""" distances.py Module containing several functions to compute spike distances Copyright 2014, Mario Mulansky Distributed under the BSD License """ import numpy as np import threading from functools import partial from pyspike import PieceWiseConstFunc, PieceWiseLinFunc ############################################################ # isi_profile ############################################################ def isi_profile(spikes1, spikes2): """ Computes the isi-distance profile :math:`S_{isi}(t)` of the two given spike trains. Retruns the profile as a PieceWiseConstFunc object. The S_isi values are defined positive S_isi(t)>=0. The spike trains are expected to have auxiliary spikes at the beginning and end of the interval. Use the function add_auxiliary_spikes to add those spikes to the spike train. :param spikes1: ordered array of spike times with auxiliary spikes. :param spikes2: ordered array of spike times with auxiliary spikes. :returns: The isi-distance profile :math:`S_{isi}(t)` :rtype: :class:`pyspike.function.PieceWiseConstFunc` """ # check for auxiliary spikes - first and last spikes should be identical assert spikes1[0] == spikes2[0], \ "Given spike trains seems not to have auxiliary spikes!" assert spikes1[-1] == spikes2[-1], \ "Given spike trains seems not to have auxiliary spikes!" # load cython implementation try: from cython_distance import isi_distance_cython as isi_distance_impl except ImportError: print("Warning: isi_distance_cython not found. Make sure that PySpike \ is installed by running\n 'python setup.py build_ext --inplace'!\n \ Falling back to slow python backend.") # use python backend from python_backend import isi_distance_python as isi_distance_impl times, values = isi_distance_impl(spikes1, spikes2) return PieceWiseConstFunc(times, values) ############################################################ # isi_distance ############################################################ def isi_distance(spikes1, spikes2, interval=None): """ Computes the isi-distance I of the given spike trains. The isi-distance is the integral over the isi distance profile :math:`S_{isi}(t)`: .. math:: I = \int_{T_0}^{T_1} S_{isi}(t) dt. :param spikes1: ordered array of spike times with auxiliary spikes. :param spikes2: ordered array of spike times with auxiliary spikes. :param interval: averaging interval given as a pair of floats (T0, T1), if None the average over the whole function is computed. :type interval: Pair of floats or None. :returns: The isi-distance I. :rtype: double """ return isi_profile(spikes1, spikes2).avrg(interval) ############################################################ # spike_profile ############################################################ def spike_profile(spikes1, spikes2): """ Computes the spike-distance profile S_spike(t) of the two given spike trains. Returns the profile as a PieceWiseLinFunc object. The S_spike values are defined positive S_spike(t)>=0. The spike trains are expected to have auxiliary spikes at the beginning and end of the interval. Use the function add_auxiliary_spikes to add those spikes to the spike train. :param spikes1: ordered array of spike times with auxiliary spikes. :param spikes2: ordered array of spike times with auxiliary spikes. :returns: The spike-distance profile :math:`S_{spike}(t)`. :rtype: :class:`pyspike.function.PieceWiseLinFunc` """ # check for auxiliary spikes - first and last spikes should be identical assert spikes1[0] == spikes2[0], \ "Given spike trains seems not to have auxiliary spikes!" assert spikes1[-1] == spikes2[-1], \ "Given spike trains seems not to have auxiliary spikes!" # cython implementation try: from cython_distance import spike_distance_cython \ as spike_distance_impl except ImportError: print("Warning: spike_distance_cython not found. Make sure that \ PySpike is installed by running\n 'python setup.py build_ext --inplace'!\n \ Falling back to slow python backend.") # use python backend from python_backend import spike_distance_python as spike_distance_impl times, y_starts, y_ends = spike_distance_impl(spikes1, spikes2) return PieceWiseLinFunc(times, y_starts, y_ends) ############################################################ # spike_distance ############################################################ def spike_distance(spikes1, spikes2, interval=None): """ Computes the spike-distance S of the given spike trains. The spike-distance is the integral over the isi distance profile S_spike(t): .. math:: S = \int_{T_0}^{T_1} S_{spike}(t) dt. :param spikes1: ordered array of spike times with auxiliary spikes. :param spikes2: ordered array of spike times with auxiliary spikes. :param interval: averaging interval given as a pair of floats (T0, T1), if None the average over the whole function is computed. :type interval: Pair of floats or None. :returns: The spike-distance. :rtype: double """ return spike_profile(spikes1, spikes2).avrg(interval) ############################################################ # spike_sync_profile ############################################################ def spike_sync_profile(spikes1, spikes2, k=3): assert k > 0 # cython implementation try: from cython_distance import coincidence_cython \ as coincidence_impl except ImportError: # print("Warning: spike_distance_cython not found. Make sure that \ # PySpike is installed by running\n 'python setup.py build_ext --inplace'!