# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Domain adaptation with optimal transport and GPU """ import numpy as np from ..utils import unif from ..da import OTDA from .bregman import sinkhorn import cudamat def pairwiseEuclideanGPU(a, b, returnAsGPU=False, squared=False): """ Compute the pairwise euclidean distance between matrices a and b. Parameters ---------- a : np.ndarray (n, f) first matrice b : np.ndarray (m, f) second matrice returnAsGPU : boolean, optional (default False) if True, returns cudamat matrix still on GPU, else return np.ndarray squared : boolean, optional (default False) if True, return squared euclidean distance matrice Returns ------- c : (n x m) np.ndarray or cudamat.CUDAMatrix pairwise euclidean distance distance matrix """ # a is shape (n, f) and b shape (m, f). Return matrix c of shape (n, m). # First compute in c_GPU the squared euclidean distance. And return its # square root. At each cell [i,j] of c, we want to have # sum{k in range(f)} ( (a[i,k] - b[j,k])^2 ). We know that # (a-b)^2 = a^2 -2ab +b^2. Thus we want to have in each cell of c: # sum{k in range(f)} ( a[i,k]^2 -2a[i,k]b[j,k] +b[j,k]^2). a_GPU = cudamat.CUDAMatrix(a) b_GPU = cudamat.CUDAMatrix(b) # Multiply a by b transpose to obtain in each cell [i,j] of c the # value sum{k in range(f)} ( a[i,k]b[j,k] ) c_GPU = cudamat.dot(a_GPU, b_GPU.transpose()) # multiply by -2 to have sum{k in range(f)} ( -2a[i,k]b[j,k] ) c_GPU.mult(-2) # Compute the vectors of the sum of squared elements. a_GPU = cudamat.pow(a_GPU, 2).sum(axis=1) b_GPU = cudamat.pow(b_GPU, 2).sum(axis=1) # Add the vectors in each columns (respectivly rows) of c. # sum{k in range(f)} ( a[i,k]^2 -2a[i,k]b[j,k] ) c_GPU.add_col_vec(a_GPU) # sum{k in range(f)} ( a[i,k]^2 -2a[i,k]b[j,k] +b[j,k]^2) c_GPU.add_row_vec(b_GPU.transpose()) if not squared: c_GPU = cudamat.sqrt(c_GPU) if returnAsGPU: return c_GPU else: return c_GPU.asarray() def sinkhorn_lpl1_mm(a, labels_a, b, M_GPU, reg, eta=0.1, numItermax=10, numInnerItermax=200, stopInnerThr=1e-9, unlabelledValue=-99, verbose=False, log=False): p = 0.5 epsilon = 1e-3 # init data Nfin = len(b) indices_labels = [] classes = np.unique(labels_a) for c in classes: idxc, = np.where(labels_a == c) indices_labels.append(cudamat.CUDAMatrix(idxc.reshape(1, -1))) Mreg_GPU = cudamat.empty(M_GPU.shape) W_GPU = cudamat.empty(M_GPU.shape).assign(0) for cpt in range(numItermax): Mreg_GPU.assign(M_GPU) Mreg_GPU.add_mult(W_GPU, eta) transp_GPU = sinkhorn(a, b, Mreg_GPU, reg, numItermax=numInnerItermax, stopThr=stopInnerThr, returnAsGPU=True) # the transport has been computed. Check if classes are really # separated W_GPU.assign(1) W_GPU = W_GPU.transpose() all_majs_GPU = [] idx_unlabelled = -1 for (i, c) in enumerate(classes): if c != unlabelledValue: (_, nbRow) = indices_labels[i].shape tmpC_GPU = cudamat.empty((Nfin, nbRow)).assign(0) transp_GPU.transpose().select_columns(indices_labels[i], tmpC_GPU) majs_GPU = tmpC_GPU.sum(axis=1).add(epsilon) cudamat.pow(majs_GPU, (p-1)) majs_GPU.mult(p) all_majs_GPU.append(majs_GPU) tmpC_GPU.assign(0) tmpC_GPU.add_col_vec(majs_GPU) W_GPU.set_selected_columns(indices_labels[i], tmpC_GPU) else: idx_unlabelled = i # now we majorize the unlabelled (if there are any) by the min of # the majorizations. do it only for unlabbled data if idx_unlabelled != -1: all_majs = np.array([m_GPU.asarray() for m_GPU in all_majs_GPU]) minMaj_GPU = (cudamat.CUDAMatrix(all_majs).min(axis=0) .transpose()) (_, nbRow) = indices_labels[idx_unlabelled].shape tmpC_GPU = cudamat.empty((Nfin, nbRow)).assign(0) tmpC_GPU.add_col_vec(minMaj_GPU) W_GPU.set_selected_columns(indices_labels[idx_unlabelled], tmpC_GPU) W_GPU = W_GPU.transpose() return transp_GPU.asarray() class OTDA_GPU(OTDA): def normalizeM(self, norm): if norm == "median": self.M_GPU.divide(float(np.median(self.M_GPU.asarray()))) elif norm == "max": self.M_GPU.divide(float(np.max(self.M_GPU.asarray()))) elif norm == "log": self.M_GPU.add(1) cudamat.log(self.M_GPU) elif norm == "loglog": self.M_GPU.add(1) cudamat.log(self.M_GPU) self.M_GPU.add(1) cudamat.log(self.M_GPU) class OTDA_sinkhorn(OTDA_GPU): def fit(self, xs, xt, reg=1, ws=None, wt=None, norm=None, **kwargs): cudamat.init() xs = np.asarray(xs, dtype=np.float64) xt = np.asarray(xt, dtype=np.float64) self.xs = xs self.xt = xt if wt is None: wt = unif(xt.shape[0]) if ws is None: ws = unif(xs.shape[0]) self.ws = ws self.wt = wt self.M_GPU = pairwiseEuclideanGPU(xs, xt, returnAsGPU=True, squared=True) self.normalizeM(norm) self.G = sinkhorn(ws, wt, self.M_GPU, reg, **kwargs) self.computed = True class OTDA_lpl1(OTDA_GPU): def fit(self, xs, ys, xt, reg=1, eta=1, ws=None, wt=None, norm=None, **kwargs): cudamat.init() xs = np.asarray(xs, dtype=np.float64) xt = np.asarray(xt, dtype=np.float64) self.xs = xs self.xt = xt if wt is None: wt = unif(xt.shape[0]) if ws is None: ws = unif(xs.shape[0]) self.ws = ws self.wt = wt self.M_GPU = pairwiseEuclideanGPU(xs, xt, returnAsGPU=True, squared=True) self.normalizeM(norm) self.G = sinkhorn_lpl1_mm(ws, ys, wt, self.M_GPU, reg, eta, **kwargs) self.computed = True