# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ======================== OT for domain adaptation ======================== This example introduces a domain adaptation in a 2D setting and the 4 OTDA approaches currently supported in POT. """ # Authors: Remi Flamary # Stanislas Chambon # # License: MIT License import matplotlib.pylab as pl import ot # number of source and target points to generate ns = 150 nt = 150 Xs, ys = ot.datasets.get_data_classif('3gauss', ns) Xt, yt = ot.datasets.get_data_classif('3gauss2', nt) # Instantiate the different transport algorithms and fit them # EMD Transport ot_emd = ot.da.EMDTransport() ot_emd.fit(Xs=Xs, Xt=Xt) # Sinkhorn Transport ot_sinkhorn = ot.da.SinkhornTransport(reg_e=1e-1) ot_sinkhorn.fit(Xs=Xs, Xt=Xt) # Sinkhorn Transport with Group lasso regularization ot_lpl1 = ot.da.SinkhornLpl1Transport(reg_e=1e-1, reg_cl=1e0) ot_lpl1.fit(Xs=Xs, ys=ys, Xt=Xt) # Sinkhorn Transport with Group lasso regularization l1l2 ot_l1l2 = ot.da.SinkhornL1l2Transport(reg_e=1e-1, reg_cl=2e0, max_iter=20, verbose=True) ot_l1l2.fit(Xs=Xs, ys=ys, Xt=Xt) # transport source samples onto target samples transp_Xs_emd = ot_emd.transform(Xs=Xs) transp_Xs_sinkhorn = ot_sinkhorn.transform(Xs=Xs) transp_Xs_lpl1 = ot_lpl1.transform(Xs=Xs) transp_Xs_l1l2 = ot_l1l2.transform(Xs=Xs) ############################################################################## # Fig 1 : plots source and target samples ############################################################################## pl.figure(1, figsize=(10, 5)) pl.subplot(1, 2, 1) pl.scatter(Xs[:, 0], Xs[:, 1], c=ys, marker='+', label='Source samples') pl.xticks([]) pl.yticks([]) pl.legend(loc=0) pl.title('Source samples') pl.subplot(1, 2, 2) pl.scatter(Xt[:, 0], Xt[:, 1], c=yt, marker='o', label='Target samples') pl.xticks([]) pl.yticks([]) pl.legend(loc=0) pl.title('Target samples') pl.tight_layout() ############################################################################## # Fig 2 : plot optimal couplings and transported samples ############################################################################## param_img = {'interpolation': 'nearest', 'cmap': 'spectral'} pl.figure(2, figsize=(15, 8)) pl.subplot(2, 4, 1) pl.imshow(ot_emd.coupling_, **param_img) pl.xticks([]) pl.yticks([]) pl.title('Optimal coupling\nEMDTransport') pl.subplot(2, 4, 2) pl.imshow(ot_sinkhorn.coupling_, **param_img) pl.xticks([]) pl.yticks([]) pl.title('Optimal coupling\nSinkhornTransport') pl.subplot(2, 4, 3) pl.imshow(ot_lpl1.coupling_, **param_img) pl.xticks([]) pl.yticks([]) pl.title('Optimal coupling\nSinkhornLpl1Transport') pl.subplot(2, 4, 4) pl.imshow(ot_l1l2.coupling_, **param_img) pl.xticks([]) pl.yticks([]) pl.title('Optimal coupling\nSinkhornL1l2Transport') pl.subplot(2, 4, 5) pl.scatter(Xt[:, 0], Xt[:, 1], c=yt, marker='o', label='Target samples', alpha=0.3) pl.scatter(transp_Xs_emd[:, 0], transp_Xs_emd[:, 1], c=ys, marker='+', label='Transp samples', s=30) pl.xticks([]) pl.yticks([]) pl.title('Transported samples\nEmdTransport') pl.legend(loc="lower left") pl.subplot(2, 4, 6) pl.scatter(Xt[:, 0], Xt[:, 1], c=yt, marker='o', label='Target samples', alpha=0.3) pl.scatter(transp_Xs_sinkhorn[:, 0], transp_Xs_sinkhorn[:, 1], c=ys, marker='+', label='Transp samples', s=30) pl.xticks([]) pl.yticks([]) pl.title('Transported samples\nSinkhornTransport') pl.subplot(2, 4, 7) pl.scatter(Xt[:, 0], Xt[:, 1], c=yt, marker='o', label='Target samples', alpha=0.3) pl.scatter(transp_Xs_lpl1[:, 0], transp_Xs_lpl1[:, 1], c=ys, marker='+', label='Transp samples', s=30) pl.xticks([]) pl.yticks([]) pl.title('Transported samples\nSinkhornLpl1Transport') pl.subplot(2, 4, 8) pl.scatter(Xt[:, 0], Xt[:, 1], c=yt, marker='o', label='Target samples', alpha=0.3) pl.scatter(transp_Xs_l1l2[:, 0], transp_Xs_l1l2[:, 1], c=ys, marker='+', label='Transp samples', s=30) pl.xticks([]) pl.yticks([]) pl.title('Transported samples\nSinkhornL1l2Transport') pl.tight_layout() pl.show()