path: root/src/tikzit.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tikzit.cpp')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/tikzit.cpp b/src/tikzit.cpp
index fc81739..5d1fef4 100644
--- a/src/tikzit.cpp
+++ b/src/tikzit.cpp
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@
#include <QSettings>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QRegularExpression>
+#include <QVersionNumber>
+#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
// application-level instance of Tikzit
Tikzit *tikzit;
@@ -119,6 +122,10 @@ void Tikzit::init()
+ if (check.toBool()) {
+ checkForUpdates();
+ }
//QMenuBar *Tikzit::mainMenu() const
@@ -352,12 +359,44 @@ void Tikzit::setCheckForUpdates(bool check)
void Tikzit::checkForUpdates()
+ QNetworkAccessManager *manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
+ connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)),
+ this, SLOT(updateReply(QNetworkReply*)));
+ manager->get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl("")));
void Tikzit::updateReply(QNetworkReply *reply)
+ if (!reply->isReadable()) return;
+ QByteArray data = reply->read(200);
+ QString strLatest = QString::fromUtf8(data).simplified();
+ qDebug() << "got response:" << strLatest;
+ QVersionNumber current = QVersionNumber::fromString(TIKZIT_VERSION).normalized();
+ QVersionNumber latest = QVersionNumber::fromString(strLatest).normalized();
+ // check for an optional RC suffix. Any non-RC versions are considered later than RC versions.
+ QRegularExpression re("-[rR][cC]([0-9]+)$");
+ QRegularExpressionMatch m;
+ m = re.match(TIKZIT_VERSION);
+ int rcCurrent = (m.hasMatch()) ? m.captured(1).toInt() : 1000;
+ m = re.match(strLatest);
+ int rcLatest = (m.hasMatch()) ? m.captured(1).toInt() : 1000;
+ //qDebug() << "latest" << latest << "rc" << rcLatest;
+ //qDebug() << "current" << current << "rc" << rcCurrent;
+ if (latest > current || (latest == current && rcLatest > rcCurrent)) {
+ QMessageBox::information(0,
+ tr("Update available"),
+ "<p><b>A new version of TikZiT is available!</b></p>"
+ "<p><i>current version: " TIKZIT_VERSION "<br />"
+ "latest version: " + strLatest + "</i></p>"
+ "<p>Download it now from: "
+ "<a href=\"\"></a>.</p>");
+ }
//StylePalette *Tikzit::stylePalette() const