the network simplex, it is implemented in C from [1]_. It has a complexity of :math:`O(n^3)` but the solver is quite efficient and uses sparsity of the solution. .. hint:: Examples of use for :any:`ot.emd` are available in the following examples: - :any:`auto_examples/plot_OT_2D_samples` - :any:`auto_examples/plot_OT_1D` - :any:`auto_examples/plot_OT_L1_vs_L2` Computing Wasserstein distance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The value of the OT solution is often more of interest that the OT matrix : .. math:: W(a,b)=\min_\gamma \sum_{i,j}\gamma_{i,j}M_{i,j} s.t. \gamma 1 = a; \gamma^T 1= b; \gamma\geq 0 where :math:`W(a,b)` is the `Wasserstein distance `_ between distributions a and b It is a metrix that has nice statistical properties. It can computed from an already estimated OT matrix with :code:`np.sum(T*M)` or directly with the function :any:`ot.emd2`. .. code:: python # a,b are 1D histograms (sum to 1 and positive) # M is the ground cost matrix W=ot.emd2(a,b,M) # Wasserstein distance / EMD value .. hint:: Examples of use for :any:`ot.emd2` are available in the following examples: - :any:`auto_examples/plot_compute_emd` Regularized Optimal Transport ----------------------------- Entropic regularized OT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Other regularization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Stochastic gradient decsent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Wasserstein Barycenters ----------------------- Monge mapping and Domain adaptation with Optimal transport ---------------------------------------- Other applications ------------------ GPU acceleration ---------------- FAQ --- 1. **How to solve a discrete optimal transport problem ?** The solver for discrete is the function :py:mod:`ot.emd` that returns the OT transport matrix. If you want to solve a regularized OT you can use :py:mod:`ot.sinkhorn`. Here is a simple use case: .. code:: python # a,b are 1D histograms (sum to 1 and positive) # M is the ground cost matrix T=ot.emd(a,b,M) # exact linear program T_reg=ot.sinkhorn(a,b,M,reg) # entropic regularized OT More detailed examples can be seen on this :doc:`auto_examples/plot_OT_2D_samples` 2. **Compute a Wasserstein distance** References ---------- .. [1] Bonneel, N., Van De Panne, M., Paris, S., & Heidrich, W. (2011, December). `Displacement nterpolation using Lagrangian mass transport `__. In ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) (Vol. 30, No. 6, p. 158). ACM. .. [2] Cuturi, M. (2013). `Sinkhorn distances: Lightspeed computation of optimal transport `__. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (pp. 2292-2300). .. [3] Benamou, J. D., Carlier, G., Cuturi, M., Nenna, L., & Peyré, G. (2015). `Iterative Bregman projections for regularized transportation problems `__. 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