# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Semi-relaxed Gromov-Wasserstein and Fused-Gromov-Wasserstein solvers. """ # Author: Rémi Flamary # Cédric Vincent-Cuaz # # License: MIT License import numpy as np from ..utils import list_to_array, unif from ..optim import semirelaxed_cg, solve_1d_linesearch_quad from ..backend import get_backend from ._utils import init_matrix_semirelaxed, gwloss, gwggrad def semirelaxed_gromov_wasserstein(C1, C2, p, loss_fun='square_loss', symmetric=None, log=False, G0=None, max_iter=1e4, tol_rel=1e-9, tol_abs=1e-9, **kwargs): r""" Returns the semi-relaxed gromov-wasserstein divergence transport from :math:`(\mathbf{C_1}, \mathbf{p})` to :math:`\mathbf{C_2}` The function solves the following optimization problem: .. math:: \mathbf{srGW} = \mathop{\arg \min}_\mathbf{T} \quad \sum_{i,j,k,l} L(\mathbf{C_1}_{i,k}, \mathbf{C_2}_{j,l}) \mathbf{T}_{i,j} \mathbf{T}_{k,l} s.t. \ \mathbf{\gamma} \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{p} \mathbf{\gamma} &\geq 0 Where : - :math:`\mathbf{C_1}`: Metric cost matrix in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{C_2}`: Metric cost matrix in the target space - :math:`\mathbf{p}`: distribution in the source space - `L`: loss function to account for the misfit between the similarity matrices .. note:: This function is backend-compatible and will work on arrays from all compatible backends. However all the steps in the conditional gradient are not differentiable. Parameters ---------- C1 : array-like, shape (ns, ns) Metric cost matrix in the source space C2 : array-like, shape (nt, nt) Metric cost matrix in the target space p : array-like, shape (ns,) Distribution in the source space loss_fun : str loss function used for the solver either 'square_loss' or 'kl_loss'. 'kl_loss' is not implemented yet and will raise an error. symmetric : bool, optional Either C1 and C2 are to be assumed symmetric or not. If let to its default None value, a symmetry test will be conducted. Else if set to True (resp. False), C1 and C2 will be assumed symmetric (resp. asymetric). verbose : bool, optional Print information along iterations log : bool, optional record log if True G0: array-like, shape (ns,nt), optional If None the initial transport plan of the solver is pq^T. Otherwise G0 must satisfy marginal constraints and will be used as initial transport of the solver. max_iter : int, optional Max number of iterations tol_rel : float, optional Stop threshold on relative error (>0) tol_abs : float, optional Stop threshold on absolute error (>0) **kwargs : dict parameters can be directly passed to the ot.optim.cg solver Returns ------- T : array-like, shape (`ns`, `nt`) Coupling between the two spaces that minimizes: :math:`\sum_{i,j,k,l} L(\mathbf{C_1}_{i,k}, \mathbf{C_2}_{j,l}) \mathbf{T}_{i,j} \mathbf{T}_{k,l}` log : dict Convergence information and loss. References ---------- .. [48] Cédric Vincent-Cuaz, Rémi Flamary, Marco Corneli, Titouan Vayer, Nicolas Courty. "Semi-relaxed Gromov-Wasserstein divergence and applications on graphs" International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2022. """ if loss_fun == 'kl_loss': raise NotImplementedError() p = list_to_array(p) if G0 is None: nx = get_backend(p, C1, C2) else: nx = get_backend(p, C1, C2, G0) if symmetric is None: symmetric = nx.allclose(C1, C1.T, atol=1e-10) and nx.allclose(C2, C2.T, atol=1e-10) if G0 is None: q = unif(C2.shape[0], type_as=p) G0 = nx.outer(p, q) else: q = nx.sum(G0, 0) # Check first marginal of G0 np.testing.assert_allclose(nx.sum(G0, 1), p, atol=1e-08) constC, hC1, hC2, fC2t = init_matrix_semirelaxed(C1, C2, p, loss_fun, nx) ones_p = nx.ones(p.shape[0], type_as=p) def f(G): qG = nx.sum(G, 0) marginal_product = nx.outer(ones_p, nx.dot(qG, fC2t)) return