path: root/tikzit-1/src/osx/TikzSourceController.m
diff options
authorAleks Kissinger <>2017-01-11 16:33:00 +0100
committerAleks Kissinger <>2017-01-11 16:33:00 +0100
commit1802977b95d29198f27535b1b731d1180c083667 (patch)
tree032c4beb7411d88d76794a25f0e3b00a3437da3e /tikzit-1/src/osx/TikzSourceController.m
parentff79a9c213dfd75ea00ed5112d3a6e314601e064 (diff)
made new subdir
Diffstat (limited to 'tikzit-1/src/osx/TikzSourceController.m')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tikzit-1/src/osx/TikzSourceController.m b/tikzit-1/src/osx/TikzSourceController.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84eb3a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tikzit-1/src/osx/TikzSourceController.m
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+// TikzSourceController.m
+// TikZiT
+// Copyright 2010 Aleks Kissinger. All rights reserved.
+// This file is part of TikZiT.
+// TikZiT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// TikZiT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with TikZiT. If not, see <>.
+#import "TikzSourceController.h"
+#import "TikzGraphAssembler.h"
+#import "Graph.h"
+@implementation TikzSourceController
+@synthesize graphicsView, sourceView, source, status;
+@synthesize documentUndoManager, tikzChanged;
+@synthesize errorMessage, errorNotification;
+- (void)endEditing {
+ NSResponder *res = [[sourceView window] firstResponder];
+ [[sourceView window] makeFirstResponder:nil];
+ [[sourceView window] makeFirstResponder:res];
+- (void)undoParseTikz:(Graph *)oldGraph {
+ [graphicsView setGraph:oldGraph];
+ [graphicsView setEnabled:NO];
+ [graphicsView postGraphChange];
+ [graphicsView refreshLayers];
+ [documentUndoManager registerUndoWithTarget:self
+ selector:@selector(parseTikz:)
+ object:self];
+ [documentUndoManager setActionName:@"Parse Tikz"];
+- (void)undoRevertTikz:(NSString*)oldTikz {
+ [self setTikz:oldTikz];
+ [graphicsView setEnabled:NO];
+ [graphicsView refreshLayers];
+ [documentUndoManager registerUndoWithTarget:self
+ selector:@selector(revertTikz:)
+ object:self];
+ [documentUndoManager setActionName:@"Revert Tikz"];
+- (void)undoTikzChange:(id)ignore {
+ [graphicsView setEnabled:YES];
+ [graphicsView refreshLayers];
+ [self endEditing];
+ [self updateTikzFromGraph];
+ [documentUndoManager registerUndoWithTarget:self
+ selector:@selector(redoTikzChange:)
+ object:nil];
+ [documentUndoManager setActionName:@"Tikz Change"];
+- (void)redoTikzChange:(id)ignore {
+ [graphicsView setEnabled:NO];
+ [graphicsView refreshLayers];
+ [documentUndoManager registerUndoWithTarget:self
+ selector:@selector(undoTikzChange:)
+ object:nil];
+ [documentUndoManager setActionName:@"Tikz Change"];
+- (void)awakeFromNib {
+ justUndid = NO;
+ successColor = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.0f
+ green:0.5f
+ blue:0.0f
+ alpha:1.0f];
+ failedColor = [NSColor redColor];
+ NSFont *font = [NSFont userFixedPitchFontOfSize:11.0f];
+ if (font != nil) {
+ textAttrs = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:font
+ forKey:NSFontAttributeName];
+ } else {
+ NSLog(@"WARNING: couldn't find monospaced font.");
+ textAttrs = [NSDictionary dictionary];
+ }
+ [self graphChanged:nil];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(graphChanged:)
+ name:@"GraphChanged"
+ object:graphicsView];
+- (void)setTikz:(NSString *)str {
+ [self willChangeValueForKey:@"source"];
+ source = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:str attributes:textAttrs];
+ [self didChangeValueForKey:@"source"];
+- (NSString*)tikz {
+ return [source string];
+- (void)updateTikzFromGraph {
+ [self setTikz:[[graphicsView graph] tikz]];
+ [errorNotification setHidden:TRUE];
+- (void)graphChanged:(NSNotification*)n {
+ if ([graphicsView enabled]) [self updateTikzFromGraph];
