% TiKZ style file generated by TikZiT. You may edit this file manually, % but some things (e.g. comments) may be overwritten. To be readable in % TikZiT, the only non-comment lines must be of the form: % \tikzstyle{NAME}=[PROPERTY LIST] % Node styles \tikzstyle{red node}=[fill=red, tikzit category=nodes, shape=circle, draw=black] \tikzstyle{blue node}=[fill=blue, shape=circle, draw=black, tikzit category=nodes] \tikzstyle{green node}=[tikzit fill=green, fill=green, shape=circle, draw=black, tikzit category=nodes] \tikzstyle{yellow square}=[draw=black, fill=yellow, shape=rectangle] \tikzstyle{blue node 2}=[fill={rgb,255: red,128; green,0; blue,128}, draw=black, shape=circle, tikzit fill=blue] % Edge styles \tikzstyle{dashed edge}=[<->, dashed] \tikzstyle{blue pointer}=[->, draw=blue]