"""Tests for module bregman on OT with bregman projections """ # Author: Remi Flamary # Kilian Fatras # Quang Huy Tran # # License: MIT License import numpy as np import pytest import ot from ot.backend import torch def test_sinkhorn(): # test sinkhorn n = 100 rng = np.random.RandomState(0) x = rng.randn(n, 2) u = ot.utils.unif(n) M = ot.dist(x, x) G = ot.sinkhorn(u, u, M, 1, stopThr=1e-10) # check constraints np.testing.assert_allclose( u, G.sum(1), atol=1e-05) # cf convergence sinkhorn np.testing.assert_allclose( u, G.sum(0), atol=1e-05) # cf convergence sinkhorn def test_sinkhorn_multi_b(): # test sinkhorn n = 10 rng = np.random.RandomState(0) x = rng.randn(n, 2) u = ot.utils.unif(n) b = rng.rand(n, 3) b = b / np.sum(b, 0, keepdims=True) M = ot.dist(x, x) loss0, log = ot.sinkhorn(u, b, M, .1, stopThr=1e-10, log=True) loss = [ot.sinkhorn2(u, b[:, k], M, .1, stopThr=1e-10) for k in range(3)] # check constraints np.testing.assert_allclose( loss0, loss, atol=1e-06) # cf convergence sinkhorn def test_sinkhorn_backends(nx): n_samples = 100 n_features = 2 rng = np.random.RandomState(0) x = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) y = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) a = ot.utils.unif(n_samples) M = ot.dist(x, y) G = ot.sinkhorn(a, a, M, 1) ab = nx.from_numpy(a) Mb = nx.from_numpy(M) Gb = ot.sinkhorn(ab, ab, Mb, 1) np.allclose(G, nx.to_numpy(Gb)) def test_sinkhorn2_backends(nx): n_samples = 100 n_features = 2 rng = np.random.RandomState(0) x = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) y = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) a = ot.utils.unif(n_samples) M = ot.dist(x, y) G = ot.sinkhorn(a, a, M, 1) ab = nx.from_numpy(a) Mb = nx.from_numpy(M) Gb = ot.sinkhorn2(ab, ab, Mb, 1) np.allclose(G, nx.to_numpy(Gb)) def test_sinkhorn2_gradients(): n_samples = 100 n_features = 2 rng = np.random.RandomState(0) x = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) y = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) a = ot.utils.unif(n_samples) M = ot.dist(x, y) if torch: a1 = torch.tensor(a, requires_grad=True) b1 = torch.tensor(a, requires_grad=True) M1 = torch.tensor(M, requires_grad=True) val = ot.sinkhorn2(a1, b1, M1, 1) val.backward() assert a1.shape == a1.grad.shape assert b1.shape == b1.grad.shape assert M1.shape == M1.grad.shape def test_sinkhorn_empty(): # test sinkhorn n = 100 rng = np.random.RandomState(0) x = rng.randn(n, 2) u = ot.utils.unif(n) M = ot.dist(x, x) G, log = ot.sinkhorn([], [], M, 1, stopThr=1e-10, verbose=True, log=True) # check constraints np.testing.assert_allclose(u, G.sum(1), atol=1e-05) np.testing.assert_allclose(u, G.sum(0), atol=1e-05) G, log = ot.sinkhorn([], [], M, 1, stopThr=1e-10, method='sinkhorn_stabilized', verbose=True, log=True) # check constraints np.testing.assert_allclose(u, G.sum(1), atol=1e-05) np.testing.assert_allclose(u, G.sum(0), atol=1e-05) G, log = ot.sinkhorn( [], [], M, 1, stopThr=1e-10, method='sinkhorn_epsilon_scaling', verbose=True, log=True) # check constraints np.testing.assert_allclose(u, G.sum(1), atol=1e-05) np.testing.assert_allclose(u, G.sum(0), atol=1e-05) # test