+- (IBAction)closeParseError:(id)pId{
+ [errorNotification setHidden:TRUE];
+- (void)textDidBeginEditing:(NSNotification *)notification {
+ if ([graphicsView enabled]){
+ [graphicsView setEnabled:NO];
+ [graphicsView refreshLayers];
+ [documentUndoManager registerUndoWithTarget:self
+ selector:@selector(undoTikzChange:)
+ object:nil];
+ [documentUndoManager setActionName:@"Tikz Change"];
+ }
+- (BOOL)tryParseTikz {
+ NSError *thisError;
+ Graph *g = [TikzGraphAssembler parseTikz:[self tikz]
+ error:&thisError];
+ lastError = thisError;
+ if (g) {
+ [graphicsView deselectAll:self];
+ [graphicsView setGraph:g];
+ [graphicsView refreshLayers];
+ [self doRevertTikz];
+ return YES;
+ } else {
+ return NO;
+ }
+- (void)doRevertTikz {
+ [self updateTikzFromGraph];
+ [self endEditing];
+ [graphicsView setEnabled:YES];
+ [graphicsView refreshLayers];
+ [status setStringValue:@""];
+- (void)parseTikz:(id)sender {
+ if (![graphicsView enabled]) {
+ Graph *oldGraph = [graphicsView graph];
+ if ([self tryParseTikz]) {
+ [self endEditing];
+ [documentUndoManager registerUndoWithTarget:self
+ selector:@selector(undoParseTikz:)
+ object:oldGraph];
+ [documentUndoManager setActionName:@"Parse Tikz"];
+ [status setStringValue:@"success"];
+ [status setTextColor:successColor];
+ [errorNotification setHidden:TRUE];
+ } else {
+ [status setStringValue:@"parse error"];
+ [status setTextColor:failedColor];
+ NSDictionary *d = [lastError userInfo];
+ NSString *ts = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Parse error on line %@: %@\n", [d valueForKey:@"startLine"], [d valueForKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey]];
+ NSMutableAttributedString *as = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat: @"Parse error on line %@: %@\n%@\n", [d valueForKey:@"startLine"], [d valueForKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey], [[d valueForKey:@"syntaxString"] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\t" withString:@""]]];
+ NSInteger tokenLength = [[d valueForKey:@"tokenLength"] integerValue];
+ // Bit of a mess, offset around to find correct position and correct for 4 characters for every one character of \t
+ NSInteger addedTokenStart = [[d valueForKey:@"tokenStart"] integerValue] + [ts length] - ([[[d valueForKey:@"syntaxString"] componentsSeparatedByString:@"\t"] count]-1)*4 - tokenLength;
+ // Can't see if the error is a start paranthesis as only that will be underlined, underline the entire paranthesis instead
+ if(tokenLength == 1 && [[as string] characterAtIndex:addedTokenStart] == '('){
+ tokenLength += [[[as string] substringFromIndex:addedTokenStart+1] rangeOfString:@")"].location + 1;
+ }
+ // Same if unexpected endparanthesis
+ if(tokenLength == 1 && [[as string] characterAtIndex:addedTokenStart] == ')'){
+ NSInteger d = addedTokenStart - [[[as string] substringToIndex:addedTokenStart] rangeOfString:@"(" options:NSBackwardsSearch].location;
+ tokenLength += d;
+ addedTokenStart -= d;
+ }
+ [as beginEditing];
+ [as addAttributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
+ [NSNumber numberWithInt:NSUnderlineStyleSingle | NSUnderlinePatternDot], NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName,
+ [NSColor redColor], NSUnderlineColorAttributeName,
+ nil]
+ range:NSMakeRange(addedTokenStart, tokenLength)];
+ [as endEditing];
+ [errorMessage setAttributedStringValue:as];
+ [errorNotification setHidden:FALSE];
+ }
+ }
+- (void)revertTikz:(id)sender {
+ if (![graphicsView enabled]) {
+ NSString *oldTikz = [[self tikz] copy];
+ [self doRevertTikz];
+ [documentUndoManager registerUndoWithTarget:self
+ selector:@selector(undoRevertTikz:)
+ object:oldTikz];
+ [documentUndoManager setActionName:@"Revert Tikz"];
+ }
+- (void)dealloc {
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];