# PySpike PySpike is a Python library for numerical analysis of spike train similarity. Its core functionality is the implementation of the bivariate [ISI and SPIKE distance](http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Measures_of_spike_train_synchrony). Additionally, it allows to compute multi-variate spike train distances, averaging and general spike train processing. All source codes are published under the liberal [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). ## Requirements and Installation To use PySpike you need Python installed with the following additional packages: - numpy - scipy - matplotlib - cython In particular, make sure that [cython](http://www.cython.org) is configured properly and able to locate a C compiler. To install PySpike, simply download the source, i.e. via git, and run the setup.py script: git clone ... cd PySpike python setup.py build_ext --inplace ## Loading spike trains ## Computing bi-variate distances ## Computing multi-variate distances ## Plotting ## Averaging