1070 12C60 2843 1187.34 625.00 com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin 2843 YES NSArrayController NSButton NSButtonCell NSCollectionView NSCollectionViewItem NSColorWell NSComboBox NSComboBoxCell NSCustomObject NSCustomView NSMenu NSMenuItem NSPopUpButton NSPopUpButtonCell NSScrollView NSScroller NSSlider NSSliderCell NSTableColumn NSTableView NSTextField NSTextFieldCell NSView NSWindowTemplate YES com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin PluginDependencyRecalculationVersion YES StylePaletteController FirstResponder NSApplication 151 2 {{1005, 473}, {193, 313}} -1538259968 Style Inspector NSPanel {200, 230} 256 YES 274 {193, 313} SFBInspectorView {193, 313} {{0, 0}, {1600, 1200}} {200, 246} {10000000000000, 10000000000000} YES 268 {33, 33} YES SelectableNodeView 268 YES 268 {{67, 164}, {122, 23}} YES 342884416 272630784 LucidaGrande 10 16 YES 6 System textBackgroundColor 3 MQA 6 System controlTextColor 3 MAA 5 YES 274 {13, 0} YES NO YES YES 10 10 1000 75497472 0 LucidaGrande 12 16 3 MC4zMzMzMzI5ODU2AA 338690112 1024 YES 6 System controlBackgroundColor 3 MC42NjY2NjY2NjY3AA 3 YES 3 2 6 System gridColor 3 MC41AA 15 tableViewAction: -765427712 1 15 0 YES 0 1 NO 268 {{67, 193}, {28, 18}} YES -1804599231 272630784 YES 6 System textColor NO 268 {{101, 188}, {87, 26}} YES 67108864 0 5 0.20000000000000001 1 0.0 25 1 YES NO NO 268 {{64, 269}, {125, 26}} YES -2076180416 2048 LucidaGrande 11 16 109199360 129 400 75 YES OtherViews YES LucidaGrande 13 1044 -1 1 YES YES 2 NO 268 {{97, 217}, {21, 22}} YES 67108864 0 -2039201792 6 NSImage emblem-important 400 75 NO 268 {{97, 243}, {21, 22}} YES 67108864 0 -2039201792 6 400 75 NO 268 {{4, 169}, {57, 14}} YES 68157504 4195328 Category LucidaGrande-Bold 11 16 6 System controlColor NO 268 {{5, 194}, {57, 14}} YES 68157504 4195328 Scale NO 266 {{67, 301}, {119, 19}} YES -1804599231 272630784 YES NO 268 {{4, 303}, {57, 14}} YES 68157504 4195328 Name NO 268 {{4, 275}, {57, 14}} YES 68157504 4195328 Shape NO 268 {{4, 220}, {56, 14}} YES 68157504 4195328 Fill NO 268 {{4, 247}, {57, 14}} YES 68157504 4195328 Stroke NO 268 YES YES NSColor pasteboard type {{67, 216}, {28, 23}} YES NO YES 1 MC4wNTgxMzA0OTg5OCAwLjA1NTU0MTg5OTA2IDEAA 268 YES YES NSColor pasteboard type {{67, 243}, {28, 23}} YES NO YES 1 MC4wNTgxMzA0OTg5OCAwLjA1NTU0MTg5OTA2IDEAA 268 {{64, 137}, {125, 26}} YES -2076180416 2048 109199360 129 400 75 YES OtherViews YES -1 1 YES YES 2 NO 268 {{4, 143}, {57, 14}} YES 68157504 4195328 Show NO 292 {{110, 5}, {52, 26}} YES -2080374784 134217728 Clear -2038022144 162 400 75 NO 292 {{59, 5}, {52, 26}} YES -2080374784 134217728 Apply -2038022144 162 400 75 NO 292 {{30, 5}, {26, 26}} YES -2080374784 134217728 -2033434624 162 NSImage NSRemoveTemplate 400 75 NO 292 {{5, 5}, {26, 26}} YES -2080374784 134217728 -2033434624 162 NSImage NSAddTemplate 400 75 NO 274 YES 2304 YES 274 {181, 99} {0, 0} {0, 0} 0 0 YES YES -1 0 {{1, 1}, {181, 99}} 4 -2147483392 {{234, 1}, {15, 143}} NO _doScroller: 1 0.89655172824859619 -2147483392 {{1, 144}, {233, 15}} NO 1 _doScroller: 0.63157892227172852 {{5, 