# TikZiT TikZiT is a graphical tool for rapidly creating graphs and diagrams using PGF/TikZ. It was used, for example, to make all of the 2500+ diagrams in this book. It is currently undergoing a port to Qt5 for better cross-platform support. As such, the code on this branch, and the README is a work in progress. ## Building on Windows TODO ## Building on Linux TODO ## Building on MacOS You'll need Qt5 and poppler with Qt5 bindings. Qt5 can be installed using e.g. Homebrew, as follows: $ brew install qt5 Poppler should be built from source to get the Qt5 bindings. If Qt is setup correctly, the configure script included with Poppler should enable these automatically. Also, note that clang needs to have C++11 features enabled to build successfully. TikZiT has been tested on MacOS with poppler-0.50.0 (available here), built with the following commands: $ CXXFLAGS="-std=c++11" ./configure $ CXXFLAGS="-std=c++11" make