/* TikZiT - a GUI diagram editor for TikZ Copyright (C) 2018 Aleks Kissinger This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "tikzit.h" #include "tikzassembler.h" #include "tikzstyles.h" #include #include #include #include #include // application-level instance of Tikzit Tikzit *tikzit; // font to use for node labels QFont Tikzit::LABEL_FONT("Courrier", 9); Tikzit::Tikzit() : _styleFile("[default]"), _activeWindow(0) { } void Tikzit::init(QApplication *app) { QSettings settings("tikzit", "tikzit"); // 19 standard xcolor colours _colNames << "black" << "gray" << "darkgray" << "lightgray" << "white" << "red" << "orange" << "yellow" << "lime" << "blue" << "purple" << "brown" << "olive" << "green" << "teal" << "cyan" << "magenta" << "violet" << "pink"; for (int i = 0; i < _colNames.length(); ++i) { _cols << QColor(_colNames[i]); } _mainMenu = new MainMenu(); QMainWindow *dummy = new QMainWindow(); _toolPalette = new ToolPalette(dummy); _propertyPalette = new PropertyPalette(dummy); //_stylePalette = new StylePalette(dummy); _styles = new TikzStyles(this); _styleEditor = new StyleEditor(); //_stylePalette->show(); _windows << new MainWindow(); _windows[0]->show(); QString styleFile = settings.value("previous-tikzstyles-file").toString(); if (!styleFile.isEmpty()) loadStyles(styleFile); //connect(app, &QApplication::focusChanged, this, &focusChanged); } //QMenuBar *Tikzit::mainMenu() const //{ // return _mainMenu; //} QColor Tikzit::colorByIndex(int i) { return _cols[i]; } QColor Tikzit::colorByName(QString name) { for (int i = 0; i < _colNames.length(); ++i) { if (_colNames[i] == name) return _cols[i]; } QRegExp re( "rgb\\s*,\\s*255\\s*:\\s*" "red\\s*,\\s*([0-9]+)\\s*;\\s*" "green\\s*,\\s*([0-9]+)\\s*;\\s*" "blue\\s*,\\s*([0-9]+)\\s*" ); if (re.exactMatch(name)) { QStringList cap = re.capturedTexts(); //qDebug() << cap; return QColor( cap[1].toInt(), cap[2].toInt(), cap[3].toInt()); } return QColor(); } QString Tikzit::nameForColor(QColor col) { for (int i = 0; i < _colNames.length(); ++i) { if (_cols[i] == col) return _colNames[i]; } // if the color is not recognised, return it in tikz-readable RBG format return "rgb,255: red,"+ QString::number(col.red()) + "; green," + QString::number(col.green()) + "; blue," + QString::number(col.blue()); } ToolPalette *Tikzit::toolPalette() const { return _toolPalette; } PropertyPalette *Tikzit::propertyPalette() const { return _propertyPalette; } void Tikzit::newDoc() { MainWindow *w = new MainWindow(); w->show(); _windows << w; } MainWindow *Tikzit::activeWindow() const { return _activeWindow; } void Tikzit::setActiveWindow(MainWindow *activeWindow) { _activeWindow = activeWindow; } void Tikzit::removeWindow(MainWindow *w) { _windows.removeAll(w); if (_activeWindow == w) { if (_windows.isEmpty()) { _activeWindow = 0; // TODO: check if we should quit when last window closed quit(); } else _activeWindow = _windows[0]; } } void Tikzit::open() { QSettings settings("tikzit", "tikzit"); QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(0, tr("Open File"), settings.value("previous-file-path").toString(), tr("TiKZ Files (*.tikz)")); open(fileName); } void Tikzit::open(QString fileName) { if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { if (_windows.size() == 1 && _windows[0]->tikzDocument()->isClean() && _windows[0]->tikzDocument()->shortName().isEmpty()) { _windows[0]->open(fileName); _windows[0]->show(); } else { MainWindow *w = new MainWindow(); w->show(); w->open(fileName); _windows << w; } } } void Tikzit::openTikzStyles() { QSettings settings("tikzit", "tikzit"); QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(0, tr("Open File"), settings.value("previous-tikzstyles-path").toString(), tr("TiKZ Style Files (*.tikzstyles)")); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo fi(fileName); if (fi.exists() && loadStyles(fileName)) { QSettings settings("tikzit", "tikzit"); settings.setValue("previous-tikzstyles-path", fi.absolutePath()); settings.setValue("previous-tikzstyles-file", fileName); } else { // BAD STYLE FILE } } } bool Tikzit::loadStyles(QString fileName) { QFileInfo fi(fileName); if (fi.exists()) { TikzStyles *st = new TikzStyles(this); if (st->loadStyles(fileName)) { _styleFile = fi.fileName(); _styleFilePath = fi.absoluteFilePath(); delete _styles; _styles = st; foreach (MainWindow *w, _windows) { w->tikzScene()->reloadStyles(); } return true; } else { QMessageBox::warning(0, "Bad style file.", "Bad style file: '" + fileName + "'. Check the file is properly formatted and try to load it again."); return false; } } else { //settings.setValue("previous-tikzstyles-file", ""); QMessageBox::warning(0, "Style file not found.", "Could not open style file: '" + fileName + "'."); return false; } } void Tikzit::showStyleEditor() { _styleEditor->open(); } QString Tikzit::styleFile() const { return _styleFile; } void Tikzit::focusChanged(QWidget *old, QWidget *nw) { // foreach (MainWindow *w, _windows) { // if (w->isActiveWindow()) { // _stylePalette->raise(); // break; // } // } } QString Tikzit::styleFilePath() const { return _styleFilePath; } //StylePalette *Tikzit::stylePalette() const //{ // return _stylePalette; //} TikzStyles *Tikzit::styles() const { return _styles; } void Tikzit::quit() { //_stylePalette->close(); QApplication::quit(); }