/* * Copyright 2011-2012 Alex Merry * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #import "BoundingBoxTool.h" #import "GraphRenderer.h" #import "TikzDocument.h" #import "tzstockitems.h" static const float handle_size = 8.0; float sideHandleTop(NSRect bbox) { return (NSMinY(bbox) + NSMaxY(bbox) - handle_size)/2.0f; } float tbHandleLeft(NSRect bbox) { return (NSMinX(bbox) + NSMaxX(bbox) - handle_size)/2.0f; } @interface BoundingBoxTool (Private) - (NSRect) screenBoundingBox; - (ResizeHandle) boundingBoxResizeHandleAt:(NSPoint)p; - (NSRect) boundingBoxResizeHandleRect:(ResizeHandle)handle; - (void) setResizeCursorForHandle:(ResizeHandle)handle; @end @implementation BoundingBoxTool - (NSString*) name { return @"Bounding Box Tool"; } - (const gchar*) stockId { return TIKZIT_STOCK_BOUNDING_BOX; } - (NSString*) helpText { return @"Set the bounding box"; } - (NSString*) shortcut { return @"b"; } + (id) tool { return [[[self alloc] init] autorelease]; } - (id) init { self = [super init]; if (self) { currentResizeHandle = NoHandle; } return self; } - (void) dealloc { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; [renderer release]; [super dealloc]; } - (GraphRenderer*) activeRenderer { return renderer; } - (void) setActiveRenderer:(GraphRenderer*)r { if (r == renderer) return; [[renderer surface] setCursor:NormalCursor]; [r retain]; [renderer release]; renderer = r; } - (GtkWidget*) configurationWidget { return NULL; } - (void) mousePressAt:(NSPoint)pos withButton:(MouseButton)button andMask:(InputMask)mask { if (button != LeftButton) return; dragOrigin = pos; currentResizeHandle = [self boundingBoxResizeHandleAt:pos]; [[renderer document] startChangeBoundingBox]; if (currentResizeHandle == NoHandle) { drawingNewBox = YES; [[[renderer document] graph] setBoundingBox:NSZeroRect]; } else { drawingNewBox = NO; } [renderer invalidateGraph]; } - (void) mouseMoveTo:(NSPoint)pos withButtons:(MouseButton)buttons andMask:(InputMask)mask { if (!(buttons & LeftButton)) { ResizeHandle handle = [self boundingBoxResizeHandleAt:pos]; [self setResizeCursorForHandle:handle]; return; } Transformer *transformer = [renderer transformer]; Grid *grid = [renderer grid]; Graph *graph = [[renderer document] graph]; if (currentResizeHandle == NoHandle) { NSRect bbox = NSRectAroundPoints( [grid snapScreenPoint:dragOrigin], [grid snapScreenPoint:pos] ); [graph setBoundingBox:[transformer rectFromScreen:bbox]]; } else { NSRect bbox = [transformer rectToScreen:[graph boundingBox]]; NSPoint p2 = [grid snapScreenPoint:pos]; if (currentResizeHandle == NorthWestHandle || currentResizeHandle == NorthHandle || currentResizeHandle == NorthEastHandle) { float dy = p2.y - NSMinY(bbox); if (dy < bbox.size.height) { bbox.origin.y += dy; bbox.size.height -= dy; } else { bbox.origin.y = NSMaxY(bbox); bbox.size.height = 0; } } else if (currentResizeHandle == SouthWestHandle || currentResizeHandle == SouthHandle || currentResizeHandle == SouthEastHandle) { float dy = p2.y - NSMaxY(bbox); if (-dy < bbox.size.height) { bbox.size.height += dy; } else { bbox.size.height = 0; } } if (currentResizeHandle == NorthWestHandle || currentResizeHandle == WestHandle || currentResizeHandle == SouthWestHandle) { float dx = p2.x - NSMinX(bbox); if (dx < bbox.size.width) { bbox.origin.x += dx; bbox.size.width -= dx; } else { bbox.origin.x = NSMaxX(bbox); bbox.size.width = 0; } } else if (currentResizeHandle == NorthEastHandle || currentResizeHandle == EastHandle || currentResizeHandle == SouthEastHandle) { float dx = p2.x - NSMaxX(bbox); if (-dx < bbox.size.width) { bbox.size.width += dx; } else { bbox.size.width = 0; } } [graph setBoundingBox:[transformer rectFromScreen:bbox]]; } [[renderer document] changeBoundingBoxCheckPoint]; [renderer invalidateGraph]; } - (void) mouseReleaseAt:(NSPoint)pos withButton:(MouseButton)button andMask:(InputMask)mask { if (button != LeftButton) return; [[renderer document] endChangeBoundingBox]; drawingNewBox = NO; [renderer invalidateGraph]; } - (void) renderWithContext:(id)context onSurface:(id)surface { if (!drawingNewBox && [[[renderer