\n \ # Falling back to slow python backend.") # use python backend from python_backend import coincidence_python \ as coincidence_impl st, c = coincidence_impl(spikes1, spikes2) dc = np.zeros(len(c)) for i in xrange(2*k): dc[k:-k] += c[i:-2*k+i] for n in xrange(0, k): for i in xrange(n+k): dc[n] += c[i] dc[-n-1] += c[-i-1] for i in xrange(k-n-1): dc[n] += c[i] dc[-n-1] += c[-i-1] dc *= 1.0/k return PieceWiseConstFunc(st, dc) ############################################################ # _generic_profile_multi ############################################################ def _generic_profile_multi(spike_trains, pair_distance_func, indices=None): """ Internal implementation detail, don't call this function directly, use isi_profile_multi or spike_profile_multi instead. Computes the multi-variate distance for a set of spike-trains using the pair_dist_func to compute pair-wise distances. That is it computes the average distance of all pairs of spike-trains: :math:`S(t) = 2/((N(N-1)) sum_{} S_{i,j}`, where the sum goes over all pairs . Args: - spike_trains: list of spike trains - pair_distance_func: function computing the distance of two spike trains - indices: list of indices defining which spike trains to use, if None all given spike trains are used (default=None) Returns: - The averaged multi-variate distance of all pairs """ if indices is None: indices = np.arange(len(spike_trains)) indices = np.array(indices) # check validity of indices assert (indices < len(spike_trains)).all() and (indices >= 0).all(), \ "Invalid index list." # generate a list of possible index pairs pairs = [(i, j) for i in indices for j in indices[i+1:]] # start with first pair (i, j) = pairs[0] average_dist = pair_distance_func(spike_trains[i], spike_trains[j]) for (i, j) in pairs[1:]: current_dist = pair_distance_func(spike_trains[i], spike_trains[j]) average_dist.add(current_dist) # add to the average average_dist.mul_scalar(1.0/len(pairs)) # normalize return average_dist ############################################################ # multi_distance_par ############################################################ def _multi_distance_par(spike_trains, pair_distance_func, indices=None): """ parallel implementation of the multi-distance. Not currently used as it does not improve the performance. """ num_threads = 2 lock = threading.Lock() def run(spike_trains, index_pairs, average_dist): (i, j) = index_pairs[0] # print(i,j) this_avrg = pair_distance_func(spike_trains[i], spike_trains[j]) for (i, j) in index_pairs[1:]: # print(i,j) current_dist = pair_distance_func(spike_trains[i], spike_trains[j]) this_avrg.add(current_dist) with lock: average_dist.add(this_avrg) if indices is None: indices = np.arange(len(spike_trains)) indices = np.array(indices) # check validity of indices assert (indices < len(spike_trains)).all() and (indices >= 0).all(), \ "Invalid index list." # generate a list of possible index pairs pairs = [(i, j) for i in indices for j in indices[i+1:]] num_pairs = len(pairs) # start with first pair (i, j) = pairs[0] average_dist = pair_distance_func(spike_trains[i], spike_trains[j]) # remove the one we already computed pairs = pairs[1:] # distribute the rest into num_threads pieces clustered_pairs = [pairs[n::num_threads] for n in xrange(num_threads)] threads = [] for pairs in clustered_pairs: t = threading.Thread(target=run, args=(spike_trains, pairs, average_dist)) threads.append(t) t.start() for t in threads: t.join() average_dist.mul_scalar(1.0/num_pairs) # normalize return average_dist ############################################################ # isi_profile_multi ############################################################ def isi_profile_multi(spike_trains, indices=None): """ computes the multi-variate isi distance profile for a set of spike trains. That is the average isi-distance of all pairs of spike-trains: S_isi(t) = 2/((N(N-1)) sum_{} S_{isi}^{i,j}, where the sum goes over all pairs :param spike_trains: list of spike trains :param indices: list of indices defining which spike trains to use, if None all given spike trains are used (default=None) :type state: list or None :returns: The averaged isi profile :math:`(t)` :rtype: :class:`pyspike.function.PieceWiseConstFunc` """ return _generic_profile_multi(spike_trains, isi_profile, indices) ############################################################ # isi_distance_multi ############################################################ def isi_distance_multi(spike_trains, indices=None, interval=None): """ computes the multi-variate isi-distance for a set of spike-trains. That is the time average of the multi-variate spike profile: I = \int_0^T 2/((N(N-1)) sum_{} S_{isi}^{i,j}, where the sum goes over all pairs :param spike_trains: list of spike trains :param indices: list of indices defining which spike trains to use, if None all given spike trains are used (default=None) :param interval: averaging interval given as a pair of floats, if None the average over the whole function is computed. :type interval: Pair of floats or None. :returns: The time-averaged isi distance :math:`I` :rtype: double """ return isi_profile_multi(spike_trains, indices).avrg(interval) ############################################################ # spike_profile_multi ############################################################ def spike_profile_multi(spike_trains, indices=None): """ Computes the multi-variate spike distance profile for a set of spike trains. That is the average spike-distance of all pairs of spike-trains: :math:`S_spike(t) = 2/((N(N-1)) sum_{} S_{spike}^{i, j}`, where the sum goes over all pairs :param spike_trains: list of spike trains :param indices: list of indices defining which spike trains to use, if None all given spike trains are used (default=None) :type indices: list or None :returns: The averaged spike profile :math:`(t)` :rtype: :class:`pyspike.function.PieceWiseLinFunc` """ return _generic_profile_multi(spike_trains, spike_profile, indices) ############################################################ # spike_profile_multi ############################################################ def spike_sync_profile_multi(spike_trains, indices=None, k=3): """ Computes the multi-variate spike synchronization profile for a set of spike trains. That is the average spike-distance of all pairs of spike trains: :math:`S_ss(t) = 2/((N(N-1)) sum_{} S_{ss}^{i, j}`, where the sum goes over all pairs :param spike_trains: list of spike trains :param indices: list of indices defining which spike trains to use, if None all given spike trains are used (default=None) :type indices: list or None :returns: The averaged spike profile :math:`(t)` :rtype: :class:`pyspike.function.PieceWiseConstFunc` """ prof_func = partial(spike_sync_profile, k=k) return _generic_profile_multi(spike_trains, prof_func, indices) ############################################################ # spike_distance_multi ############################################################ def spike_distance_multi(spike_trains, indices=None, interval=None): """ Computes the multi-variate spike distance for a set of spike trains. That is the time average of the multi-variate spike profile: S_{spike} = \int_0^T 2/((N(N-1)) sum_{} S_{spike}^{i, j} dt where the sum goes over all pairs :param spike_trains: list of spike trains :param indices: list of indices defining which spike trains to use, if None all given spike trains are used (default=None) :type indices: list or None :param interval: averaging interval given as a pair of floats, if None the average over the whole function is computed. :type interval: Pair of floats or None. :returns: The averaged spike distance S. :rtype: double """ return spike_profile_multi(spike_trains, indices).avrg(interval) ############################################################ # generic_distance_matrix ############################################################ def _generic_distance_matrix(spike_trains, dist_function, indices=None, interval=None): """ Internal implementation detail. Don't use this function directly. Instead use isi_distance_matrix or spike_distance_matrix. Computes the time averaged distance of all pairs of spike-trains. Args: - spike_trains: list of spike trains - indices: list of indices defining which spike-trains to use if None all given spike-trains are used (default=None) Return: - a 2D array of size len(indices)*len(indices) containing the average pair-wise distance """ if indices is None: indices = np.arange(len(spike_trains)) indices = np.array(indices) # check validity of indices assert (indices < len(spike_trains)).all() and (indices >= 0).all(), \ "Invalid index list." # generate a list of possible index pairs pairs = [(i, j) for i in indices for j in indices[i+1:]] distance_matrix = np.zeros((len(indices), len(indices))) for i, j in pairs: d = dist_function(spike_trains[i], spike_trains[j], interval) distance_matrix[i, j] = d distance_matrix[j, i] = d return distance_matrix ############################################################ # isi_distance_matrix ############################################################ def isi_distance_matrix(spike_trains, indices=None, interval=None): """ Computes the time averaged isi-distance of all pairs of spike-trains. :param spike_trains: list of spike trains :param indices: list of indices defining which spike trains to use, if None all given spike trains are used (default=None) :type indices: list or None :param interval: averaging interval given as a pair of floats, if None the average over the whole function is computed. :type interval: Pair of floats or None. :returns: 2D array with the pair wise time average isi distances :math:`I_{ij}` :rtype: np.array """ return _generic_distance_matrix(spike_trains, isi_distance, indices, interval) ############################################################ # spike_distance_matrix ############################################################ def spike_distance_matrix(spike_trains, indices=None, interval=None): """ Computes the time averaged spike-distance of all pairs of spike-trains. :param spike_trains: list of spike trains :param indices: list of indices defining which spike trains to use, if None all given spike trains are used (default=None) :type indices: list or None :param interval: averaging interval given as a pair of floats, if None the average over the whole function is computed. :type interval: Pair of floats or None. :returns: 2D array with the pair wise time average spike distances :math:`S_{ij}` :rtype: np.array """ return _generic_distance_matrix(spike_trains, spike_distance, indices, interval)