path: root/benchmarks
diff options
authorUlrich Bauer <>2019-05-22 21:22:00 +0200
committerUlrich Bauer <>2019-05-22 21:22:00 +0200
commit4e23d7c4264d3a0cdbe66e8909f1dae61e41e63c (patch)
treec922ea812f2f4d49dae0a0028cab5aaf0ee3dc5e /benchmarks
parentb100038da9f18493bd461a8f0f0d9b4540f102da (diff)
docker file for benchmark
Diffstat (limited to 'benchmarks')
2 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/benchmarks/Dockerfile b/benchmarks/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40c654f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+# FROM ubuntu:latest
+#FROM ubuntu:18.10 as benchmark-setup
+# RUN echo "deb cosmic main restricted universe" > /etc/apt/sources.list
+FROM ubuntu:19.04 as benchmark-setup
+RUN apt-get update && \
+ apt-get install -y \
+ apt-utils \
+ cmake \
+ curl \
+ g++ \
+ git \
+ hdf5-tools \
+ libcgal-dev \
+ libboost-dev \
+ libboost-filesystem-dev \
+ libboost-test-dev \
+ libgmp3-dev \
+ libmpfr-dev \
+ libtbb-dev \
+ libopenmpi-dev \
+ make \
+ python-minimal \
+ python-pip \
+ time \
+ unzip \
+ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+WORKDIR /external
+RUN curl -LO \
+ && tar xf julia-1.1.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
+ENV PATH="${PATH}:/external/julia-1.1.0/bin"
+RUN julia --eval 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("Plotly"); Pkg.add("Eirene"); using Eirene;'
+WORKDIR /benchmark
+RUN curl -LO \
+&& curl -LO \
+&& curl -LO \
+&& curl -LO \
+&& curl -LO \
+&& curl -LO \
+# && curl -LO \
+&& curl -LO \
+&& curl -LO
+FROM benchmark-setup as benchmark-ripser
+WORKDIR /ripser
+RUN git clone \
+&& cd ripser \
+&& make
+ENV PATH="${PATH}:/ripser/ripser"
+WORKDIR /benchmark
+RUN time -v -o sphere_3_192.ripser.txt ripser sphere_3_192.distance_matrix --dim 2
+RUN time -v -o random.ripser.txt ripser random_point_cloud_50_16_.txt --dim 7
+RUN time -v -o fractal-r.ripser.txt ripser fractal_9_5_2_random_edge_list.txt_0.19795_distmat.txt --dim 2
+RUN time -v -o dragon-2.ripser.txt ripser dragon_vrip.ply.txt_2000_.txt --dim 1
+# RUN time -v -o genome.ripser.txt ripser human_gene_distmat.txt --dim 1
+FROM benchmark-setup as benchmark-gudhi
+WORKDIR /gudhi
+RUN curl -LO "" \
+&& tar xf 2018-09-04-14-25-00_GUDHI_2.3.0.tar.gz \
+&& cd 2018-09-04-14-25-00_GUDHI_2.3.0 \
+&& mkdir build \
+&& cd build \
+&& cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" .. \
+&& make rips_distance_matrix_persistence
+ENV PATH="${PATH}:/gudhi/2018-09-04-14-25-00_GUDHI_2.3.0/build/utilities/Rips_complex"
+WORKDIR /benchmark
+RUN time -v -o sphere_3_192.gudhi.txt rips_distance_matrix_persistence -d3 -p2 sphere_3_192.distance_matrix
+FROM benchmark-setup as benchmark-dipha
+WORKDIR /dipha
+RUN git clone \
+&& cd dipha \
+&& mkdir build \
+&& cd build \
+&& cmake .. \
+&& make
+ENV PATH="${PATH}:/dipha/dipha/build"
+WORKDIR /benchmark
+RUN time -v -o sphere_3_192.dipha.txt dipha --dual --benchmark --upper_dim 3 sphere_3_192.complex sphere_3_192.dipha.diagram
+FROM benchmark-dipha as benchmark-dipha-multicore
+RUN time -v -o sphere_3_192.dipha-multicore.txt mpiexec --allow-run-as-root --mca btl_vader_single_copy_mechanism none \
+dipha --dual --benchmark --upper_dim 3 sphere_3_192.complex sphere_3_192.dipha-multicore.diagram
+FROM benchmark-setup as benchmark-eirene037
+WORKDIR /eirene
+RUN curl -LO \
+&& tar xf julia-0.6.4-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
+RUN curl -LO "" \
+&& unzip \
+&& cd Eirene0_3_7
+# ENV PATH="${PATH}:/eirene/julia-9d11f62bcb/bin"
+# RUN julia --eval 'Pkg.clone(""); using Eirene'
+# RUN julia --eval ' \
+# Pkg.clone(""); \
+# Pkg.checkout("PlotlyJS","fix-jsstring"); \
+# Pkg.add("Eirene");'
+RUN /eirene/julia-9d11f62bcb/bin/julia --eval ' \
+ Pkg.clone(""); \
+ Pkg.checkout("PlotlyJS","fix-jsstring");'
+RUN /eirene/julia-9d11f62bcb/bin/julia --eval 'Pkg.add("Distances"); Pkg.add("JLD"); Pkg.add("Blink"); Pkg.add("Plotly"); Pkg.add("MultivariateStats");'
+RUN /eirene/julia-9d11f62bcb/bin/julia --load /eirene/Eirene0_3_7/Eirene0_3_7_mutable.jl --eval 'eirene([0 1; 1 0]);'
