path: root/src/data/tikzparser.y
diff options
authorGard Spreemann <>2018-10-23 16:35:21 +0200
committerGard Spreemann <>2018-10-23 16:35:21 +0200
commit30dcb0a5460c0d364907fdcc10beeb8aabc78106 (patch)
tree49feb8753359b41a83e4bbde424ab09f4799838e /src/data/tikzparser.y
parentc220b6e1264822c6f8d97ab216a319261106e614 (diff)
parent43233c4f76c5a96c08dcb033372294fbafbaf663 (diff)
Merge tag 'v2.0' into debian/sid
Diffstat (limited to 'src/data/tikzparser.y')
1 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/data/tikzparser.y b/src/data/tikzparser.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4473107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/tikzparser.y
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ * \file tikzparser.y
+ *
+ * The parser for tikz input.
+ */
+ * Copyright 2010 Chris Heunen
+ * Copyright 2010-2017 Aleks Kissinger
+ * Copyright 2013 K. Johan Paulsson
+ * Copyright 2013 Alex Merry <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "tikzparserdefs.h"
+/* we use features added to bison 2.4 */
+%require "2.3"
+/* enable maintaining locations for better error messages */
+/* the name of the header file */
+/*%defines "common/tikzparser.h"*/
+/* make it re-entrant (no global variables) */
+/* We use a pure (re-entrant) lexer. This means yylex
+ will take a void* (opaque) type to maintain its state */
+%lex-param {void *scanner}
+/* Since this parser is also pure, yyparse needs to take
+ that lexer state as an argument */
+%parse-param {void *scanner}
+/* possible data types for semantic values */
+%union {
+ char *str;
+ GraphElementProperty *prop;
+ GraphElementData *data;
+ Node *node;
+ QPointF *pt;
+ struct noderef noderef;
+#include "node.h"
+#include "edge.h"
+#include "graphelementdata.h"
+#include "graphelementproperty.h"
+#include "tikzlexer.h"
+#include "tikzassembler.h"
+/* the assembler (used by this parser) is stored in the lexer
+ state as "extra" data */
+#define assembler yyget_extra(scanner)
+/* pass errors off to the assembler */
+void yyerror(YYLTYPE *yylloc, void * /*scanner*/, const char *str) {
+ // TODO: implement reportError()
+ //assembler->reportError(str, yylloc);
+ qDebug() << "\nparse error: " << str << " line:" << yylloc->first_line;
+/* yyloc is set up with first_column = last_column = 1 by default;
+ however, it makes more sense to think of us being "before the
+ start of the line" before we parse anything */
+%initial-action {
+ yylloc.first_column = yylloc.last_column = 0;
+%token BEGIN_TIKZPICTURE_CMD "\\begin{tikzpicture}"
+%token END_TIKZPICTURE_CMD "\\end{tikzpicture}"
+%token TIKZSTYLE_CMD "\\tikzstyle"
+%token BEGIN_PGFONLAYER_CMD "\\begin{pgfonlayer}"
+%token END_PGFONLAYER_CMD "\\end{pgfonlayer}"
+%token DRAW_CMD "\\draw"
+%token NODE_CMD "\\node"
+%token PATH_CMD "\\path"
+%token RECTANGLE "rectangle"
+%token NODE "node"
+%token AT "at"
+%token TO "to"
+%token SEMICOLON ";"
+%token COMMA ","
+%token LEFTBRACKET "["
+%token RIGHTBRACKET "]"
+%token FULLSTOP "."