34}, {183, 101}} 133682 0.25 4 1 {193, 326} NSView YES name strokeThickness strokeColor fillColor strokeColorIsKnown fillColorIsKnown representedObject.name shapeName scale @distinctUnionOfObjects.category category NodeStyle YES YES YES YES YES YES YES @distinctUnionOfObjects.category YES YES YES YES YES YES 268 YES 268 {{66, 105}, {125, 26}} YES -2076180416 2048 109199360 129 400 75 YES OtherViews YES -1 1 YES YES 2 NO 268 {{6, 111}, {57, 14}} YES 68157504 4195328 Show NO 268 YES 2304 YES 256 {180, 68} _NS:1197 YES NO YES -2147483392 {{224, 0}, {16, 17}} _NS:1202 YES 177 40 1000 75497536 2048 LucidaGrande 11 3100 3 MC4zMzMzMzI5ODU2AA 6 System headerTextColor 337641536 2048 Text Cell 3 YES YES 3 2 17 -700448768 4 15 0 YES 0 1 {{1, 1}, {180, 68}} _NS:1195 4 -2147483392 {{224, 17}, {15, 102}} _NS:1214 NO _doScroller: 0.98863636363636365 -2147483392 {{1, 73}, {143, 15}} _NS:1216 NO 1 _doScroller: 0.99447513812154698 {{6, 33}, {182, 70}} _NS:1193 133682 QSAAAEEgAABBmAAAQZgAAA 0.25 4 1 268 {{133, 155}, {60, 26}} _NS:179 YES -2076180416 67110912 _NS:179 109199360 129 400 75 2147483647 1 NSImage AH_none NSImage NSMenuCheckmark NSImage NSMenuMixedState _popUpItemAction: YES OtherViews YES 2147483647 NSImage AH_plain_head _popUpItemAction: 1 2147483647 NSImage AH_latex_head _popUpItemAction: 2 1 YES YES 2 NO 268 {{2, 155}, {60, 26}} _NS:179 YES -2076180416 2048 _NS:179 109199360 129 400 75 2147483647 1 _popUpItemAction: YES OtherViews YES 2147483647 NSImage AH_plain_tail _popUpItemAction: 1 2147483647 NSImage AH_latex_tail _popUpItemAction: 2 1 YES YES 2 NO 268 {{69, 132}, {122, 23}} YES 342884416 272630784 YES 5 YES 274 {13, 0} YES NO YES YES 10 10 1000 75497472 0 3 MC4zMzMzMzI5ODU2AA 338690112 1024 YES 3 YES 3 2 15 tableViewAction: -765427712 1 15 0 YES 0 1 NO 268 {{6, 137}, {57, 14}} YES 68157504 4195328 Category NO 268 {{59, 155}, {77, 26}} _NS:179 YES -2076180416 2048 _NS:179 109199360 129 400 75 2147483647 1 NSImage ED_none _popUpItemAction: YES Edge Decoration YES 2147483647 NSImage ED_arrow _popUpItemAction: 1 2147483647 NSImage ED_tick _popUpItemAction: 2 1 YES YES 2 NO 266 {{69, 183}, {119, 19}} YES -1804599231 272630784 YES NO 268 {{6, 185}, {57, 14}} YES 68157504 4195328 Name NO 292 {{111, 4}, {52, 26}} YES -2080374784 134217728 Clear -2038022144 162 400 75 NO 292 {{60, 4}, {52, 26}} YES -2080374784 134217728 Apply -2038022144 162 400 75 NO 292 {{31, 4}, {26, 26}} YES -2080374784 134217728 -2033434624 162 400 75 NO 292 {{6, 4}, {26, 26}} YES -2080374784 134217728 -2033434624 162 400 75 NO {193, 208} _NS:499 NSView YES name headStyle tailStyle decorationStyle category EdgeStyle YES YES YES YES YES YES YES name headStyle tailStyle decorationStyle category EdgeStyle YES YES YES YES YES YES YES window 5 collectionView 73 refreshCollection: 74 refreshCollection: 75 setStrokeToClosestHashed: 176 setFillToClosestHashed: 177 shapeDropdown 497 nodeStyleView 650 edgeStyleView 651 nodeStyleArrayController 652 nodeStyleInspectorView 653 addNodeStyle: 727 applyActiveNodeStyle: 729 clearActiveNodeStyle: 731 filteredNodeStyleArrayController 733 edgeStyleArrayController 