""" This is the main module of the POT toolbox. It provides easy access to a number of functions described below. ### FAQ #### How to compute the Wasserstein distance ? .. warning:: The list of automatically imported sub-modules is as follows: :py:mod:`ot.lp`, :py:mod:`ot.bregman`, :py:mod:`ot.optim` :py:mod:`ot.utils`, :py:mod:`ot.datasets`, :py:mod:`ot.gromov`, :py:mod:`ot.smooth` :py:mod:`ot.stochastic` The other sub-modules are not imported due to additional dependencies. """ # Author: Remi Flamary # Nicolas Courty # # License: MIT License # All submodules and packages from . import lp from . import bregman from . import optim from . import utils from . import datasets from . import da from . import gromov from . import smooth from . import stochastic # OT functions from .lp import emd, emd2 from .bregman import sinkhorn, sinkhorn2, barycenter from .da import sinkhorn_lpl1_mm # utils functions from .utils import dist, unif, tic, toc, toq __version__ = "0.5.1" __all__ = ["emd", "emd2", "sinkhorn", "sinkhorn2", "utils", 'datasets', 'bregman', 'lp', 'tic', 'toc', 'toq', 'gromov', 'dist', 'unif', 'barycenter', 'sinkhorn_lpl1_mm', 'da', 'optim']