""" spikes.py Module containing several function to load and transform spike trains Copyright 2014, Mario Mulansky """ import numpy as np ############################################################ # spike_train_from_string ############################################################ def spike_train_from_string(s, sep=' '): """ Converts a string of times into an array of spike times. Params: - s: the string with (ordered) spike times - sep: The separator between the time numbers. Returns: - array of spike times """ return np.fromstring(s, sep=sep) ############################################################ # merge_spike_trains ############################################################ def merge_spike_trains(spike_trains): """ Merges a number of spike trains into a single spike train. Params: - spike_trains: list of arrays of spike times Returns: - array with the merged spike times """ # get the lengths of the spike trains lens = np.array([len(st) for st in spike_trains]) merged_spikes = np.empty(np.sum(lens)) index = 0 # the index for merged_spikes indices = np.zeros_like(lens) # indices of the spike trains index_list = np.arange(len(indices)) # indices of indices of spike trains # that have not yet reached the end # list of the possible events in the spike trains vals = [spike_trains[i][indices[i]] for i in index_list] while len(index_list) > 0: i = np.argmin(vals) # the next spike is the minimum merged_spikes[index] = vals[i] # put it to the merged spike train i = index_list[i] index += 1 # next index of merged spike train indices[i] += 1 # next index for the chosen spike train if indices[i] >= lens[i]: # remove spike train index if ended index_list = index_list[index_list != i] vals = [spike_trains[i][indices[i]] for i in index_list] return merged_spikes