# Class representing piece-wise constant functions. # Copyright 2014-2015, Mario Mulansky # Distributed under the BSD License from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import collections import pyspike ############################################################## # PieceWiseConstFunc ############################################################## class PieceWiseConstFunc(object): """ A class representing a piece-wise constant function. """ def __init__(self, x, y): """ Constructs the piece-wise const function. :param x: array of length N+1 defining the edges of the intervals of the pwc function. :param y: array of length N defining the function values at the intervals. """ # convert parameters to arrays, also ensures copying self.x = np.array(x) self.y = np.array(y) def __call__(self, t): """ Returns the function value for the given time t. If t is a list of times, the corresponding list of values is returned. :param: time t, or list of times :returns: function value(s) at that time(s). """ assert np.all(t >= self.x[0]) and np.all(t <= self.x[-1]), \ "Invalid time: " + str(t) ind = np.searchsorted(self.x, t, side='right') if isinstance(t, collections.Sequence): # t is a sequence of values # correct the cases t == x[0], t == x[-1] ind[ind == 0] = 1 ind[ind == len(self.x)] = len(self.x)-1 value = self.y[ind-1] # correct the values at exact spike times: there the value should # be the at half of the step # obtain the 'left' side indices for t ind_l = np.searchsorted(self.x, t, side='left') # if left and right side indices differ, the time t has to appear # in self.x ind_at_spike = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(ind != ind_l, ind > 1), ind < len(self.x)) # get the corresponding indices for the resulting value array val_ind = np.arange(len(ind))[ind_at_spike] # and for the arrays self.x, y1, y2 xy_ind = ind[ind_at_spike] # use the middle of the left and right ISI value value[val_ind] = 0.5 * (self.y[xy_ind-1] + self.y[xy_ind-2]) return value else: # t is a single value # specific check for interval edges if t == self.x[0]: return self.y[0] if t == self.x[-1]: return self.y[-1] # check if we are on any other exact spike time if sum(self.x == t) > 0: # use the middle of the left and right ISI value return 0.5 * (self.y[ind-1] + self.y[ind-2]) return self.y[ind-1] def copy(self): """ Returns a copy of itself :rtype: :class:`PieceWiseConstFunc` """ return PieceWiseConstFunc(self.x, self.y) def almost_equal(self, other, decimal=14): """ Checks if the function is equal to another function up to `decimal` precision. :param other: another :class:`PieceWiseConstFunc` :returns: True if the two functions are equal up to `decimal` decimals, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ eps = 10.0**(-decimal) return np.allclose(self.x, other.x, atol=eps, rtol=0.0) and \ np.allclose(self.y, other.y, atol=eps, rtol=0.0) def get_plottable_data(self): """ Returns two arrays containing x- and y-coordinates for immeditate plotting of the piece-wise function. :returns: (x_plot, y_plot) containing plottable data :rtype: pair of np.array Example:: x, y = f.get_plottable_data() plt.plot(x, y, '-o', label="Piece-wise const function") """ x_plot = np.empty(2*len(self.x)-2) x_plot[0] = self.x[0] x_plot[1::2] = self.x[1:] x_plot[2::2] = self.x[1:-1] y_plot = np.empty(2*len(self.y)) y_plot[::2] = self.y y_plot[1::2] = self.y return x_plot, y_plot def integral(self, interval=None): """ Returns the integral over the given interval. :param interval: integration interval given as a pair of floats, if None the integral over the whole function is computed. :type interval: Pair of floats or None. :returns: the integral :rtype: float """ if interval is None: # no interval given, integrate over the whole spike train a = np.sum((self.x[1:]-self.x[:-1]) * self.y) else: # find the indices corresponding to the interval start_ind = np.searchsorted(self.x, interval[0], side='right') end_ind = np.searchsorted(self.x, interval[1], side='left')-1 assert start_ind > 0 and end_ind < len(self.x), \ "Invalid averaging interval" # first the contribution from between the indices a = np.sum((self.x[start_ind+1:end_ind+1] - self.x[start_ind:end_ind]) * self.y[start_ind:end_ind]) # correction from start to first index a += (self.x[start_ind]-interval[0]) * self.y[start_ind-1] # correction from last index to end a += (interval[1]-self.x[end_ind]) * self.y[end_ind] return a def avrg(self, interval=None): """ Computes the average of the piece-wise const function: :math:`a = 1/T \int_0^T f(x) dx` where T is the length of the interval. :param interval: averaging interval given as a pair of floats, a sequence of pairs for averaging multiple intervals, or None, if None the average over the whole function is computed. :type interval: Pair, sequence of pairs, or None. :returns: the average a. :rtype: float """ if interval is None: # no interval given, average over the whole spike train return self.integral() / (self.x[-1]-self.x[0]) # check if interval is as sequence assert isinstance(interval, collections.Sequence), \ "Invalid value for `interval`. None, Sequence or Tuple expected." # check if interval is a sequence of intervals if not isinstance(interval[0], collections.Sequence): # just one interval a = self.integral(interval) / (interval[1]-interval[0]) else: # several intervals a = 0.0 int_length = 0.0 for ival in interval: a += self.integral(ival) int_length += ival[1] - ival[0] a /= int_length return a def add(self, f): """ Adds another PieceWiseConst function to this function. Note: only functions defined on the same interval can be summed. :param f: :class:`PieceWiseConstFunc` function to be added. :rtype: None """ assert self.x[0] == f.x[0], "The functions have different intervals" assert self.x[-1] == f.x[-1], "The functions have different intervals" # cython version try: from cython.cython_add import add_piece_wise_const_cython as \ add_piece_wise_const_impl except ImportError: if not(pyspike.disable_backend_warning): print("Warning: add_piece_wise_const_cython not found. Make \ sure that PySpike is installed by running\n \ 'python setup.py build_ext --inplace'! \ \n Falling back to slow python backend.") # use python backend from cython.python_backend import add_piece_wise_const_python as \ add_piece_wise_const_impl self.x, self.y = add_piece_wise_const_impl(self.x, self.y, f.x, f.y) def mul_scalar(self, fac): """ Multiplies the function with a scalar value :param fac: Value to multiply :type fac: double :rtype: None """ self.y *= fac