734 addEdgeStyle: 735 appleActiveEdgeStyle: 737 clearActiveEdgeStyle: 738 filteredEdgeStyleArrayController 818 value: selection.strokeColor value: selection.strokeColor value selection.strokeColor 2 636 value: selection.fillColor value: selection.fillColor value selection.fillColor 2 638 value: selection.name value: selection.name value selection.name 2 634 itemPrototype 55 delegate 505 content: arrangedObjects content: arrangedObjects content arrangedObjects 2 840 selectionIndexes: selectionIndexes selectionIndexes: selectionIndexes selectionIndexes selectionIndexes 2 841 toolTip: representedObject.name toolTip: representedObject.name toolTip representedObject.name 2 504 view 54 stylePaletteController 108 contentArray: nodeStyles contentArray: nodeStyles contentArray nodeStyles 2 58 enabled: canRemove enabled: canRemove enabled canRemove 2 820 hidden: selection.strokeColorIsKnown hidden: selection.strokeColorIsKnown hidden selection.strokeColorIsKnown 2 637 hidden: selection.fillColorIsKnown hidden: selection.fillColorIsKnown hidden selection.fillColorIsKnown 2 639 enabled: canRemove enabled: canRemove enabled canRemove 2 823 selectedValue: selection.shapeName selectedValue: selection.shapeName selectedValue selection.shapeName 2 635 value: selection.scale value: selection.scale value selection.scale 2 641 value: selection.scale value: selection.scale value selection.scale 2 640 contentValues: arrangedObjects.@distinctUnionOfObjects.category contentValues: arrangedObjects.@distinctUnionOfObjects.category contentValues arrangedObjects.@distinctUnionOfObjects.category 2 858 value: selection.category value: selection.category value selection.category NSNullPlaceholder uncategorized 2 859 contentValues: arrangedObjects.@distinctUnionOfObjects.category contentValues: arrangedObjects.@distinctUnionOfObjects.category contentValues arrangedObjects.@distinctUnionOfObjects.category YES YES NSInsertsNullPlaceholder NSNullPlaceholder YES uncategorized 2 630 selectedValue: displayedNodeStyleCategory selectedValue: displayedNodeStyleCategory selectedValue displayedNodeStyleCategory 2 631 filterPredicate: displayedNodeStylePredicate filterPredicate: displayedNodeStylePredicate filterPredicate displayedNodeStylePredicate 2 626 remove: 821 contentArray: nodeStyles contentArray: nodeStyles contentArray nodeStyles 2 843 contentArray: edgeStyles contentArray: edgeStyles contentArray edgeStyles 2 725 enabled: canRemove enabled: canRemove enabled canRemove 2 862 enabled: canRemove enabled: canRemove enabled canRemove 2 864 value: selection.name value: selection.name value selection.name 2 762 selectedTag: selection.decorationStyle selectedTag: selection.decorationStyle selectedTag selection.decorationStyle 2 814 contentValues: arrangedObjects.@distinctUnionOfObjects.category contentValues: arrangedObjects.@distinctUnionOfObjects.category contentValues arrangedObjects.