#!/usr/bin/python3 import numpy as np import subprocess def parse_output(s): ret = [] current_dim = None for line in s.splitlines(): if line.startswith("persistence intervals in dim"): splitline = line.rstrip().rstrip(":").split(" ") assert(len(splitline) == 5) current_dim = int(splitline[-1]) while len(ret) < current_dim + 1: ret.append(([], [])) elif line.startswith(" ["): splitline = line.lstrip(" [").rstrip().rstrip(")").split(",") assert(len(splitline) == 2) if splitline[1].strip() == "": ret[current_dim][1].append(float(splitline[0])) else: ret[current_dim][0].append((float(splitline[0]), float(splitline[1]))) return ret def main(): tests = [(None, "lower-distance", 2, "sphere_3_192.lower_distance_matrix"), (None, "distance", 2, "projective_plane.csv"), (None, "dipha", 2, "projective_plane.dipha"), (None, "lower-distance", 2, "projective_plane.lower_distance_matrix"), (2, "lower-distance", 2, "sphere_3_192.lower_distance_matrix"), (2, "distance", 2, "projective_plane.csv"), (2, "dipha", 2, "projective_plane.dipha"), (2, "lower-distance", 2, "projective_plane.lower_distance_matrix")] for (coeff, format, dim, prefix) in tests: if coeff is None: print("Running test %s." %(prefix)) proc = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/ripser", "--dim", str(dim), "--format", format, "examples/%s" %(prefix)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) else: print("Running test %s with coefficients in Z/%dZ." %(prefix, coeff)) proc = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/ripser-coeff", "--modulus", str(coeff), "--dim", str(dim), "--format", format, "examples/%s" %(prefix)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = proc.communicate()[0].decode("utf-8") assert(proc.returncode == 0) pd = parse_output(output) with open("debian/tests/reference/%s.txt" %(prefix), "r") as f: pd_ref = parse_output(f.read()) assert(len(pd) == len(pd_ref)) for d in range(0, len(pd)): fin = np.array(sorted(pd[d][0])) inf = np.array(sorted(pd[d][1])) print("Finite bars in dimension %d:" %(d)) print(fin) print("Infinite bars in dimension %d:" %(d)) print(inf) fin_ref = np.array(sorted(pd_ref[d][0])) inf_ref = np.array(sorted(pd_ref[d][1])) assert(fin.shape == fin_ref.shape) assert(inf.shape == inf_ref.shape) np.testing.assert_allclose(fin, fin_ref) np.testing.assert_allclose(inf, inf_ref) print("------") print("-------------------------------------------------") if __name__ == "__main__": main()