# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Gromov-Wasserstein and Fused-Gromov-Wasserstein solvers """ # Author: Erwan Vautier # Nicolas Courty # Rémi Flamary # Titouan Vayer # # License: MIT License import numpy as np from .bregman import sinkhorn from .utils import dist, UndefinedParameter, list_to_array from .optim import cg from .lp import emd_1d, emd from .utils import check_random_state from .backend import get_backend def init_matrix(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun='square_loss'): r"""Return loss matrices and tensors for Gromov-Wasserstein fast computation Returns the value of :math:`\mathcal{L}(\mathbf{C_1}, \mathbf{C_2}) \otimes \mathbf{T}` with the selected loss function as the loss function of Gromow-Wasserstein discrepancy. The matrices are computed as described in Proposition 1 in :ref:`[12] ` Where : - :math:`\mathbf{C_1}`: Metric cost matrix in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{C_2}`: Metric cost matrix in the target space - :math:`\mathbf{T}`: A coupling between those two spaces The square-loss function :math:`L(a, b) = |a - b|^2` is read as : .. math:: L(a, b) = f_1(a) + f_2(b) - h_1(a) h_2(b) \mathrm{with} \ f_1(a) &= a^2 f_2(b) &= b^2 h_1(a) &= a h_2(b) &= 2b The kl-loss function :math:`L(a, b) = a \log\left(\frac{a}{b}\right) - a + b` is read as : .. math:: L(a, b) = f_1(a) + f_2(b) - h_1(a) h_2(b) \mathrm{with} \ f_1(a) &= a \log(a) - a f_2(b) &= b h_1(a) &= a h_2(b) &= \log(b) Parameters ---------- C1 : array-like, shape (ns, ns) Metric cost matrix in the source space C2 : array-like, shape (nt, nt) Metric cost matrix in the target space T : array-like, shape (ns, nt) Coupling between source and target spaces p : array-like, shape (ns,) Returns ------- constC : array-like, shape (ns, nt) Constant :math:`\mathbf{C}` matrix in Eq. (6) hC1 : array-like, shape (ns, ns) :math:`\mathbf{h1}(\mathbf{C1})` matrix in Eq. (6) hC2 : array-like, shape (nt, nt) :math:`\mathbf{h2}(\mathbf{C2})` matrix in Eq. (6) .. _references-init-matrix: References ---------- .. [12] Gabriel Peyré, Marco Cuturi, and Justin Solomon, "Gromov-Wasserstein averaging of kernel and distance matrices." International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2016. """ C1, C2, p, q = list_to_array(C1, C2, p, q) nx = get_backend(C1, C2, p, q) if loss_fun == 'square_loss': def f1(a): return (a**2) def f2(b): return (b**2) def h1(a): return a def h2(b): return 2 * b elif loss_fun == 'kl_loss': def f1(a): return a * nx.log(a + 1e-15) - a def f2(b): return b def h1(a): return a def h2(b): return nx.log(b + 1e-15) constC1 = nx.dot( nx.dot(f1(C1), nx.reshape(p, (-1, 1))), nx.ones((1, len(q)), type_as=q) ) constC2 = nx.dot( nx.ones((len(p), 1), type_as=p), nx.dot(nx.reshape(q, (1, -1)), f2(C2).T) ) constC = constC1 + constC2 hC1 = h1(C1) hC2 = h2(C2) return constC, hC1, hC2 def tensor_product(constC, hC1, hC2, T): r"""Return the tensor for Gromov-Wasserstein fast computation The tensor is computed as described in Proposition 1 Eq. (6) in :ref:`[12] ` Parameters ---------- constC : array-like, shape (ns, nt) Constant :math:`\mathbf{C}` matrix in Eq. (6) hC1 : array-like, shape (ns, ns) :math:`\mathbf{h1}(\mathbf{C1})` matrix in Eq. (6) hC2 : array-like, shape (nt, nt) :math:`\mathbf{h2}(\mathbf{C2})` matrix in Eq. (6) Returns ------- tens : array-like, shape (`ns`, `nt`) :math:`\mathcal{L}(\mathbf{C_1}, \mathbf{C_2}) \otimes \mathbf{T}` tensor-matrix multiplication result .. _references-tensor-product: References ---------- .. [12] Gabriel Peyré, Marco Cuturi, and Justin Solomon, "Gromov-Wasserstein averaging of kernel and distance matrices." International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2016. """ constC, hC1, hC2, T = list_to_array(constC, hC1, hC2, T) nx = get_backend(constC, hC1, hC2, T) A = - nx.dot( nx.dot(hC1, T), hC2.T ) tens = constC + A # tens -= tens.min() return tens def gwloss(constC, hC1, hC2, T): r"""Return the Loss for Gromov-Wasserstein The loss is computed as described in Proposition 1 Eq. (6) in :ref:`[12] ` Parameters ---------- constC : array-like, shape (ns, nt) Constant :math:`\mathbf{C}` matrix in Eq. (6) hC1 : array-like, shape (ns, ns) :math:`\mathbf{h1}(\mathbf{C1})` matrix in Eq. (6) hC2 : array-like, shape (nt, nt) :math:`\mathbf{h2}(\mathbf{C2})` matrix in Eq. (6) T : array-like, shape (ns, nt) Current value of transport matrix :math:`\mathbf{T}` Returns ------- loss : float Gromov Wasserstein loss .. _references-gwloss: References ---------- .. [12] Gabriel Peyré, Marco Cuturi, and Justin Solomon, "Gromov-Wasserstein averaging of kernel and distance matrices." International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2016. """ tens = tensor_product(constC, hC1, hC2, T) tens, T = list_to_array(tens, T) nx = get_backend(tens, T) return nx.sum(tens * T) def gwggrad(constC, hC1, hC2, T): r"""Return the gradient for Gromov-Wasserstein The gradient is computed as described in Proposition 2 in :ref:`[12] ` Parameters ---------- constC : array-like, shape (ns, nt) Constant :math:`\mathbf{C}` matrix in Eq. (6) hC1 : array-like, shape (ns, ns) :math:`\mathbf{h1}(\mathbf{C1})` matrix in Eq. (6) hC2 : array-like, shape (nt, nt) :math:`\mathbf{h2}(\mathbf{C2})` matrix in Eq. (6) T : array-like, shape (ns, nt) Current value of transport matrix :math:`\mathbf{T}` Returns ------- grad : array-like, shape (`ns`, `nt`) Gromov Wasserstein gradient .. _references-gwggrad: References ---------- .. [12] Gabriel Peyré, Marco Cuturi, and Justin Solomon, "Gromov-Wasserstein averaging of kernel and distance matrices." International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2016. """ return 2 * tensor_product(constC, hC1, hC2, T) # [12] Prop. 2 misses a 2 factor def update_square_loss(p, lambdas, T, Cs): r""" Updates :math:`\mathbf{C}` according to the L2 Loss kernel with the `S` :math:`\mathbf{T}_s` couplings calculated at each iteration Parameters ---------- p : array-like, shape (N,) Masses in the targeted barycenter. lambdas : list of float List of the `S` spaces' weights. T : list of S array-like of shape (ns,N) The `S` :math:`\mathbf{T}_s` couplings calculated at each iteration. Cs : list of S array-like, shape(ns,ns) Metric cost matrices. Returns ---------- C : array-like, shape (`nt`, `nt`) Updated :math:`\mathbf{C}` matrix. """ T = list_to_array(*T) Cs = list_to_array(*Cs) p = list_to_array(p) nx = get_backend(p, *T, *Cs) tmpsum = sum([ lambdas[s] * nx.dot( nx.dot(T[s].T, Cs[s]), T[s] ) for s in range(len(T)) ]) ppt = nx.outer(p, p) return tmpsum / ppt def update_kl_loss(p, lambdas, T, Cs): r""" Updates :math:`\mathbf{C}` according to the KL Loss kernel with the `S` :math:`\mathbf{T}_s` couplings calculated at each iteration Parameters ---------- p : array-like, shape (N,) Weights in the targeted barycenter. lambdas : list of float List of the `S` spaces' weights T : list of S array-like of shape (ns,N) The `S` :math:`\mathbf{T}_s` couplings calculated at each iteration. Cs : list of S array-like, shape(ns,ns) Metric cost matrices. Returns ---------- C : array-like, shape (`ns`, `ns`) updated :math:`\mathbf{C}` matrix """ Cs = list_to_array(*Cs) T = list_to_array(*T) p = list_to_array(p) nx = get_backend(p, *T, *Cs) tmpsum = sum([ lambdas[s] * nx.dot( nx.dot(T[s].T, Cs[s]), T[s] ) for s in range(len(T)) ]) ppt = nx.outer(p, p) return nx.exp(tmpsum / ppt) def gromov_wasserstein(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun='square_loss', log=False, armijo=False, **kwargs): r""" Returns the gromov-wasserstein transport between :math:`(\mathbf{C_1}, \mathbf{p})` and :math:`(\mathbf{C_2}, \mathbf{q})` The function solves the following optimization problem: .. math:: \mathbf{GW} = \mathop{\arg \min}_\mathbf{T} \quad \sum_{i,j,k,l} L(\mathbf{C_1}_{i,k}, \mathbf{C_2}_{j,l}) \mathbf{T}_{i,j} \mathbf{T}_{k,l} Where : - :math:`\mathbf{C_1}`: Metric cost matrix in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{C_2}`: Metric cost matrix in the target space - :math:`\mathbf{p}`: distribution in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{q}`: distribution in the target space - `L`: loss function to account for the misfit between the similarity matrices Parameters ---------- C1 : array-like, shape (ns, ns) Metric cost matrix in the source space C2 : array-like, shape (nt, nt) Metric cost matrix in the target space p : array-like, shape (ns,) Distribution in the source space q : array-like, shape (nt,) Distribution in the target space loss_fun : str loss function used for the solver either 'square_loss' or 'kl_loss' max_iter : int, optional Max number of iterations tol : float, optional Stop threshold on error (>0) verbose : bool, optional Print information along iterations log : bool, optional record log if True armijo : bool, optional If True the step of the line-search is found via an armijo research. Else closed form is used. If there are convergence issues use False. **kwargs : dict parameters can be directly passed to the ot.optim.cg solver Returns ------- T : array-like, shape (`ns`, `nt`) Coupling between the two spaces that minimizes: :math:`\sum_{i,j,k,l} L(\mathbf{C_1}_{i,k}, \mathbf{C_2}_{j,l}) \mathbf{T}_{i,j} \mathbf{T}_{k,l}` log : dict Convergence information and loss. References ---------- .. [12] Gabriel Peyré, Marco Cuturi, and Justin Solomon, "Gromov-Wasserstein averaging of kernel and distance matrices." International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2016. .. [13] Mémoli, Facundo. Gromov–Wasserstein distances and the metric approach to object matching. Foundations of computational mathematics 11.4 (2011): 417-487. """ p, q = list_to_array(p, q) p0, q0, C10, C20 = p, q, C1, C2 nx = get_backend(p0, q0, C10, C20) p = nx.to_numpy(p) q = nx.to_numpy(q) C1 = nx.to_numpy(C10) C2 = nx.to_numpy(C20) constC, hC1, hC2 = init_matrix(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun) G0 = p[:, None] * q[None, :] def f(G): return gwloss(constC, hC1, hC2, G) def df(G): return gwggrad(constC, hC1, hC2, G) if log: res, log = cg(p, q, 0, 1, f, df, G0, log=True, armijo=armijo, C1=C1, C2=C2, constC=constC, **kwargs) log['gw_dist'] = nx.from_numpy(gwloss(constC, hC1, hC2, res), type_as=C10) log['u'] = nx.from_numpy(log['u'], type_as=C10) log['v'] = nx.from_numpy(log['v'], type_as=C10) return nx.from_numpy(res, type_as=C10), log else: return nx.from_numpy(cg(p, q, 0, 1, f, df, G0, armijo=armijo, C1=C1, C2=C2, constC=constC, log=False, **kwargs), type_as=C10) def gromov_wasserstein2(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun='square_loss', log=False, armijo=False, **kwargs): r""" Returns the gromov-wasserstein discrepancy between :math:`(\mathbf{C_1}, \mathbf{p})` and :math:`(\mathbf{C_2}, \mathbf{q})` The function solves the following optimization problem: .. math:: GW = \min_\mathbf{T} \quad \sum_{i,j,k,l} L(\mathbf{C_1}_{i,k}, \mathbf{C_2}_{j,l}) \mathbf{T}_{i,j} \mathbf{T}_{k,l} Where : - :math:`\mathbf{C_1}`: Metric cost matrix in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{C_2}`: Metric cost matrix in the target space - :math:`\mathbf{p}`: distribution in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{q}`: distribution in the target space - `L`: loss function to account for the misfit between the similarity matrices Note that when using backends, this loss function is differentiable wrt the marices and weights for quadratic loss using the gradients from [38]_. Parameters ---------- C1 : array-like, shape (ns, ns) Metric cost matrix in the source space C2 : array-like, shape (nt, nt) Metric cost matrix in the target space p : array-like, shape (ns,) Distribution in the source space. q : array-like, shape (nt,) Distribution in the target space. loss_fun : str loss function used for the solver either 'square_loss' or 'kl_loss' max_iter : int, optional Max number of iterations tol : float, optional Stop threshold on error (>0) verbose : bool, optional Print information along iterations log : bool, optional record log if True armijo : bool, optional If True the step of the line-search is found via an armijo research. Else closed form is used. If there are convergence issues use False. Returns ------- gw_dist : float Gromov-Wasserstein distance log : dict convergence information and Coupling marix References ---------- .. [12] Gabriel Peyré, Marco Cuturi, and Justin Solomon, "Gromov-Wasserstein averaging of kernel and distance matrices." International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2016. .. [13] Mémoli, Facundo. Gromov–Wasserstein distances and the metric approach to object matching. Foundations of computational mathematics 11.4 (2011): 417-487. .. [38] C. Vincent-Cuaz, T. Vayer, R. Flamary, M. Corneli, N. Courty, Online