@distinctUnionOfObjects.category 2 787 value: selection.category value: selection.category value selection.category NSNullPlaceholder uncategorized 2 788 selectedTag: selection.tailStyle selectedTag: selection.tailStyle selectedTag selection.tailStyle 2 811 selectedTag: selection.headStyle selectedTag: selection.headStyle selectedTag selection.headStyle 2 817 content: arrangedObjects content: arrangedObjects content arrangedObjects 2 759 selectionIndexes: selectionIndexes selectionIndexes: selectionIndexes selectionIndexes selectionIndexes 2 800 value: arrangedObjects.name value: arrangedObjects.name value arrangedObjects.name 2 780 contentValues: arrangedObjects.@distinctUnionOfObjects.category contentValues: arrangedObjects.@distinctUnionOfObjects.category contentValues arrangedObjects.@distinctUnionOfObjects.category YES YES NSInsertsNullPlaceholder NSNullPlaceholder YES uncategorized 2 797 selectedValue: displayedEdgeStyleCategory selectedValue: displayedEdgeStyleCategory selectedValue displayedEdgeStyleCategory 2 798 filterPredicate: displayedEdgeStylePredicate filterPredicate: displayedEdgeStylePredicate filterPredicate displayedEdgeStylePredicate 2 807 remove: 860 contentArray: edgeStyles contentArray: edgeStyles contentArray edgeStyles 2 866 YES 0 YES -2 File's Owner -1 First Responder -3 Application 3 YES 4 YES 52 YES 53 181 YES Node Style View 8 YES 23 24 25 94 YES 95 96 YES 97 182 229 YES 230 233 YES 234 535 YES 536 YES 537 YES 538 539 605 Filtered Node Style Array Controller 9 10 11 YES 12 YES 13 YES 15 YES 16 YES 506 YES 525 YES 166 YES 168 YES 491 YES 513 YES 515 YES 527 YES 528 516 514 492 YES 493 169 167 526 509 17 18 20 21 22 649 YES Edge Style View 654 Edge Style Array Controller 655 YES 656 YES 657 YES 658 YES 659 660 661 662 669 YES 670 YES 671 672 682 YES 683 YES 684 YES 685 686 688 YES 689 YES 690 691 694 695 YES 696 YES 697 YES 698 699 700 701 YES 702 YES 703 YES 704 705 706 707 YES 708 710 711 YES Table View 712 YES 715 716 YES 717 YES 718 YES 719 720 756 Filtered Edge Style Array Controller 56 Node Style Array Controller YES YES -1.IBPluginDependency -2.IBPluginDependency -3.IBPluginDependency 10.IBPluginDependency 11.IBPluginDependency 12.IBPluginDependency 13.IBPluginDependency 15.IBPluginDependency 16.IBPluginDependency 166.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey 166.IBPluginDependency 167.IBPluginDependency 168.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey 168.IBPluginDependency 169.IBPluginDependency 17.IBPluginDependency 18.IBPluginDependency 181.IBPluginDependency 182.IBPluginDependency 20.IBPluginDependency 21.IBPluginDependency 22.IBPluginDependency 229.IBPluginDependency 23.IBPluginDependency 230.IBPluginDependency 233.IBPluginDependency 234.IBPluginDependency 24.IBPluginDependency 25.IBPluginDependency 3.IBNSWindowAutoPositionCentersHorizontal 3.IBNSWindowAutoPositionCentersVertical 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com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin ToolTip ToolTip Set stroke color to closest LaTeX color. com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin ToolTip ToolTip Set fill color to closest LaTeX color. com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin 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