#!/bin/bash # Deployment script for Linux x64 portable binary. This # script is tested on a clean Ubuntu 18.04, after running: # # apt-get -y install \ # flex bison qt5-default libpoppler-dev \ # libpoppler-qt5-dev # # directory where libQt5XXX.so files can be found LIBDIR=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu # directory where Qt plugins can be found PLUGINDIR=$LIBDIR/qt5/plugins mkdir -p dist/tikzit cd dist/tikzit mkdir -p opt mkdir -p bin mkdir -p lib mkdir -p plugins # add README file cat > README << 'EOF' This is a portable version of TikZiT 2.1. To launch TikZiT, simply run 'bin/tikzit'. To install launcher and icons for the current user, make sure the 'bin' sub-directory is in your $PATH and run: # ./install-local.sh inside the tikzit directory. TikZiT is released under the GNU General Public License, Version 3. See: http://tikzit.github.io for full details and source code. EOF # add helper scripts cat > install-local.sh << 'EOF' #!/bin/bash mkdir -p ~/.local cp -r share ~/.local/ update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications EOF chmod +x install-local.sh cat > bin/tikzit << 'EOF' #!/bin/bash DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null && cd .. && pwd )" LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH QT_PLUGIN_PATH=$DIR/plugins $DIR/opt/tikzit $@ EOF chmod +x bin/tikzit # add tikzit binary cp ../../tikzit opt # add icons, desktop entry, and MIME data cp -R ../../share . # add Qt libs. Keep shortened lib names as symlinks. cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libQt5Core.so* lib cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libQt5DBus.so* lib cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libQt5Widgets.so* lib cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libQt5Svg.so* lib cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libQt5Network.so* lib cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libQt5Gui.so* lib cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libQt5XcbQpa.so* lib cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libQt5Xml.so* lib # add libicu, which is required by Qt5 for unicode support cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libicuuc.so* lib cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libicui18n.so* lib cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libicudata.so* lib # add a couple of libraries which are not installed by default on Ubuntu cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libdouble-conversion.so* lib cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libxcb-xinerama.so* lib # add openssl from the build system, as this seems to create some problems if the wrong version cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libssl.so* lib cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libcrypto.so* lib # add poppler libs cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libpoppler.so* lib cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libpoppler-qt5.so* lib # add dependencies of poppler that are on Ubuntu 18.04, # but maybe not other distros... cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libgraphite2.so.3* lib cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libharfbuzz.so.0* lib cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libjbig.so.0* lib cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libjpeg.so.8* lib cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/liblcms2.so.2* lib cp --no-dereference $LIBDIR/libpng16.so.16* lib # add Qt plugins used by TikZiT cp -R $PLUGINDIR/platforms plugins cp -R $PLUGINDIR/imageformats plugins cp -R $PLUGINDIR/platforminputcontexts plugins cp -R $PLUGINDIR/xcbglintegrations plugins # create tar.gz cd .. tar czf tikzit.tar.gz tikzit