gwloss(constC + marginal_product, hC1, hC2, G, nx) if symmetric: def df(G): qG = nx.sum(G, 0) marginal_product = nx.outer(ones_p, nx.dot(qG, fC2t)) return gwggrad(constC + marginal_product, hC1, hC2, G, nx) else: constCt, hC1t, hC2t, fC2 = init_matrix_semirelaxed(C1.T, C2.T, p, loss_fun, nx) def df(G): qG = nx.sum(G, 0) marginal_product_1 = nx.outer(ones_p, nx.dot(qG, fC2t)) marginal_product_2 = nx.outer(ones_p, nx.dot(qG, fC2)) return 0.5 * (gwggrad(constC + marginal_product_1, hC1, hC2, G, nx) + gwggrad(constCt + marginal_product_2, hC1t, hC2t, G, nx)) def line_search(cost, G, deltaG, Mi, cost_G, **kwargs): return solve_semirelaxed_gromov_linesearch(G, deltaG, cost_G, C1, C2, ones_p, M=0., reg=1., nx=nx, **kwargs) if log: res, log = semirelaxed_cg(p, q, 0., 1., f, df, G0, line_search, log=True, numItermax=max_iter, stopThr=tol_rel, stopThr2=tol_abs, **kwargs) log['srgw_dist'] = log['loss'][-1] return res, log else: return semirelaxed_cg(p, q, 0., 1., f, df, G0, line_search, log=False, numItermax=max_iter, stopThr=tol_rel, stopThr2=tol_abs, **kwargs) def semirelaxed_gromov_wasserstein2(C1, C2, p, loss_fun='square_loss', symmetric=None, log=False, G0=None, max_iter=1e4, tol_rel=1e-9, tol_abs=1e-9, **kwargs): r""" Returns the semi-relaxed gromov-wasserstein divergence from :math:`(\mathbf{C_1}, \mathbf{p})` to :math:`\mathbf{C_2}` The function solves the following optimization problem: .. math:: srGW = \min_\mathbf{T} \quad \sum_{i,j,k,l} L(\mathbf{C_1}_{i,k}, \mathbf{C_2}_{j,l}) \mathbf{T}_{i,j} \mathbf{T}_{k,l} s.t. \ \mathbf{\gamma} \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{p} \mathbf{\gamma} &\geq 0 Where : - :math:`\mathbf{C_1}`: Metric cost matrix in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{C_2}`: Metric cost matrix in the target space - :math:`\mathbf{p}`: distribution in the source space - `L`: loss function to account for the misfit between the similarity matrices Note that when using backends, this loss function is differentiable wrt the matrices (C1, C2) but not yet for the weights p. .. note:: This function is backend-compatible and will work on arrays from all compatible backends. However all the steps in the conditional gradient are not differentiable. Parameters ---------- C1 : array-like, shape (ns, ns) Metric cost matrix in the source space C2 : array-like, shape (nt, nt) Metric cost matrix in the target space p : array-like, shape (ns,) Distribution in the source space. loss_fun : str loss function used for the solver either 'square_loss' or 'kl_loss'. 'kl_loss' is not implemented yet and will raise an error. symmetric : bool, optional Either C1 and C2 are to be assumed symmetric or not. If let to its default None value, a symmetry test will be conducted. Else if set to True (resp. False), C1 and C2 will be assumed symmetric (resp. asymetric). verbose : bool, optional Print information along iterations log : bool, optional record log if True G0: array-like, shape (ns,nt), optional If None the initial transport plan of the solver is pq^T. Otherwise G0 must satisfy marginal constraints and will be used as initial transport of the solver. max_iter : int, optional Max number of iterations tol_rel : float, optional Stop threshold on relative error (>0) tol_abs : float, optional Stop threshold on absolute error (>0) **kwargs : dict parameters can be directly passed to the ot.optim.cg solver Returns ------- srgw : float Semi-relaxed Gromov-Wasserstein divergence log : dict convergence information and Coupling matrix References ---------- .. [48] Cédric Vincent-Cuaz, Rémi Flamary, Marco Corneli, Titouan Vayer, Nicolas Courty. "Semi-relaxed Gromov-Wasserstein divergence and applications on graphs" International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2022. """ nx = get_backend(p, C1, C2) T, log_srgw = semirelaxed_gromov_wasserstein( C1, C2, p, loss_fun, symmetric, log=True, G0=G0, max_iter=max_iter, tol_rel=tol_rel, tol_abs=tol_abs, **kwargs) q = nx.sum(T, 0) log_srgw['T'] = T srgw = log_srgw['srgw_dist'] if loss_fun == 'square_loss': gC1 = 2 * C1 * nx.outer(p, p) - 2 * nx.dot(T, nx.dot(C2, T.T)) gC2 = 2 * C2 * nx.outer(q, q) - 2 * nx.dot(T.T, nx.dot(C1, T)) srgw = nx.set_gradients(srgw, (C1, C2), (gC1, gC2)) if log: return srgw, log_srgw else: return srgw def semirelaxed_fused_gromov_wasserstein(M, C1, C2, p, loss_fun='square_loss', symmetric=None, alpha=0.5, G0=None, log=False, max_iter=1e4, tol_rel=1e-9, tol_abs=1e-9, **kwargs): r""" Computes the semi-relaxed FGW transport between two graphs (see :ref:`[48] `) .. math:: \gamma = \mathop{\arg \min}_\gamma \quad (1 - \alpha) \langle \gamma, \mathbf{M} \rangle_F + \alpha \sum_{i,j,k,l} L(\mathbf{C_1}_{i,k}, \mathbf{C_2}_{j,l}) \mathbf{T}_{i,j} \mathbf{T}_{k,l} s.t. \ \mathbf{\gamma} \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{p} \mathbf{\gamma} &\geq 0 where : - :math:`\mathbf{M}` is the (`ns`, `nt`) metric cost matrix - :math:`\mathbf{p}` source weights (sum to 1) - `L` is a loss function to account for the misfit between the similarity matrices .. note:: This function is backend-compatible and will work on arrays from all compatible backends. However all the steps in the conditional gradient are not differentiable. The algorithm used for solving the problem is conditional gradient as discussed in :ref:`[48] ` Parameters ---------- M : array-like, shape (ns, nt) Metric cost matrix between features across domains C1 : array-like, shape (ns, ns) Metric cost matrix representative of the structure in the source space C2 : array-like, shape (nt, nt) Metric cost matrix representative of the structure in the target space p : array-like, shape (ns,) Distribution in the source space loss_fun : str loss function used for the solver either 'square_loss' or 'kl_loss'. 'kl_loss' is not implemented yet and will raise an error. symmetric : bool, optional Either C1 and C2 are to be assumed symmetric or not. If let to its default None value, a symmetry test will be conducted. Else if set to True (resp. False), C1 and C2 will be assumed symmetric (resp. asymetric). alpha : float, optional Trade-off parameter (0 < alpha < 1) G0: array-like, shape (ns,nt), optional If None the initial transport plan of the solver is pq^T. Otherwise G0 must satisfy marginal constraints and will be used as initial transport of the solver. log : bool, optional record log if True max_iter : int, optional Max number of iterations tol_rel : float, optional Stop threshold on relative error (>0) tol_abs : float, optional Stop threshold on absolute error (>0) **kwargs : dict parameters can be directly passed to the ot.optim.cg solver Returns ------- gamma : array-like, shape (`ns`, `nt`) Optimal transportation matrix for the given parameters. log : dict Log dictionary return only if log==True in parameters. .. _references-semirelaxed-fused-gromov-wasserstein: References ---------- .. [24] Vayer Titouan, Chapel Laetitia, Flamary Rémi, Tavenard Romain and Courty Nicolas "Optimal Transport for structured data with application on graphs", International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2019. .. [48] Cédric Vincent-Cuaz, Rémi Flamary, Marco Corneli, Titouan Vayer, Nicolas Courty. "Semi-relaxed Gromov-Wasserstein divergence and applications on graphs" International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2022. """ if loss_fun == 'kl_loss': raise NotImplementedError() p = list_to_array(p) if G0 is None: nx = get_backend(p, C1, C2, M) else: nx = get_backend(p, C1, C2, M, G0) if symmetric is None: symmetric = nx.allclose(C1, C1.T, atol=1e-10) and nx.allclose(C2, C2.T, atol=1e-10) if G0 is None: q = unif(C2.shape[0], type_as=p) G0 = nx.outer(p, q) else: q = nx.sum(G0, 0) # Check marginals of G0 np.testing.assert_allclose(nx.sum(G0, 1), p, atol=1e-08) constC, hC1, hC2, fC2t = init_matrix_semirelaxed(C1, C2, p, loss_fun, nx) ones_p = nx.ones(p.shape[0], type_as=p) def f(G): qG = nx.sum(G, 0) marginal_product = nx.outer(ones_p, nx.dot(qG, fC2t)) return gwloss(constC + marginal_product, hC1, hC2, G, nx) if symmetric: def df(G): qG = nx.sum(G, 0) marginal_product = nx.outer(ones_p, nx.dot(qG, fC2t)) return gwggrad(constC + marginal_product, hC1, hC2, G, nx) else: constCt, hC1t, hC2t, fC2 = init_matrix_semirelaxed(C1.T, C2.T, p, loss_fun, nx) def df(G): qG = nx.sum(G, 0) marginal_product_1 = nx.outer(ones_p, nx.dot(qG, fC2t)) marginal_product_2 = nx.outer(ones_p, nx.dot(qG, fC2)) return 0.5 * (gwggrad(constC + marginal_product_1, hC1, hC2, G, nx) + gwggrad(constCt + marginal_product_2, hC1t, hC2t, G, nx)) def line_search(cost, G, deltaG, Mi, cost_G, **kwargs): return solve_semirelaxed_gromov_linesearch( G, deltaG, cost_G, C1, C2, ones_p, M=(1 - alpha) * M, reg=alpha, nx=nx, **kwargs) if log: res, log = semirelaxed_cg(p, q, (1 - alpha) * M, alpha, f, df, G0, line_search, log=True, numItermax=max_iter, stopThr=tol_rel, stopThr2=tol_abs, **kwargs) log['srfgw_dist'] = log['loss'][-1] return res, log else: return semirelaxed_cg(p, q, (1 - alpha) * M, alpha, f, df, G0, line_search, log=False, numItermax=max_iter, stopThr=tol_rel, stopThr2=tol_abs, **kwargs) def semirelaxed_fused_gromov_wasserstein2(M, C1, C2, p, loss_fun='square_loss', symmetric=None, alpha=0.5, G0=None, log=False, max_iter=1e4, tol_rel=1e-9, tol_abs=1e-9, **kwargs): r""" Computes the semi-relaxed FGW divergence between two graphs (see :ref:`[48] `) .. math:: \min_\gamma \quad (1 - \alpha) \langle \gamma, \mathbf{M} \rangle_F + \alpha \sum_{i,j,k,l} L(\mathbf{C_1}_{i,k}, \mathbf{C_2}_{j,l}) \mathbf{T}_{i,j} \mathbf{T}_{k,l} s.t. \ \mathbf{\gamma} \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{p} \mathbf{\gamma} &\geq 0 where : - :math:`\mathbf{M}` is the (`ns`, `nt`) metric cost matrix - :math:`\mathbf{p}` source weights (sum to 1) - `L` is a loss function to account for the misfit between the similarity matrices The algorithm used for solving the problem is conditional gradient as discussed in :ref:`[48] ` Note that when using backends, this loss function is differentiable wrt the matrices (C1, C2) but not yet for the weights p. .. note:: This function is backend-compatible and will work on arrays from all compatible backends. However all the steps in the conditional gradient are not differentiable. Parameters ---------- M : array-like, shape (ns, nt) Metric cost matrix between features across domains C1 : array-like, shape (ns, ns) Metric cost matrix representative of the structure in the source space. C2 : array-like, shape (nt, nt) Metric cost matrix representative of the structure in the target space. p : array-like, shape (ns,) Distribution in the source space. loss_fun : str, optional loss function used for the solver either 'square_loss' or 'kl_loss'. 'kl_loss' is not implemented yet and will raise an error. symmetric : bool, optional Either C1 and C2 are to be assumed symmetric or not. If let to its default None value, a symmetry test will be conducted. Else if set to True (resp. False), C1 and C2 will be assumed symmetric (resp. asymetric). alpha : float, optional Trade-off parameter (0 < alpha < 1) G0: array-like, shape (ns,nt), optional If None the initial transport plan of the solver is pq^T. Otherwise G0 must satisfy marginal constraints and will be used as initial transport of the solver. log : bool, optional Record log if True. max_iter : int, optional