/* * Copyright 2011 Alex Merry * Copyright 2010 Chris Heunen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #import "Edge+Render.h" #import "Node+Render.h" #import "../common/util.h" static const float edgeWidth = 2.0; static const float cpRadius = 3.0; static const float cpLineWidth = 1.0; @implementation Edge (Render) + (float) controlPointRadius { return cpRadius; } - (float) controlDistanceWithTransformer:(Transformer*)transformer { NSPoint c_source = [transformer toScreen:src]; NSPoint c_target = [transformer toScreen:targ]; const float dx = (c_target.x - c_source.x); const float dy = (c_target.y - c_source.y); if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) { return [transformer scaleToScreen:weight]; } else { return NSDistanceBetweenPoints(c_source, c_target) * weight; } } - (void) renderControlsToSurface:(id )surface withContext:(id)context { Transformer *transformer = [surface transformer]; [context saveState]; [self updateControls]; NSPoint c_source = [transformer toScreen:src]; NSPoint c_target = [transformer toScreen:targ]; NSPoint c_mid = [transformer toScreen:mid]; const float dx = (c_target.x - c_source.x); const float dy = (c_target.y - c_source.y); [context setLineWidth:cpLineWidth]; RColor fillColor = MakeRColor (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5); // draw a circle at the mid point [context startPath]; [context circleAt:c_mid withRadius:cpRadius]; [context strokePathWithColor:MakeSolidRColor(0, 0, 1) andFillWithColor:fillColor]; //[context setAntialiasMode:AntialiasDisabled]; // size of control circles float c_dist = 0.0f; if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) { c_dist = [transformer scaleToScreen:weight]; } else { c_dist = NSDistanceBetweenPoints(c_source, c_target) * weight; } // basic bend is blue, in-out is green RColor controlTrackColor; if ([self bendMode] == EdgeBendModeBasic) { controlTrackColor = MakeRColor (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.4); } else { controlTrackColor = MakeRColor (0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 0.4); } [context startPath]; [context circleAt:c_source withRadius:c_dist]; if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { [context circleAt:c_target withRadius:c_dist]; } [context strokePathWithColor:controlTrackColor]; RColor handleColor = MakeRColor (1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.6); if ([self bendMode] == EdgeBendModeBasic) { if (bend % 45 != 0) { handleColor = MakeRColor (0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.4); } } else if ([self bendMode] == EdgeBendModeInOut) { if (outAngle % 45 != 0) { handleColor = MakeRColor (0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 0.4); } } NSPoint c_cp1 = [transformer toScreen:cp1]; [context moveTo:c_source]; [context lineTo:c_cp1]; [context circleAt:c_cp1 withRadius:cpRadius]; [context strokePathWithColor:handleColor]; if ([self bendMode] == EdgeBendModeInOut) { // recalculate color based on inAngle if (inAngle % 45 == 0) { handleColor = MakeRColor (1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.6); } else { handleColor = MakeRColor (0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 0.4); } } NSPoint c_cp2 = [transformer toScreen:cp2]; [context moveTo:c_target]; [context lineTo:c_cp2]; [context circleAt:c_cp2 withRadius:cpRadius]; [context strokePathWithColor:handleColor]; [context restoreState]; } - (void) createStrokePathInContext:(id)context withTransformer:(Transformer*)transformer { NSPoint c_head = [transformer toScreen:head]; NSPoint c_cp1 = [transformer toScreen:cp1]; NSPoint c_cp2 = [transformer toScreen:cp2]; NSPoint c_tail = [transformer toScreen:tail]; [context startPath]; [context moveTo:c_head]; [context curveTo:c_tail withCp1:c_cp1 andCp2:c_cp2]; if ([self style] != nil) { // draw edge decoration switch ([[self style] decorationStyle]) { case ED_None: break; case ED_Tick: [context moveTo:[transformer toScreen:[self leftNormal]]]; [context lineTo:[transformer toScreen:[self rightNormal]]]; break; case ED_Arrow: [context moveTo:[transformer toScreen:[self leftNormal]]]; [context lineTo:[transformer toScreen:[self midTan]]]; [context lineTo:[transformer toScreen:[self rightNormal]]]; break; } } } - (void) renderToSurface:(id )surface withContext:(id)context selected:(BOOL)selected { [self updateControls]; [context saveState]; const CGFloat lineWidth = style ? [style thickness] : edgeWidth; [context setLineWidth:lineWidth]; [self createStrokePathInContext:context withTransformer:[surface transformer]]; RColor color = BlackRColor; if (selected) { color.alpha = 0.5; } [context strokePathWithColor:color]; [context restoreState]; if (selected) { [self renderControlsToSurface:surface withContext:context]; } if ([self hasEdgeNode]) { NSPoint labelPt = [[surface transformer] toScreen:[self mid]]; [[self edgeNode] renderLabelAt:labelPt withContext:context]; } } - (NSRect) renderedBoundsWithTransformer:(Transformer*)t whenSelected:(BOOL)selected { NSRect bRect = [t rectToScreen:[self boundingRect]]; if (selected) { float c_dist = [self controlDistanceWithTransformer:t]; return NSInsetRect (bRect, -c_dist, -c_dist); } else { return bRect; } } - (BOOL) hitByPoint:(NSPoint)p onSurface:(id)surface withFuzz:(float)fuzz { [self updateControls]; NSRect boundingRect = [[surface transformer] rectToScreen:[self boundingRect]]; if (!NSPointInRect(p, NSInsetRect(boundingRect, -fuzz, -fuzz))) { return NO; } id cr = [surface createRenderContext]; [cr setLineWidth:edgeWidth + 2 * fuzz]; [self createStrokePathInContext:cr withTransformer:[surface transformer]]; return [cr strokeIncludesPoint:p]; } @end // vim:ft=objc:ts=4:et:sts=4:sw=4