empty weights greenkhorn ot.sinkhorn([], [], M, 1, method='greenkhorn', stopThr=1e-10, log=True) @pytest.skip_backend("jax") def test_sinkhorn_variants(nx): # test sinkhorn n = 100 rng = np.random.RandomState(0) x = rng.randn(n, 2) u = ot.utils.unif(n) M = ot.dist(x, x) ub = nx.from_numpy(u) Mb = nx.from_numpy(M) G = ot.sinkhorn(u, u, M, 1, method='sinkhorn', stopThr=1e-10) Gl = nx.to_numpy(ot.sinkhorn(ub, ub, Mb, 1, method='sinkhorn_log', stopThr=1e-10)) G0 = nx.to_numpy(ot.sinkhorn(ub, ub, Mb, 1, method='sinkhorn', stopThr=1e-10)) Gs = nx.to_numpy(ot.sinkhorn(ub, ub, Mb, 1, method='sinkhorn_stabilized', stopThr=1e-10)) Ges = nx.to_numpy(ot.sinkhorn( ub, ub, Mb, 1, method='sinkhorn_epsilon_scaling', stopThr=1e-10)) G_green = nx.to_numpy(ot.sinkhorn(ub, ub, Mb, 1, method='greenkhorn', stopThr=1e-10)) # check values np.testing.assert_allclose(G, G0, atol=1e-05) np.testing.assert_allclose(G, Gl, atol=1e-05) np.testing.assert_allclose(G0, Gs, atol=1e-05) np.testing.assert_allclose(G0, Ges, atol=1e-05) np.testing.assert_allclose(G0, G_green, atol=1e-5) @pytest.skip_backend("jax") def test_sinkhorn_variants_multi_b(nx): # test sinkhorn n = 50 rng = np.random.RandomState(0) x = rng.randn(n, 2) u = ot.utils.unif(n) b = rng.rand(n, 3) b = b / np.sum(b, 0, keepdims=True) M = ot.dist(x, x) ub = nx.from_numpy(u) bb = nx.from_numpy(b) Mb = nx.from_numpy(M) G = ot.sinkhorn(u, b, M, 1, method='sinkhorn', stopThr=1e-10) Gl = nx.to_numpy(ot.sinkhorn(ub, bb, Mb, 1, method='sinkhorn_log', stopThr=1e-10)) G0 = nx.to_numpy(ot.sinkhorn(ub, bb, Mb, 1, method='sinkhorn', stopThr=1e-10)) Gs = nx.to_numpy(ot.sinkhorn(ub, bb, Mb, 1, method='sinkhorn_stabilized', stopThr=1e-10)) # check values np.testing.assert_allclose(G, G0, atol=1e-05) np.testing.assert_allclose(G, Gl, atol=1e-05) np.testing.assert_allclose(G0, Gs, atol=1e-05) @pytest.skip_backend("jax") def test_sinkhorn2_variants_multi_b(nx): # test sinkhorn n = 50 rng = np.random.RandomState(0) x = rng.randn(n, 2) u = ot.utils.unif(n) b = rng.rand(n, 3) b = b / np.sum(b, 0, keepdims=True) M = ot.dist(x, x) ub = nx.from_numpy(u) bb = nx.from_numpy(b) Mb = nx.from_numpy(M) G = ot.sinkhorn2(u, b, M, 1, method='sinkhorn', stopThr=1e-10) Gl = nx.to_numpy(ot.sinkhorn2(ub, bb, Mb, 1, method='sinkhorn_log', stopThr=1e-10)) G0 = nx.to_numpy(ot.sinkhorn2(ub, bb, Mb, 1, method='sinkhorn', stopThr=1e-10)) Gs = nx.to_numpy(ot.sinkhorn2(ub, bb, Mb, 1, method='sinkhorn_stabilized', stopThr=1e-10)) # check values np.testing.assert_allclose(G, G0, atol=1e-05) np.testing.assert_allclose(G, Gl, atol=1e-05) np.testing.assert_allclose(G0, Gs, atol=1e-05) def test_sinkhorn_variants_log(): # test sinkhorn n = 50 rng = np.random.RandomState(0) x = rng.randn(n, 2) u = ot.utils.unif(n) M = ot.dist(x, x) G0, log0 = ot.sinkhorn(u, u, M, 1, method='sinkhorn', stopThr=1e-10, log=True) Gl, logl = ot.sinkhorn(u, u, M, 1, method='sinkhorn_log', stopThr=1e-10, log=True) Gs, logs = ot.sinkhorn(u, u, M, 1, method='sinkhorn_stabilized', stopThr=1e-10, log=True) Ges, loges = ot.sinkhorn( u, u, M, 1, method='sinkhorn_epsilon_scaling', stopThr=1e-10, log=True) G_green, loggreen = ot.sinkhorn(u, u, M, 1, method='greenkhorn', stopThr=1e-10, log=True) # check values np.testing.assert_allclose(G0, Gs, atol=1e-05) np.testing.assert_allclose(G0, Gl, atol=1e-05) np.testing.assert_allclose(G0, Ges, atol=1e-05) np.testing.assert_allclose(G0, G_green, atol=1e-5) def test_sinkhorn_variants_log_multib(): # test sinkhorn n = 50 rng = np.random.RandomState(0) x = rng.randn(n, 2) u = ot.utils.unif(n) b = rng.rand(n, 3) b = b / np.sum(b, 0, keepdims=True) M = ot.dist(x, x) G0, log0 = ot.sinkhorn(u, b, M, 1, method='sinkhorn', stopThr=1e-10, log=True) Gl, logl = ot.sinkhorn(u, b, M, 1, method='sinkhorn_log', stopThr=1e-10, log=True) Gs, logs = ot.sinkhorn(u, b, M, 1, method='sinkhorn_stabilized', stopThr=1e-10, log=True) # check values np.testing.assert_allclose(G0, Gs, atol=1e-05) np.testing.assert_allclose(G0, Gl, atol=1e-05) @pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ["sinkhorn", "sinkhorn_stabilized"]) def test_barycenter(nx, method): n_bins = 100 # nb bins # Gaussian distributions a1 = ot.datasets.make_1D_gauss(n_bins, m=30, s=10) # m= mean, s= std a2 = ot.datasets.make_1D_gauss(n_bins, m=40, s=10) # creating matrix A containing all distributions A = np.vstack((a1, a2)).T # loss matrix + normalization M = ot.utils.dist0(n_bins) M /= M.max() alpha = 0.5 # 0<=alpha<=1 weights = np.array([1 - alpha, alpha]) Ab = nx.from_numpy(A) Mb = nx.from_numpy(M) weightsb = nx.from_numpy(weights) # wasserstein reg = 1e-2 bary_wass_np, log = ot.bregman.barycenter(A, M, reg, weights, method=method, log=True) bary_wass, _ = ot.bregman.barycenter(Ab, Mb, reg, weightsb, method=method, log=True) bary_wass = nx.to_numpy(bary_wass) np.testing.assert_allclose(1, np.sum(bary_wass)) np.testing.assert_allclose(bary_wass, bary_wass_np) ot.bregman.barycenter(Ab, Mb, reg, log=True, verbose=True) def test_barycenter_stabilization(nx): n_bins = 100 # nb bins # Gaussian distributions a1 = ot.datasets.make_1D_gauss(n_bins, m=30, s=10) # m= mean, s= std a2 = ot.datasets.make_1D_gauss(n_bins, m=40, s=10) # creating matrix A containing all distributions A = np.vstack((a1, a2)).T # loss matrix + normalization M = ot.utils.dist0(n_bins) M /= M.max() alpha = 0.5 # 0<=alpha<=1 weights = np.array([1 - alpha, alpha]) Ab = nx.from_numpy(A) Mb = nx.from_numpy(M) weights_b = nx.from_numpy(weights) # wasserstein reg = 1e-2 bar_np = ot.bregman.barycenter(A, M, reg, weights, method="sinkhorn", stopThr=1e-8, verbose=True) bar_stable = nx.to_numpy(ot.bregman.barycenter( Ab, Mb, reg, weights_b, method="sinkhorn_stabilized", stopThr=1e-8, verbose=True )) bar = nx.to_numpy(ot.bregman.barycenter( Ab, Mb, reg, weights_b, method="sinkhorn", stopThr=1e-8, verbose=True )) np.testing.assert_allclose(bar, bar_stable) np.testing.assert_allclose(bar, bar_np) def test_wasserstein_bary_2d(nx): size = 100 # size of a square image a1 = np.random.randn(size, size) a1 += a1.min() a1 = a1 / np.sum(a1) a2 = np.random.randn(size, size) a2 += a2.min() a2 = a2 / np.sum(a2) # creating matrix A containing all distributions A = np.zeros((2, size, size)) A[0, :, :] = a1 A[1, :, :] = a2 Ab = nx.from_numpy(A) # wasserstein reg = 1e-2 bary_wass_np = ot.bregman.convolutional_barycenter2d(A, reg) bary_wass = nx.to_numpy(ot.bregman.convolutional_barycenter2d(Ab, reg)) np.testing.assert_allclose(1, np.sum(bary_wass)) np.testing.assert_allclose(bary_wass, bary_wass_np) # help in checking if log and verbose do not bug the function ot.bregman.convolutional_barycenter2d(A, reg, log=True, verbose=True) def test_unmix(nx): n_bins = 50 # nb bins # Gaussian distributions a1 = ot.datasets.make_1D_gauss(n_bins, m=20, s=10) # m= mean, s= std a2 = ot.datasets.make_1D_gauss(n_bins, m=40, s=10) a = ot.datasets.make_1D_gauss(n_bins, m=30, s=10) # creating matrix A containing all distributions D = np.vstack((a1, a2)).T # loss matrix + normalization M = ot.utils.dist0(n_bins) M /= M.max() M0 = ot.utils.dist0(2) M0 /= M0.max() h0 = ot.unif(2) ab = nx.from_numpy(a) Db = nx.from_numpy(D) Mb = nx.from_numpy(M) M0b = nx.from_numpy(M0) h0b = nx.from_numpy(h0) # wasserstein reg = 1e-3 um_np = ot.bregman.unmix(a, D, M, M0, h0, reg, 1, alpha=0.01) um = nx.to_numpy(ot.bregman.unmix(ab, Db, Mb, M0b, h0b, reg, 1, alpha=0.01)) np.testing.assert_allclose(1, np.sum(um), rtol=1e-03, atol=1e-03) np.testing.assert_allclose([0.5, 0.5], um, rtol=1e-03, atol=1e-03) np.testing.assert_allclose(um, um_np) ot.bregman.unmix(ab, Db, Mb, M0b, h0b, reg, 1, alpha=0.01, log=True, verbose=True) def test_empirical_sinkhorn(nx): # test sinkhorn n = 10 a = ot.unif(n) b = ot.unif(n) X_s = np.reshape(1.0 * np.arange(n), (n, 1)) X_t = np.reshape(1.0 * np.arange(0, n), (n, 1)) M = ot.dist(X_s, X_t) M_m = ot.dist(X_s, X_t, metric='euclidean') ab = nx.from_numpy(a) bb = nx.from_numpy(b) X_sb = nx.from_numpy(X_s) X_tb = nx.from_numpy(X_t) Mb = nx.from_numpy(M, type_as=ab) M_mb = nx.from_numpy(M_m, type_as=ab) G_sqe = nx.to_numpy(ot.bregman.empirical_sinkhorn(X_sb, X_tb, 1)) sinkhorn_sqe = nx.to_numpy(ot.sinkhorn(ab, bb, Mb, 1)) G_log, log_es = ot.bregman.empirical_sinkhorn(X_sb, X_tb, 0.1, log=True) G_log = nx.to_numpy(G_log) sinkhorn_log, log_s = ot.sinkhorn(ab, bb, Mb, 0.1, log=True) sinkhorn_log = nx.to_numpy(sinkhorn_log) G_m = nx.to_numpy(ot.bregman.empirical_sinkhorn(X_sb, X_tb, 1, metric='euclidean')) sinkhorn_m = nx.to_numpy(ot.sinkhorn(ab, bb, M_mb, 1)) loss_emp_sinkhorn = nx.to_numpy(ot.bregman.empirical_sinkhorn2(X_sb, X_tb, 1)) loss_sinkhorn = nx.to_numpy(ot.sinkhorn2(ab, bb, Mb, 1)) # check constraints np.testing.assert_allclose( sinkhorn_sqe.sum(1), G_sqe.sum(1), atol=1e-05) # metric sqeuclidian np.testing.assert_allclose( sinkhorn_sqe.sum(0), G_sqe.sum(0), atol=1e-05) # metric sqeuclidian np.testing.assert_allclose( sinkhorn_log.sum(1), G_log.sum(1), atol=1e-05) # log np.testing.assert_allclose( sinkhorn_log.sum(0), G_log.sum(0), atol=1e-05) # log np.testing.assert_allclose( sinkhorn_m.sum(1), G_m.sum(1), atol=1e-05) # metric euclidian np.testing.assert_allclose( sinkhorn_m.sum(0), G_m.sum(0), atol=1e-05) # metric euclidian np.testing.assert_allclose(loss_emp_sinkhorn, loss_sinkhorn, atol=1e-05) def test_lazy_empirical_sinkhorn(nx): # test sinkhorn n = 10 a = ot.unif(n) b = ot.unif(n) numIterMax = 1000 X_s = np.reshape(np.arange(n, dtype=np.float64), (n, 1)) X_t = np.reshape(np.arange(0, n, dtype=np.float64), (n, 1)) M = ot.dist(X_s, X_t) M_m = ot.dist(X_s, X_t, metric='euclidean') ab = nx.from_numpy(a) bb = nx.from_numpy(b) X_sb = nx.from_numpy(X_s) X_tb = nx.from_numpy(X_t) Mb = nx.from_numpy(M, type_as=ab) M_mb = nx.from_numpy(M_m, type_as=ab) f, g = ot.bregman.empirical_sinkhorn(X_sb, X_tb, 1, numIterMax=numIterMax, isLazy=True, batchSize=(1, 3), verbose=True) f, g = nx.to_numpy(f), nx.to_numpy(g) G_sqe = np.exp(f[:, None] + g[None, :] - M / 1) sinkhorn_sqe = nx.to_numpy(ot.sinkhorn(ab, bb, Mb, 1)) f, g, log_es = ot.bregman.empirical_sinkhorn(X_sb, X_tb, 0.1, numIterMax=numIterMax, isLazy=True, batchSize=1, log=True) f, g = nx.to_numpy(f), nx.to_numpy(g) G_log = np.exp(f[:, None] + g[None, :] - M / 0.1) sinkhorn_log, log_s = ot.sinkhorn(ab, bb, Mb, 0.1, log=True) sinkhorn_log = nx.to_numpy(sinkhorn_log) f, g = ot.bregman.empirical_sinkhorn(X_sb, X_tb, 1, metric='euclidean', numIterMax=numIterMax, isLazy=True, batchSize=1) f, g = nx.to_numpy(f), nx.to_numpy(g) G_m = np.exp(f[:, None] + g[None, :] - M_m / 1) sinkhorn_m = nx.to_numpy(ot.sinkhorn(ab, bb, M_mb, 1)) loss_emp_sinkhorn, log = ot.bregman.empirical_sinkhorn2(X_sb, X_tb, 1, numIterMax=numIterMax, isLazy=True, batchSize=1, log=True) loss_emp_sinkhorn = nx.to_numpy(loss_emp_sinkhorn) loss_sinkhorn = nx.to_numpy(ot.sinkhorn2(ab, bb, Mb, 1)) # check constraints np.testing.assert_allclose( sinkhorn_sqe.sum(1), G_sqe.sum(1), atol=1e-05) # metric sqeuclidian np.testing.assert_allclose( sinkhorn_sqe.sum(0), G_sqe.sum(0), atol=1e-05) # metric sqeuclidian np.testing.assert_allclose( sinkhorn_log.sum(1), G_log.sum(1), atol=1e-05) # log np.testing.assert_allclose( sinkhorn_log.sum(0), G_log.sum(0), atol=1e-05) # log np.testing.assert_allclose( sinkhorn_m.sum(1), G_m.sum(1), atol=1e-05) # metric euclidian np.testing.assert_allclose( sinkhorn_m.sum(0), G_m.sum(0), atol=1e-05) # metric euclidian np.testing.assert_allclose(loss_emp_sinkhorn, loss_sinkhorn, atol=1e-05) def test_empirical_sinkhorn_divergence(nx): # Test sinkhorn divergence n = 10 a = np.linspace(1, n, n) a /= a.sum() b = ot.unif(n) X_s = np.reshape(np.arange(n), (n, 1)) X_t = np.reshape(np.arange(0, n * 2, 2), (n, 1)) M = ot.dist(X_s, X_t) M_s = ot.dist(X_s, X_s) M_t = ot.dist(X_t, X_t) ab = nx.from_numpy(a) bb = nx.from_numpy(b) X_sb = nx.from_numpy(X_s) X_tb = nx.from_numpy(X_t) Mb = nx.from_numpy(M, type_as=ab) M_sb = nx.from_numpy(M_s, type_as=ab) M_tb = nx.from_numpy(M_t, type_as=ab) emp_sinkhorn_div = nx.to_numpy(ot.bregman.empirical_sinkhorn_divergence(X_sb, X_tb, 1, a=ab, b=bb)) sinkhorn_div = nx.to_numpy( ot.sinkhorn2(ab, bb, Mb, 1) - 1 / 2 * ot.sinkhorn2(ab, ab, M_sb, 1) - 1 / 2 * ot.sinkhorn2(bb, bb, M_tb, 1) ) emp_sinkhorn_div_np = ot.bregman.empirical_sinkhorn_divergence(X_s, X_t, 1, a=a, b=b) # check constraints np.testing.assert_allclose(emp_sinkhorn_div, emp_sinkhorn_div_np, atol=1e-05) np.testing.assert_allclose( emp_sinkhorn_div, sinkhorn_div, atol=1e-05) # cf conv emp sinkhorn ot.bregman.empirical_sinkhorn_divergence(X_sb, X_tb, 1, a=ab, b=bb, log=True) def