Max number of iterations tol_rel : float, optional Stop threshold on relative error (>0) tol_abs : float, optional Stop threshold on absolute error (>0) **kwargs : dict Parameters can be directly passed to the ot.optim.cg solver. Returns ------- srfgw-divergence : float Semi-relaxed Fused gromov wasserstein divergence for the given parameters. log : dict Log dictionary return only if log==True in parameters. .. _references-semirelaxed-fused-gromov-wasserstein2: References ---------- .. [24] Vayer Titouan, Chapel Laetitia, Flamary Rémi, Tavenard Romain and Courty Nicolas "Optimal Transport for structured data with application on graphs", International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2019. .. [48] Cédric Vincent-Cuaz, Rémi Flamary, Marco Corneli, Titouan Vayer, Nicolas Courty. "Semi-relaxed Gromov-Wasserstein divergence and applications on graphs" International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2022. """ nx = get_backend(p, C1, C2, M) T, log_fgw = semirelaxed_fused_gromov_wasserstein( M, C1, C2, p, loss_fun, symmetric, alpha, G0, log=True, max_iter=max_iter, tol_rel=tol_rel, tol_abs=tol_abs, **kwargs) q = nx.sum(T, 0) srfgw_dist = log_fgw['srfgw_dist'] log_fgw['T'] = T if loss_fun == 'square_loss': gC1 = 2 * C1 * nx.outer(p, p) - 2 * nx.dot(T, nx.dot(C2, T.T)) gC2 = 2 * C2 * nx.outer(q, q) - 2 * nx.dot(T.T, nx.dot(C1, T)) srfgw_dist = nx.set_gradients(srfgw_dist, (C1, C2, M), (alpha * gC1, alpha * gC2, (1 - alpha) * T)) if log: return srfgw_dist, log_fgw else: return srfgw_dist def solve_semirelaxed_gromov_linesearch(G, deltaG, cost_G, C1, C2, ones_p, M, reg, alpha_min=None, alpha_max=None, nx=None, **kwargs): """ Solve the linesearch in the FW iterations Parameters ---------- G : array-like, shape(ns,nt) The transport map at a given iteration of the FW deltaG : array-like (ns,nt) Difference between the optimal map found by linearization in the FW algorithm and the value at a given iteration cost_G : float Value of the cost at `G` C1 : array-like (ns,ns) Structure matrix in the source domain. C2 : array-like (nt,nt) Structure matrix in the target domain. ones_p: array-like (ns,1) Array of ones of size ns M : array-like (ns,nt) Cost matrix between the features. reg : float Regularization parameter. alpha_min : float, optional Minimum value for alpha alpha_max : float, optional Maximum value for alpha nx : backend, optional If let to its default value None, a backend test will be conducted. Returns ------- alpha : float The optimal step size of the FW fc : int nb of function call. Useless here cost_G : float The value of the cost for the next iteration References ---------- .. [48] Cédric Vincent-Cuaz, Rémi Flamary, Marco Corneli, Titouan Vayer, Nicolas Courty. "Semi-relaxed Gromov-Wasserstein divergence and applications on graphs" International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2021. """ if nx is None: G, deltaG, C1, C2, M = list_to_array(G, deltaG, C1, C2, M) if isinstance(M, int) or isinstance(M, float): nx = get_backend(G, deltaG, C1, C2) else: nx = get_backend(G, deltaG, C1, C2, M) qG, qdeltaG = nx.sum(G, 0), nx.sum(deltaG, 0) dot = nx.dot(nx.dot(C1, deltaG), C2.T) C2t_square = C2.T ** 2 dot_qG = nx.dot(nx.outer(ones_p, qG), C2t_square) dot_qdeltaG = nx.dot(nx.outer(ones_p, qdeltaG), C2t_square) a = reg * nx.sum((dot_qdeltaG - 2 * dot) * deltaG) b = nx.sum(M * deltaG) + reg * (nx.sum((dot_qdeltaG - 2 * dot) * G) + nx.sum((dot_qG - 2 * nx.dot(nx.dot(C1, G), C2.T)) * deltaG)) alpha = solve_1d_linesearch_quad(a, b) if alpha_min is not None or alpha_max is not None: alpha = np.clip(alpha, alpha_min, alpha_max) # the new cost can be deduced from the line search quadratic function cost_G = cost_G + a * (alpha ** 2) + b * alpha return alpha, 1, cost_G