path: root/tikzit-1/src/common/Graph.h
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1 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tikzit-1/src/common/Graph.h b/tikzit-1/src/common/Graph.h
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+++ b/tikzit-1/src/common/Graph.h
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+// Graph.h
+// TikZiT
+// Copyright 2010 Aleks Kissinger. All rights reserved.
+// This file is part of TikZiT.
+// TikZiT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// TikZiT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with TikZiT. If not, see <>.
+ @mainpage TikZiT
+ TikZiT is a GUI application for drawing, editing, and parsing TikZ
+ diagrams. Common code is in src/common, and plaform-specific code is
+ in src/{osx,linux}.
+ */
+#import "Node.h"
+#import "Edge.h"
+#import "GraphChange.h"
+#import "Transformer.h"
+ @class Graph
+ @brief Store a graph, output to TikZ.
+ @details All of the methods that change a graph return an object of type GraphChange.
+ Graph changes can be re-done by calling applyGraphChange. They can be undone
+ by calling applyGraphChange on [change inverse].
+ */
+@interface Graph : NSObject <NSCopying> {
+ NSRecursiveLock *graphLock;
+ BOOL dirty; // keep track of when inEdges and outEdges need an update
+ NSMutableArray *nodes;
+ NSMutableArray *edges;
+ NSMapTable *inEdges;
+ NSMapTable *outEdges;
+ GraphElementData *data;
+ NSRect boundingBox;
+ @property data
+ @brief Data associated with the graph.
+ */
+@property (copy) GraphElementData *data;
+// KVC methods
+- (void) insertObject:(GraphElementProperty*)gep
+ inDataAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
+- (void) removeObjectFromDataAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
+- (void) replaceObjectInDataAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
+ withObject:(GraphElementProperty*)gep;
+ @property nodes
+ @brief The set of nodes.
+ @details The node set is cached internally, so no need to lock
+ the graph when enumerating.
+ */
+@property (readonly) NSArray *nodes;
+ @property edges
+ @brief The set of edges.
+ @details The edge set is cached internally, so no need to lock
+ the graph when enumerating.
+ */
+@property (readonly) NSArray *edges;
+ @property boundingBox
+ @brief The bounding box of a graph
+ @details Optional data containing the bounding box, set with
+ \path [use as bounding box] ....
+ */
+@property (assign) NSRect boundingBox;
+ @property hasBoundingBox
+ @brief Returns true if this graph has a bounding box.
+ */
+@property (readonly) BOOL hasBoundingBox;
+ @brief Computes graph bounds.
+ @result Graph bounds.
+ */
+- (NSRect)bounds;
+ @brief Returns the set of edges incident to the given node set.
+ @param nds a set of nodes.
+ @result A set of incident edges.
+ */
+- (NSSet*)incidentEdgesForNodes:(NSSet*)nds;
+ @brief Returns the set of in-edges for this node.
+ @param nd a node.
+ @result A set of edges.
+- (NSSet*)inEdgesForNode:(Node*)nd;
+ @brief Returns the set of out-edges for this node.
+ @param nd a node.
+ @result A set of edges.
+- (NSSet*)outEdgesForNode:(Node*)nd;
+ @brief Gives a copy of the full subgraph with the given nodes.
+ @param nds a set of nodes.
+ @result A subgraph.
+ */
+- (Graph*)copyOfSubgraphWithNodes:(NSSet*)nds;
+ @brief Gives a copy of the full subgraph with the given nodes.
+ @param nds a set of nodes.
+ @param zone an allocation zone
+ @result A subgraph.
+ */
+- (Graph*)copyOfSubgraphWithNodes:(NSSet*)nds zone:(NSZone*)zone;
+ @brief Gives a set of edge-arrays that partition all of the edges in the graph.
+ @result An NSet of NSArrays of edges.
+ */
+- (NSSet*)pathCover;
+ @brief Adds a node.
+ @param node
+ @result A <tt>GraphChange</tt> recording this action.
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)addNode:(Node*)node;
+ @brief Removes a node.
+ @param node
+ @result A <tt>GraphChange</tt> recording this action.
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)removeNode:(Node*)node;
+ @brief Removes a set of nodes.
+ @param nds a set of nodes
+ @result A <tt>GraphChange</tt> recording this action.
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)removeNodes:(NSSet *)nds;
+ @brief Adds an edge.
+ @param edge
+ @result A <tt>GraphChange</tt> recording this action.
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)addEdge:(Edge*)edge;
+ @brief Removed an edge.
+ @param edge
+ @result A <tt>GraphChange</tt> recording this action.
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)removeEdge:(Edge*)edge;
+ @brief Removes a set of edges.
+ @param es a set of edges.
+ @result A <tt>GraphChange</tt> recording this action.
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)removeEdges:(NSSet *)es;
+ @brief Convenience function, intializes an edge with the given
+ source and target and adds it.
+ @param source the source of the edge.
+ @param target the target of the edge.
+ @result A <tt>GraphChange</tt> recording this action.
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)addEdgeFrom:(Node*)source to:(Node*)target;
+ @brief Return the z-index for a given node (lower is farther back).
+ @param node a node in the graph
+ @result An <tt>int</tt>
+ */
+- (int)indexOfNode:(Node*)node;
+ @brief Set the z-index for a given node (lower is farther back).
