/* * Copyright 2012 Alex Merry * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #import "GraphEditorPanel.h" #import "Application.h" #import "GraphRenderer.h" #import "HandTool.h" #import "InputDelegate.h" #import "TikzDocument.h" #import "WidgetSurface.h" #import @class GraphRenderer; @class WidgetSurface; static const InputMask zoomPanMask = ControlMask; /** * Mostly just a multiplexer, but also handles zoom and pan * when ctrl is held */ @interface GraphInputHandler : NSObject { GraphEditorPanel *panel; NSPoint dragOrigin; NSPoint oldGraphOrigin; BOOL zoomPanActive; } - (id) initForPanel:(GraphEditorPanel*)p; @end @implementation GraphEditorPanel @synthesize previewHandler; - (id) init { return [self initWithDocument:nil]; } - (id) initWithDocument:(TikzDocument*)document { self = [super init]; if (self) { surface = [[WidgetSurface alloc] init]; [surface setDefaultScale:50.0f]; [surface setKeepCentered:YES]; [surface setCanFocus:YES]; renderer = [[GraphRenderer alloc] initWithSurface:surface document:document]; inputHandler = [[GraphInputHandler alloc] initForPanel:self]; [surface setInputDelegate:inputHandler]; } return self; } - (void) dealloc { [renderer release]; [surface release]; [inputHandler release]; [super dealloc]; } - (GraphRenderer*) renderer { return renderer; } - (TikzDocument*) document { return [renderer document]; } - (void) setDocument:(TikzDocument*)doc { [renderer setDocument:doc]; } - (GtkWidget*) widget { return [surface widget]; } - (id) activeTool { return tool; } - (void) setActiveTool:(id)t { if (t == tool) return; [[[renderer document] pickSupport] deselectAllNodes]; [[[renderer document] pickSupport] deselectAllEdges]; id oldTool = tool; BOOL weHadTool = ([oldTool activeRenderer] == renderer); if (weHadTool) { [oldTool setActiveRenderer:nil]; } tool = [t retain]; [oldTool release]; if (weHadTool) { [self grabTool]; } } - (BOOL) hasTool { return [tool activeRenderer] == renderer; } - (void) grabTool { if ([tool activeRenderer] != renderer) { [[tool activeRenderer] setPostRenderer:nil]; [tool setActiveRenderer:renderer]; } [renderer setPostRenderer:tool]; } - (void) zoomInAboutPoint:(NSPoint)pos { [surface zoomInAboutPoint:pos]; } - (void) zoomOutAboutPoint:(NSPoint)pos { [surface zoomOutAboutPoint:pos]; } - (void) zoomIn { [surface zoomIn]; } - (void) zoomOut { [surface zoomOut]; } - (void) zoomReset { [surface zoomReset]; } @end @implementation GraphInputHandler - (id) initForPanel:(GraphEditorPanel*)p { self = [super init]; if (self) { // NB: no retention! panel = p; } return self; } - (id) init { [self release]; return nil; } - (void) dealloc { [super dealloc]; } // FIXME: share code with HandTool? - (void) mousePressAt:(NSPoint)pos withButton:(MouseButton)button andMask:(InputMask)mask { if (mask == zoomPanMask && button == LeftButton) { dragOrigin = pos; oldGraphOrigin = [[[panel renderer] transformer] origin]; zoomPanActive = YES; } else { zoomPanActive = NO; [panel grabTool]; id tool = [panel activeTool]; if ([tool respondsToSelector:@selector(mousePressAt:withButton:andMask:)]) { [tool mousePressAt:pos withButton:button andMask:mask]; } } } - (void) mouseDoubleClickAt:(NSPoint)pos withButton:(MouseButton)button andMask:(InputMask)mask { [panel grabTool]; id tool = [panel activeTool]; if ([tool respondsToSelector:@selector(mouseDoubleClickAt:withButton:andMask:)]) { [tool mouseDoubleClickAt:pos withButton:button andMask:mask]; } } - (void) mouseReleaseAt:(NSPoint)pos withButton:(MouseButton)button andMask:(InputMask)mask { if (zoomPanActive && button == LeftButton) { zoomPanActive = NO; } else if ([panel hasTool]) { id tool = [panel activeTool]; if ([tool respondsToSelector:@selector(mouseReleaseAt:withButton:andMask:)]) { [tool mouseReleaseAt:pos withButton:button andMask:mask]; } } } - (void) mouseMoveTo:(NSPoint)pos withButtons:(MouseButton)buttons andMask:(InputMask)mask { if (zoomPanActive && (buttons & LeftButton)) { NSPoint newGraphOrigin = oldGraphOrigin; newGraphOrigin.x += pos.x - dragOrigin.x; newGraphOrigin.y += pos.y - dragOrigin.y; [[[panel renderer] transformer] setOrigin:newGraphOrigin]; [[panel renderer] invalidateGraph]; } else if ([panel hasTool]) { id tool = [panel activeTool]; if ([tool respondsToSelector:@selector(mouseMoveTo:withButtons:andMask:)]) { [tool mouseMoveTo:pos withButtons:buttons andMask:mask]; } } } - (void) mouseScrolledAt:(NSPoint)pos inDirection:(ScrollDirection)dir withMask:(InputMask)mask { if (mask == zoomPanMask) { if (dir == ScrollUp) { [panel zoomInAboutPoint:pos]; } else if (dir == ScrollDown) { [panel zoomOutAboutPoint:pos]; } } else { id tool = [panel activeTool]; if ([panel hasTool] && [tool respondsToSelector:@selector(mouseScrolledAt:inDirection:withMask:)]) { [tool mouseScrolledAt:pos inDirection:dir withMask:mask]; } } } - (void) keyPressed:(unsigned int)keyVal withMask:(InputMask)mask { if (keyVal == GDK_KEY_space && !mask) { return; } if (![app activateToolForKey:keyVal withMask:mask]) { id tool = [panel activeTool]; if ([panel hasTool] && [tool respondsToSelector:@selector(keyPressed:withMask:)]) { [tool keyPressed:keyVal withMask:mask]; } } } - (void) keyReleased:(unsigned int)keyVal withMask:(InputMask)mask { if (keyVal == GDK_KEY_space && !mask) { [[panel previewHandler] showPreview]; } if (![app activateToolForKey:keyVal withMask:mask]) { id tool = [panel activeTool]; if ([panel hasTool] && [tool respondsToSelector:@selector(keyReleased:withMask:)]) { [tool keyReleased:keyVal withMask:mask]; } } } @end // vim:ft=objc:ts=8:et:sts=4:sw=4