Graph Dictionary Learning, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2021. """ p, q = list_to_array(p, q) p0, q0, C10, C20 = p, q, C1, C2 nx = get_backend(p0, q0, C10, C20) p = nx.to_numpy(p) q = nx.to_numpy(q) C1 = nx.to_numpy(C10) C2 = nx.to_numpy(C20) constC, hC1, hC2 = init_matrix(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun) G0 = p[:, None] * q[None, :] def f(G): return gwloss(constC, hC1, hC2, G) def df(G): return gwggrad(constC, hC1, hC2, G) T, log_gw = cg(p, q, 0, 1, f, df, G0, log=True, armijo=armijo, C1=C1, C2=C2, constC=constC, **kwargs) T0 = nx.from_numpy(T, type_as=C10) log_gw['gw_dist'] = nx.from_numpy(gwloss(constC, hC1, hC2, T), type_as=C10) log_gw['u'] = nx.from_numpy(log_gw['u'], type_as=C10) log_gw['v'] = nx.from_numpy(log_gw['v'], type_as=C10) log_gw['T'] = T0 gw = log_gw['gw_dist'] if loss_fun == 'square_loss': gC1 = nx.from_numpy(2 * C1 * (p[:, None] * p[None, :]) - 2 * T.dot(C2).dot(T.T)) gC2 = nx.from_numpy(2 * C2 * (q[:, None] * q[None, :]) - 2 * T.T.dot(C1).dot(T)) gw = nx.set_gradients(gw, (p0, q0, C10, C20), (log_gw['u'], log_gw['v'], gC1, gC2)) if log: return gw, log_gw else: return gw def fused_gromov_wasserstein(M, C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun='square_loss', alpha=0.5, armijo=False, log=False, **kwargs): r""" Computes the FGW transport between two graphs (see :ref:`[24] `) .. math:: \gamma = \mathop{\arg \min}_\gamma \quad (1 - \alpha) \langle \gamma, \mathbf{M} \rangle_F + \alpha \sum_{i,j,k,l} L(\mathbf{C_1}_{i,k}, \mathbf{C_2}_{j,l}) \mathbf{T}_{i,j} \mathbf{T}_{k,l} s.t. \ \mathbf{\gamma} \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{p} \mathbf{\gamma}^T \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{q} \mathbf{\gamma} &\geq 0 where : - :math:`\mathbf{M}` is the (`ns`, `nt`) metric cost matrix - :math:`\mathbf{p}` and :math:`\mathbf{q}` are source and target weights (sum to 1) - `L` is a loss function to account for the misfit between the similarity matrices The algorithm used for solving the problem is conditional gradient as discussed in :ref:`[24] ` Parameters ---------- M : array-like, shape (ns, nt) Metric cost matrix between features across domains C1 : array-like, shape (ns, ns) Metric cost matrix representative of the structure in the source space C2 : array-like, shape (nt, nt) Metric cost matrix representative of the structure in the target space p : array-like, shape (ns,) Distribution in the source space q : array-like, shape (nt,) Distribution in the target space loss_fun : str, optional Loss function used for the solver alpha : float, optional Trade-off parameter (0 < alpha < 1) armijo : bool, optional If True the step of the line-search is found via an armijo research. Else closed form is used. If there are convergence issues use False. log : bool, optional record log if True **kwargs : dict parameters can be directly passed to the ot.optim.cg solver Returns ------- gamma : array-like, shape (`ns`, `nt`) Optimal transportation matrix for the given parameters. log : dict Log dictionary return only if log==True in parameters. .. _references-fused-gromov-wasserstein: References ---------- .. [24] Vayer Titouan, Chapel Laetitia, Flamary Rémi, Tavenard Romain and Courty Nicolas "Optimal Transport for structured data with application on graphs", International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2019. """ p, q = list_to_array(p, q) p0, q0, C10, C20, M0 = p, q, C1, C2, M nx = get_backend(p0, q0, C10, C20, M0) p = nx.to_numpy(p) q = nx.to_numpy(q) C1 = nx.to_numpy(C10) C2 = nx.to_numpy(C20) M = nx.to_numpy(M0) constC, hC1, hC2 = init_matrix(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun) G0 = p[:, None] * q[None, :] def f(G): return gwloss(constC, hC1, hC2, G) def df(G): return gwggrad(constC, hC1, hC2, G) if log: res, log = cg(p, q, (1 - alpha) * M, alpha, f, df, G0, armijo=armijo, C1=C1, C2=C2, constC=constC, log=True, **kwargs) fgw_dist = nx.from_numpy(log['loss'][-1], type_as=C10) log['fgw_dist'] = fgw_dist log['u'] = nx.from_numpy(log['u'], type_as=C10) log['v'] = nx.from_numpy(log['v'], type_as=C10) return nx.from_numpy(res, type_as=C10), log else: return nx.from_numpy(cg(p, q, (1 - alpha) * M, alpha, f, df, G0, armijo=armijo, C1=C1, C2=C2, constC=constC, **kwargs), type_as=C10) def fused_gromov_wasserstein2(M, C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun='square_loss', alpha=0.5, armijo=False, log=False, **kwargs): r""" Computes the FGW distance between two graphs see (see :ref:`[24] `) .. math:: \min_\gamma \quad (1 - \alpha) \langle \gamma, \mathbf{M} \rangle_F + \alpha \sum_{i,j,k,l} L(\mathbf{C_1}_{i,k}, \mathbf{C_2}_{j,l}) \mathbf{T}_{i,j} \mathbf{T}_{k,l} s.t. \ \mathbf{\gamma} \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{p} \mathbf{\gamma}^T \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{q} \mathbf{\gamma} &\geq 0 where : - :math:`\mathbf{M}` is the (`ns`, `nt`) metric cost matrix - :math:`\mathbf{p}` and :math:`\mathbf{q}` are source and target weights (sum to 1) - `L` is a loss function to account for the misfit between the similarity matrices The algorithm used for solving the problem is conditional gradient as discussed in :ref:`[24] ` Note that when using backends, this loss function is differentiable wrt the marices and weights for quadratic loss using the gradients from [38]_. Parameters ---------- M : array-like, shape (ns, nt) Metric cost matrix between features across domains C1 : array-like, shape (ns, ns) Metric cost matrix representative of the structure in the source space. C2 : array-like, shape (nt, nt) Metric cost matrix representative of the structure in the target space. p : array-like, shape (ns,) Distribution in the source space. q : array-like, shape (nt,) Distribution in the target space. loss_fun : str, optional Loss function used for the solver. alpha : float, optional Trade-off parameter (0 < alpha < 1) armijo : bool, optional If True the step of the line-search is found via an armijo research. Else closed form is used. If there are convergence issues use False. log : bool, optional Record log if True. **kwargs : dict Parameters can be directly passed to the ot.optim.cg solver. Returns ------- fgw-distance : float Fused gromov wasserstein distance for the given parameters. log : dict Log dictionary return only if log==True in