""" distances.py Module containing several functions to compute spike distances Copyright 2014, Mario Mulansky Distributed under the MIT License (MIT) """ import numpy as np import threading from pyspike import PieceWiseConstFunc, PieceWiseLinFunc ############################################################ # isi_distance ############################################################ def isi_distance(spikes1, spikes2): """ Computes the instantaneous isi-distance S_isi (t) of the two given spike trains. The spike trains are expected to have auxiliary spikes at the beginning and end of the interval. Use the function add_auxiliary_spikes to add those spikes to the spike train. Args: - spikes1, spikes2: ordered arrays of spike times with auxiliary spikes. Returns: - PieceWiseConstFunc describing the isi-distance. """ # check for auxiliary spikes - first and last spikes should be identical assert spikes1[0] == spikes2[0], \ "Given spike trains seems not to have auxiliary spikes!" assert spikes1[-1] == spikes2[-1], \ "Given spike trains seems not to have auxiliary spikes!" # cython implementation from cython_distance import isi_distance_cython times, values = isi_distance_cython(spikes1, spikes2) return PieceWiseConstFunc(times, values) ############################################################ # spike_distance ############################################################ def spike_distance(spikes1, spikes2): """ Computes the instantaneous spike-distance S_spike (t) of the two given spike trains. The spike trains are expected to have auxiliary spikes at the beginning and end of the interval. Use the function add_auxiliary_spikes to add those spikes to the spike train. Args: - spikes1, spikes2: ordered arrays of spike times with auxiliary spikes. Returns: - PieceWiseLinFunc describing the spike-distance. """ # check for auxiliary spikes - first and last spikes should be identical assert spikes1[0] == spikes2[0], \ "Given spike trains seems not to have auxiliary spikes!" assert spikes1[-1] == spikes2[-1], \ "Given spike trains seems not to have auxiliary spikes!" # cython implementation from cython_distance import spike_distance_cython times, y_starts, y_ends = spike_distance_cython(spikes1, spikes2) return PieceWiseLinFunc(times, y_starts, y_ends) ############################################################ # multi_distance ############################################################ def multi_distance(spike_trains, pair_distance_func, indices=None): """ Internal implementation detail, don't call this function directly, use isi_distance_multi or spike_distance_multi instead. Computes the multi-variate distance for a set of spike-trains using the pair_dist_func to compute pair-wise distances. That is it computes the average distance of all pairs of spike-trains: S(t) = 2/((N(N-1)) sum_{} S_{i,j}, where the sum goes over all pairs . Args: - spike_trains: list of spike trains - pair_distance_func: function computing the distance of two spike trains - indices: list of indices defining which spike trains to use, if None all given spike trains are used (default=None) Returns: - The averaged multi-variate distance of all pairs """ if indices is None: indices = np.arange(len(spike_trains)) indices = np.array(indices) # check validity of indices assert (indices < len(spike_trains)).all() and (indices >= 0).all(), \ "Invalid index list." # generate a list of possible index pairs pairs = [(i, j) for i in indices for j in indices[i+1:]] # start with first pair (i, j) = pairs[0] average_dist = pair_distance_func(spike_trains[i], spike_trains[j]) for (i, j) in pairs[1:]: current_dist = pair_distance_func(spike_trains[i], spike_trains[j]) average_dist.add(current_dist) # add to the average average_dist.mul_scalar(1.0/len(pairs)) # normalize return average_dist ############################################################ # multi_distance_par ############################################################ def multi_distance_par(spike_trains, pair_distance_func, indices=None): """ parallel implementation of the multi-distance. Not currently used as it does not improve the performance. """ num_threads = 2 lock = threading.Lock() def run(spike_trains, index_pairs, average_dist): (i, j) = index_pairs[0] # print(i,j) this_avrg = pair_distance_func(spike_trains[i], spike_trains[j]) for (i, j) in index_pairs[1:]: # print(i,j) current_dist = pair_distance_func(spike_trains[i], spike_trains[j]) this_avrg.add(current_dist) with lock: average_dist.add(this_avrg) if indices is None: indices = np.arange(len(spike_trains)) indices = np.array(indices) # check validity of indices assert (indices < len(spike_trains)).all() and (indices >= 0).all(), \ "Invalid index list." # generate a list of possible index pairs pairs = [(i, j) for i in indices for j in indices[i+1:]] num_pairs = len(pairs) # start with first pair (i, j) = pairs[0] average_dist = pair_distance_func(spike_trains[i], spike_trains[j]) # remove the one we already computed pairs = pairs[1:] # distribute the rest into num_threads pieces clustered_pairs = [pairs[n::num_threads] for n in xrange(num_threads)] threads = [] for pairs in clustered_pairs: t = threading.Thread(target=run, args=(spike_trains, pairs, average_dist)) threads.append(t) t.start() for t in threads: t.join() average_dist.mul_scalar(1.0/num_pairs) # normalize return average_dist ############################################################ # isi_distance_multi ############################################################ def isi_distance_multi(spike_trains, indices=None): """ computes the multi-variate isi-distance for a set of spike-trains. That is the average isi-distance of all pairs of spike-trains: S(t) = 2/((N(N-1)) sum_{} S_{i,j}, where the sum goes over all pairs Args: - spike_trains: list of spike trains - indices: list of indices defining which spike trains to use, if None all given spike trains are used (default=None) Returns: - A PieceWiseConstFunc representing the averaged isi distance S """ return multi_distance(spike_trains, isi_distance, indices) ############################################################ # spike_distance_multi ############################################################ def spike_distance_multi(spike_trains, indices=None): """ computes the multi-variate spike-distance for a set of spike-trains. That is the average spike-distance of all pairs of spike-trains: S(t) = 2/((N(N-1)) sum_{} S_{i, j}, where the sum goes over all pairs Args: - spike_trains: list of spike trains - indices: list of indices defining which spike-trains to use, if None all given spike trains are used (default=None) Returns: - A PieceWiseLinFunc representing the averaged spike distance S """ return multi_distance(spike_trains, spike_distance, indices) def isi_distance_matrix(spike_trains, indices=None): """ Computes the average isi-distance of all pairs of spike-trains. Args: - spike_trains: list of spike trains - indices: list of indices defining which spike-trains to use if None all given spike-trains are used (default=None) Return: - a 2D array of size len(indices)*len(indices) containing the average pair-wise isi-distance """ if indices is None: indices = np.arange(len(spike_trains)) indices = np.array(indices) # check validity of indices assert (indices < len(spike_trains)).all() and (indices >= 0).all(), \ "Invalid index list." # generate a list of possible index pairs pairs = [(i, j) for i in indices for j in indices[i+1:]] distance_matrix = np.zeros((len(indices), len(indices))) for i, j in pairs: d = isi_distance(spike_trains[i], spike_trains[j]).abs_avrg() distance_matrix[i, j] = d distance_matrix[j, i] = d return distance_matrix