document] graph] hasBoundingBox]) { [context saveState]; [context setAntialiasMode:AntialiasDisabled]; [context setLineWidth:1.0]; [context startPath]; [context rect:[self boundingBoxResizeHandleRect:EastHandle]]; [context rect:[self boundingBoxResizeHandleRect:SouthEastHandle]]; [context rect:[self boundingBoxResizeHandleRect:SouthHandle]]; [context rect:[self boundingBoxResizeHandleRect:SouthWestHandle]]; [context rect:[self boundingBoxResizeHandleRect:WestHandle]]; [context rect:[self boundingBoxResizeHandleRect:NorthWestHandle]]; [context rect:[self boundingBoxResizeHandleRect:NorthHandle]]; [context rect:[self boundingBoxResizeHandleRect:NorthEastHandle]]; [context strokePathWithColor:MakeSolidRColor (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)]; [context restoreState]; } } - (void) loadConfiguration:(Configuration*)config {} - (void) saveConfiguration:(Configuration*)config {} @end @implementation BoundingBoxTool (Private) - (NSRect) screenBoundingBox { Transformer *transformer = [[renderer surface] transformer]; Graph *graph = [[renderer document] graph]; return [transformer rectToScreen:[graph boundingBox]]; } - (ResizeHandle) boundingBoxResizeHandleAt:(NSPoint)p { NSRect bbox = [self screenBoundingBox]; if (p.x >= NSMaxX(bbox)) { if (p.x <= NSMaxX(bbox) + handle_size) { if (p.y >= NSMaxY(bbox)) { if (p.y <= NSMaxY(bbox) + handle_size) { return SouthEastHandle; } } else if (p.y <= NSMinY(bbox)) { if (p.y >= NSMinY(bbox) - handle_size) { return NorthEastHandle; } } else { float eastHandleTop = sideHandleTop(bbox); if (p.y >= eastHandleTop && p.y <= (eastHandleTop + handle_size)) { return EastHandle; } } } } else if (p.x <= NSMinX(bbox)) { if (p.x >= NSMinX(bbox) - handle_size) { if (p.y >= NSMaxY(bbox)) { if (p.y <= NSMaxY(bbox) + handle_size) { return SouthWestHandle; } } else if (p.y <= NSMinY(bbox)) { if (p.y >= NSMinY(bbox) - handle_size) { return NorthWestHandle; } } else { float westHandleTop = sideHandleTop(bbox); if (p.y >= westHandleTop && p.y <= (westHandleTop + handle_size)) { return WestHandle; } } } } else if (p.y >= NSMaxY(bbox)) { if (p.y <= NSMaxY(bbox) + handle_size) { float southHandleLeft = tbHandleLeft(bbox); if (p.x >= southHandleLeft && p.x <= (southHandleLeft + handle_size)) { return SouthHandle; } } } else if (p.y <= NSMinY(bbox)) { if (p.y >= NSMinY(bbox) - handle_size) { float northHandleLeft = tbHandleLeft(bbox); if (p.x >= northHandleLeft && p.x <= (northHandleLeft + handle_size)) { return NorthHandle; } } } return NoHandle; } - (NSRect) boundingBoxResizeHandleRect:(ResizeHandle)handle { Graph *graph = [[renderer document] graph]; if (![graph hasBoundingBox]) { return NSZeroRect; } NSRect bbox = [self screenBoundingBox]; float x; float y; switch (handle) { case NorthEastHandle: case EastHandle: case SouthEastHandle: x = NSMaxX(bbox); break; case NorthWestHandle: case WestHandle: case SouthWestHandle: x = NSMinX(bbox) - handle_size; break; case SouthHandle: case NorthHandle: x = tbHandleLeft(bbox); break; default: return NSZeroRect; } switch (handle) { case EastHandle: case WestHandle: y = sideHandleTop(bbox); break; case SouthEastHandle: case SouthHandle: case SouthWestHandle: y = NSMaxY(bbox); break; case NorthEastHandle: case NorthHandle: case NorthWestHandle: y = NSMinY(bbox) - handle_size; break; default: return NSZeroRect; } return NSMakeRect(x, y, handle_size, handle_size); } - (void) setResizeCursorForHandle:(ResizeHandle)handle { if (handle != currentResizeHandle) { currentResizeHandle = handle; Cursor c = NormalCursor; switch (handle) { case EastHandle: c = ResizeRightCursor; break; case SouthEastHandle: c = ResizeBottomRightCursor; break; case SouthHandle: c = ResizeBottomCursor; break; case SouthWestHandle: c = ResizeBottomLeftCursor; break; case WestHandle: c = ResizeLeftCursor; break; case NorthWestHandle: c = ResizeTopLeftCursor; break; case NorthHandle: c = ResizeTopCursor; break; case NorthEastHandle: c = ResizeTopRightCursor; break; default: c = NormalCursor; break; } [[renderer surface] setCursor:c]; } } @end // vim:ft=objc:ts=8:et:sts=4:sw=4