parameters. .. _references-fused-gromov-wasserstein2: References ---------- .. [24] Vayer Titouan, Chapel Laetitia, Flamary Rémi, Tavenard Romain and Courty Nicolas "Optimal Transport for structured data with application on graphs" International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2019. .. [38] C. Vincent-Cuaz, T. Vayer, R. Flamary, M. Corneli, N. Courty, Online Graph Dictionary Learning, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2021. """ p, q = list_to_array(p, q) p0, q0, C10, C20, M0 = p, q, C1, C2, M nx = get_backend(p0, q0, C10, C20, M0) p = nx.to_numpy(p) q = nx.to_numpy(q) C1 = nx.to_numpy(C10) C2 = nx.to_numpy(C20) M = nx.to_numpy(M0) constC, hC1, hC2 = init_matrix(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun) G0 = p[:, None] * q[None, :] def f(G): return gwloss(constC, hC1, hC2, G) def df(G): return gwggrad(constC, hC1, hC2, G) T, log_fgw = cg(p, q, (1 - alpha) * M, alpha, f, df, G0, armijo=armijo, C1=C1, C2=C2, constC=constC, log=True, **kwargs) fgw_dist = nx.from_numpy(log_fgw['loss'][-1], type_as=C10) T0 = nx.from_numpy(T, type_as=C10) log_fgw['fgw_dist'] = fgw_dist log_fgw['u'] = nx.from_numpy(log_fgw['u'], type_as=C10) log_fgw['v'] = nx.from_numpy(log_fgw['v'], type_as=C10) log_fgw['T'] = T0 if loss_fun == 'square_loss': gC1 = nx.from_numpy(2 * C1 * (p[:, None] * p[None, :]) - 2 * T.dot(C2).dot(T.T)) gC2 = nx.from_numpy(2 * C2 * (q[:, None] * q[None, :]) - 2 * T.T.dot(C1).dot(T)) fgw_dist = nx.set_gradients(fgw_dist, (p0, q0, C10, C20, M0), (log_fgw['u'], log_fgw['v'], alpha * gC1, alpha * gC2, (1 - alpha) * T0)) if log: return fgw_dist, log_fgw else: return fgw_dist def GW_distance_estimation(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun, T, nb_samples_p=None, nb_samples_q=None, std=True, random_state=None): r""" Returns an approximation of the gromov-wasserstein cost between :math:`(\mathbf{C_1}, \mathbf{p})` and :math:`(\mathbf{C_2}, \mathbf{q})` with a fixed transport plan :math:`\mathbf{T}`. The function gives an unbiased approximation of the following equation: .. math:: GW = \sum_{i,j,k,l} L(\mathbf{C_{1}}_{i,k}, \mathbf{C_{2}}_{j,l}) \mathbf{T}_{i,j} \mathbf{T}_{k,l} Where : - :math:`\mathbf{C_1}`: Metric cost matrix in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{C_2}`: Metric cost matrix in the target space - `L` : Loss function to account for the misfit between the similarity matrices - :math:`\mathbf{T}`: Matrix with marginal :math:`\mathbf{p}` and :math:`\mathbf{q}` Parameters ---------- C1 : array-like, shape (ns, ns) Metric cost matrix in the source space C2 : array-like, shape (nt, nt) Metric cost matrix in the target space p : array-like, shape (ns,) Distribution in the source space q : array-like, shape (nt,) Distribution in the target space loss_fun : function: :math:`\mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R} \mapsto \mathbb{R}` Loss function used for the distance, the transport plan does not depend on the loss function T : csr or array-like, shape (ns, nt) Transport plan matrix, either a sparse csr or a dense matrix nb_samples_p : int, optional `nb_samples_p` is the number of samples (without replacement) along the first dimension of :math:`\mathbf{T}` nb_samples_q : int, optional `nb_samples_q` is the number of samples along the second dimension of :math:`\mathbf{T}`, for each sample along the first std : bool, optional Standard deviation associated with the prediction of the gromov-wasserstein cost random_state : int or RandomState instance, optional Fix the seed for reproducibility Returns ------- : float Gromov-wasserstein cost References ---------- .. [14] Kerdoncuff, Tanguy, Emonet, Rémi, Sebban, Marc "Sampled Gromov Wasserstein." Machine Learning Journal (MLJ). 2021. """ C1, C2, p, q = list_to_array(C1, C2, p, q) nx = get_backend(C1, C2, p, q) generator = check_random_state(random_state) len_p = p.shape[0] len_q = q.shape[0] # It is always better to sample from the biggest distribution first. if len_p < len_q: p, q = q, p len_p, len_q = len_q, len_p C1, C2 = C2, C1 T = T.T if nb_samples_p is None: if nx.issparse(T): # If T is sparse, it probably mean that PoGroW was used, thus the number of sample is reduced nb_samples_p = min(int(5 * (len_p * np.log(len_p)) ** 0.5), len_p) else: nb_samples_p = len_p else: # The number of sample along the first dimension is without replacement. nb_samples_p = min(nb_samples_p, len_p) if nb_samples_q is None: nb_samples_q = 1 if std: nb_samples_q = max(2, nb_samples_q) index_k = np.zeros((nb_samples_p, nb_samples_q), dtype=int) index_l = np.zeros((nb_samples_p, nb_samples_q), dtype=int) index_i = generator.choice(len_p, size=nb_samples_p, p=p, replace=False) index_j = generator.choice(len_p, size=nb_samples_p, p=p, replace=False) for i in range(nb_samples_p): if nx.issparse(T): T_indexi = nx.reshape(nx.todense(T[index_i[i], :]), (-1,)) T_indexj = nx.reshape(nx.todense(T[index_j[i], :]), (-1,)) else: T_indexi = T[index_i[i], :] T_indexj = T[index_j[i], :] # For each of the row sampled, the column is sampled. index_k[i] = generator.choice( len_q, size=nb_samples_q, p=T_indexi / nx.sum(T_indexi), replace=True ) index_l[i] = generator.choice( len_q, size=nb_samples_q, p=T_indexj / nx.sum(T_indexj), replace=True ) list_value_sample = nx.stack([ loss_fun( C1[np.ix_(index_i, index_j)], C2[np.ix_(index_k[:, n], index_l[:, n])] ) for n in range(nb_samples_q) ], axis=2) if std: std_value = nx.sum(nx.std(list_value_sample, axis=2) ** 2) ** 0.5 return nx.mean(list_value_sample), std_value / (nb_samples_p * nb_samples_p) else: return nx.mean(list_value_sample) def pointwise_gromov_wasserstein(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun, alpha=1, max_iter=100, threshold_plan=0, log=False, verbose=False, random_state=None): r""" Returns the gromov-wasserstein transport between :math:`(\mathbf{C_1}, \mathbf{p})` and :math:`(\mathbf{C_2}, \mathbf{q})` using a stochastic Frank-Wolfe. This method has a :math:`\mathcal{O}(\mathrm{max\_iter} \times PN^2)` time complexity with `P` the number of Sinkhorn iterations. The function solves the following optimization problem: .. math:: \mathbf{GW} = \mathop{\arg \min}_\mathbf{T} \quad \sum_{i,j,k,l} L(\mathbf{C_1}_{i,k}, \mathbf{C_2}_{j,l}) \mathbf{T}_{i,j} \mathbf{T}_{k,l} s.t. \ \mathbf{T} \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{p} \mathbf{T}^T \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{q} \mathbf{T} &\geq 0 Where : - :math:`\mathbf{C_1}`: Metric cost matrix in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{C_2}`: Metric cost matrix in the target space - :math:`\mathbf{p}`: distribution in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{q}`: distribution in the target space - `L`: loss function to account for the misfit between the similarity matrices Parameters ---------- C1 : array-like, shape (ns, ns) Metric cost matrix in the source space C2 : array-like, shape (nt, nt) Metric cost matrix in the target space p : array-like, shape (ns,) Distribution in the source space q : array-like, shape (nt,) Distribution in the target space loss_fun : function: :math:`\mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R} \mapsto \mathbb{R}` Loss function used for the distance, the transport plan does not depend on the loss function alpha : float Step of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm, should be between 0 and 1 max_iter : int, optional Max number of iterations threshold_plan : float, optional Deleting very small values in the transport plan. If above zero, it violates the marginal constraints. verbose : bool, optional Print information along iterations log : bool, optional Gives the distance estimated and the standard deviation random_state : int or RandomState instance, optional Fix the seed for reproducibility Returns ------- T : array-like, shape (`ns`, `nt`) Optimal coupling between the two spaces References ---------- .. [14] Kerdoncuff, Tanguy, Emonet, Rémi, Sebban, Marc "Sampled Gromov Wasserstein." Machine Learning Journal (MLJ). 2021. """ C1, C2, p, q = list_to_array(C1, C2, p, q) nx = get_backend(C1, C2, p, q) len_p = p.shape[0] len_q = q.shape[0] generator = check_random_state(random_state) index = np.zeros(2, dtype=int) # Initialize with default marginal index[0] = generator.choice(len_p, size=1, p=p) index[1] = generator.choice(len_q, size=1, p=q) T = nx.tocsr(emd_1d(C1[index[0]], C2[index[1]], a=p, b=q, dense=False)) best_gw_dist_estimated = np.inf for cpt in range(max_iter): index[0] = generator.choice(len_p, size=1, p=p) T_index0 = nx.reshape(nx.todense(T[index[0], :]), (-1,)) index[1] = generator.choice(len_q, size=1, p=T_index0 / T_index0.sum()) if alpha == 1: T = nx.tocsr( emd_1d(C1[index[0]], C2[index[1]], a=p, b=q, dense=False) ) else: new_T = nx.tocsr( emd_1d(C1[index[0]], C2[index[1]], a=p, b=q, dense=False) ) T = (1 - alpha) * T + alpha * new_T # To limit the number of non 0, the values below the threshold are set to 0. T = nx.eliminate_zeros(T, threshold=threshold_plan) if cpt % 10 == 0 or cpt == (max_iter - 1): gw_dist_estimated = GW_distance_estimation( C1=C1, C2=C2, loss_fun=loss_fun, p=p, q=q, T=T, std=False, random_state=generator ) if gw_dist_estimated < best_gw_dist_estimated: best_gw_dist_estimated = gw_dist_estimated best_T = nx.copy(T) if verbose: if cpt % 200 == 0: print('{:5s}|{:12s}'.format('It.', 'Best gw estimated') + '\n' + '-' * 19) print('{:5d}|{:8e}|'.format(cpt, best_gw_dist_estimated)) if log: log = {} log["gw_dist_estimated"], log["gw_dist_std"] = GW_distance_estimation( C1=C1, C2=C2, loss_fun=loss_fun, p=p, q=q, T=best_T, random_state=generator ) return best_T, log return best_T def sampled_gromov_wasserstein(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun, nb_samples_grad=100, epsilon=1, max_iter=500, log=False, verbose=False, random_state=None): r""" Returns the gromov-wasserstein transport between :math:`(\mathbf{C_1}, \mathbf{p})` and :math:`(\mathbf{C_2}, \mathbf{q})` using a 1-stochastic Frank-Wolfe. This method has a :math:`\mathcal{O}(\mathrm{max\_iter} \times N \log(N))` time complexity by relying on the 1D Optimal Transport solver. The function solves the following optimization problem: .. math:: \mathbf{GW} = \mathop{\arg \min}_\mathbf{T} \quad \sum_{i,j,k,l} L(\mathbf{C_1}_{i,k}, \mathbf{C_2}_{j,l}) \mathbf{T}_{i,j} \mathbf{T}_{k,l} s.t. \ \mathbf{T} \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{p} \mathbf{T}^T \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{q} \mathbf{T} &\geq 0 Where : - :math:`\mathbf{C_1}`: Metric cost matrix in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{C_2}`: Metric cost matrix in the target space - :math:`\mathbf{p}`: distribution in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{q}`: distribution in the target space - `L`: loss function to account for the misfit between the similarity matrices Parameters ---------- C1 : array-like, shape (ns, ns) Metric cost matrix in the source space C2 : array-like, shape (nt, nt) Metric cost matrix in the target space p : array-like, shape (ns,) Distribution in the source space q : array-like, shape (nt,) Distribution in the target space loss_fun : function: :math:`\mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R} \mapsto \mathbb{R}` Loss function used for the distance, the transport plan does not depend on the loss function nb_samples_grad : int Number of samples to approximate the gradient epsilon : float Weight of the Kullback-Leibler regularization max_iter : int, optional Max number of iterations verbose : bool, optional Print information along iterations log : bool, optional Gives the distance estimated and the standard deviation random_state : int or RandomState instance, optional Fix the seed for reproducibility Returns ------- T : array-like, shape (`ns`, `nt`) Optimal coupling between the two spaces References ---------- .. [14] Kerdoncuff, Tanguy, Emonet, Rémi, Sebban, Marc "Sampled Gromov Wasserstein." Machine Learning Journal (MLJ). 