+ @param idx a new z-index
+ @param node a node in the graph
+ */
+- (void)setIndex:(int)idx ofNode:(Node*)node;
+ @brief Bring set of nodes forward by one.
+ @param nodeSet a set of nodes
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)bringNodesForward:(NSSet*)nodeSet;
+ @brief Bring set of nodes to the front.
+ @param nodeSet a set of nodes
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)bringNodesToFront:(NSSet*)nodeSet;
+ @brief Bring set of edges to the front.
+ @param edgeSet a set of edges
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)bringEdgesToFront:(NSSet*)edgeSet;
+ @brief Bring set of edges forward by one.
+ @param edgeSet a set of edges
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)bringEdgesForward:(NSSet*)edgeSet;
+ @brief Send set of nodes backward by one.
+ @param nodeSet a set of nodes
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)sendNodesBackward:(NSSet*)nodeSet;
+ @brief Send set of edges backward by one.
+ @param edgeSet a set of edges
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)sendEdgesBackward:(NSSet*)edgeSet;
+ @brief Send set of nodes to back.
+ @param nodeSet a set of nodes
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)sendNodesToBack:(NSSet*)nodeSet;
+ @brief Send set of edges to back.
+ @param edgeSet a set of edges
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)sendEdgesToBack:(NSSet*)edgeSet;
+ @brief Transform every node in the graph to screen space.
+ @param t a transformer
+ */
+- (void)applyTransformer:(Transformer*)t;
+ @brief Shift nodes by a given distance.
+ @param ns a set of nodes.
+ @param p an x and y distance, given as an NSPoint.
+ @result A <tt>GraphChange</tt> recording this action.
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)shiftNodes:(id<NSFastEnumeration>)ns byPoint:(NSPoint)p;
+ @brief Reverse the given edges
+ @param es the edges to reverse
+ @result A <tt>GraphChange</tt> recording this action.
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)reverseEdges:(NSSet *)es;
+ @brief Insert the given graph into this one. Used for copy
+ and paste.
+ @param g a graph.
+ @result A <tt>GraphChange</tt> recording this action.
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)insertGraph:(Graph*)g;
+ @brief Flip the subgraph defined by the given node set
+ horizontally.
+ @param nds a set of nodes.
+ @result A <tt>GraphChange</tt> recording this action.
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)flipHorizontalNodes:(NSSet*)nds;
+ @brief Flip the subgraph defined by the given node set
+ vertically.
+ @param nds a set of nodes.
+ @result A <tt>GraphChange</tt> recording this action.
+ */
+- (GraphChange*)flipVerticalNodes:(NSSet*)nds;
+ @brief Apply a graph change.
+ @details An undo manager should maintain a stack of GraphChange
+ objects returned. To undo a GraphChange, call this method
+ with <tt>[change inverse]</tt> as is argument.
+ @param ch a graph change.
+ */
+- (void)applyGraphChange:(GraphChange*)ch;
+ @brief The TikZ representation of this graph.
+ @details The TikZ representation of this graph. The TikZ code should
+ contain enough data to totally reconstruct the graph.
+ @result A string containing TikZ code.
+ */
+- (NSString*)tikz;
+ @brief Copy the node set and return a table of copies, whose
+ keys are the original nodes. This is used to save the state
+ of a set of nodes in a GraphChange.
+ @param nds a set of nodes.
+ @result A <tt>NSMapTable</tt> of node copies.
+ */
++ (NSMapTable*)nodeTableForNodes:(NSSet*)nds;
++ (NSMapTable*)nodeTableForNodes:(NSSet*)nds withZone:(NSZone*)zone;
+ @brief Copy the edge set and return a table of copies, whose
+ keys are the original edges. This is used to save the state
+ of a set of edges in a GraphChange.
+ @param es a set of edges.
+ @result A <tt>NSMapTable</tt> of edge copies.
+ */
++ (NSMapTable*)edgeTableForEdges:(NSSet*)es;
++ (NSMapTable*)edgeTableForEdges:(NSSet*)es withZone:(NSZone*)zone;
+ @brief Compute the bounds for a set of nodes.
+ @param nds an enumerable collection of nodes.
+ @result The bounds.
+ */
++ (NSRect)boundsForNodes:(id<NSFastEnumeration>)nds;
+ @brief Factory method for constructing graphs.
+ @result An empty graph.
+ */
++ (Graph*)graph;
+ * Initialize an empty graph
+ */
+- (id)init;
+ * Constructs a graph from the given tikz code
+ *
+ * See TikzGraphAssembler for more information about the error argument.
+ */
++ (Graph*)graphFromTikz:(NSString*)tikz error:(NSError**)e;
+ * Constructs a graph from the given tikz code
+ */
++ (Graph*)graphFromTikz:(NSString*)tikz;
+ * Initialize an empty graph from the given tikz code
+ *
+ * Note that this may not return the same object it was called on,
+ * and will return nil if parsing failed.
+ *
+ * See TikzGraphAssembler for more information about the error argument.
+ */
+- (id)initFromTikz:(NSString*)tikz error:(NSError**)e;
+ * Initialize an empty graph from the given tikz code
+ *
+ * Note that this may not return the same object it was called on,
+ * and will return nil if parsing failed.
+ */
+- (id)initFromTikz:(NSString*)tikz;
+// vi:ft=objc:noet:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4