// // TikzDocument.h // TikZiT // // Copyright 2010 Chris Heunen // Copyright 2010 Alex Merry // // This file is part of TikZiT. // // TikZiT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // TikZiT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with TikZiT. If not, see . // #import "TZFoundation.h" #import #import "PickSupport.h" #import "StyleManager.h" @interface TikzDocument : NSObject { StyleManager *styleManager; Graph *graph; PickSupport *pickSupport; NSUndoManager *undoManager; NSString *tikz; NSString *path; NSSet *nodesetBeingModified; NSMapTable *nodesetBeingModifiedOldCopy; NSSet *edgesetBeingModified; NSMapTable *edgesetBeingModifiedOldCopy; NSPoint currentNodeShift; Node *nodeBeingModified; Node *nodeBeingModifiedOldCopy; Edge *edgeBeingModified; Edge *edgeBeingModifiedOldCopy; NSRect oldGraphBounds; GraphElementData *oldGraphData; BOOL hasChanges; } + (TikzDocument*) documentWithStyleManager:(StyleManager*)manager; + (TikzDocument*) documentWithGraph:(Graph*)g styleManager:(StyleManager*)manager; + (TikzDocument*) documentWithTikz:(NSString*)t styleManager:(StyleManager*)manager; + (TikzDocument*) documentFromFile:(NSString*)path styleManager:(StyleManager*)manager error:(NSError**)error; - (id) initWithStyleManager:(StyleManager*)manager; - (id) initWithGraph:(Graph*)g styleManager:(StyleManager*)manager; - (id) initWithTikz:(NSString*)t styleManager:(StyleManager*)manager; - (id) initFromFile:(NSString*)path styleManager:(StyleManager*)manager error:(NSError**)error; - (Graph*) graph; - (PickSupport*) pickSupport; - (NSString*) path; - (NSString*) name; - (NSString*) suggestedFileName; - (BOOL) hasUnsavedChanges; - (StyleManager*) styleManager; - (void) setStyleManager:(StyleManager*)manager; - (NSString*) tikz; - (BOOL) setTikz:(NSString*)tikz; - (Graph*) cutSelection; - (Graph*) copySelection; - (void) paste:(Graph*)graph; - (void) pasteFromTikz:(NSString*)tikz; // some convenience methods: - (BOOL) isNodeSelected:(Node*)node; - (BOOL) isEdgeSelected:(Edge*)edge; - (NSEnumerator*) nodeEnumerator; - (NSEnumerator*) edgeEnumerator; - (BOOL) canUndo; - (void) undo; - (BOOL) canRedo; - (void) redo; - (NSString*) undoName; - (NSString*) redoName; - (void) startUndoGroup; - (void) nameAndEndUndoGroup:(NSString*)nm; - (void) endUndoGroup; - (void) startModifyNode:(Node*)node; - (void) modifyNodeCheckPoint; - (void) endModifyNode; - (void) cancelModifyNode; - (void) startModifyNodes:(NSSet*)nodes; - (void) modifyNodesCheckPoint; - (void) endModifyNodes; - (void) cancelModifyNodes; - (void) startShiftNodes:(NSSet*)nodes; - (void) shiftNodesUpdate:(NSPoint)shiftChange; - (void) endShiftNodes; - (void) cancelShiftNodes; - (void) startModifyEdge:(Edge*)edge; - (void) modifyEdgeCheckPoint; - (void) endModifyEdge; - (void) cancelModifyEdge; - (void) startModifyEdges:(NSSet*)edges; - (void) modifyEdgesCheckPoint; - (void) endModifyEdges; - (void) cancelModifyEdges; - (void) startChangeBoundingBox; - (void) changeBoundingBoxCheckPoint; - (void) endChangeBoundingBox; - (void) cancelChangeBoundingBox; - (void) startChangeGraphProperties; - (void) changeGraphPropertiesCheckPoint; - (void) endChangeGraphProperties; - (void) cancelChangeGraphProperties; - (void) removeSelected; - (void) addNode:(Node*)node; /*! * Convenience function to add a node in the active style * at the given point. * * @param pos the position (in graph co-ordinates) of the new node * @return the added node */ - (Node*) addNodeAt:(NSPoint)pos; - (void) removeNode:(Node*)node; - (void) addEdge:(Edge*)edge; - (void) removeEdge:(Edge*)edge; /*! * Convenience function to add an edge in the active style * between the given nodes. * * @param source the source node * @param target the target node * @return the added edge */ - (Edge*) addEdgeFrom:(Node*)source to:(Node*)target; - (void) shiftSelectedNodesByPoint:(NSPoint)offset; - (void) insertGraph:(Graph*)g; - (void) flipSelectedNodesHorizontally; - (void) flipSelectedNodesVertically; - (BOOL) saveCopyToPath: (NSString*)path error: (NSError**)error; - (BOOL) saveToPath: (NSString*)path error: (NSError**)error; - (BOOL) save: (NSError**)error; @end // vim:ft=objc:sts=4:sw=4:et