+WORKDIR /benchmark
+RUN time -v -o sphere_3_192.eirene.txt \
+ /eirene/julia-9d11f62bcb/bin/julia --load /eirene/Eirene0_3_7/Eirene0_3_7_mutable.jl --eval 'eirene([0 1; 1 0]); p = readdlm("sphere_3_192.distance_matrix"); \
+ tic(); eirene(p, record="none", bettimax=2); toc();' >sphere_3_192.eirene037.out.txt
+RUN time -v -o dragon-2.eirene.txt \
+ /eirene/julia-9d11f62bcb/bin/julia --load /eirene/Eirene0_3_7/Eirene0_3_7_mutable.jl --eval 'eirene([0 1; 1 0]); p = readdlm("dragon_vrip.ply.txt_2000_.txt"); \
+ tic(); eirene(p, rowsare="points", record="none", bettimax=1); toc();' >dragon-2.eirene037.out.txt
+RUN time -v -o fractal-r.eirene.txt \
+ /eirene/julia-9d11f62bcb/bin/julia --load /eirene/Eirene0_3_7/Eirene0_3_7_mutable.jl --eval 'eirene([0 1; 1 0]); p = readdlm("fractal_9_5_2_random_edge_list.txt_0.19795_distmat.txt"); \
+ tic(); eirene(p, record="none", bettimax=2); toc();' >fractal-r.eirene037.out.txt
+RUN time -v -o random.eirene.txt \
+ /eirene/julia-9d11f62bcb/bin/julia --load /eirene/Eirene0_3_7/Eirene0_3_7_mutable.jl --eval 'eirene([0 1; 1 0]); p = readdlm("random_point_cloud_50_16_.txt"); \
+ tic(); eirene(p, rowsare="points", record="none", bettimax=7); toc();' >random.eirene037.out.txt
+FROM benchmark-setup as benchmark-eirene
+WORKDIR /eirene
+#RUN curl -LO \
+#&& tar xf julia-1.1.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
+#ENV PATH="${PATH}:/eirene/julia-1.1.0/bin"
+#RUN julia --eval 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("Plotly"); Pkg.add("Eirene"); using Eirene'
+WORKDIR /benchmark
+RUN time -v -o sphere_3_192.eirene.txt \
+ julia --eval 'using Eirene; using DelimitedFiles; eirene([0 1; 1 0]); println(@elapsed eirene(transpose(readdlm("sphere_3_192.distance_matrix")), record="none", maxdim=2))' >sphere_3_192.eirene.out.txt
+RUN time -v -o dragon-2.eirene.txt \
+ julia --eval 'using Eirene; using DelimitedFiles; eirene([0 1; 1 0]); println(@elapsed eirene(transpose(readdlm("dragon_vrip.ply.txt_2000_.txt")), model="pc", record="none", maxdim=1))' >dragon-2.eirene.out.txt
+RUN time -v -o fractal-r.eirene.txt \
+ julia --eval 'using Eirene; using DelimitedFiles; eirene([0 1; 1 0]); println(@elapsed eirene(transpose(readdlm("fractal_9_5_2_random_edge_list.txt_0.19795_distmat.txt")), record="none", maxdim=2))' >fractal-r.eirene.out.txt
+#RUN time -v -o random.eirene.txt \
+# julia --eval 'using Eirene; using DelimitedFiles; eirene([0 1; 1 0]); println(@elapsed eirene(transpose(readdlm("random_point_cloud_50_16_.txt")), model="pc", record="none", maxdim=7))' >random.eirene.out.txt
+FROM benchmark-setup as benchmark-dionysus2
+WORKDIR /dionysus2
+RUN pip install numpy scipy dionysus
+# RUN git clone \
+# && cd dionysus \
+# && mkdir build \
+# && cd build \
+# && cmake .. \
+# && make rips-pairwise
+# ENV PATH="${PATH}:/dionysus2/dionysus/build/examples/rips"
+WORKDIR /benchmark
+# RUN time -v -o sphere_3_192.dionysus-cpp.txt rips-pairwise sphere_3_192_points.dat -s3
+RUN time -v -o sphere.dionysus-py.txt python -c 'import dionysus as d; from numpy import loadtxt, inf; import math; from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform; \
+ d.cohomology_persistence(d.fill_rips(squareform(loadtxt("sphere_3_192.distance_matrix")), 3, inf));'
+RUN time -v -o dragon-2.dionysus-py.txt python -c 'import dionysus as d; from numpy import loadtxt, inf; import math; from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform; \
+ d.cohomology_persistence(d.fill_rips(loadtxt("dragon_vrip.ply.txt_2000_.txt"), 2, inf));'
+RUN time -v -o sphere.dionysus-py.txt python -c 'import dionysus as d; from numpy import loadtxt, inf; import math; from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform; \
+ d.cohomology_persistence(d.fill_rips(squareform(loadtxt("fractal_9_5_2_random_edge_list.txt_0.19795_distmat.txt")), 3, inf));'
diff --git a/benchmarks/readme.txt b/benchmarks/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddf0c8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+building: docker build .
+running interactive: docker run -ti <name of image>