test_stabilized_vs_sinkhorn_multidim(nx): # test if stable version matches sinkhorn # for multidimensional inputs n = 100 # Gaussian distributions a = ot.datasets.make_1D_gauss(n, m=20, s=5) # m= mean, s= std b1 = ot.datasets.make_1D_gauss(n, m=60, s=8) b2 = ot.datasets.make_1D_gauss(n, m=30, s=4) # creating matrix A containing all distributions b = np.vstack((b1, b2)).T M = ot.utils.dist0(n) M /= np.median(M) epsilon = 0.1 ab = nx.from_numpy(a) bb = nx.from_numpy(b) Mb = nx.from_numpy(M, type_as=ab) G_np, _ = ot.bregman.sinkhorn(a, b, M, reg=epsilon, method="sinkhorn", log=True) G, log = ot.bregman.sinkhorn(ab, bb, Mb, reg=epsilon, method="sinkhorn_stabilized", log=True) G = nx.to_numpy(G) G2, log2 = ot.bregman.sinkhorn(ab, bb, Mb, epsilon, method="sinkhorn", log=True) G2 = nx.to_numpy(G2) np.testing.assert_allclose(G_np, G2) np.testing.assert_allclose(G, G2) def test_implemented_methods(): IMPLEMENTED_METHODS = ['sinkhorn', 'sinkhorn_stabilized'] ONLY_1D_methods = ['greenkhorn', 'sinkhorn_epsilon_scaling'] NOT_VALID_TOKENS = ['foo'] # test generalized sinkhorn for unbalanced OT barycenter n = 3 rng = np.random.RandomState(42) x = rng.randn(n, 2) a = ot.utils.unif(n) # make dists unbalanced b = ot.utils.unif(n) A = rng.rand(n, 2) A /= A.sum(0, keepdims=True) M = ot.dist(x, x) epsilon = 1.0 for method in IMPLEMENTED_METHODS: ot.bregman.sinkhorn(a, b, M, epsilon, method=method) ot.bregman.sinkhorn2(a, b, M, epsilon, method=method) ot.bregman.barycenter(A, M, reg=epsilon, method=method) with pytest.raises(ValueError): for method in set(NOT_VALID_TOKENS): ot.bregman.sinkhorn(a, b, M, epsilon, method=method) ot.bregman.sinkhorn2(a, b, M, epsilon, method=method) ot.bregman.barycenter(A, M, reg=epsilon, method=method) for method in ONLY_1D_methods: ot.bregman.sinkhorn(a, b, M, epsilon, method=method) with pytest.raises(ValueError): ot.bregman.sinkhorn2(a, b, M, epsilon, method=method) @pytest.skip_backend("jax") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Bottleneck") def test_screenkhorn(nx): # test screenkhorn rng = np.random.RandomState(0) n = 100 a = ot.unif(n) b = ot.unif(n) x = rng.randn(n, 2) M = ot.dist(x, x) ab = nx.from_numpy(a) bb = nx.from_numpy(b) Mb = nx.from_numpy(M, type_as=ab) # np sinkhorn G_sink_np = ot.sinkhorn(a, b, M, 1e-03) # sinkhorn G_sink = nx.to_numpy(ot.sinkhorn(ab, bb, Mb, 1e-03)) # screenkhorn G_screen = nx.to_numpy(ot.bregman.screenkhorn(ab, bb, Mb, 1e-03, uniform=True, verbose=True)) # check marginals np.testing.assert_allclose(G_sink_np, G_sink) np.testing.assert_allclose(G_sink.sum(0), G_screen.sum(0), atol=1e-02) np.testing.assert_allclose(G_sink.sum(1), G_screen.sum(1), atol=1e-02) def test_convolutional_barycenter_non_square(nx): # test for image with height not equal width A = np.ones((2, 2, 3)) / (2 * 3) Ab = nx.from_numpy(A) b_np = ot.bregman.convolutional_barycenter2d(A, 1e-03) b = nx.to_numpy(ot.bregman.convolutional_barycenter2d(Ab, 1e-03)) np.testing.assert_allclose(np.ones((2, 3)) / (2 * 3), b, atol=1e-02) np.testing.assert_allclose(np.ones((2, 3)) / (2 * 3), b, atol=1e-02) np.testing.assert_allclose(b, b_np)