+%token EQUALS "="
+%token <pt> TCOORD "coordinate"
+%token <str> PROPSTRING "key/value string"
+%token <str> REFSTRING "string"
+%token <str> DELIMITEDSTRING "{-delimited string"
+%token UNKNOWN_BEGIN_CMD "unknown \\begin command"
+%token UNKNOWN_END_CMD "unknown \\end command"
+%token UNKNOWN_CMD "unknown latex command"
+%token UNKNOWN_STR "unknown string"
+%token UNCLOSED_DELIM_STR "unclosed {-delimited string"
+%type<str> nodename
+%type<str> optanchor
+%type<str> val
+%type<prop> property
+%type<data> extraproperties
+%type<data> properties
+%type<data> optproperties
+%type<node> optedgenode
+%type<noderef> noderef
+%type<noderef> optnoderef
+tikz: tikzstyles | tikzpicture;
+tikzstyles: tikzstyles tikzstyle | ;
+tikzstyle: "\\tikzstyle" DELIMITEDSTRING "=" "[" properties "]"
+ {
+ if (assembler->isTikzStyles()) {
+ assembler->tikzStyles()->addStyle(QString($2), $5);
+ }
+ }
+tikzpicture: "\\begin{tikzpicture}" optproperties tikzcmds "\\end{tikzpicture}"
+ {
+ if (assembler->isGraph() && $2) {
+ assembler->graph()->setData($2);
+ }
+ };
+tikzcmds: tikzcmds tikzcmd | ;
+tikzcmd: node | edge | boundingbox | ignore;
+ignore: "\\begin{pgfonlayer}" DELIMITEDSTRING | "\\end{pgfonlayer}";
+ "[" "]"
+ { $$ = 0; }
+ | "[" properties "]"
+ { $$ = $2; }
+ | { $$ = 0; };
+properties: extraproperties property
+ {
+ $1->add(*$2);
+ delete $2;
+ $$ = $1;
+ };
+ extraproperties property ","
+ {
+ $1->add(*$2);
+ delete $2;
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ | { $$ = new GraphElementData(); };
+ val "=" val
+ {
+ GraphElementProperty *p = new GraphElementProperty(QString($1),QString($3));
+ free($1);
+ free($3);
+ $$ = p;
+ }
+ | val
+ {
+ GraphElementProperty *a = new GraphElementProperty(QString($1));
+ free($1);
+ $$ = a;
+ };
+val: PROPSTRING { $$ = $1; } | DELIMITEDSTRING { $$ = $1; };
+nodename: "(" REFSTRING ")" { $$ = $2; };
+node: "\\node" optproperties nodename "at" TCOORD DELIMITEDSTRING ";"
+ {
+ Node *node = new Node();
+ if ($2) {
+ node->setData($2);
+ }
+ //qDebug() << "node name: " << $3;
+ node->setName(QString($3));
+ node->setLabel(QString($6));
+ free($3);
+ free($6);
+ node->setPoint(*$5);
+ delete $5;
+ assembler->graph()->addNode(node);
+ assembler->addNodeToMap(node);
+ };
+optanchor: { $$ = 0; } | "." REFSTRING { $$ = $2; };
+noderef: "(" REFSTRING optanchor ")"
+ {
+ $$.node = assembler->nodeWithName(QString($2));
+ free($2);
+ $$.anchor = $3;
+ };
+ noderef { $$ = $1; }
+ | "(" ")" { $$.node = 0; $$.anchor = 0; }
+ { $$ = 0; }
+ | "node" optproperties DELIMITEDSTRING
+ {
+ $$ = new Node();
+ if ($2)
+ $$->setData($2);
+ $$->setLabel(QString($3));
+ free($3);
+ }
+edge: "\\draw" optproperties noderef "to" optedgenode optnoderef ";"
+ {
+ Node *s;
+ Node *t;
+ s = $3.node;
+ if ($6.node) {
+ t = $6.node;
+ } else {
+ t = s;
+ }
+ // if the source or the target of the edge doesn't exist, quietly ignore it.
+ if (s != 0 && t != 0) {
+ Edge *edge = new Edge(s, t);
+ if ($2) {
+ edge->setData($2);
+ edge->setAttributesFromData();
+ }
+ if ($5)
+ edge->setEdgeNode($5);
+ if ($3.anchor) {
+ edge->setSourceAnchor(QString($3.anchor));
+ free($3.anchor);
+ }
+ if ($6.node) {
+ if ($6.anchor) {
+ edge->setTargetAnchor(QString($6.anchor));
+ free($6.anchor);
+ }
+ } else {
+ edge->setTargetAnchor(edge->sourceAnchor());
+ }
+ assembler->graph()->addEdge(edge);
+ }
+ };
+ignoreprop: val | val "=" val;
+ignoreprops: ignoreprop ignoreprops | ;
+optignoreprops: "[" ignoreprops "]";
+ "\\path" optignoreprops TCOORD "rectangle" TCOORD ";"
+ {
+ assembler->graph()->setBbox(QRectF(*$3, *$5));
+ delete $3;
+ delete $5;
+ };
+/* vi:ft=yacc:noet:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4