2021. """ C1, C2, p, q = list_to_array(C1, C2, p, q) nx = get_backend(C1, C2, p, q) len_p = p.shape[0] len_q = q.shape[0] generator = check_random_state(random_state) # The most natural way to define nb_sample is with a simple integer. if isinstance(nb_samples_grad, int): if nb_samples_grad > len_p: # As the sampling along the first dimension is done without replacement, the rest is reported to the second # dimension. nb_samples_grad_p, nb_samples_grad_q = len_p, nb_samples_grad // len_p else: nb_samples_grad_p, nb_samples_grad_q = nb_samples_grad, 1 else: nb_samples_grad_p, nb_samples_grad_q = nb_samples_grad T = nx.outer(p, q) # continue_loop allows to stop the loop if there is several successive small modification of T. continue_loop = 0 # The gradient of GW is more complex if the two matrices are not symmetric. C_are_symmetric = nx.allclose(C1, C1.T, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-10) and nx.allclose(C2, C2.T, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-10) for cpt in range(max_iter): index0 = generator.choice(len_p, size=nb_samples_grad_p, p=p, replace=False) Lik = 0 for i, index0_i in enumerate(index0): index1 = generator.choice(len_q, size=nb_samples_grad_q, p=T[index0_i, :] / nx.sum(T[index0_i, :]), replace=False) # If the matrices C are not symmetric, the gradient has 2 terms, thus the term is chosen randomly. if (not C_are_symmetric) and generator.rand(1) > 0.5: Lik += nx.mean(loss_fun( C1[:, [index0[i]] * nb_samples_grad_q][:, None, :], C2[:, index1][None, :, :] ), axis=2) else: Lik += nx.mean(loss_fun( C1[[index0[i]] * nb_samples_grad_q, :][:, :, None], C2[index1, :][:, None, :] ), axis=0) max_Lik = nx.max(Lik) if max_Lik == 0: continue # This division by the max is here to facilitate the choice of epsilon. Lik /= max_Lik if epsilon > 0: # Set to infinity all the numbers below exp(-200) to avoid log of 0. log_T = nx.log(nx.clip(T, np.exp(-200), 1)) log_T = nx.where(log_T == -200, -np.inf, log_T) Lik = Lik - epsilon * log_T try: new_T = sinkhorn(a=p, b=q, M=Lik, reg=epsilon) except (RuntimeWarning, UserWarning): print("Warning catched in Sinkhorn: Return last stable T") break else: new_T = emd(a=p, b=q, M=Lik) change_T = nx.mean((T - new_T) ** 2) if change_T <= 10e-20: continue_loop += 1 if continue_loop > 100: # Number max of low modifications of T T = nx.copy(new_T) break else: continue_loop = 0 if verbose and cpt % 10 == 0: if cpt % 200 == 0: print('{:5s}|{:12s}'.format('It.', '||T_n - T_{n+1}||') + '\n' + '-' * 19) print('{:5d}|{:8e}|'.format(cpt, change_T)) T = nx.copy(new_T) if log: log = {} log["gw_dist_estimated"], log["gw_dist_std"] = GW_distance_estimation( C1=C1, C2=C2, loss_fun=loss_fun, p=p, q=q, T=T, random_state=generator ) return T, log return T def entropic_gromov_wasserstein(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun, epsilon, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-9, verbose=False, log=False): r""" Returns the gromov-wasserstein transport between :math:`(\mathbf{C_1}, \mathbf{p})` and :math:`(\mathbf{C_2}, \mathbf{q})` The function solves the following optimization problem: .. math:: \mathbf{GW} = \mathop{\arg\min}_\mathbf{T} \quad \sum_{i,j,k,l} L(\mathbf{C_1}_{i,k}, \mathbf{C_2}_{j,l}) \mathbf{T}_{i,j} \mathbf{T}_{k,l} - \epsilon(H(\mathbf{T})) s.t. \ \mathbf{T} \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{p} \mathbf{T}^T \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{q} \mathbf{T} &\geq 0 Where : - :math:`\mathbf{C_1}`: Metric cost matrix in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{C_2}`: Metric cost matrix in the target space - :math:`\mathbf{p}`: distribution in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{q}`: distribution in the target space - `L`: loss function to account for the misfit between the similarity matrices - `H`: entropy Parameters ---------- C1 : array-like, shape (ns, ns) Metric cost matrix in the source space C2 : array-like, shape (nt, nt) Metric cost matrix in the target space p : array-like, shape (ns,) Distribution in the source space q : array-like, shape (nt,) Distribution in the target space loss_fun : string Loss function used for the solver either 'square_loss' or 'kl_loss' epsilon : float Regularization term >0 max_iter : int, optional Max number of iterations tol : float, optional Stop threshold on error (>0) verbose : bool, optional Print information along iterations log : bool, optional Record log if True. Returns ------- T : array-like, shape (`ns`, `nt`) Optimal coupling between the two spaces References ---------- .. [12] Gabriel Peyré, Marco Cuturi, and Justin Solomon, "Gromov-Wasserstein averaging of kernel and distance matrices." International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2016. """ C1, C2, p, q = list_to_array(C1, C2, p, q) nx = get_backend(C1, C2, p, q) T = nx.outer(p, q) constC, hC1, hC2 = init_matrix(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun) cpt = 0 err = 1 if log: log = {'err': []} while (err > tol and cpt < max_iter): Tprev = T # compute the gradient tens = gwggrad(constC, hC1, hC2, T) T = sinkhorn(p, q, tens, epsilon, method='sinkhorn') if cpt % 10 == 0: # we can speed up the process by checking for the error only all # the 10th iterations err = nx.norm(T - Tprev) if log: log['err'].append(err) if verbose: if cpt % 200 == 0: print('{:5s}|{:12s}'.format( 'It.', 'Err') + '\n' + '-' * 19) print('{:5d}|{:8e}|'.format(cpt, err)) cpt += 1 if log: log['gw_dist'] = gwloss(constC, hC1, hC2, T) return T, log else: return T def entropic_gromov_wasserstein2(C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun, epsilon, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-9, verbose=False, log=False): r""" Returns the entropic gromov-wasserstein discrepancy between the two measured similarity matrices :math:`(\mathbf{C_1}, \mathbf{p})` and :math:`(\mathbf{C_2}, \mathbf{q})` The function solves the following optimization problem: .. math:: GW = \min_\mathbf{T} \quad \sum_{i,j,k,l} L(\mathbf{C_1}_{i,k}, \mathbf{C_2}_{j,l}) \mathbf{T}_{i,j} \mathbf{T}_{k,l} - \epsilon(H(\mathbf{T})) Where : - :math:`\mathbf{C_1}`: Metric cost matrix in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{C_2}`: Metric cost matrix in the target space - :math:`\mathbf{p}`: distribution in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{q}`: distribution in the target space - `L`: loss function to account for the misfit between the similarity matrices - `H`: entropy Parameters ---------- C1 : array-like, shape (ns, ns) Metric cost matrix in the source space C2 : array-like, shape (nt, nt) Metric cost matrix in the target space p : array-like, shape (ns,) Distribution in the source space q : array-like, shape (nt,) Distribution in the target space loss_fun : str Loss function used for the solver either 'square_loss' or 'kl_loss' epsilon : float Regularization term >0 max_iter : int, optional Max number of iterations tol : float, optional Stop threshold on error (>0) verbose : bool, optional Print information along iterations log : bool, optional Record log if True. Returns ------- gw_dist : float Gromov-Wasserstein distance References ---------- .. [12] Gabriel Peyré, Marco Cuturi, and Justin Solomon, "Gromov-Wasserstein averaging of kernel and distance matrices." International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2016. """ gw, logv = entropic_gromov_wasserstein( C1, C2, p, q, loss_fun, epsilon, max_iter, tol, verbose, log=True) logv['T'] = gw if log: return logv['gw_dist'], logv else: return logv['gw_dist'] def entropic_gromov_barycenters(N, Cs, ps, p, lambdas, loss_fun, epsilon, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-9, verbose=False, log=False, init_C=None, random_state=None): r""" Returns the gromov-wasserstein barycenters of `S` measured similarity matrices :math:`(\mathbf{C}_s)_{1 \leq s \leq S}` The function solves the following optimization problem: .. math:: \mathbf{C} = \mathop{\arg \min}_{\mathbf{C}\in \mathbb{R}^{N \times N}} \quad \sum_s \lambda_s \mathrm{GW}(\mathbf{C}, \mathbf{C}_s, \mathbf{p}, \mathbf{p}_s) Where : - :math:`\mathbf{C}_s`: metric cost matrix - :math:`\mathbf{p}_s`: distribution Parameters ---------- N : int Size of the targeted barycenter Cs : list of S array-like of shape (ns,ns) Metric cost matrices ps : list of S array-like of shape (ns,) Sample weights in the `S` spaces p : array-like, shape(N,) Weights in the targeted barycenter lambdas : list of float List of the `S` spaces' weights. loss_fun : callable Tensor-matrix multiplication function based on specific loss function. update : callable function(:math:`\mathbf{p}`, lambdas, :math:`\mathbf{T}`, :math:`\mathbf{Cs}`) that updates :math:`\mathbf{C}` according to a specific Kernel with the `S` :math:`\mathbf{T}_s` couplings calculated at each iteration epsilon : float Regularization term >0 max_iter : int, optional Max number of iterations tol : float, optional Stop threshold on error (>0) verbose : bool, optional Print information along iterations. log : bool, optional Record log if True. init_C : bool | array-like, shape (N, N) Random initial value for the :math:`\mathbf{C}` matrix provided by user. random_state : int or RandomState instance, optional Fix the seed for reproducibility Returns ------- C : array-like, shape (`N`, `N`) Similarity matrix in the barycenter space (permutated arbitrarily) References ---------- .. [12] Gabriel Peyré, Marco Cuturi, and Justin Solomon, "Gromov-Wasserstein averaging of kernel and distance matrices." International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2016. """ Cs = list_to_array(*Cs) ps = list_to_array(*ps) p = list_to_array(p) nx = get_backend(*Cs, *ps, p) S = len(Cs) # Initialization of C : random SPD matrix (if not provided by user) if init_C is None: generator = check_random_state(random_state) xalea = generator.randn(N, 2) C = dist(xalea, xalea) C /= C.max() C = nx.from_numpy(C, type_as=p) else: C = init_C cpt = 0 err = 1 error = [] while (err > tol) and (cpt < max_iter): Cprev = C T = [entropic_gromov_wasserstein(Cs[s], C, ps[s], p, loss_fun, epsilon, max_iter, 1e-4, verbose, log) for s in range(S)] if loss_fun == 'square_loss': C = update_square_loss(p, lambdas, T, Cs) elif loss_fun == 'kl_loss': C = update_kl_loss(p, lambdas, T, Cs) if cpt % 10 == 0: # we can speed up the process by checking for the error only all # the 10th iterations err = nx.norm(C - Cprev) error.append(err) if log: log['err'].append(err) if verbose: if cpt % 200 == 0: print('{:5s}|{:12s}'.format( 'It.', 'Err') + '\n' + '-' * 19) print('{:5d}|{:8e}|'.format(cpt, err)) cpt += 1 return C def gromov_barycenters(N, Cs, ps, p, lambdas, loss_fun, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-9, verbose=False, log=False, init_C=None, random_state=None): r""" Returns the gromov-wasserstein barycenters of `S` measured similarity matrices :math:`(\mathbf{C}_s)_{1 \leq s \leq S}` The function solves the following optimization problem with block coordinate descent: .. math:: \mathbf{C} = \mathop{\arg \min}_{\mathbf{C}\in \mathbb{R}^{N \times N}} \quad \sum_s \lambda_s \mathrm{GW}(\mathbf{C}, \mathbf{C}_s, \mathbf{p}, \mathbf{p}_s) Where : - :math:`\mathbf{C}_s`: metric cost matrix - :math:`\mathbf{p}_s`: distribution Parameters ---------- N : int Size of the targeted barycenter Cs : list of S array-like of shape (ns, ns) Metric cost matrices ps : list of S array-like of shape (ns,) Sample weights in the `S` spaces p : array-like, shape (N,) Weights in the targeted barycenter lambdas : list of float List of the `S` spaces' weights loss_fun : callable tensor-matrix multiplication function based on specific loss function update : callable function(:math:`\mathbf{p}`, lambdas, :math:`\mathbf{T}`, :math:`\mathbf{Cs}`) that updates :math:`\mathbf{C}` according to a specific Kernel with the `S` :math:`\mathbf{T}_s` couplings calculated at each iteration max_iter : int, optional Max number of iterations tol : float, optional Stop threshold on error (>0). verbose : bool, optional Print information along iterations. log : bool, optional Record log if True. init_C : bool | array-like, shape(N,N) Random initial value for the :math:`\mathbf{C}` matrix provided by user. random_state : int or RandomState instance, optional Fix the seed for reproducibility Returns ------- C : array-like, shape (`N`, `N`) Similarity matrix in the barycenter space (permutated arbitrarily) References ---------- .. [12] Gabriel Peyré, Marco Cuturi, and Justin Solomon, "Gromov-Wasserstein averaging of kernel and distance matrices." International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2016. """ Cs = list_to_array(*Cs) ps = list_to_array(*ps) p = list_to_array(p) nx = get_backend(*Cs, *ps, p) S = len(Cs) # Initialization of C : random SPD matrix (if not provided by user) if init_C is None: generator = check_random_state(random_state) xalea = generator.randn(N, 2) C = dist(xalea, xalea) C /= C.max() C = nx.from_numpy(C, type_as=p) else: C = init_C cpt = 0 err = 1 error = [] while(err > tol and cpt < max_iter): Cprev = C T = [gromov_wasserstein(Cs[s], C, ps[s], p, loss_fun, numItermax=max_iter, stopThr=1e-5, verbose=verbose, log=log) for s in range(S)] if loss_fun == 'square_loss': C = update_square_loss(p, lambdas, T, Cs) elif loss_fun == 'kl_loss': C = update_kl_loss(p, lambdas, T, Cs) if cpt % 10 == 0: # we can speed up the process by checking for the error only all # the 10th iterations err = nx.norm(C - Cprev) error.append(err) if log: log['err'].append(err) if verbose: if cpt % 200 == 0: print('{:5s}|{:12s}'.format( 'It.', 'Err') + '\n' + '-' * 19) print('{:5d}|{:8e}|'.format(cpt, err)) cpt += 1 return C def fgw_barycenters(N, Ys, Cs, ps, lambdas, alpha, fixed_structure=False, fixed_features=False, p=None, loss_fun='square_loss', max_iter=100, tol=1e-9, verbose=False, log=False, init_C=None, init_X=None, random_state=None): r"""Compute the fgw barycenter as presented eq (5) in :ref:`[24] ` Parameters ---------- N : int Desired number of samples of the target barycenter Ys: list of array-like, each element has shape (ns,d) Features of all samples Cs : list of array-like, each element has shape (ns,ns) Structure matrices of all samples ps : list of array-like, each element has shape (ns,) Masses of all samples. lambdas : list of float List of the `S` spaces' weights alpha : float Alpha parameter for the fgw distance fixed_structure : bool Whether to fix the structure of the barycenter during the updates fixed_features : bool Whether to fix the feature of the barycenter during the updates loss_fun : str Loss function used for the solver either 'square_loss' or 'kl_loss' max_iter : int, optional Max number of iterations tol : float, optional Stop threshold on error (>0). verbose : bool, optional Print information along iterations. log : bool, optional Record log if True. init_C : array-like, shape (N,N), optional Initialization for the barycenters' structure matrix. If not set a random init is used. init_X : array-like, shape (N,d), optional Initialization for the barycenters' features. If not set a random init is used. random_state : int or RandomState instance, optional Fix the seed for reproducibility Returns ------- X : array-like, shape (`N`, `d`) Barycenters' features C : array-like, shape (`N`, `N`) Barycenters' structure matrix log : dict Only returned when log=True. It contains the keys: - :math:`\mathbf{T}`: list of (`N`, `ns`) transport matrices - :math:`(\mathbf{M}_s)_s`: all distance matrices between the feature of the barycenter and the other features :math:`(dist(\mathbf{X}, \mathbf{Y}_s))_s` shape (`N`, `ns`) .. _references-fgw-barycenters: References ---------- .. [24] Vayer Titouan, Chapel Laetitia, Flamary Rémi, Tavenard Romain and Courty Nicolas "Optimal Transport for structured data with application on graphs" International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2019. """ Cs = list_to_array(*Cs) ps = list_to_array(*ps) Ys = list_to_array(*Ys) p = list_to_array(p) nx = get_backend(*Cs, *Ys, *ps) S = len(Cs) d = Ys[0].shape[1] # dimension on the node features if p is None: p = nx.ones(N, type_as=Cs[0]) / N if fixed_structure: if init_C is None: raise UndefinedParameter('If C is fixed it must be initialized') else: C = init_C else: if init_C is None: generator = check_random_state(random_state) xalea = generator.randn(N, 2) C = dist(xalea, xalea) C = nx.from_numpy(C, type_as=ps[0]) else: C = init_C if fixed_features: if init_X is None: raise UndefinedParameter('If X is fixed it must be initialized') else: X = init_X else: if init_X is None: X = nx.zeros((N, d), type_as=ps[0]) else: X = init_X T = [nx.outer(p, q) for q in ps] Ms = [dist(X, Ys[s]) for s in range(len(Ys))] cpt = 0 err_feature = 1 err_structure = 1 if log: log_ = {} log_['err_feature'] = [] log_['err_structure'] = [] log_['Ts_iter'] = [] while((err_feature > tol or err_structure > tol) and cpt < max_iter): Cprev = C Xprev = X if not fixed_features: Ys_temp = [y.T for y in Ys] X = update_feature_matrix(lambdas, Ys_temp, T, p).T Ms = [dist(X, Ys[s]) for s in range(len(Ys))] if not fixed_structure: if loss_fun == 'square_loss': T_temp = [t.T for t in T] C = update_structure_matrix(p, lambdas, T_temp, Cs) T = [fused_gromov_wasserstein(Ms[s], C, Cs[s], p, ps[s], loss_fun, alpha, numItermax=max_iter, stopThr=1e-5, verbose=verbose) for s in range(S)] # T is N,ns err_feature = nx.norm(X - nx.reshape(Xprev, (N, d))) err_structure = nx.norm(C - Cprev) if log: log_['err_feature'].append(err_feature) log_['err_structure'].append(err_structure) log_['Ts_iter'].append(T) if verbose: if cpt % 200 == 0: print('{:5s}|{:12s}'.format( 'It.', 'Err') + '\n' + '-' * 19) print('{:5d}|{:8e}|'.format(cpt, err_structure)) print('{:5d}|{:8e}|'.format(cpt, err_feature)) cpt += 1 if log: log_['T'] = T # from target to Ys log_['p'] = p log_['Ms'] = Ms if log: return X, C, log_ else: return X, C def update_structure_matrix(p, lambdas, T, Cs): r"""Updates :math:`\mathbf{C}` according to the L2 Loss kernel with the `S` :math:`\mathbf{T}_s` couplings. It is calculated at each iteration Parameters ---------- p : array-like, shape (N,) Masses in the targeted barycenter. lambdas : list of float List of the `S` spaces' weights. T : list of S array-like of shape (ns, N) The `S` :math:`\mathbf{T}_s` couplings calculated at each iteration. Cs : list of S array-like, shape (ns, ns) Metric cost matrices. Returns ------- C : array-like, shape (`nt`, `nt`) Updated :math:`\mathbf{C}` matrix. """ p = list_to_array(p) T = list_to_array(*T) Cs = list_to_array(*Cs) nx = get_backend(*Cs, *T, p) tmpsum = sum([ lambdas[s] * nx.dot( nx.dot(T[s].T, Cs[s]), T[s] ) for s in range(len(T)) ]) ppt = nx.outer(p, p) return tmpsum / ppt def update_feature_matrix(lambdas, Ys, Ts, p): r"""Updates the feature with respect to the `S` :math:`\mathbf{T}_s` couplings. See "Solving the barycenter problem with Block Coordinate Descent (BCD)" in :ref:`[24] ` calculated at each iteration Parameters ---------- p : array-like, shape (N,) masses in the targeted barycenter lambdas : list of float List of the `S` spaces' weights Ts : list of S array-like, shape (ns,N) The `S` :math:`\mathbf{T}_s` couplings calculated at each iteration Ys : list of S array-like, shape (d,ns) The features. Returns ------- X : array-like, shape (`d`, `N`) .. _references-update-feature-matrix: References ---------- .. [24] Vayer Titouan, Chapel Laetitia, Flamary Rémi, Tavenard Romain and Courty Nicolas "Optimal Transport for structured data with application on graphs" International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2019. """ p = list_to_array(p) Ts = list_to_array(*Ts) Ys = list_to_array(*Ys) nx = get_backend(*Ys, *Ts, p) p = 1. / p tmpsum = sum([ lambdas[s] * nx.dot(Ys[s], Ts[s].T) * p[None, :] for s in range(len(Ts)) ]) return tmpsum