# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- r""" ================================= (Fused) Gromov-Wasserstein Linear Dictionary Learning ================================= In this exemple, we illustrate how to learn a Gromov-Wasserstein dictionary on a dataset of structured data such as graphs, denoted :math:`\{ \mathbf{C_s} \}_{s \in [S]}` where every nodes have uniform weights. Given a dictionary :math:`\mathbf{C_{dict}}` composed of D structures of a fixed size nt, each graph :math:`(\mathbf{C_s}, \mathbf{p_s})` is modeled as a convex combination :math:`\mathbf{w_s} \in \Sigma_D` of these dictionary atoms as :math:`\sum_d w_{s,d} \mathbf{C_{dict}[d]}`. First, we consider a dataset composed of graphs generated by Stochastic Block models with variable sizes taken in :math:`\{30, ... , 50\}` and quantities of clusters varying in :math:`\{ 1, 2, 3\}`. We learn a dictionary of 3 atoms, by minimizing the Gromov-Wasserstein distance from all samples to its model in the dictionary with respect to the dictionary atoms. Second, we illustrate the extension of this dictionary learning framework to structured data endowed with node features by using the Fused Gromov-Wasserstein distance. Starting from the aforementioned dataset of unattributed graphs, we add discrete labels uniformly depending on the number of clusters. Then we learn and visualize attributed graph atoms where each sample is modeled as a joint convex combination between atom structures and features. [38] C. Vincent-Cuaz, T. Vayer, R. Flamary, M. Corneli, N. Courty, Online Graph Dictionary Learning, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2021. """ # Author: Cédric Vincent-Cuaz # # License: MIT License # sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 4 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as pl from sklearn.manifold import MDS from ot.gromov import gromov_wasserstein_linear_unmixing, gromov_wasserstein_dictionary_learning, fused_gromov_wasserstein_linear_unmixing, fused_gromov_wasserstein_dictionary_learning import ot import networkx from networkx.generators.community import stochastic_block_model as sbm ############################################################################# # # Generate a dataset composed of graphs following Stochastic Block models of 1, 2 and 3 clusters. # --------------------------------------------- np.random.seed(42) N = 60 # number of graphs in the dataset # For every number of clusters, we generate SBM with fixed inter/intra-clusters probability. clusters = [1, 2, 3] Nc = N // len(clusters) # number of graphs by cluster nlabels = len(clusters) dataset = [] labels = [] p_inter = 0.1 p_intra = 0.9 for n_cluster in clusters: for i in range(Nc): n_nodes = int(np.random.uniform(low=30, high=50)) if n_cluster > 1: P = p_inter * np.ones((n_cluster, n_cluster)) np.fill_diagonal(P, p_intra) else: P = p_intra * np.eye(1) sizes = np.round(n_nodes * np.ones(n_cluster) / n_cluster).astype(np.int32) G = sbm(sizes, P, seed=i, directed=False) C = networkx.to_numpy_array(G) dataset.append(C) labels.append(n_cluster) # Visualize samples def plot_graph(x, C, binary=True, color='C0', s=None): for j in range(C.shape[0]): for i in range(j): if binary: if C[i, j] > 0: pl.plot([x[i, 0], x[j, 0]], [x[i, 1], x[j, 1]], alpha=0.2, color='k') else: # connection intensity proportional to C[i,j] pl.plot([x[i, 0], x[j, 0]], [x[i, 1], x[j, 1]], alpha=C[i, j], color='k') pl.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], c=color, s=s, zorder=10, edgecolors='k', cmap='tab10', vmax=9) pl.figure(1, (12, 8)) pl.clf() for idx_c, c in enumerate(clusters): C = dataset[(c - 1) * Nc] # sample with c clusters # get 2d position for nodes x = MDS(dissimilarity='precomputed', random_state=0).fit_transform(1 - C) pl.subplot(2, nlabels, c) pl.title('(graph) sample from label ' + str(c), fontsize=14) plot_graph(x, C, binary=True, color='C0', s=50.) pl.axis("off") pl.subplot(2, nlabels, nlabels + c) pl.title('(matrix) sample from label %s \n' % c, fontsize=14) pl.imshow(C, interpolation='nearest') pl.axis("off") pl.tight_layout() pl.show() ############################################################################# # # Estimate the gromov-wasserstein dictionary from the dataset # --------------------------------------------- np.random.seed(0) ps = [ot.unif(C.shape[0]) for C in dataset] D = 3 # 3 atoms in the dictionary nt = 6 # of 6 nodes each q = ot.unif(nt) reg = 0. # regularization coefficient to promote sparsity of unmixings {w_s} Cdict_GW, log = gromov_wasserstein_dictionary_learning( Cs=dataset, D=D, nt=nt, ps=ps, q=q, epochs=10, batch_size=16, learning_rate=0.1, reg=reg, projection='nonnegative_symmetric', tol_outer=10**(-5), tol_inner=10**(-5), max_iter_outer=30, max_iter_inner=300, use_log=True, use_adam_optimizer=True, verbose=True ) # visualize loss evolution over epochs pl.figure(2, (4, 3)) pl.clf() pl.title('loss evolution by epoch', fontsize=14) pl.plot(log['loss_epochs']) pl.xlabel('epochs', fontsize=12) pl.ylabel('loss', fontsize=12) pl.tight_layout() pl.show() ############################################################################# # # Visualization of the estimated dictionary atoms # --------------------------------------------- # Continuous connections between nodes of the atoms are colored in shades of grey (1: dark / 2: white) pl.figure(3, (12, 8)) pl.clf() for idx_atom, atom in enumerate(Cdict_GW): scaled_atom = (atom - atom.min()) / (atom.max() - atom.min()) x = MDS(dissimilarity='precomputed', random_state=0).fit_transform(1 - scaled_atom) pl.subplot(2, D, idx_atom + 1) pl.title('(graph) atom ' + str(idx_atom + 1), fontsize=14) plot_graph(x, atom / atom.max(), binary=False, color='C0', s=100.) pl.axis("off") pl.subplot(2, D, D + idx_atom + 1) pl.title('(matrix) atom %s \n' % (idx_atom + 1), fontsize=14) pl.imshow(scaled_atom, interpolation='nearest') pl.colorbar() pl.axis("off") pl.tight_layout() pl.show() ############################################################################# # # Visualization of the embedding space # --------------------------------------------- unmixings = [] reconstruction_errors = [] for C in dataset: p = ot.unif(C.shape[0]) unmixing, Cembedded, OT, reconstruction_error = gromov_wasserstein_linear_unmixing( C, Cdict_GW, p=p, q=q, reg=reg, tol_outer=10**(-5), tol_inner=10**(-5), max_iter_outer=30, max_iter_inner=300 ) unmixings.append(unmixing) reconstruction_errors.append(reconstruction_error) unmixings = np.array(unmixings) print('cumulated reconstruction error:', np.array(reconstruction_errors).sum()) # Compute the 2D representation of the unmixing living in the 2-simplex of probability unmixings2D = np.zeros(shape=(N, 2)) for i, w in enumerate(unmixings): unmixings2D[i, 0] = (2. * w[1] + w[2]) / 2. unmixings2D[i, 1] = (np.sqrt(3.) * w[2]) / 2. x = [0., 0.] y = [1., 0.] z = [0.5, np.sqrt(3) / 2.] extremities = np.stack([x, y, z]) pl.figure(4, (4, 4)) pl.clf() pl.title('Embedding space', fontsize=14) for cluster in range(nlabels): start, end = Nc * cluster, Nc * (cluster + 1) if cluster == 0: pl.scatter(unmixings2D[start:end, 0], unmixings2D[start:end, 1], c='C' + str(cluster), marker='o', s=40., label='1 cluster') else: pl.scatter(unmixings2D[start:end, 0], unmixings2D[start:end, 1], c='C' + str(cluster), marker='o', s=40., label='%s clusters' % (cluster + 1)) pl.scatter(extremities[:, 0], extremities[:, 1], c='black', marker='x', s=80., label='atoms') pl.plot([x[0], y[0]], [x[1], y[1]], color='black', linewidth=2.) pl.plot([x[0], z[0]], [x[1], z[1]], color='black', linewidth=2.) pl.plot([y[0], z[0]], [y[1], z[1]], color='black', linewidth=2.) pl.axis('off') pl.legend(fontsize=11) pl.tight_layout() pl.show() ############################################################################# # # Endow the dataset with node features # --------------------------------------------- # We follow this feature assignment on all nodes of a graph depending on its label/number of clusters # 1 cluster --> 0 as nodes feature # 2 clusters --> 1 as nodes feature # 3 clusters --> 2 as nodes feature # features are one-hot encoded following these assignments dataset_features = [] for i in range(len(dataset)): n = dataset[i].shape[0] F = np.zeros((n, 3)) if i < Nc: # graph with 1 cluster F[:, 0] = 1. elif i < 2 * Nc: # graph with 2 clusters F[:, 1] = 1. else: # graph with 3 clusters F[:, 2] = 1. dataset_features.append(F) pl.figure(5, (12, 8)) pl.clf() for idx_c, c in enumerate(clusters): C = dataset[(c - 1) * Nc] # sample with c clusters F = dataset_features[(c - 1) * Nc] colors = ['C' + str(np.argmax(F[i])) for i in range(F.shape[0])] # get 2d position for nodes x = MDS(dissimilarity='precomputed', random_state=0).fit_transform(1 - C) pl.subplot(2, nlabels, c) pl.title('(graph) sample from label ' + str(c), fontsize=14) plot_graph(x, C, binary=True, color=colors, s=50) pl.axis("off") pl.subplot(2, nlabels, nlabels + c) pl.title('(matrix) sample from label %s \n' % c, fontsize=14) pl.imshow(C, interpolation='nearest') pl.axis("off") pl.tight_layout() pl.show() ############################################################################# # # Estimate a Fused Gromov-Wasserstein dictionary from the dataset of attributed graphs # --------------------------------------------- np.random.seed(0) ps = [ot.unif(C.shape[0]) for C in dataset] D = 3 # 6 atoms instead of 3 nt = 6 q = ot.unif(nt) reg = 0.001 alpha = 0.5 # trade-off parameter between structure and feature information of Fused Gromov-Wasserstein Cdict_FGW, Ydict_FGW, log = fused_gromov_wasserstein_dictionary_learning( Cs=dataset, Ys=dataset_features, D=D, nt=nt, ps=ps, q=q, alpha=alpha, epochs=10, batch_size=16, learning_rate_C=0.1, learning_rate_Y=0.1, reg=reg, tol_outer=10**(-5), tol_inner=10**(-5), max_iter_outer=30, max_iter_inner=300, projection='nonnegative_symmetric', use_log=True, use_adam_optimizer=True, verbose=True ) # visualize loss evolution pl.figure(6, (4, 3)) pl.clf() pl.title('loss evolution by epoch', fontsize=14) pl.plot(log['loss_epochs']) pl.xlabel('epochs', fontsize=12) pl.ylabel('loss', fontsize=12) pl.tight_layout() pl.show() ############################################################################# # # Visualization of the estimated dictionary atoms # --------------------------------------------- pl.figure(7, (12, 8)) pl.clf() max_features = Ydict_FGW.max() min_features = Ydict_FGW.min() for idx_atom, (Catom, Fatom) in enumerate(zip(Cdict_FGW, Ydict_FGW)): scaled_atom = (Catom - Catom.min()) / (Catom.max() - Catom.min()) #scaled_F = 2 * (Fatom - min_features) / (max_features - min_features) colors = ['C%s' % np.argmax(Fatom[i]) for i in range(Fatom.shape[0])] x = MDS(dissimilarity='precomputed', random_state=0).fit_transform(1 - scaled_atom) pl.subplot(2, D, idx_atom + 1) pl.title('(attributed graph) atom ' + str(idx_atom + 1), fontsize=14) plot_graph(x, Catom / Catom.max(), binary=False, color=colors, s=100) pl.axis("off") pl.subplot(2, D, D + idx_atom + 1) pl.title('(matrix) atom %s \n' % (idx_atom + 1), fontsize=14) pl.imshow(scaled_atom, interpolation='nearest') pl.colorbar() pl.axis("off") pl.tight_layout() pl.show() ############################################################################# # # Visualization of the embedding space # --------------------------------------------- unmixings = [] reconstruction_errors = [] for i in range(len(dataset)): C = dataset[i] Y = dataset_features[i] p = ot.unif(C.shape[0]) unmixing, Cembedded, Yembedded, OT, reconstruction_error = fused_gromov_wasserstein_linear_unmixing( C, Y, Cdict_FGW, Ydict_FGW, p=p, q=q, alpha=alpha, reg=reg, tol_outer=10**(-6), tol_inner=10**(-6), max_iter_outer=30, max_iter_inner=300 ) unmixings.append(unmixing) reconstruction_errors.append(reconstruction_error) unmixings = np.array(unmixings) print('cumulated reconstruction error:', np.array(reconstruction_errors).sum()) # Visualize unmixings in the 2-simplex of probability unmixings2D = np.zeros(shape=(N, 2)) for i, w in enumerate(unmixings): unmixings2D[i, 0] = (2. * w[1] + w[2]) / 2. unmixings2D[i, 1] = (np.sqrt(3.) * w[2]) / 2. x = [0., 0.] y = [1., 0.] z = [0.5, np.sqrt(3) / 2.] extremities = np.stack([x, y, z]) pl.figure(8, (4, 4)) pl.clf() pl.title('Embedding space', fontsize=14) for cluster in range(nlabels): start, end = Nc * cluster, Nc * (cluster + 1) if cluster == 0: pl.scatter(unmixings2D[start:end, 0], unmixings2D[start:end, 1], c='C' + str(cluster), marker='o', s=40., label='1 cluster') else: pl.scatter(unmixings2D[start:end, 0], unmixings2D[start:end, 1], c='C' + str(cluster), marker='o', s=40., label='%s clusters' % (cluster + 1)) pl.scatter(extremities[:, 0], extremities[:, 1], c='black', marker='x', s=80., label='atoms') pl.plot([x[0], y[0]], [x[1], y[1]], color='black', linewidth=2.) pl.plot([x[0], z[0]], [x[1], z[1]], color='black', linewidth=2.) pl.plot([y[0], z[0]], [y[1], z[1]], color='black', linewidth=2.) pl.axis('off') pl.legend(fontsize=11) pl.tight_layout() pl.show()